Steal the sky

Chapter 923 The Three Emperors Press the Realm

Chapter 923 The Three Emperors Press the Realm (First Update)

When Wu Bubu was in power, Pangu mainland was completely messed up into a pot of porridge.

The human countries from the outer world attacked and annexed each other, and fought hard for the name of a human saint. Fairy gates from foreign countries are also attacking each other. Fight in full swing for a good hole. Although the total amount of aura of a random mountain on the Pangu continent is hundreds of times more than the total amount of aura of a planet once occupied by these fairy gates, the greed of immortals is endless, and they always stare at the best caves and blessings.

The bear army led by Weishan Wang Ji'ao is suppressing the state and county of Dayu Xijing, and from time to time, it has taught a hard lesson to those ethnic countries from foreign countries. Several small countries were often turned over and destroyed by him. However, his troops were involved in the rebellious army led by the King of Xinshan, and he could not freely mobilize the army to conquer at will.

The King of Xinshan, who settled down in the southern Xinjiang of Dayu, raised the banner of the human emperor and announced the establishment of a 'new Yu' dynasty, accusing Dayu of being a rotten and degenerate imperial dynasty. For the sake of the future of mankind and the future of mankind, Xinyu will definitely replace Dayu. The King of Xinshan will lead the human race to the light.

As for the evidence of Dayu's decay and depravity, the King of Xinshan sent countless subordinates to spread rumors in the territory of Dayu, saying that the Haozun Emperor was extravagant and murderous. He said that the nobles of Dayu used human flesh as food and human blood as wine. For example, Emperor Hao

These rumors spread on the Pangu mainland like a plague. How can the simple and honest people of the Yu distinguish the truth of these rumors? The whole Pangu mainland has become panicked.

At the beginning, the people of Dayu, who were close to the southern Xinjiang, dragged their families to the south of Xinjiang. In the propaganda slogan of Xinyu, these people were persecuted by Dayu and had no choice but to flee their homes. At the same time, all kinds of natural disasters continue to appear all over Dayu, floods, droughts, plagues, and animal disasters. These disasters have greatly shaken Dayu's official control over local states and counties, and constantly weakening Ruo Dayu's strength.

Liangzhu Palace, there is a bear hall, and Emperor Haozun is summoning the ministers to discuss and preparing to mobilize the army to fight against Xinyu.

Hao Zun, who was sitting on the throne, looked gloomy. The new Yu formed by his rebellious son has become a big trouble for him. Xinyu, located in southern Xinjiang, has a strong army. The number of high-ranking high-ranking high-priests is even better than that of Dayu. Do not wipe out Xinyu. Dayu was unable to freely mobilize the army to cope with the human kingdoms brought by the constantly landing of the outer world. Unable to cope with the alien immortals flying all over the sky like locusts.

Once the foreign human kingdom becomes the climate, once those immortals completely press the door on the Pangu mainland. When he solidified the foundation, it was extremely difficult for Dayu to deal with them. Only by destroying Xinyu with a thunderous momentum, killing all the rebellions below the King of Mountain, and then mobilizing all the armies to destroy all the alien country and completely kill all the immortals, can Dayu survive this crisis.

He slapped heavily on the handrail of the throne, and Emperor Haozun scolded harshly, "At all costs, even if you have everything in the treasury. Collect soldiers and train new recruits. Armed forces. After sweeping out all the rebellions and cleaning up all those foreign forces, I..."

Looking up at the ceiling of the Bear Hall, Emperor Hao Zun gritted his teeth and said, "I attacked directly for 33 days. After sweeping the heavenly court, go to attack the Great Spirit Slur Mountain! Let those people know that our human race is not something that they can play with at will!"

The literature and martial arts of the Manchu Dynasty heard the bloodline. Below the King of Yangshan, many courtiers bowed their bodies and saluted. Respond in unison.

Just as Emperor Haozun was about to issue an order to dispatch troops and horses to fight against Xinyu, an internal minister hurriedly ran into the hall and bowed to Emperor Haozun and said in a hurry: "Your Majesty. Emergency orders came from Xiongyuan Zhengdong, Zhengbei and Zhengxi Military Towns at the same time. Someone forcibly broke through the air, and the forbidden air magic array in the military town could not stop them. Hundreds of military and town generals have been injured!"

Emperor Haozun was shocked, and the ministers in the hall were horrified. Long Yan, who was standing beside Haozun Emperor, snorted coldly, patted with both hands, and a light curtain fell from the bear hall, which showed a large area of green mountains and green water. If you look carefully, it is the terrain around Xiongyuan.

In the light curtain, a green atmosphere shaped like a dragon in the east stretches for thousands of miles, with the roaring wind rushing towards Liangzhu.

Along the way, the army keeps flashing dazzling lights. These military towns are surrounded by forbidden air magic arrays, and it is difficult for ordinary immortals to fly across at all. However, where this green atmosphere passed, all the forbidden air arrays collapsed at the same time, and the walls that affected some military towns also cracked and collapsed.

Hundreds of small purple light circles flew around this green gas, but as soon as the green gas twisted, dozens of light spots fell to the ground. These light spots are all the generals of Dayu stationed in all military towns, and the weakest cultivation is the cultivation of the one-yuan Pangu Tianjiu Star Realm. But in front of this youth, they were like little ants around the dragon, easily knocked down and had no resistance.

A black flood in the north also stretched for tens of thousands of miles, and the rolling waves rushed through the sky. Countless dark icebergs and snow peaks collided with each other in the waves, and the loud noise made all the forbidden air arrays in the military town along the way collapsed. The generals stationed in the army town did not say that they attacked this black Hongtao. Before they could get close, they fainted to the ground by the loud noise of the iceberg collision.

