Steal the sky

Chapter 1071 Fallen the Devil's Body

Chapter 1071 Fall of the Devil's Body

In the vast outer void, a chariot decorated with golden Kowloons and colorful auspicious clouds is flying rapidly. Six heavenly emperors and Wu Chang sat on this chariot. Their speed was comparable to flowing light, which was a distance of trillion miles in an instant. Looking behind them, the huge thirty-three days were just a small inconspicuous light spot in the vast starry sky.

This Kowloon car is the car of Ziwei Lingying the Emperor of Heaven. It should have been driven by a real dragon. But since the 'Ao Bu Zun's riding chaos', the riding of the heavenly immortals and the animal power of pulling the cart have been running out, and the great emperor of heaven can't get together with the dragons pulling the cart - you can't get a few big snakes to pull the car, can you? Is it the Great Heavenly Emperor or the demon king sitting on the chariot?

Therefore, at this moment, the six great emperors simply move forward with an empty car. Anyway, this chariot is also a rare chaotic spiritual treasure, which is the best in the heavenly court with flying speed. Even if Daluo Jinxian tries his best to fly through the road, he can't catch up with this chariot. It is really a first

The flying speed of this chariot is extremely fast, but when it comes to the chaotic creature that has just broken its shell, it is the little witch who saw the big witch, and there is really nothing to boast about. The nine-tailed four big pliers can tear the void, and the nine long tails stretched straight behind him. The deep black light shot out of the nine long-tailed sharp hooks, pushing his huge body forward to break through the air, which was more than twice as fast as the chariot.

As a predator who occupies the top of the biological chain in the chaotic world, if Jiuwei doesn't even have this speed, how can he prey on those chaotic creatures?

A large area of saliva was sprayed in the void, and the nine-tailed music chased forward reluctantly. Don't beg just now and finally opened his mouth. If you capture the six great emperors alive, when Don't beg squeeze the last bit of oil and water on them, the souls of the six emperors will be handed over to Qixia to devour them, and their bodies and all their mana cultivation are all Jiuwei and Ao Buzun. As for how much delicious food Jiuwei can grab from Ao Buzun's mouth, it depends on his own ability. Don't beg is absolutely not involved in their affairs.

If you don't beg, there are a lot of pits left in it, but the food is in sight, and the energy of Jiuwei's rushing forward is also extremely abundant. The group followed the six great emperors of heaven and Wu Chang, and gradually arrived at a desolate star field in the outer void.

Halfway, Princess Le brought the cattle, the emperor of the Holy Spirit and the golden horn, the silver horn, the golden feather and the silver feather to come to reinforce and don't beg. Among these people, the lowest cultivation is also the cultivation of the Mingdao realm. In addition, they are equipped with more than a dozen newly refined merit and virtues The opponent of the Heavenly Emperor. Coupled with the strength of Don't begging, Princess Pangle, Qixia, Ao Buzun and the five people with nine tails, Wu Chang and his party can never get rid of their hands.

Jiuwei didn't know that there were several more people competing for delicious food with him. He galloped forward with all his strength and proudly chased the people in front of him and rushed into this vast barren star field.

The so-called desolation does not mean that there are no stars in this star domain. On the contrary, the density of the stars in the void is extremely high. Basically, the distance between the stars only barely maintains a gravitational safety balance. A slight movement of a star may destroy the balance of this star and trigger the stars. A violent collision between them.

Everyone shuttled between these very close stars, and all the stars along the way were dead. The god's knowledge of beggars swept through these stars and found that no matter what kind of stars they are, there is no heat inside them, as if something strange has devoured all the vitality and vitality of these stars. On some stars, you can still see huge bones piled up into hills. It can be seen that this used to be a place where life flourished. I just don't know what happened and it became what it is now.

The more you go to the core of this star domain, the stars around you become more dense. In the end, the stars are only tens of feet away from each other. The huge gravity between the stars tore the stars, pull out huge peaks, and connect the stars into one. The huge gravitational interaction on the stars, and the great traction has made these stars change into all kinds of strange shapes. Don't beg always feel that this is like a post-modern sculpture made of mud after a psychopath is drunk, with an indescribable evil spirit and madness.

The originally spacious void turned into a narrow corridor, and flew forward along the corridor staggered by the peaks between the stars for a few days. Finally, the front suddenly opened up, revealing a dark void. There are about thousands of thousands of miles here. Except for the permeated black air, there is nothing else in the void, not even any dust.

A burning heat that made people's skin painful rolled in the air. Begging's face changed slightly, and King Kong Muni shook his hand to protect the group of people. Jiuwei twisted his long tail with a little uneasiness, and his idea was clearly introduced into the sea of knowledge of not begging - there was delicious food in front, very delicious food.

