Steal the sky

Chapter 881 The Prosperity of the East China Sea

The howling of the candle dragon before its death shook tens of thousands of stars in the void, and Xuanyuan's magic sword array shook violently. Don't beg, all his mind is connected with the sword array. As soon as the sword array moves, his body is also implicated and trembles several times. Even his soul was shaken by the aftershocking waves of the sword array, but he had just devoured the three corpses of the candle dragon, and his own soul had soared several times. This shock could not hurt him at all.

Looking at the body of the candle dragon on the ground, Don't beg couldn't help shaking his head repeatedly.

In the chaotic world before Pangu's creation of the world, the candle dragon is also a very famous power. When he opens his eyes, the world is shrouded in bright light, and when he closes his eyes, the chaos turns into darkness. At that time, Candle Dragon claimed to be the most promising existence to break through all shackles and get real freedom. Compared with the bad reputation of Ao Bu Zun, the reputation of the Dragon is extremely high, and the reputation in the chaotic demon god is enough to enter the top ten.

However, with the changes in the vicissitudes of life, the candle dragon did not know how to offend the holy emperor of the human race, and was imprisoned in Dayu by the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor with such a powerful prohibition. His body, which was originally strong, even a little stronger than the Great Sage of Pangu, was rotten to such a point. Today, it seems that the physical strength of the candle dragon is at most the level of Taiyi, which is at least tens of thousands of times less than his strength when he applied the peak.

As for his yuanshen's power, it is much stronger than in those years, so he can use the power of yuanshen to drive his body to forcibly break through the prohibition laid by Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. However, he practiced the skill of the Three Corpse Yuanshen, and he foolishly sent a corpse Yuanshen to the beg, and was easily swallowed up by the old man's sage by the beggar who did not follow the rules.

The remaining two corpses of the yuanshen were besieged by everyone. After all, it is the body of the yuanshen, which is not as good as the fighting power of the body. Even the yuan god of the chaotic demon god is extremely fragile compared with the body. After a big battle, the candle dragon yuan god was hit hard and could only escape with the help of the golden lotus platform given by Mituo.

This is the inability to live by self-made evil. If any other Buddha gives him a magic weapon to save his life, it may take some effort not to be begging, but the golden lotus platform given by Mita does not need to beg for nothing to swallow the lotus platform and swallow up his motogami completely by the way.

"Poor, pitiful, after all, he was a famous power in chaos in those years. His reputation is much higher than that of my previous life. Unfortunately, it's a pity that it came to such an end!" Don't beg looked at Ao Buchun and his party, who were gnawing at the body of the candle dragon, and hurriedly shouted, "Just eat meat. His teeth, bones, dragon skin, dragon scales and dragon tendons are all left behind, and give them to the Three Fire Masters to let him refine the weapon!"

The real body of the candle dragon is hundreds of thousands of miles long, and his big tendon is also hundreds of thousands of miles long. Although he has been imprisoned for so many years and his body has been rotten, the big tendon still concentrates most of the essence of his body. With such a long tendon to take the refinery, how many powerful crossbows can be added to the East China Sea? Especially generals such as Bai Qi and Li Xin, don't generals need a powerful bow?

Candle Dragon's dragon teeth, keel, dragon skin, dragon scales, and the house department are all good refiner materials. Don't be careful to refine them. Chaos Lingbao dare not say that the innate spiritual weapons can definitely be refined a lot. Many important figures in the East China Sea can also change cannons, so that their weapons and armor Even the blood of the candle dragon is also an excellent alchemy material. Don't beg to see that Ao Buzun trampled the body of the candle dragon there. He hurriedly flew over, grabbed a jade bottle with a large reserve and began to extract the blood of the candle dragon. The candle dragon's huge body and blood in his body are comparable to the amount of water in dozens of rivers. Don't beg for a long time to extract his blood.

Just pulled out the blood of the candle dragon. Don't beg for a sudden feeling. There seems to be some sudden changes in the void.

After mediting for a moment, Don't beg suddenly laughed loudly. He made a move into the air, and one hundred and 8,000 Kunwu swords quickly disappeared into his body. Xuanyuan's magic sword array was untied, revealing the blue sky outside. The candle dragon was killed, and the sun and moon candle was forcibly imprisoned in mid-air by the begging ban. The sun and moon candles no longer emitted amazing high-temperature blue light. The Dayu Palace, which was burned into a magma sea, had solidified and turned into a huge rock block as flat as a main ground.

Thinking of the royal garden with beautiful flowers and rivers not long ago, and then looking at the huge rock block with no grass, the faces of the ministers suspended in the air are extremely ugly. This huge rock mass seemed to be a heavy slap on the faces of all the ministers. The faces of the king of Yangshan and other princes were blue, white, white and blue. Several turbulent princes could not control their qi and blood, and opened their mouths spewed out a large amount of hot blood.

"I'm angry too!" The Gushan king, who was standing beside the Yangshan king, stared at him and was so angry that he fainted. The pro-guard subordinates beside him were so scared that they rushed up for treatment, and filled in all kinds of hanging elixirs for him as if they were free.

In the void, the rolling purple gas rushes in from all directions. I don't know how long these purple gas is. Each purple gas is hundreds of miles thick, and there are rolling thunder when running. The huge pressure of heaven and earth made everyone's bodies stiff in mid-air and unable to move. With so many people present, only Don't Beg and Princess Kangle can barely move their fingers.

In front of the power of heaven and earth, only the existence of the broken realm can barely resist the power of heaven and earth.

