Steal the sky

Chapter 979 Sengulfing Northern Xinjiang

Chapter 999 Sengulfing Northern Xinjiang (Fourth Update)

Don't beg to refine the weapon in Yanjun's big horn's nest. Princess Pangle and Qixia are working hard to train the new army. The six countries have taken away six-sevenths of the military strength of the East China Sea. Now the military strength of the East China Sea is a little overstretched, and even it is not enough to maintain a normal garrison. Fortunately, the Ling Dynasty has now contracted its military strength and dared not fully confront the East China Sea. Princess Pule only maintained the normal garrison of the border line. Other cities and military towns were basically false flags, barely blinding the past.

The underground cave is still constantly training new soldiers, and the shortage of Eastern Navy strength can be solved soon.

However, in the border areas of Dayu, the six countries have set off a frenzy. Whether it is Dayu, Lingchao or Jingchao, they have suffered unspeakably. With enough troops and enough top masters, the six countries have restored their true nature as war monsters.

Yan Dan stands on the top of a mountain, and in front of him is an important military town set up by Jingchao to prevent Dayu's attack. The military town is a hundred miles wide, and the wall of the city is densely covered with sharp alloy spikes. Ordinary soldiers will be cut off once they touch it. There are two million people stationed in the military town, all of whom are soldiers. Except for a few women who solve the physiological needs of soldiers, there is no civilian in this huge military town.

As far away from this military town, it is Liangzhou, a nine-pin Dazhou in the northwest border of Dayu. Liangzhou, with a population of only tens of millions, was suppressed by the army. From time to time, civilian women were taken away by the Jing Dynasty soldiers in the army's town. Liangzhou Mu repeatedly asked Dayu for reinforcements, but Dayu, who was busy with pacation, did not send extra troops here.

Recently, Ji Ao sent 200,000 flying bear troops to station here, which completely suppressed the arrogance of this military town. The Jing Dynasty soldiers in the military town no longer dared to go out at will, lest they meet the sentry of the flying bear army. After all, all the soldiers of the Flying Bear Army are more than one member of Pangu Tianjing, and more than 90% of the soldiers in this military town are the strength of Taishi Pangutian. How dare they have the courage to fight against the Flying Bear Army?

Only with the help of the perverted strong walls and strong city defense and prohibitions of this military town, the military town barely resisted the attack of the Flying Bear Army.

Looking at the military town in front of him, Yan Dan smiled and nod to Han Feizi standing beside him and said, "Han Fei, look at you!"

Han Feizi smiled gently. He took out a brush with a three-foot-long baby's arm and stroked the void in front of him, and shouted in a low voice, "If you say it, follow the law, open it!" With Han Feizi's scolding, the perverted wall of the military town collapsed, and a crack hundreds of miles wide and bottomless crack appeared on the ground, from which the general town was divided into two halves.

Hundreds of Yan priests in black stood on the mountainside and raised their hands at the same time. Large areas of dark clouds spewed out of their palms and turned into dark clouds and spread to the army town. Han Feizi's shocking blow just made millions of garrisons in the city dizzy, and several Jingchao Tongtian high priests in the city failed to realize what had happened.

Dark clouds enveloped the military town, and the strange fragrance with a trace of fishy smell spread. Including those high priests, all of them shook their bodies and fell into a coma with heavy softness on the ground. This dark cloud is secretly made in the East China Sea. It is made of pollen from the 'unicorned snake vine' from Yuanling Youjing as the main raw material. The effect is ten times more powerful than the drunken dragon incense recorded in the scriptures. After all, the skill of the old man of Yuanling in refining elixir is much better than that

The soldiers of the city collapsed without fighting, the army of the State of Yan covered up, and all the soldiers were captured.

Within a month, Dayan broke the 127th army town in the thirty-six cities of the Jing Dynasty, and the Jing Dynasty was shocked by the court.

While Dayan attacked the city and land, Wei Wuji personally led 300,000 Wei soldiers and was attacking the capital of a human country. The defender is also 300,000, and the siege soldiers and horses dispatched by Wei Wuji are also 300,000. From the common sense, Wei Wuji is to let the soldiers die!

But it was worthy of the Wei warrior who was rampant in the Warring States Period. 300,000 soldiers were naked in the upper body and only wore a pair of cow-nosed trousers, as if they were crazy to launch a tide-like attack on the defenders in the city. They didn't know the pain, dodge, or fear. Under Wei Wuji's personal supervision, they only knew how to climb up the city along the ladder.

The defenders on the top of the city fought with these Wei warriors like crazy tigers in horror. They were killed one by one. Their heads were hung on the belt by the Wei warrior as a trophy. Blood flowed down the body of the crazy Wei warrior, staining them into bloodmen.

In just half an hour, the heart of the defenders collapsed, and the soldiers put down their weapons and fled. 300,000 Wei soldiers roared into the city and killed all the defenders cleanly. The emperor of this country knelt in fear and begged for surrender in front of Wei Wuji, but his head was cut off by Wei Wuji with a sword. Wei Wuji, who laughed wildly, rewarded the emperor's most beautiful concubine to the Wei warrior who rushed into the city first, and sat on the high throne with the emperor's beautiful queen in his hands.

In the southeast of the city broken by the Great Wei Dynasty, a fierce field battle broke out.

