Steal the sky

Chapter 1046 King Kong Wheel

* 300,000 miles east of the lake city, the nine world lords of Buddhism sat on the lotus platform and sat in the void according to the direction of the nine palaces. After them, there are thirty-six ancient blue-green Buddhas and thirty-six golden Buddhas. Beside the ancient Buddha and the Buddha, thousands of Bodhisattvas showed their golden bodies and sat on the lotus platform, and there were countless arhats, Vajra, Heavenly King of Heaven, Jiedi and other sacred Buddhist sects.

All the Buddhas can't pinch the diamond seal and recite the King Kong mantra silently. A golden light wheel with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles in the sky surrounds them. Above the huge light wheel, one wears a lotus leaf skirt at his waist and sits in the sky with the golden light shining all over his upper body. This diamond is about 100,000 miles high, and the whole body emits infinite light to shine on the void. Wherever the bright light shines, time and space are frozen, all the aura in the void is frozen, and all tangible and invisible existences are imprisoned.

Large groups of birds are so stiff that they can't move in mid-air. Countless beasts are stiff in the mountains and forests, and so are all kinds of fish, shrimps, crabs and loach in the water. The flowers and trees are motionless, and the pale cyan wind can be seen between the leaves and leaves.

Except for those Buddha's moving lips, everything in this void is completely frozen.

Yingzheng held the Qin Emperor's sword and slashed crazily at the void of this side tens of thousands of miles away. Every time he waved, a magnificent black dragon-shaped roared out. The uncast sword roared, and once it fell into this void, it suddenly shattered, and it collapsed out of thin air without any signs. It was like a piece of tofu crashed into a steel city at a very high speed, and there was no residue left.

Yan Dan and five other holy emperors stood on a cloud platform with countless masters of Yu, looking at the King Kong wheel array in front of them with their eyes. This array does not have any attack power, and the only effect is absolute defense.

Take the meaning of the Buddha's King Kong, and combine the nine worlds, thirty-six ancient Buddhas, thirty-six Buddhas, countless Bodhisattvas and other Buddhists. In addition, the huge mind of the countless believers in the Buddha country are condensed into one, and the secret method of the Buddha's is transformed into the The defense of this large array can even resist the powerful attack of the Taoist realm. Once the large array is successfully arranged, almost no one in the world can break it.

Especially in front of us, this array uses a Hongmeng treasure. King Kong Muni, for the eye of the array, has more than doubled the defense of the large array. Unless more than four people can join hands to attack with all their strength, no one can break this array.

Winning Zheng is venting the anger in his heart crazily, but no matter how he attacks the big array, he doesn't move at all. Below the nine world honored ones, countless powerful people in Buddhism coldly watched the crazy attack of winning the government, with a trace of unfathomable ridicule at the corners of their mouths.

This is the foundation of Buddhism, and this is the real strength of Buddhism. Just win the government, even if you are the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, even if you have the strength to break the peak of the Taoist realm, you are just a mortal. As a mortal, can you fight against God and Buddha? All the great powers of Buddhism, including those low-strength King Kong and Arhats, are condescending and overlooking the mortals who win the government. What right do you have to fight against the gods and Buddhas?

With a roar, a tyrannical priest roared and sacrificed his Tongtian pagoda. The 100-mile-high Tongtian pagoda rotated rapidly and crashed into the King Kong wheel array with a thick gloomy wind ghost fire. With a roar, the Tongtian Tower was blown to pieces, and the seven orifices of the Tongtian High Priest spewed out sticky black juice at the same time. He sat weakly on the cloud platform.

Tongtian Tower friends flew out, but it didn't even hit the body of the King Kong wheel array.

Yan Dan and Qu Pingping looked at this perverted array with great popularity but nothing they could do.

I don't know what has become in Mianhu City, but they are blocked here and can't move. Moreover, Buddhism also has the power to use the magic of inverting the void. No matter who wants to approach Mianhu City from the outside world, they will be sent directly to this large array by the upside-down and chaotic space. They have sent hundreds of reinforcements to take a detour to Mianhu City, but as a result, they have returned to

"There is a bear army, it's in danger." Wei Wuji muttered gloomily. He put his hands behind his back, clenched his fists tightly, and his joints made a click, crisp sound. He said in a dark voice, "After this catastrophe," the human race... Destroy the Buddha.

Several holy emperors, including Qu Ping, who had the best temper, nodded with gloomy faces. After this disaster, if the king's successful calculation of the human race can control its own fortune, it will completely destroy Buddhism and Taoism.

But the first task now is to break the King Kong wheel array and rescue the city. God knows what's going on in Lake City now. Has Ji Ao been killed by a traitor in the bear army? Or is there a bear army that has fallen into the hands of Buddhism? In Yandan's heart, they would rather destroy the bear army in person than let him fall into the hands of Buddhism.