In the west, a line of silver light is stimulated. This line of silver light is extremely bright and extremely thin, only a thousand miles long. When flying through the air, it brings a sharp and harsh sound, leaving a striking black trace of the void where it passes, which is a scar formed by the void being torn by silver light and has not been The speed of the silver light's escape was frighteningly fast, more than ten times faster than the blue gas and black flood. Not to mention stopping him in the military towns along the way, those generals who flew up could not catch up with him at all.

Haozun's face suddenly sank, and the jade platform under his feet cracked with a click, and the cracks of a dense net were densely spread on the jade platform. Taking a deep breath, the starlight flashed on Emperor Haozun's body, the cracked jade platform closed inward, all the cracks quickly disappeared, and the jade platform was restored in the blink of an eye.

When Dayu Wenwu in the hall saw this scene, he couldn't help but be moved. Just now, it was clear that he reversed the time in a small range and let the time go back for a period of time. If time accelerates, the powerful people of Big B can do it. But going back to time, this is something that can only be done by breaking the realm. Just now, Emperor Haozun did not launch the siege of Liangzhu to achieve the strength of breaking the Taoism!

Before the great change, Hao Zun Emperor absolutely did not have the cultivation of breaking the Taoist realm! The ministers in the bear hall stared at the restored jade platform in a daze, and couldn't help smiling with joy.

The light curtain suddenly flashed violently, and three powerful pressures gushed out of the light curtain, and the low roar shook the dragon's body to tremble.

The blue gas, black waves and silver light found that someone was peeping at their actions with magic power, and boldly counterattacked with secret methods. A cold sweat appeared on the dragon's forehead. He snorted coldly and was about to bite the tip of his tongue to strengthen the light curtain with his own blood.

Emperor Hao Zun waved his hand gently. Stop the dragon's desperate behavior. He shouted in a low voice, "The three emperors have come from afar. Hey, there is a distant welcome!"

The terrible pressure suddenly enveloped the whole city of Liangzhu, and three figures appeared in front of the Bear Hall.

Among the three, one in the middle is wearing a cyan robe, surrounded by pieces of green air. The birth is described as clear, and the face is high and the ancient spirit is extraordinary. The man on the left was dressed in a silver robe. He was as strong as a lion. He looked around, and his eyes stabbed his life like a blade. One person on the right is wearing a black robe. He is thin and tall, and his face is feminine. There was an indescribable evil breath in his eyes.

Dayu Wenwu Qiqi is low, and the man in green robe is the Eastern Qingdi. The man in silver robe is the white emperor in the west, and the man in black robe is the black emperor in the north. They are all figures who have existed since the creation of the world since Pangu. The true god condensed by the rules of heaven and the incomparable power represent the leaders of the three major forces of the gods today.

The three of them slowly entered the Bear Hall and stood at a place away from Haozunhuang and Li Xu.

Hao Zun Emperor stood up, flew down to the throne, and bowed to the three people with his fists in his hands: "Contemporary Emperor Hao Zun Emperor. I have seen three emperors.

The Qingdi pulled the corners of his mouth to signal that he had laughed. He said in a low voice, "Hao Zunhuang. Give a truth to the three of my brothers.

Emperor Hao was silent for a while. I was very cautious in raising some words. Then he said slowly, "Please sit down with the three emperors. There are special flowers and fruits in the palace. It is a rare wine, and there are all kinds of fairy fruits produced in Kunlun Mountain.

Emperor Bai snorted coldly and interrupted Emperor Hao Zun's words. He said indifferently, "Don't toss these empty-headed things. It's useless for you to carry out the king's family now. Even if she is the first person in Zhou Tian's merit, she can't shield your people this time.

The Black Emperor said in a dark voice, "This time we are here to ask for justice from Dayu."

Emperor Haozun's face changed. He said respectfully, "Do you dare to ask the three emperors what justice they want?"

The Qing Emperor squinted and sneered, "Over the years, the three of my brothers have closed their practice and ignored foreign affairs, and you, Da Yu, bullied the door. A few years ago, you killed the children of three of my brothers. You must give us an explanation for this matter.

Emperor Haozun's heart sank, and the reason for killing the leader of the Immortals League, it finally broke out today.

After a period of silence, Emperor Haozun said solemnly, "Three emperors, don't the three of them know the cause and effect of this matter? The three children under the door were just killed by my Dayu. What puzzles me is why the three people appear in the team of my enemies?

The Qing Emperor shook his head with a smile: "The emperor said so. Are you not going to be reasonable?"

The White Emperor said coldly, "Since the emperor is unreasonable, it's not our fault that we should do it for justice!"

The Black Emperor said in his voice, "Our disciples can't die in vain. Dayu must pay the price!"

After the three people finished talking, they shook their sleeves and turned around and left. As they walked, the three of them shouted with one voice: "Three days later, our army will attack Dayu and ask for justice for my tragic death!"

Emperor Haozun looked at the three ancient gods who turned around and walked out of the door of the hall with a gloomy face. He suddenly clapped his hands, and the door of the Bear Hall suddenly closed. The three Qing Emperors looked back at Haozunhuang in a horendent, and saw Haozun Emperor gritting his teeth and pulling out the Xuanyuan sword.

"Fuck you, since you are unreasonable, why should I reason with you? I, the minister of Yu, obeyed the order and joined hands to kill them!"

When the hall shook, Emperor Haozun suddenly launched the siege of Liangzhu, and the whole aura of Xiongyuan fluctuated violently.

I'm so hungry, I'm weak all over, and my eyes are dazzled...