On the grassland stretching for tens of thousands of miles, the 100,000 Zhao infantry under the command of Zhao Sheng was surrounded by ten times the strength of the enemy. There was no danger on the empty grassland. The rain of arrows roared all over the sky, and the soldiers under Zhao Sheng's command were shot like a sieve. The enemy's generals laughed wildly on the mount. He waved his sword and ordered the soldiers to attack with all their strength. He must kill Zhao Sheng's 100,000 soldiers and horses. He wanted to cut off Zhao Sheng's head and make his skull into exquisite wineware to his emperor.

The war lasted for three hours. Under the siege of the superior force, Zhao Sheng's position was almost smashed several times.

Just as the soldiers around Zhao Sheng were about to resist the enemy's attack, a total of ten teams of cavalry roared in all directions. Each team of cavalry is no more than 10,000 people, but they ride all kinds of ferocious monsters with huge volume, like ten steel knives to the enemy's array.

Once interspersed, millions of troops were cut into dozens of fragmentary arrays that could not be connected at the beginning and end. Lian Po, who was white-haired and white-bearded in heavy armor, smiled wildly and waved a long knife, driving the mount like a fire cloud conflict. A knife swept out thousands of feet away. The local commander-in-chief was split into two pieces from the middle with a miserable howl, and thousands of soldiers were killed by this knife in front of and behind

Li Mu, who led another team of cavalry to roar, snorted angrily, stared at Lian Po angrily, and vented his anger on others. The sword was as light as rain. Li Mu waved his long sword in a row. Wherever he passed, countless heads flew up to the sky. In an instant, he slaughtered more than 10,000 people. The enemy soldiers were so scared that they worshipped in the wind and had no intention of fighting.

Zhao Sheng raised his long sword in his hand and looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. The laughter made millions of enemies frightened and kneel down one after another to pray for survival.

On another battlefield, corpses were everywhere in front of Bai Qi, and more than one million enemy troops were slaughtered. Xu Fu, who was so excited that his face was purple, danced and recited the spell and silently called Lei Jin's real name. The huge electric current fell from a high altitude, and millions of enemy troops were taken away with satisfaction by Lei Ji. The huge red light fell, and 50% fell into Bai Qi's body. Bai Qi was wrapped in blood fog, and he suddenly raised his sword. The Daqin soldier, who was also wrapped in blood around his whole body, looked up to the sky and roared like a beast, and the murderous spirit made the four fields tremble.

And in the capital of another country not far from this bloody battlefield, an emperor who was poisoned and ignited a gloomy ghost fire all over hissing. He struggled and twitched on the ground in pain, and looked puzzled at the most authoritative ministers in his court.

Li Siyin came out of the curtain beside the throne with a smile and arched his hand to these ministers with a smile and said, "Congratulations, now you and I are ministers in the same dynasty, and I want you to take more care of Li in the future. Hey, you have abandoned the secret and surrendered to the Qin Dynasty. Your Majesty will definitely have a lot of rewards!"

With no bloodshed, Li Si subverted the country in one fell swoop, but the emperor died unjustly. He didn't know why his minister poisoned him.

At a distance away from the subverted country of Li Si, the two countries are engaged in a final decisive battle. Both sides have mobilized their country's last military strength, from the general of the realm of Pangutian to the ordinary soldiers of Taishi Pangutian, to the invincible servants and slaves, and even ordinary strong men have been More than one million regular troops gathered on both sides, and there were countless cannon fodder soldiers.

More than a year of fighting have exhausted both sides. They are looking for each other's mistakes and are ready to launch the last and most deadly blow to the enemy. However, the sound of the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth came, and several big rivers nearby rolled up huge waves. There were countless giant beasts running on the waves. Tian Dan and Tian Ji ruled countless soldiers and horses of Qi, and all the soldiers and horses of the two countries were destroyed.

Going eastward along the river that caused huge waves, the army of the Ling Dynasty sweeping from the northern frontier to the west is wandering around in the mountains and forests like crazy. It was covered with fog, and there were ghosts everywhere, and the graceful songs of mountain ghosts could be heard everywhere. The soft voice often attracted the soldiers of the Ling Dynasty to stagger into the mountain forest, and then they never appeared again.

Hail fell from time to time in the sky, hitting the soldiers' heads and bleeding. Occasionally, a clear sky fell, burning many soldiers to pieces. There are also swamps emerging out of thin air in the flat ground, as well as rust, sea of fire, and countless poisonous insect traps. This Lingchao army of millions of people is like a big apple, which is being cut smaller and smaller layer by layer.

The person who took action was only Qu Ping's legitimate son, Qu Ying, the prince of Chu. He gathered countless mountain ghosts and gods to set up the array of gods and demons. Millions of troops in the Ling Dynasty, together with the tens of thousands of priests accompanying the army, were trapped to death by the array, and no one could get out of this dead

Outside the mountain forest, Qu Ping summoned a giant who was thousands of miles tall, and gently lifted the wall of the spiritual city with a palm. Xiang Yu couldn't wait to rush into the city with Chu Xiangxiong's soldiers, and the huge blood rushed straight to the sky.

The six countries are moving, and the world is shocked. Where the soldiers of the six countries refer to, the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty are all tied up, and all the foreign countries are frightened.

In just three years, the territory of the six countries has expanded countless times, and the territory of the six countries has been connected, occupying almost all of the northern border of Dayu. RO