Steal the sky

Chapter 865 Bulnerable

Chapter 865 Unbearable (Second Update)

The dark cloud ghost fire phosphorus wind filled the sky, the piercing cold with an unpleasant smell, mixed with the strange sounds of countless ghosts and wolves, went straight to the hundreds of priests who were gritting their teeth and using their strength to breastfeed. Those priests squeezed the last drop of mana in their bodies, but what they would do was the method of summoning meteorites to bombard the enemy.

As soon as the attack of Yuqi and others arrived, the priests were immediately confused. Some people retreat, some people fly high, some people stalk around, and there is no way to resist. The black smoke rushed into their dense array, and more than a dozen unlucky eggs were blown away on the spot. The black smoke covered them, which corroded their skin 'squeak', and large areas of flesh rotted to the bones.

In a short time, a large amount of pus and blood fell from the black smoke, and at least thirty or fifty priests were turned into pus by the black smoke.

The ghost fire phosphorescence was even more frightening. More than a hundred priests were accidentally glued to the body by the ghost fire, and the green flames burned in the wind. Their skin and flesh were reflected by the ghost fire and turned into translucent miserable green. They howled and flew around, and as a result, the unquen Go up. As long as there was a little bit of the fire, it could quickly expand into a large area in the wind, that is, a few breaths, and a large area of messy fire scattered. The last bit of oil and water in the priest's bone marrow was burned clean, and the body was burned into coke and scattered all over the ground.

As for the invisible gloomy wind, it was even more terrible. Dozens of priests only felt the cold on their faces, and the gloomy wind invaded their bodies along their seven orifices. This yin wind is collected by the priests of Dayu from some fierce and unusual dead places in the outer region, and the accumulated corpses of countless creatures are stored to vaporize the spirit wind. If you don't guard against being blown by this yin wind, it will also be the end of bone and flesh into ashes.

I saw the priests who were attacked by the gloomy wind suddenly open their mouths, and a large amount of ashes spewed out of their mouths. Then one of their skins hung with huge black robes and floated down to the ground like a broken kite. The gloomy wind not only blew away their flesh and blood, but also their souls were blown away by the gloomy wind, and there was no residue left.

There are countless strange ghosts and evil gods in the dark cloud ghost fire phosphorescence wind. They dragged the long black smoke tail to shuttle through the air, constantly making a sharp and unpleasant roar in their mouths. These ghosts and evil gods are a little bit of the shadow of the blood demon god who do not beg for sacrifice. When they meet the enemy, they just pounce on their bodies. If the enemy does not have enough countermeasures, their blood and essence will be swallowed clean by these ghosts and gods. Some ghosts and gods are the most ferocious. They will also take out the hearts of these priests and nibble as fruit. The chewing sound of 'kakaka' keeps ringing, which can be a nightmare.

This is just a spell played by the three or five priests of Dayu, which actually almost broke down the hundreds of priests of the other party who were only slightly inferior to themselves. In just a few breaths, more than 300 priests died tragically, and the other priests screamed in horror, regardless of chasing their emperor's chariot.

Seeing that the Tongtian priest of Dayu was so ferocious, the eighteen people who shouted that the emperor of Dayu just now shouted that the emperor of Dayu was unscary. The emperor who wanted to rise up to overthrow Dayu was so scared that their souls flew out of the sky. They screamed and urged the guards who Run away. To run away.

Eighteen national priests from foreign countries were defeated and lost, and their emperors fled in confusion. Their originally decent military array was suddenly in chaos. Countless banners trembled crooked, and some soldiers holding banners kept retreating. As soon as they retreated, the soldiers who acted with the order of their banners also became a mess. For a while, the brigade retreated at the same time, but no powerful generals came out to form the whole team, and there were more than 10 million troops in 18 countries The retreat turned into a great defeat, and countless soldiers fled all over the sky, throwing away their helmets and armor.

Seeing that tens of millions of troops escaped clean in the time of just a cup of tea, don't beg to be silent. Princess Le snorted coldly, and Yuqi and other sacrificed to you to look at me. I looked at you, and suddenly laughed loudly at the same time. Just now, these emperors and sacrificed to Yuqi were under too much mental pressure, which made them almost think that Da Yu was really about to capsize. As a result, as soon as they tried, they found that these people were a group of paper tigers, didn't they?

Shaking his head, Yuqi asked with a little surprise, "It's really weird. The cultivation of those priests is not much different from mine. Why are their spells so monotonous? With such cultivation, they can only do this little spell. It's really on the battlefield, t-t-t-t-t!"

Don't beg lightly and say, "If you really get to the battlefield, think about it, what will happen if they avoid you and use this spell to attack the soldiers of Dayu instead? No matter how strong we are, we will be dragged to death by them. As for them, they only know this trick..."

