Steal the sky

Chapter 922 Unified River Valley

Gui Guzi walked like a ghost to the core of the battalion that stretched for hundreds of miles of the coalition.

There happens to be an oval mountain bag protruding tens of feet from the ground. Guiguzi stood on the mountain bag and threw hundreds of top-quality fairy stones on the ground at will. He easily waved his fingers to outline a large number of ancient runes in the air, and the running runes like flowing water penetrated into the ground like living things, quickly communicating with the spiritual veins of large and small underground. The spiritual vein like a blood vessel began to move and twist, following Gui Guzi's mind to form a huge and equally powerful forbidden air array within a thousand miles.

"It's fair. Everyone fights on the ground. It's fair!" Gui Guzi smiled, and a cloud gushed out under his feet, holding him to fly high into the sky. This forbidden air magic array was arranged by him by himself. People who are not as good as him can't fly in the range of this magic array, but he himself is not affected at all.

A big black bird flew over silently. Mo Zhai sat cross-legged on its back. A small table was placed in front of him, on which there was a small wine jug, two small wine glasses, and four plates of cold dishes. Gui Guzi sat opposite Mo Zhai. The two old people drank a little wine and ate small dishes happily, watching what was about to happen in the Allied camp below.

There are several secret compartments under the belly of the big bird. About 30 catties of drunken dragon fragrance sprinkled down. The sentries in the allied camp standing on the arrow tower of the watchtower fell drunk one after another, and soon they sounded like thunder. These drunken dragon incense are not enough to overturn all the allied soldiers, but it is more than enough to drunk the high sentries.

Without those sentries to make trouble, the Wu army quietly approached the coalition camp all the way to the edge of the trench of the battalion. In the five elements of the immortal array, the fire monks quickly stepped out, and they sacrificed the palm-sized red windmill that Mo Zhai made for them. I could hear it, dripping, and a harsh shrilling sound came. These windmills turned rapidly in the wind, spewing fire dragons out of the windmills and rolling towards the coalition camp.

These fires are not ordinary fires in the world, but the earth fire carefully refined by Mo Zhai. The fire is hot and sticky, just like magma. Once it is attached to the body, it will linger. Don't stop burning everything into ashes. The fire dragons stretching for a hundred miles burned from north to south, and the tents in the coalition camp were lit one after another. In a short time, tens of thousands of tents fell into the sea of fire.

As soon as the monk of the fire moved, the monk of the wood immediately strode to follow. They sacrificed their own small cyan gourd, and a spell was pronounced, and the mouth of the gourd spewed out a large cyan wind. With the help of the wind and the wind, the sticky red flame rolled up hundreds of feet high and turned into a fire wall and burned rapidly to the south.

What's more frightening is that countless bowls of thick and ten-long cyan stakes flew out of the cyan wind, and the piles shining with faint thunder were rolled by the earth fire. The cyan stakes were immediately covered by the fire. With the dull sound of breaking the air, the wooden stakes flew through the air and landed in the coalition camp. These wooden stakes seemed to be real wood, but they were actually condensed by Aoki Shenlei. Once they landed, there was a thunderbolt, and everything within a radius of ten feet was blown to pieces.

Each stake burst, and hundreds of concubines, large or small firelight splashed around with the explosion. More tents were lit, and more vegetation around were lit. For a while, half of the allied battalions were caught in the fire, and allied soldiers ran around. They screamed in horror. They rushed to the place where there was no fire.

Some priests rushed out of the tent. These priests wanted to fly up, but the huge forbidden air clothed by the ghost grain made them unable to leave half a foot from the ground. The strange power shrouded thousands of miles away. Unless the cultivation is stronger than Guiguzi, no one can fly into the air in this large array.

The priests were stunned, but the metal monks in the five elements of the array of immortals in the rear had strode up.

Six thousand crescent flying knives flew up to the sky with a sad strange whistling sound, and once the blade rotated, a full moon-shaped knife light fell into the air. The speed of the flying knife is rotating faster and faster." There are more and more knife lights, and the blink of an eye is full of knife light. "Shuh, the sound is endless. Those priests who stand on the ground and want to fly in the air are just in front of them, and a large number of knife lights are cut in front of them.

It's like cutting grass with a sharp knife." The coalition soldiers were killed by the knife. The knife light just went to their necks. In the dark, the blood pillar rose to the sky, and countless people's heads were taken off high by the strong power of the knife light. Each wave of knife light brought up thousands of heads, and the dark heads were flying high in the sky. The nightmare-like scene was enough to make people crazy.

The roar of anger came, and hundreds of allied generals finally gathered a large group of soldiers together. These soldiers wore armor, held weapons, and formed a formation to counterattack the north. In addition, several high priests of the seven-story pagoda above their heads chanted mantras, which imposed a ban on these soldiers to prevent mental attacks. This ban is also one of the few prohibitions that these human high priests from the outer world know.

