Steal the sky

Chapter 1045 Candlelight Axe Shadow

During this period of time, some things in the Pangu world have changed greatly.

The core master of the Taoist gate took action at the same time, and it took almost only three or five days to eliminate all the demon gods in 33 days. Almost each of these Taoist masters, such as the thirty-three major masters, has a Hongmeng treasure with them. Their true disciples have a chaotic spiritual treasure, and almost all other high-level disciples have condensed Taiyi immortal soldiers or innate spiritual weapons to kill the enemy.

Daomen is abruptly using gorgeous equipment to completely collapse those poor trousers that are not enough to completely collapse.

Then, with a set of twelve "Ding Tianshen Pearls" with a set of great power, the powerful Hongmeng Zhibao as the core, Daomen laid a Dingtian Ten Thousand Immortals Array in 33 days, defending against it in 33 days.

Then the Taoist masters took action in person, took a group of elite doormen to sweep the four starry sky, recaptured part of the territory of the outer starry sky, and rescued a group of Taoist immortals trapped in the outer star mountain gate.

At the same time, the Buddha's family has also exhausted its family. Those ascetic World Honored One, Ancient Buddha, Holy Spirit, King, etc. have been dispatched one after another, and their number is no worse than that of Taoism. All kinds of Hongmeng treasures and chaotic spiritual treasures also emerged one after another, so that the foreign demon gods cried and hugged their heads and squirrels, and the Great Spirit Slu Mountain was easily recovered.

You should know that in this year's generation, millions of chaotic demon gods had one or two or three strange treasures with them when they were born. These strange treasures are slightly worse than innate spiritual weapons, and the better ones are the chaotic spiritual treasures and even the treasures of Hongmeng. Later, the chaotic demon gods fell one after another. After the opening up of the Pangu world, there were only Wa Huangshi, seven Buddhas, nine Taos and eighteen saints left to die.

Most of the original magic weapons of the chaotic demon god of Moluo were destroyed in the battle, but a small part of them were collected by these great powers that have lived until now. In particular, the design made many demons fall one after another, and even took the initiative to kill the seven Buddhas and nine paths of those demon gods. Their wealth is simply extremely rich.

Like don't begging and still working hard to collect the power of merit and virtues to refine the weapons of merit and arm their disciples, the seven Buddhas and nine paths can arm their disciples with all kinds of extremely powerful magic weapons, which is the gap in the background.

Therefore, once the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism take action with all their strength, those foreign demons who rely entirely on the body and rely on their talent to fight will be unlucky. Although they have caused great casualties to Buddhism and Taoism, they are not enough to threaten their top strength.

After the Taoist sect was subdued for 33 days, there was no action, but after the Buddha sect subdued the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain, it immediately sent nine World Honored Ones, thirty-six ancient Buddhas, thirty-six Buddhas, a large number of kings, Bodhisattvas, King Kong, Arhat

The so-called World Honored One is the existence of the highest status and the strongest cultivation in Buddhism except for the ancestors. They are all the first disciples of the Buddha. They get the true transmission from the Buddha and then teach it to other true disciples, which is basically equal to the status of the elder of Buddhism.

The so-called World Honored One means that they all have the great ability to control one world and open up a thousand worlds, which is respected by all sentient beings in the world, so they are called World Honored One. Many worlds have been opened up in the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain. These world honored people are the hosts of the pure Buddha's land. They have a lofty status in Buddhism, and their cultivation has reached the high-end realm of breaking the Taoist realm.

The nine World Honored Ones came outside the city of Mianhu, and they did not take action. They just joined hands with other ancient Buddhas and Buddhas to lay a Vajra wheel array, blocking all the messengers sent to Mianhu City in the direction of Liangzhu. The moving array between Mianhu City and Liangzhu was also disturbed by the void by them, and no one could enter or leave Mianhu City.

Now the six holy emperors, with many high priests of the sky and the offerings of the secret temple, are 300,000 miles to the east of Mianhu City, doing their best to compete with the King Kong wheel array. However, the nine World Honored Ones pressed the King Kong wheel array with Hongmeng Zhibao Town. How could the six holy emperors break their array?

Munhu City was trapped, but the army of the Jing Dynasty did not attack the city, and the situation became extremely strange.

The king of Yangshan knew Jingchao. To put it bluntly, Buddhism was plotting to have the whole bear army. Not to mention the combat power of the bear army, only those soldiers of the bear army who are at least in the realm of one yuan Pangutian, if they submit to Buddhism, the huge power of faith they provide to Buddhism is an extremely terrible thing. With these powerful and energetic believers to provide the power of mind, Buddhism can at least raise dozens of ancient Buddhas to the cultivation of the World Honored One. The strength of Buddhism has soared, and Taoism and Dayu will be degraded.

More importantly, if the bear army as a whole betrays Dayu and defects to Buddhism, it will be a fatal blow to Dayu's military heart and people's heart.

That's why the king of Yangshan was so anxious to find Don't beg, and asked Don't beg to find a way to help.

Although the king of Yangshan doesn't know the details of not begging, the person who can negotiate terms with the Wa Huangshi and let the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor give out the Kunwu sword is not an ordinary person, is it? Now the king of Yangshan is worried about the safety of Ji Yi and Xiong Jun. As long as they are safe, the king of Yangshan will not hesitate to beg for help.