Don't beg to look up at the sky. They are unloading the mill and killing donkeys. You are donkeys. You haven't put on the mill plate, so where did you add ingredients to the donkey's feed? Even if you don't want to have a powerful human emperor force that can fight against the heavenly court and Buddhism after calculating Dayu, you don't have to do it so ugly, right? These priests who can only have a single spell are really not threatening!

Thinking for a moment, don't wave your hand and say, "The East China Sea belongs, attack! Those who dare to resist will be killed, and others will be captured alive... Well, there are a large population here. Whether it's captured back and demoted to a criminal as a servant, the East China Sea is vast, and I'm worried that no one is farming.

Dayu has ministers who have served for a family for generations, as well as servants and maids, but there are no slaves. Even if he is a minister of Dayu who has committed a felony, his family will only be demoted to a criminal and will be exiled at will, but will not deliberately insult them as slaves. But this is the idea of not begging. You can't treat these people in the outer world like your own people, and you can't kill them all. Then just take them back as slaves in the practical sense!

Excavate veins, collect elixirs, and plant various crops. There are many places that need manpower in the East China Sea. These people are not a big Yu people, and it's nothing to exploit their labor a little, right?

The eyes of Yuyu and others lit up, and they also thought of the benefits. They were not polite. They stamped on the Tongtian Tower under their feet one after another, and the square tower door also opened, from which a large group of soldiers in heavy armor flew out. They did not walk around with a million troops like Beqi, but there were also tens of thousands of attendants and attendants in their Tongtian Tower. Now they have been reminded by Beqi that they hurriedly recruited their guards to arrest the people from the outside world.

Yuqi squinted and smiled, "There are many mines in my Yu family that are short of people to take care of, and these people are just coming to the door. Well, as long as they wholeheartedly contribute to my Dayu, in a few years, my Yu family will still get rid of their status as guilty people and let them live and work in peace and contentment.

Don't squint and be happy, a few years later? That's far away, isn't it? Even if Dayu has various prohibitions to protect the interests of the people of Li, these people from the outer world, even if the emperor knows that they have suffered, I'm afraid they will not come up for them. As long as no one cares about this matter, these people will not leave your Yu family's mine if they die, right?

Everyone knows in their hearts that it's like a mirror. A group of old guys look at me, I look at you, everyone smiles at each other and settles the matter. Some old priests who practice evil spells are even more fierce in their eyes, and they are tossing some invisible ideas.

The blood sacrifice of the people who plundered the people of Dayu will be severely punished by the emperor, but are these people from foreign countries considered the people of Dayu? Count or not? This is a problem!

Don't beg to see through the thoughts of these old guys. He couldn't help nodding secretly. This is very good. Everyone began to plunder the people from foreign countries, and the extra people of the six countries in his East China Sea territory were not very conspicuous. As long as these people who are snatched back take a few years to wash them well, they are the loyal people of the East China Sea. If there is chaos in the future, manpower will be a strategic resource!

Now the senior management of Dayu can't think of this for the time being, but don't beg, but think in front of them early. Not to mention anything else, let's talk about the Buddhist skills of begging. He also wants to gather thousands of palm Buddha kingdoms and collect a large number of devout believers to have fun. It is not easy for the people of Dayu to get into the Buddha's kingdom, but these people from foreign countries who have long believed in the Holy Immortal Buddha have reached the point of madness. That is the best candidate to enrich the Buddha country.

Millions of East China Sea troops, together with the guards of Yuqi and others, formed a strangulation array to rush over. No one resisted wherever they passed. They really cut down countless soldiers from the 18 countries like cutting melons and vegetables. In less than a quarter of an hour, more than 10 million soldiers knelt down and surrendered, and only a small number of elites such as the Forbidden Army were still resisting. However, after several Tongtian priests also joined the battle, those who dared to resist were killed in an instant, and none of the kings of the eighteen countries ran away, and all of them became prisoners.

The people who were constantly migrating out in Fayanhua Luotian saw that their monarchs were captured, and the immortal priests who would fly away were beaten to the ground. They couldn't help but be stunned on the spot. Don't beggars and others are not polite. They sacrificed the Tongtian Tower one after another to take these people in. A large amount of dust spewed out under the Tongtian Tower, and hundreds of millions of people were sucked into it.

However, in just half an hour, the people of the 18 countries who came out of Fa Yanhua Luotian were taken away, and Bu Qi and others rushed to a heaven that had just landed in the distance.

This heaven is similar to Fa Yanhua Luo Tian. No one is the enemy of Begging and others at all. Those priests flying out of this sky can also only use one spell - spraying endless high-temperature fireballs! Even if those fireballs are enough to melt gold and iron, this small trick is really not enough in front of them.

Another easy battle of defeat and annihilation, and the people who came out of this heaven were also taken away.

There has been a continuous fall of the outer realm. Don't beg and others are eager to search for these people, and they are very busy.

Just when the people of the ninth heaven were divided by them, Don't beg, Don't suddenly felt a trace of thought in the void.

He was slightly stunned and immediately made a response. RO