But the nightmare came, and the native monks in the five elements of the immortal array shouted at the conflict. They waved the apricot yellow flag in their hands, the surrounding earth roared, and the strong earth attribute aura condensed in the sky. With the desperate howling of the coalition soldiers, mountains several miles high roared down from the sky. The weight of the mountains was amazing, and all the soldiers who were smashed below turned into meat cakes.

Mountains roared down, and those soldiers who formed a dense army array ready to fight back became the best targets. Every big mountain hit would take thousands of lives. The sound of the impact came like the sound of the wheel finger playing the pipa. One mountain after another, it smashed into the allied camp, destroying a large number of camps and killing countless soldiers.

The coalition soldiers fled to the south crying, and the senior management of the coalition could no longer control them. Even the monarchs of some countries abandoned their soldiers and fled first. In this dark night, in the night when no one can use the sword light and the art of driving clouds to escape into the air, it is not a wise choice to fight against the powerful enemy.

The water monks gushed out of the thick black fog like ghosts. The small bowls in their hands poured out, and the rolling black waves covered the coalition camp from all directions. The black water washed the bodies of the coalition soldiers, and the cold and piercing waves took away their energy and courage. What made them more desperate was that the penetration of the black water was extremely strong, and the ground turned into sticky mud under the washing of the black water, and eventually turned into a glue-like swamp.

The running coalition soldiers found that their bodies were gradually sinking into the ground, first the ankles, then the calves, then the thighs, and then the waist pole. A large number of soldiers were trapped in the swamp. They screamed in despair and begged their companions to pull themselves out of this place like a nightmare. But their companions were also absorbed by the swamp, and everyone was struggling, but the more they struggled and more and sank, and even the priests who could have flown high into the sky cried and were swallowed up by the swamp. The coalition battalion was completely chaotic, the command system was completely destroyed, and no one could control each soldier. The five elements of the immortal array rushed into the camp, and the thunder and fire splashed everywhere. Under the pressure of the mountains, countless knives flew in the air, killing the soldiers trapped in the swamp mercilessly.

The shocking shouts came from all directions, and the Wu soldiers, who were divided into 70 teams, rushed into the coalition camp shouting slogans. They were like seventy indestructible steel knives, giving the coalition a fatal blow.

There were scattered allied soldiers in front of these great Wu soldiers, but they soon realized how terrible these great Wu soldiers were. Their armor can't be destroyed." Their weapons are indestructible. The weapons and armor of the coalition forces were easily torn apart like tofu in front of their seemingly ordinary weapons, and then their lives were torn apart.

Black clouds covered the sky, and there was no light in the sky.

Only flames and thunder are shining in the huge camp, and the 70,000 soldiers of Dawu are like evil spirits rushing out of hell, harvesting countless lives to their heart's content. It's nothing more than nearly tens of millions of soldiers. Seventy thousand people can kill all these enemies as long as each person wields a knife more than 100 times.

What does it mean to wave the knife a hundred times? These soaring soldiers can swing their knives a hundred times with a flick of their fingers! The enemy can't hurt himself, and he can hurt the enemy to his heart's content. This is a one-sided war, and this is a one-sided slaughter.

From night to dawn, from dawn to night" and from night to dawn.

In this camp with a radius of nearly a thousand yuan, the soldiers of Dawu were slaughtered for two days and two nights. Those enemies hiding in the caves and hills were found and killed ruthlessly, the whole camp was completely razed, and all the military supplies and money became the trophy of Da Wu.

None of the enemies, including the king of the country, escaped, and the forbidden air array has certainly played a great role. The maze array arranged outside the camp has cut off the hope of all coalition soldiers to escape.

When the bodies of the kings of the seven kingdoms were sent to Wu Tianming, when the heads of thousands of generals of the seven kingdoms were piled up into a terrible view of Beijing, when the bodies of allied soldiers were burned to ashes, all the general Wu soldiers raised their weapons at the same time, Shanhu, long live, more

Wu Tianming [Xing] blushed with excitement. He raised his hands and shouted to the three beggars suspended over the battlefield: "Master Shengshou Wujiang" National Master Shengshou Wujiang!"

Wu Dili led all the generals of Wu to kneel respectfully in front of Wu Tianming. At this moment, Wu Dili had no other thoughts. The Seven-Nation Alliance was annihilated, and the Great Wu Xingsheng was in front of him. After unifying this river valley, Da Wu will be able to integrate the power of all countries to get out of this river valley and launch an attack on the vast and boundless Pangu mainland!

Perhaps, the legendary new emperor of the human race, the holy emperor of the human race is Wu Tianming! Who knows? Maybe it's him!

Three days later, it was learned that the clans and ministers of the seven kingdoms of the coalition army had surrendered when they heard the news, and Da Wu did not spare any effort to expand the territory and people of the seven countries into the bag.

At the meeting of the Great Wu Dynasty a month later, Don't Beg put forward a clear strategic goal.

"Step out of the river valley and sweep Pangu!"