Steal the sky

Chapter 1072 Eight Thousand Undead

As soon as you buy the seal, don't beg to know that it is a good thing. The whole body is cold, and the seal outside the fist weighs hundreds of thousands of catties. If it's wrong, don't beg and can't catch it for a while. Especially the cold air, even the current physique, was so frozen that the palms and meridians were a little inactive. If it were other immortals, I'm afraid that the immortal body would have been frozen into pieces long ago.

In particular, as soon as the seal was bought, there was a sharp and unpleasant ghost crying and wolf howling straight to the sea of knowledge, which shocked the soul of the god who did not be begled. The sea of knowledge seemed to set off a hurricane, and the soul of the god who did not beggar almost flew in the sea of knowledge. Don't beg hurriedly pinched a seal and hit the thirteen seals on the seal, which barely restrained the violent anti-eating force in the seal.

A strange treasure, and it is a strange treasure that has been sacrificed with heart and soul, so as soon as you get to the seal in your hand, you will immediately go crazy and attack and don't beg. The seal became heavier and heavier, and the coldness became stronger and stronger. It was so cold that the palms of the hands were blue and black. The ghost roar that could shake the soul was shaken by the thirteen seals of Buqi. Buqi's body trembled violently and was almost shocked to show its true shape.

Gritting his teeth, Don't beg for his body and return to the back of Jiuwei. Princess Le's eyes widened, and the five-color divine light behind her turned into a gorgeous light curtain like five peacocks. In the blink of an eye, she waved tens of thousands of times on the seal, and countless ancient divine texts gushed out like raindrops, forming a 36 heavy forbidden light curtain on the surface of the seal. Don't beg for a long time to praise the Buddha's name. The supreme Buddha's secret method of the Buddha's cultivation "Dolomith and Many Heart Sutra" came from the Great Venerable. His soul released infinite Buddha's light, and a viscous solution of color like melted purple gold flowed from the soul, condensing into Seselli.

Simulate the Dolomith Heart Sutra with the secret method of stealing the scriptures. Don't beg for the supreme life of Buddhism in an instant. The huge fluctuation of consciousness is like a huge wave roaring out, turning into a golden torrent visible to the naked eye spewing out of his eyes, mixed with the indestructible Yuanling It's like the seal of a devil.

The huge divine consciousness wrapped the Yuanling Zhenyan into the core of the seal, turned into a six-headed and twenty-four-armed Buddha's golden body and roared at the core of the seal.

The evil spirit is as good as Wu Chang. It's just that Wu Chang's body has a huge face on his chest with three heads and six arms, but the evil spirit has two heads and twelve arms, and there is a ferocious ghost face on the front and back of his chest. The evil spirit spewed a fishy black smoke and soared up, and stretched out twelve sharp claws to dig down the golden body of the Buddha, which was transformed into a beggar.

Just when the witch often saw the huge body of the demon god, he immediately rushed out of the car and rushed down to the dozens of ragged soldiers on the body of the demon god. He proudly took out the seal, which was the only treasure that could control this immortal army.

This seal, known as the "Ten Thousand Ghost Seal", is a unique treasure refined by a world-renowned powerful priest during the period of the Human Tribal Alliance. The high priest has an unpredictable opportunity for ghosts and gods. It is said that he practiced ghost mystery with a human body, and in just over 10,000 years, he can almost rely on the skills of ghosts and gods to reach the wonderful realm of Taoism.

It's just that all the spiritual thistles of heaven and earth are jealous of this. The gods and ghosts in heaven and earth join hands. There are hundreds of millions of evil spirits living on the ground and devouring the human race. The high priest devoured the most powerful million evil spirits with himself as a cage, detonated his own ghost fire with himself as material, and refined millions of evil spirits together with his body into the treasure of ten thousand ghost seals.

This treasure is known as the ten thousand ghost seals, which has a very strong use for all spirits in heaven and earth. No matter how strong you are, as long as you belong to the ghosts, such as the leader of the ghost world on that day, if he encounters the ten thousand ghost seals, he will definitely be easily killed by the ten thousand ghost Other immortal souls, such as immortals, all kinds of yuanshen, soul, soul, yuan spirit, etc., once they are encountered by the ten thousand ghost seals, they will also be smashed by the ten thousand ghost seals.

In addition to the powerful and domineering attack power, the ten thousand ghost seal also has the power to imprison the soul and order the ten thousand ghosts. The immortal army secretly cultivated by Wu Chang comes from the major tribes of the human race. They are the most elite warriors of those tribes. Many of them are also the children of tribal leaders or tribal leaders. These people are the handsome men of the human race. Which one will easily obey people's orders?

So the souls of all the undead army are imprisoned in the ten thousand ghost seals, and only their bodies are walking outside. Anyone with the Ten Thousand Ghost Seal can order the undead army and leave the Ten Thousand Ghost Seal." Even Wu Chang can't order the undead army to do anything.

But Wu Chang had just taken out the ten thousand ghost seals. He only felt that the dark shadow in front of him flashed and his hand was light. The ten thousand ghost seal that exuded the harsh evil power disappeared without a trace? And less than a thousand feet of Wu Chang are the dozens of ragged soldiers standing on the ground. Now they are slowly raising their heads, staring at Wu Chang with indifferent eyes like puppets.