The rolling purple gas gathered above everyone's heads, and then circled rapidly, with Dayu's palace as a circle, and the cloud vortex formed by nine-fold purple gas firmly covered the sky. The nine-fold light swirled rapidly in the high air, making a dull loud noise, and the purple light gushed down to the sky, illuminating the whole bear field into a dark purple.

With the graceful sound, the infinite merit fell from the sky, and quickly fell to Buqi and Ao Buzun and others. Everyone who participated in the attack on the candle dragon has a huge amount of merit at this moment, especially the three halal gods who devoured the candle dragon directly led to the fall of the candle dragon. The merit rolled down like the Yangtze River. The basic yellow gas of Haohao Tang Tang roared, giving people the feeling that the heaven and the earth collapsed, and Entering this world, it is clearly the merit of heaven and earth, but with a forceful power that seems to destroy everything.

Don't beg and suddenly raised his hand. He said in a low voice, "There is a feeling of heaven and earth. Xiao Wang dares not do credit alone!"

With Don't begging and raising your hand, the infinite merits falling from the sky suddenly stagnated. Not only don't beg, but even Ao Buzun didn't get anything. Don't beg. He reached out and grabbed the void. Huang Wei, who was suspended in the air and couldn't move, shouted and was caught by Don't beg.

With a hook of his finger, a mysterious yellow gas was injected into Huang Yu's body. Huang Yu's real body formula has reached the peak of one yuan Pangu Tian Jiuxing. Huang Yu shouted, "I'm going to die, it's going to explode!"

The infinite merit formed a round of golden light behind Huang Li's head. His body emitted, clicked, made a loud noise, and Pangu purple gas freely penetrated through his meridians, opening up all the meridian acupoints and osteo fascia in his body. The rolling hot current was like burning mercury crazily through Huang Yu's body. Huang Yu's eyes spewed out two sharp purple lights. He stepped through the bottleneck of Pangu Tianjing in one step and strode into the star realm of Hongmeng Pangu Tianjing.

Don't beg for the seven orifices to shed blood, and forcibly withstand the merits of heaven and earth to force it into the body of outsiders, just like a young child trying to turn a huge millstone. Don't beg's body and soul were under great pressure. As soon as Huang Wei was created, Don't beg could not resist the counterattack of heaven. Princess Le pressed her hands on Don't beg's back, and the huge divine power roared in, and the colorful divine light roared from the top of Don't begging head.

Throw away Huang Yu, who has benefited, and don't beg to catch him with both hands. Li Mu, Lian Po, Bai Qi, Li Xin, Wang Jian and other famous generals of the six countries, as well as Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Gui Guzi, Xun Kuang, Mo Zhai and other famous ministers of other countries have been A huge amount of merit is divided into hundreds of rolling torrents and injected into the bodies of these people. Then Don't beg to sacrifice the Xuanyin Star Tower, and swallowed all Su Qin and others who practiced the immortal family into the Xuanyin Star Tower.

Bai Qi's generals have modified the true body formula of heaven and earth, but Su Qin and others practiced the immortal spells. It's not the fault that Don't beg and Princess Pangle joined hands to cover up their breath with the charm made of Hongmeng purple gas. The Yangshan King and others had already found that something was wrong But now, under the strong promotion of the merits and virtues of heaven, we have to break through the realm of Taiyi. The runes transformed by Hongmeng's purple gas can't hide their breath. Don't beg can only send them all into their own mustard world to break through.

After finishing all this, there are still more than half of the merits in the void that have not been consumed. Don't beg to open your mouth and suck hard, and all the mysterious yellow gas poured into his mouth. Part of it was poured into the body of Xiang Yu and Hu Hai, who were practicing in the world of mustard seeds, and part of it was collected by him with the magic weapons condensed by Hongmeng purple gas. The spirit of merit is an indispensable material when refining powerful magic weapons.

Stabbing and killing the emperor, this is an act against the sky, so the candle dragon has accumulated a lot of karma. It is not the golden lotus rewarded by Mituo to help him suppress the pressure, and this great karma has already exposed him. Don't beg a group of people to kill the candle dragon. Tiandao immediately lowered the infinite merit. The number of these merits is actually enough to make the most important group of literary ministers and generals of the six countries break through, which is really a surprise.

After busy with all this, the pressure of Tiandao slowly dispersed, and the King of Yangshan and others resumed their mobility.

Don't beg and shouted in a low voice: "The candle dragon has been killed. He confessed himself, that is, he secretly attacked and assassinated your majesty behind his back!"

The huge body of the candle dragon fell to the ground, and Ao Buzun's group was still desperately devouring his flesh and blood. There is no need to beg to say that everyone present knew that the candle dragon was dead. The king of Yangshan roared angrily, "Except for the Candle Dragon, who are the other murderers?"

Don't beg for your eyes to flash. When he was about to discuss the wording, the king of Xinshan suddenly shouted sharply, "King of the East China Sea, the candle dragon has been killed. Hand over the candle dragon's original magic weapon, the sun and moon candle as soon as possible!" This is the most precious treasure of Hongmeng. Can you touch the king of the East China Sea?"

Don't beg for a daze. He squinted at the King of Xinshan. Ah, he reacted so quickly and began to mix up the water, which was shrewd!

Don't beg to meditate and say anything. The king of Lishan, who also looked extremely ugly, also shouted, "What my brother said is very true. King of the East China Sea, hand over the sun and moon as soon as possible." Before you can beg to open your mouth, the king of Lishan has flown to the sun and moon candle, grabbing the Hongmeng treasure, which is trembling violently and trying to break free from the imprisonment.

With a sneer, don't beg and muttered in a low voice, "Hongmeng Zhibao, do you want to grab food from my mouth?"

In front of so many ministers, Don't beg to fly to the King of Lishan and kicked him out.