If a large number of strong Xiongjun falls into the hands of Buddhism, it will have an extremely strong impact on the heart of the army and the people. It's better to destroy the bear army, and it's better to say that they fight against Buddhism and destroy the whole army." It's absolutely impossible for them to throw their whole army to Buddhism.

"In another three days, if you can't break through this array, then... Destroy millions of miles around Lake City and let all the bald donkeys in that range be martyred for the bear army. Slowly lifting his hands, Yan Dan gritted his teeth and sneered, "They shouldn't have come to Pangu Continent. When you come, you have to prepare for death.

He raised his sword and quickly put away the Qin Emperor's sword and flew back to Yuntai. He snorted coldly, "It's time to do it now. Kill all the creatures within millions of miles around Mami Lake City. Or, all the creatures in the territory of the Jing Dynasty are wiped out at the same time, even if some more people are killed and injured, hehe. Isn't the most powerful function of the human race to have a baby?

The five holy emperors glanced at Yingzheng, and their eyes flashed at the same time.

Tian Wenyin said in a voice, "If you really want to use that method, just wait for the Buddha and Taoist sect to come to the head. If Buddha and Taoist ancestors can come to Pangu Continent... It's impossible to erase them, but even they are suppressed!"

The holy emperors were fierce here, suddenly spinning around the void, and a nine-tailed black scorpion with a tooth and claw about a hundred feet long appeared awkwardly near the cloud platform. Don't fall on the back of this huge strange-shaped black scorpion, cursing and greeting. Bald donkey, and so on. Yan Dan and others were stunned, and then suddenly became happy.

Fumen has laid an inverted void array around Mianhu City, which will not stop the invasion of divine consciousness, so don't beg to easily see what is happening in Mianhu City. He happened to see Ji'ao's two sons cutting off the heads of his two brothers with an axe, and his heart was burning like a fire. He hurriedly used his magic to rush to the vicinity of Lake City.

With the strength of Don't beg for a half-step, he exhausted 90% of his mana in his body in an instant, and almost teleported from the edge of the Pangu world to a million miles above the city. After swallowing a few elixirs to restore his mana, he drove Jiuwei and rushed to Mianhu City. As a result, in a hurry, he failed to find the existence of the upside-down void array. He had just approached Mianhu City for less than 300,000 miles, and it was dark around him. When he woke up, he had

Shaking his head, Don't beg and get up from the back of Jiuwei in a little embarrassment.

Jiuwei, who had just been confused in his mind, roared angrily. It opened its eyes wide and roared at the King Kong wheel, and the enchanting evil roared away. As a result, it hit the large array and bounced back. One oops, tens of thousands of Yu elites on the cloud platform rolled their eyes and fell down, and their souls were rolled out of their bodies by the roar.

The high priests of Tongtian brought by Yan Dan and others were so scared that they screamed strangely. They hurriedly used the secret method to beat the tens of thousands of elite souls back into their bodies, poured secret medicine into their mouths, and hurriedly reintegrated their souls and bodies, which avoided a great loss for no reason.

Yan Dan shouted harshly, "Don't beg! What are you doing?"

Don't begled his head and frowned at Yan Dan. He stamped his feet to signal Jiuwei to calm down, and then flew to the cloud platform to salute the six holy emperors one by one. There is no choice. Princess Bule asked Don't beg to marry 90,000 women in the six kingdoms. All the six holy emperors are his father-in-law. No matter how high their cultivation is in the future, they can only lower their posture when they see these six.

I quickly exchanged a few words. Don't beg to understand what happened here, and I couldn't help but feel entangled.

King Kong wheel array, this is almost a cheating array. Among the many arrays of Buddhism, the King Kong wheel array uses the most manpower, and the power of the array is also the most monotonous. When the existence of the nine people at the peak of the Taoist realm is a single-minded defense, it is really a headache.

Even if he doesn't beg to get the map of the King Kong rotation array from the Butcher Buddha, there is no good way for him to take this array.

It can even be said that the King Kong wheel array is a rare and flawless array in the Pangu world. He doesn't have any skills or changes. All the forces in the array are gathered for defense. They are simple and pure, so they are difficult to deal with.

Especially at present, there are Hongmeng treasures such as King Kong Muni in this array to suppress the array, which makes the array more impeccable.

Don't beg for a gloomy face and tell the six holy emperors what they saw, and the six people's faces became more and more ugly. Although I don't know what's wrong with Ji Ao's son, now two heads have been cut off. Will the next head be Ji Ao's head?

"Damn bald!" Yingzheng's eyes turned into terrible blood. He smiled grie and said, "Do it directly, even if the death and injury are serious, kill this group of bald donkeys!" Hey, hey, hey!"

The palm of the hand is turned over, and the palm of the winning government has an extra fist-sized black jewel o

A breath that exudes a feast, making Don't beg's heart twitch and sweats all over, like a jewel in front of death.

Don't beg for a hard look at Yingzheng. He instinctively realized that this jewel has the power to create the power of the Taoist realm.

What the hell is this?