Steal the sky

Chapter 880 The Candle Dragon

Chapter 880 The Battle of the Candle Dragon (Fifth Update)

The whole Xuanyuan magic sword array supported by Xiongyuan's huge aura, and the Xuanyuan magic sword array without Xiongyuan as the backing are two extremely short. One is an iron knife and the other is a sword. Iron knives can also kill people, but there is absolutely no such cleanness as sword killing that people don't even have a chance to cover up.

Don't beg for the integration of the one hundred and eighty thousand heavenly principles from the celesian star core and the one hundred and eighty thousand Kunwu swords. The endless aura of Xiongyuan condensed into a hundred and eight thousand huge stars hanging high in the void, following a trajectory that seems to have existed since ancient times and will last forever Every time the stars rotate, the pressure on the candle dragon increases by one point.

With three fingers, the pressure of the large array made a lot of scales fall off the body of the candle dragon, and the blood kept oozing from under the scales. The candle dragon struggled crazily, but it was of no practical use except to make his bones almost dislocated.

After being trapped for so many years, the magic power cultivation of the candle dragon has been imprisoned at a certain critical point, which is equivalent to the strength of the power that has just entered the realm of breaking the road. Of course, his motogami has been greatly improved because of the cultivation secret of the three corpse yuan god, but because of his support and some follow-up arrangements of the heavenly court and Buddhism, the candle dragon can confidently and boldly give one of his yuan gods to him.

Candle Dragon never dreamed that he would not beg and killed his motogami. Although I don't know that Don't beg is one of the three corpse yuan gods that devoured him, Don't beg really killed one of the yuan gods of the candle dragon, which made the candle dragon lose 30% of the power of the moto god.

Today's candle dragon mana cultivation is different from not begging to release the Buddha. What he dominates is the three corpse gods who have worked so hard to sacrifice for so many years. With the soaring power of the yuan god and the magic power of the special use of the yuan god's mind taught by Buddhism, he even had the confidence to break free from the prohibition set by Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor to restore the body of freedom.

But at this moment, he lost one-third of the yuan spirit, and was barely sure to force his body out of the prohibition of the Yellow Emperor. However, coupled with the pressure of Xuanyuan's magic sword array, the candle dragon can no longer move at all. Among the remaining two halm gods, the young man controlled the physical action in the body. The white-bearded man drove the sun and moon candle and Ao Budun to fight outside. They had no more strength and could no longer resist the invasion of the sword array.

The dense bursting sound kept ringing, and the small half of the scale armor on the candle dragon was crushed into pieces. The heavenly path represented by one hundred and eight thousand ancient stars constantly attacks the motogami of the candle dragon. Various illusions continue to appear in front of his two motogami. They seem to have experienced countless reincarnations of the world in an instant, and experienced countless experiences of life, old age, illness and death in an instant. Their fighting spirit is relaxed, and their Self-sustained.

The sun and moon candles have become dimmed because of the weakening of the control of the white-bearded man. The blue light originally wrapped in the candle dragon has become only a thin and dim small piece, just like a veil in the wind, as if it can be crushed with a random blow.

The golden horns and silver horns let out a strange roar at the same time, and two thick gold and silver two-color strong lights of more than ten miles shot out. The dragon python's original magic power ice and fire god light twisted and swirped in the air like a living thing. The two light flows melted into one and turned into a After the two beams of light, which were more than a dozen miles thick, they became only fists thick, but the beam of light condensed abnormally, just like a long gun carved from purple crystal, with a harsh crack sound.

The two yuan gods of the candle dragon roared at the same time, and the white-bearded man standing on the candle dragon's flesh waved the Xuanyuan sword and waited for the attack of cutting off the golden and silver horns. But at the moment before the white-bearded man took action, Princess Le had already snorted, and the golden body of the disaster god above her head quietly appeared, lightly pointed out a seal to the white-bearded man.

The power of a certain rule was quietly touched, and something that should have been caused by the white-bearded man in the future. The body of the Xuanyuan sword fell off the hilt with a click, and the body of the sword fell straight to the head of the candle dragon. The handle of the white-bearded man's hand exploded with his arm and The body was blown to pieces.

"Son of a bastard!" The white-bearded man looked at his exploded body in horror, and the purple-black fog kept spewing out of his body. Every little fog was the source of his soul and essence that he had worked hard for tens of thousands of years to accumulate.

The fake Xuanyuan sword broke and the hilt exploded, which would only happen when the new Haozun Emperor found the candle dragon. But Princess Le's disaster god golden body has such power, which can advance all possible unfortunate things that exist in the future. It doesn't matter if it's one or two. If it's seven or eight, it will be a headache. If 10,000 or 20,000 unfortunate things happen at the same time in a short period of time, it will definitely kill people.

For example, a fairy was hit by the curse of Princess Le's disaster god. At this moment, he is the cultivation of the eighteen-grade golden fairy. In the future, he can practice to the realm of Taiyi, that is, he must overcome eighteen thunderstorms in the future to set foot in the realm of Taiyi. The curse of the god of disaster triggered all these 18 thunderstorms in just a day or two. No matter how much preparation this immortal is, he will definitely die.

This is the true face of the divine power of the god of disaster. It can trigger your future disasters in advance, and then expand the impact of disasters as much as possible.

Just as the yuan god of the candle dragon roared, the ice and fire light spewed out by the golden horns and silver horns hit the reverse scales on the candle dragon's chest without any obstacles. The ice and fire god light of the flying ice fire dragon python is very useful for the dragon clan innate. The reverse scale on the candle dragon's chest is the strongest scale on his body, even a hundred times stronger than his teeth. But with a crisp sound, the reverse scales of the candle dragon were pierced through a hole the size of a fist, and a blood arrow spewed out of the hole.

