Steal the sky

Chapter 978 Emperor's Ambition

There is no war in the East China Sea.

Lingchao obediently withdrew all the troops attacking the East China Sea, and Princess Beile naturally did not bother to take the initiative to provoke disputes and waste troops. She is busy restraining Qixia every day to keep her from making trouble everywhere. The nature of the invisible demon is to kill people and make waves. My wife's ordinary life is not suitable for the existence of Qixia.

Princess Feibu Le can still control Qixia. I'm afraid that she has long been with the fierce demons under the command of Kunjiao and others, and she ran to harm the spiritual court.

Now the director of the Ministry of Music is tight, and Qixia has no place to toss around, so she can only devote all her energy to the soldiers who harmed the East China Sea.

She incarnated hundreds of millions, trained these soldiers with the most cruel means, and then tortured and killed these soldiers in her dream, tossing the latest batch of trained soldiers in the East China Sea like psychopaths, but their combat effectiveness is indeed 50% better than normal soldiers with the same cultivation, which makes the Princess Le really has nothing to say.

The only sequela caused by Qixia's training of new recruits is that in just one month, the recruits in the East China Sea have caused sixty-seven "camp roars, accidents, in the chaos, tens of thousands of soldiers were seriously injured, there were countless minor injuries, and the crazy soldiers almost destroyed half of Donghai City. That's all. This is the price of the soldiers trained by Qixia to increase their combat strength by 50%.

As for the sudden haunting around in the Donghai City, some people in broad daylight have lost their clothes and run around the city, or other strange things are endless. These are naturally small tricks made by Qixia's boredom. The invisible demon is such a bad nature. What can you do with her? Princess Bule can only be busy fighting the fire all day long, which is really hard and haggard.

Just when Princess Bule was so busy, on the top of the high mountains outside the East China Sea, in the palace of the Qin Emperor, the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms were kneeling around a round table, with a small lacquer plate of goldjian in front of everyone, with exquisite wine pots and wine glasses, and several plates of exquisite wine dishes.

These dishes are exquisitely made. The raw materials come from the rarest and most delicious ingredients of the mountain essence monster. For example, one of the cold carp whiskers is a light silver beard that has been cultivated into Yuanying's carp essence, which is not only crisp, refreshing and delicious, but also has the effect of refreshing and strengthening the physique. There are a large number of aquatic demons in the East China Sea. How can ordinary people have such a blessing?

Yongzheng, Qu Ping, Yan Dan, Wei Wuji, Tian Wen, Zhao Sheng, the monarchs of the six countries drank and drank by themselves, and watched the peach forest like a cloud brocade outside the hall through the open floor-to-ceiling window. Yingzheng chose a good place to build a palace. The climate of this peach hu forest is at least more than ten thousand years old, and the trunks are knotted like dragons. The branches are as hard as steel cast. A few leaves are lined with large red petals and green stamens. The peach huā of each tree is like a fire, dyeing a mountain Color.

When the sea breeze blows over, the huā flap falls with the wind, turning into a red tornado and rushing high into the sky. The scenery is indescribable. "Only when you are in that situation can you know the charm that makes people's hearts shake. But the six people sitting in the hall were all firm-minded and even can be regarded as harsh and indifferent masters. They just looked at the boundless beauty quietly, and no one said anything.

, with a click, "Ying Zheng poured the wine pot, sucked the last drop of wine into his mouth, and then shook the wine pot hard, and there was no drop of wine in it. He put down the wine pot, flicked his fingers on the round table, and suddenly sighed, "Beautiful scenery, wine and delicious food." Life is like this, it's really like raising pigs. You and I are all beasts!"

Qu Ping raised his eyebrows. Yan Dan rolled his eyes. Tian Wen and Zhao Sheng did not say anything. Wei Wuji, the most aggressive personality, smiled ferociously and stared at Yingzheng and said with a sneer: "Yongzheng, what do you say? If you want to be a beast, just go, don't pull us up!" Yingzheng tilted his eyes and squinted at Wei Wuji. He sneered, "Wow, are you still angry?" Wei Wuji said proudly, "Why am I not angry?" Yingzheng shook his head and sighed, "I thought" you have been raised Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!", Lian Lianyin laughed for a while." Yingzheng's fingers gently moved the round table and looked up to the sky and sighed, "There are more than 100 million soldiers, and countless people." Do you still remember your identity? We are the monarchs of the six kingdoms, and we are the masters of the Warring States!"

If there is nothing, the fierce breath spreads from Yan Dan and others. Someone happened to look at the high mountains here in Donghai City. They were hobotonished to find that from the top of the mountain, the peaches all over the mountain gradually withered and withered, and the originally red mountain suddenly turned into the dead gray of a mountain. The peach trees in the mountains became extinct, and even the grass under the trees died.

Yan Dan sighed softly, "The golden horse, since I entered the East China Sea, I have been much more comfortable." Looking at Yingzheng coldly, Yanjing sighed, "I still remember that I sent Jing Ke to stab my brother and failed to kill him. It was really a long-lasting hatred!" Yingzheng nodded slowly. He looked at the "In the past, the Great Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms, and the government could not kill your majesty one by one with his own hands, which is really a pity in his life." He swept the small lacquer plate in front of him to the ground and said with an arrogant smile, "It's just that today, the government does not mean to attack you,

Zhao Sheng slowly straightened up his waist. He smiled and said, "I'm a big Zhao Tieqi, and I'm ready to go!" Over the years, with the help of the resources of the East China Sea, we have made a living. We have trillions of people, more than 100 million soldiers, and all of them are heavily equipped and refined horses. Wei Wuji smiled and said, "Why have I been a little weaker than your Zhao?"