Following the six great emperors of heaven and Wu Chang, the group penetrated the thick layer of black gas emitting scorching heat, and a huge humanoid corpse in the void in front of them was quietly suspended. The man's body is dark, and there is no skin on the surface of his body, but a thick layer of cuticle like an insect shell. The dark and shiny cuticle is covered with countless defensive runes. Obviously, this layer of natural crustacea has beyond the level of defense.

The body is roughly in human form, but his toes are extremely long like insect feet, and his palms also show some kind of worm-specific wrist and foot shape. His head is also like a huge cow's head. In addition, the body structure is not much different from that of the human body.

Don't beg to recognize it at a glance. This is the body of a chaotic demon god that is transforming from the original insect form to the human form. The body of the chaotic demon god should be a huge Tianniu, 90% of which is about to turn into a human form, but it completely fell before the last step was completed. There was a huge crack on his head, which almost split his head in half. The crack went straight through his inner part. Some crystal-like crystal-bright things were piled up near the wound, which should be condensed by the blood of the demon god.

The strange heat spread from this huge body with a length of millions of miles. With such a huge body, only the chaotic demon god can have such a huge body. Moreover, although the chaotic demon god has fallen and the soul has been killed, the body still maintains a certain activity. Most of the blood in his body is still circulating, and the body tissue is still working normally. If he is given enough time, he should be able to give birth to a strong creature in this half of his body.

"What a pity, what a pity!" Don't beg for a long sigh. He and Ao Bu-esteem exchanged a win-eye, and he sighed sadly. Both of them were born as chaotic demons, and they were the kind of people who would live the rest of their lives after the disaster, and if they had the help of the Wa Emperor, they would have died long been scattered, but they couldn't even keep a corpse. Although the demon god in front of him is dead, most of his body is still active, which is also an existence in another sense.

What makes Don't beg and Ao Buzun more happy is that such a large corpse of a demon god, not to mention anything else, if the thick black shell on his body is removed and refined, it is a top armor that is not weaker than Hongmeng's treasure. Those who still have active flesh and blood on his body. If it is used to feed the children raised by Ao Buzun these years, it will definitely increase the strength of Ao Buzun's children.

"Good stuff!" Don't beg for the pretentious eleventh ceremony: "You can't let it go. When we take away the useful things on him, we will definitely ask a few monks to make a land and water dojo for him. Well, Zixuan, you write it down. When it's over, spend some money to invite a few obedient monks to recite the scriptures.

Ao Bvun Jie laughed strangely. He was about to say that don't beg for such a behavior was a little too hypocritical. The seven witches in the compartment had left the chariot and flew towards the body of the demon god. This demon god's body is a million miles long, and the widest place is more than 200,000 miles, which is much larger than some stars in the void. If he can grow crops on his body, I'm afraid he can let tens of billions of ordinary people live on it.

Don't beg for God's consciousness to cover the body of the demon god. As he expected, the surface of the demon god's body has a thick atmosphere, and the temperature is extremely high enough to make people live comfortably on it. There is endless vitality in the body of the demon god. In some specific depressions on the surface of the body, some people have planted a large number of crops shaped like mushrooms. The nutrition of these crops is very good, at least they contain more nutrients than common rice.

In the place where Don't Beg for God's mind, there are dozens of man in ragged clothes up to ten feet away standing quietly on a raised shell. They exude burning heat all over their bodies. The heat has a strong corrosive force and is full of violent evil forces. Their breath rub against each other in the air, making a terrible 'squeak' noise from time to time.

The skills practiced by these dozens of people are roughly similar to those of Dayu's human skills, but they are plausible. The breath in their bodies is as deep as the sea, faintly revealing a breath that is several times stronger than the Hongmeng Pangu Tianjing warriors of Dayu. They were covered with thick dust, as if they had been standing there for thousands of years.

Don't beg, you can't help but change your face. There are dozens of strong warriors equivalent to Taiyi Jinxian here alone. If they are the so-called immortal army, they also have immortal characteristics like Wu Chang, and this force is very terrible.

More than a thousand miles away from these hundreds of strong men, there is a city with a radius of more than 100 miles built by boulders, and there are actually hundreds of thousands of ordinary people living in the city. This city obviously retains the characteristics of a slave society. Only a small number of people in the city enjoy the worship of the other ninety-nine people. Those lower-class people are allowed to be driven by the upper-class people at will, but no one dares to express any dissatisfaction.

Wu Chang smiled and turned into a black streamer and fell to the city. The huge face on his chest couldn't wait to spit out a dark fist-sized seal of a strange beast's head.

Don't beg for a chill in his eyes. His body shook and arrived at Wu Chang's side in an instant. A phantom was raised in his hand, and the seal had reached his hand. RO