The candle dragon's body shook heavily. After the scale was the candle dragon's heart. His heart was also broken a hole the size of a fist, and every heartbeat spewed a lot of blood from the hole. The candle dragon roared to repair the wound on his heart, but the bronze pillars that trapped him spewed out a hundred times more intense polar ice flame at the same time and burned into his body along the chain.

The blood in the blood vessels was almost frozen into ice, and the body function of the candle dragon was frozen in an instant.

A pressure, which was a hundred times heavier than the pressure just now, gushed out of the high-altitude stars. The frozen body of the candle dragon suddenly sank. With the harsh cracking sound, hundreds of cracks of different lengths came out of his body. What spewed out of these cracks is no longer blood, but a dazzling black ice flame.

The sound of thunder made the candle's head dizzy, and the thunder cloud swirl behind Ao Buzun spewed out countless thunder lights shaped like meteors. Li Xu Fangyuan's thunder light kept bursting on the body of the candle dragon, and each thunder light hit the body of the candle dragon, blowing up his large scale armor and dragon skin to ashes and smoke.

The sudden candle dragon let out an unpleasant shriek, and Ao Buzun hid a black power made by the split gun in a ball of thunder and bombarded the candle dragon's waist. The split gun easily penetrated the body of the candle dragon, and the long gun became dozens of feet thick and a hundred miles long in the wind, firmly fixing the candle dragon on a huge black polar yin mysterious ice.

With a good blow, Ao Buzun couldn't help but be stunned there: "Candle Dragon, your body and bones are deficient. Hey, this is not the body bones that the creatures in Hongmeng should have!" Zhulong's performance today is far less than Ao Buzun's prediction. The power of Zhulong's body is really pitifully weak.

The candle dragon looked up to the sky and roared angrily, "It's not that the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan has imprisoned me for so many years. My husband's body has been petrified and stiff. How can I make it easy for you? Hate, hate, hate!"

With a wry smile, Zhulong said harshly, "That's all, that's the use of this body to me? In the future, I will change my face and no longer be the body of the candle dragon. At that time, there will be a new world in front of me. Why do I still miss this wolf's body?

A golden lotus platform floated out of the eyebrows of the candle dragon. With the deep and rich Sanskrit singing, the two yuan gods of the candle dragon stood on the lotus platform and flew to the void. The golden lotus platform emits a faint Buddha light, and the huge pressure of not begging for the sword array where you pass can no longer help the candle dragon. The huge sun and moon candle also flew up with the lotus platform, releasing a faint blue light wrapped around the lotus platform.

The heavy and huge body of the candle dragon fell to the ground, and Ao Bizun, the golden horn, the silver horn, the golden feather, the silver feather, and the cattle flew to the body of the candle dragon. The Holy Spirit King broke the halberd and swung up a cold light straight to the lotus platform. The ape green flew a stick and hit the Yuanshen of the candle dragon. The little sparrow and Feng Tianling opened their mouths and spewed out two Nanmingli fires and burned them to the candle dragon yuan god.

The golden lotus platform shook gently, and the boundless Buddha's light gushed out. All the attacks were turned invisible from the candle dragon yuan god and far away. The four people of the Holy Spirits exclaimed and were shocked and retreated in confusion.

Don't beg for his eyes to light up. He looked at the lotus platform and smiled, "Good baby!"

The two yuan gods of the candle dragon glared and said, "It's indeed a good treasure. This is a lotus leaf of the Buddha's Mitha Babao lotus platform. The eight-treasure lotus platform is the most precious treasure of Buddhism. There is nothing to break against the enemy. How can you... God!"

The proud candle dragon was suddenly dumbfounded. Don't beg for his body to turn into the Buddha's golden body with four sides and six arms. A Buddha's light spewed out from the begging eyes, and it was just a gentle sweep of the golden lotus platform. The collection skill in the Great Light is unfolded in the Mituodu Treasure Sutra, and the golden lotus platform obediently fell into the hands of Begging.

The yuan god of the candle dragon screamed, and the sun and moon candle burst out a large area of blue light to protect the two yuan gods to escape, but countless stars in the void suddenly lit up and turned into dense countless silver flying swords to cut down the sun and moon candle.

A blue flame of thousands of miles rushed out of the sun and moon candle, facing the flying sword bombarded high in the sky.

Don't beg for a long roar, and the fixed sword will fly out and split down. Ao Bujin shook his hand and sacrificed the split gun, showing that the Holy Spirit sacrificed the broken halberd. Princess Le was played with three precious pearls, such as the unbad lotus, the fundamental tower, and the heart seal. The five strong lights fixed the earth water and fire wind, and also fixed the blue flame ejected by the sun and moon candles.

Five Chaos Lingbao fight for one Hongmeng treasure. Although it is still not the enemy of Hongmeng Zhibao, the blue flame spewed by the sun and moon candles is still slowed down. It was the delay of that flickering, countless sword lights enveloped the Yuanshen of the Candle Dragon, and the remaining two Yuanshen of his three corpses Yuanshen were also stirred into pieces.

The thieves's gas was released, and the spirit of the three corpses of the candle dragon was silently absorbed clean.

Feeling the destruction of his moto god, the frozen body of the candle dragon suddenly hissed, and countless blood spewed out of his body.

The ancient god Candle Dragon fell completely. RO