Tian Wen said lightly, "My soldiers and horses have already been ready."

Qu Ping squinted his eyes and put his hands in his sleeves. He suddenly said in a long voice, "Come to Pangu Continent. If you cover yourself under the wings of the East China Sea for life, you will be so lonely! Although Qu Ping likes to recite the wind and moon, he is more willing to lead me to fight against the world!"

Yan Dan just grabbed the wine pot and drank it for himself, but the wine pot suddenly turned into a wisp of smoke in his palm.

Yingzheng laughed loudly, and he smiled and said, "It's so good. What kind of person is that Tengyun? In the view of politics, it is nothing less than a sorghum, pig and dog. How dare you peep at the throne of the emperor? If your majesty has the intention, let us take the army of the six countries to stir up the ancient continent today!"

[Xing] The winner of the government, who danced hard, stood up fiercely. He shouted harshly, "I can compete, your majesty is in politics, and you are really a hero. Can't you fight for it? Those people who are driven like eagles and dogs dare to compete for the emperor. Why don't we dare? Your Majesty, in the past, our six countries were weak and had no choice but to be sheltered in the East China Sea. Today, we have been strong, and we have fought many battles in the East China Sea, and we have returned his kindness.

Yingzheng's eyes were like fire, staring at Yan Dan: "Yan Dan, what do you think we do?"

Yan Dan straightened up his chest. He said proudly, "Now I'm afraid you and I can't kill each other, so let's use those pigs and dogs to divide them. Who can take off the head of the emperor of the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty? Even if he wins this game, what do you think?

Qu Pingfeng smiled lightly. He whispered, "How about this, how many points are the heads of the emperors of the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty, how many points are the heads of their subordinate ministers and generals, and how many points are the heads of their ordinary soldiers, plus the immortals of the heavenly court and the monks of the Buddhist sect, Scores, let's record the total number one by one, and get together later. Let's see which of us wins this game with a high total score? Wei Wuji clasped his hand and praised, "It's wonderful. That's it. If anyone has the highest total score, others will wholeheartedly help him to be the emperor and unify the ancient continent. What do you think of Wuji's idea?"

The six people laughed and applauded in unison, and they had to high-five to make this agreement.

Suddenly, the colorful light on the round table flashed, and Qixia suddenly appeared in front of the six people. She glanced at the six people with her eyes, and suddenly smiled gloomily and said, "Why is there no place for Qixia Demon King in such a funny thing? Well, how about the East China Sea? If the East China Sea of Qixia Demon King wins in the end, you will be willing to serve him as the emperor. What?

Qixia's eyes flashed with an extremely funny but extremely dangerous light. The six people of Yingzheng looked at each other and suddenly laughed and said, "It's so good, it's the best. Miss Qixia said so, what else do we have to say?

Qixia, with a smile, she sat at the round table with great interest and discussed the specific details of the gambling with six old and cunning monarchs.

The problem of the soldiers and horses of the six countries leaving the East China Sea to reopen the door is extremely complex, which involves the division of soldiers and soldiers in the East China Sea and the migration of the people. It is also necessary to supplement the six countries with all kinds of ordnance, military salaries, food and fodder and countless other materials.

Originally, if the six countries did this, they were a little suspected of taking the money to demolish the East China Sea, but now the monarchs of the six countries are regarded as father-in-law who do not begging, and even the civil servants and generals of the six countries are 100% of the father-in-law who do not beg. Yes.

Qixia made a bet with the monarchs of the six kingdoms on behalf of Begging. They calculated in detail how many points the top-down people in Ling Dynasty, Jing Dynasty, Tianting, Buddhism and other human countries were worth, how many points were killed, and how many points were captured alive, and then they made vowed not to fake it. After the conclusion of the bet, the six countries left the East China Sea to re-ealect their doors.

Princess Yule was also happy to see it. She generously dismantled the huge army in the East China Sea into a considerable number of seven parts and gave one-seventh of the soldiers and horses of the six countries. Moreover, Princess Le also promised that as long as the six countries need it, the new soldiers trained in the East China Sea can also be given priority to the six countries.

Princess Po Le has been distributed to countless other ordnances, grain and fodder to the six countries, and even Xiang Yu and Hu Hai, the two generals who did not begged to cultivate, also let them return to various countries.

After a busy time, the six countries silently left the territory of the East China Sea.

Three months later, in the northern border of Dayu, the flags of the six countries lit up at the same time.

Da Yu was stunned, but he didn't take it seriously. Daqin, Dachu, Dayan, Dazhao, Daqi, Dawei, God knows where this is a small human country? Dayu has a lot of things to worry about now, and he doesn't care about the disputes of such small countries at all.

The king of Yangshan was dark in front of his eyes and almost fainted again.

The King of Yangshan knows that those who are good will not come, and those who come will not come will not be good. The six countries have publicly shown their flags, which proves that their strength can no longer be underestimated.