Just as the knowledge of not begging was shrouded over the Pangu mainland, Ji Ao was drinking in the lobby of the city guard to relieve her worries.

The Jing Dynasty army did not attack the city, which was originally a good thing. However, Lake City has cut off contact with the outside world, which is a very bad sign. With the power of Dayu, all kinds of summons are interrupted together, which proves that the enemy's strength has suppressed the power of Liangzhu's direction in all aspects, otherwise such a thing will never happen. This proves that the top masters of Dayu can't break through the enemy's blockade and penetrate into Lake City. What a terrible person can do this?

At least Ji Ao knew that the six holy emperors were now sitting in Liangzhu, and the six holy emperors were all at the peak of the Taoist realm. They could not enter the Mianhu City to pass the news. Famen Ken'an sent out stronger or more Taoist masters than them.

He picked up the glass and took a sip. Ji Ao was upset and threw the cup on the ground heavily, and walked out of the lobby with her hands behind her back. Standing on the steps outside the lobby, Ji Ao looked at the dark cloudy sky, sighed heavily, and walked back to the lobby with her hands behind her back. She grabbed the wine jar with a long sigh and poured a big mouthful of liquor.

The Buddha's plan is to have a bear army! This army is not only powerful in number, but more importantly, it is a symbol of Dayu. Before the two huge turbulences in Liangzhu, the bear army was the royal forbidden army of Dayu. Once the bear army is subdued by Buddhism, it can be imagined how much impact it will have on Dayu. Maybe it is like a mountain defeat. Dayu was completely destroyed by Jingchao.

Ji Mastajda strode into the lobby. He hugged Ji Tun with a gloomy face and said, "Your Majesty, the situation is not good."

After Ji Ao sat upright on the wine case, he looked at Ji Masttyp coldly and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Ji Mastmath gritted his teeth and said, "Today, the child took people to catch seven bald donkeys in the city. They are confusing the crowd in the city. The child tortured them severely, but no matter how they did, they could not damage their bodies at all.

The corners of Ji Yao's eyes moved for a moment. He meditated for a moment and was about to order the captured monks to be shown to the public. Ji Hu and his three younger brothers also quickly came in. Ji Hu shouted breathlessly, "Father, the child's sergeant, the car army is unstable. Some people spread rumors in the camp that Dayu lost his virtue and Jing Chao was the emperor. A month ago, such rumors in the children's camp were only a legend of three or five people, and they had been beheaded by the children, but now almost all the soldiers in the camp are saying this, dare to ask the father what to do?

As soon as Ji Tun heard Ji Hu's words, he was so angry that he smashed the wine cup directly on Ji Hu's forehead. He shouted angrily, "Shut, the army is unstable. If you are not in the army, why are you here?"

He gritted his teeth and made a fierce attack. Ji Tun knew that the killer of Buddhism was coming. Miaohu City has been cut off from the outside world for a month, and it is almost time to use any means of Buddhism. There are rumors like this in the bear barracks, which shows that things are not good.

It was dark, and dozens of huge candles with thin arms were lit in the lobby. The beads were shining, and the figure was beating violently on the wall of the lobby.

Ji Tun looked at the four sons coldly and asked coldly, "Why don't you suppress the army's heart in the army, but come here instead?"

Ji Hu and the other four people looked at each other and suddenly knelt to the ground at the same time.

Ji Bao said in a low voice, "Father, the general trend is difficult. The contact between Liangzhu and Mihu City has been interrupted for a month, which shows that there is nothing Liangzhu can do. Please, my father..."

Ji Mastiff shook his body and stopped in front of Ji Tun. He looked at Ji Hu, who was kneeling on the ground and shouted fiercely, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ji Hu looked up at Ji Mastaj who sneered coldly and said, "Let's discuss with our father. What right do you wild man have to talk here?"

Stand up and ignore the Ji Mastistrate in front of him. Ji Hu said coldly, "Father, Buddhism must subdue the bear army. The soldiers of the Xiong army are all one-yuan Pangutian's cultivation. Although the magic power is weak, the magic power is amazing. As long as they give up the human skills to change the Buddha's magic power, they will be an invincible army composed of golden bodhisattvas in three or five years.

"You guys!" Ji Ao stared at Ji Hu and gritted his teeth and shouted, "Are you the bald donkeys of Buddhism, or did you subjugate Buddhism the day after tomorrow?"

Ji Hu and Ji Bao laughed at the same time.

Ji Hu said in a low voice, "Since the prince asked like this, the little monk and Buddhist monk Jingyi is polite."

Ji Yu smiled and said, "The little monk, Buddhist monk Jingyuan is."

Ji Yan and Ji Lang also laughed. They stepped forward and stood next to Ji Hu and Ji Bao, and suddenly took action at the same time.

Two light cyan single-edged friend axes roared out, and Ji Hu and Ji Bao all focused on Ji Mastaba. They were caught off their heads by an axe. Ji Jackal and Ji Lang sneered, and a spiritual charm flew out of their hands, smashing the heads of Ji Hu and Ji Bao into a smash.

Candlelight axe shadow, Ji Ao's four sons killed each other, and two died in the blink of an eye.

Ji Ao and Ji Mastiff were stunned at the same time.