Wu Chang was so scared that his hair stood up all over his body. He roared, "Emperor of Heaven, did you steal my ten thousand ghost seals? You bastard, are all the conditions you promised fart? My ten thousand ghost seal, ten thousand ghost seal! Damn, it's not you." Who stole it? There are no outsiders here. Who stole it?

Wu Chang, who was so angry, "wow, howled. I don't know where he pulled out six double-edged big axes to cover his face and hit the Ziwei Lingying Emperor of Heaven. This axe witch often uses the strength to eat milk. "The big axe shines with lightning and thunder, and there is black smoke and evil gas attached to the axe."

The axe blade is twisted and blurred, and the pungent fishy smell spreads far away. Each axe is attached to 49,000 curses, and there are evil poisons hidden in it. Xia carries the mysterious power of moving the distant soul.

Ziweiling's eyes flashed in response to the Emperor of Heaven, and his eyebrows spewed out a bright light like water. A mirror that darkly matched the orientation of the twelve stars of the zodiac was suspended in front of him, resisting Wu Chang's crazy chopping.

Just now he saw that Wu Chang took out a seal, and before he could figure out what the seal was, he only saw that there seemed to be a slight brilliance around Wu Chang, and the seal in Wu Chang's hand disappeared without a trace.

When Wu Chang roared so loudly, the six heavenly emperors suddenly woke up. This seal was the artifact of Wu Chang's control of the strange heroes below. Maybe as long as he had this seal, he could control those so-called immortal soldiers? If so, it's enough to have those undead armies. What else do they want to do?

The six heavenly emperors quickly exchanged a look. The Nandou Emperor sacrificed a red bell and soared into the air. The ninety-nine rosefinch flew on the bell, and the divine fire burned half of the sky red, and the terrible high-temperature flame swept down." It turned into 99 fire dragon pillars and made Wu Chang Wrap it inside.

The Emperor of Nandou shouted harshly, "Wu Chang, don't mess with weirdos. What on earth is your seal? How could he suddenly disappear?"

Wu Chang snorted coldly, and he did not answer the question of Nandou Emperor. He just gritted his teeth with red eyes and kept chopping. The arc-shaped cold light is like thunder tearing the void, tearing a fierce fire dragon pillar to pieces. Countless splashing flames fell on Wu Chang's body, burning his body to squeak, and his muscles and bones were burned to ashes. But from the black ashes, new flesh and blood are constantly born. The witch's body has returned to its original state.

The six heavenly emperors were shocked. The red bell of the Nandou Emperor is a famous treasure in the heavenly court. It contains the innate rosefinch god fire, and almost everything in the world can be burned out. If you reach the hands of the power to break the Taoist realm, it can even turn time and space into nothing. But this rosefinch god fire seems to be useless to Wu Chang. Although it can burn part of his [limbs] body, his [limbs] body can continue to be reborn. Is this really immortal? He is not the power of the Taoist realm. He should not have such a magical ability.

Don't beggar who witnessed all this can't help laughing softly. This witch is often so powerful that it can be seen that his so-called immortal army is not a vain thing. If those undead armies have the vitality of Wu Chang, there will be an extra powerful and terrible military force in the hands of those who get the ten thousand ghost seals.

At the core of the ten thousand ghost seals, don't beg for the golden body of the Buddha to recite the truth. A wave of flame-like Buddha light swept in all directions, burning the skin of the evil spirits coming to his face. The strong black smoke kept gushing out from the evil spirit [body], and the figure of the evil

Wu Chang roared in pain, and he shouted angrily, "Who is breaking the imprint of my heart in the seal of all ghosts? Which bastard is breaking the imprint of my heart? The haunted seal is mine, it's mine! You can't, you can't take my things!"

Before the voice fell, don't beg for a word of truth. The evil spirits in the seal of ten thousand ghosts have suddenly turned into thick smoke and drifted away.

Speaking of the power of the soul, how can the begging soul of the Doromy multi-heart sutra be more than a million times stronger than the witch? Over the years, witches have often been imprisoned in the secret land of heaven, and their vitality has been greatly damaged. The soul has not recovered as before. The evil spirits in the ten thousand ghost seals are just a wisp of his split. How can they be an attack without begging? Not to mention Wu Chang, the Buddha's distracted spirit has been killed by Beggar!

Kill the imprint of Wu Chang's mind, don't beg for the eyebrows to crack, a little purple blood mixed with a wisp of soul [excited] and printed into the seal of ten thousand ghosts.

"Wow, a ghost roar sounded" The huge fluctuation of mind roared into the sea of begging knowledge, and his soul suddenly became one with the whole 8,000 souls that were crazily cursing and roaring. These souls are like being in hell, crazily cursing the owners of all ghost seals. At the same time, they are cursing everything in heaven and earth that they can think of. These souls are completely crazy, and there is no reason anymore.

But through these crazy souls, the soul of "Don't begging" can connect the existence of 8,000 people.

Through these souls imprisoned in the ten thousand ghost seals, don't beg to see the 8,000 bodies connected at the other end of the ten thousand ghost seals, which shine like the sun and emit a huge breath.

, "That's great!" Don't beg your heart to move slightly.

Thousands of figures suddenly rose to the sky from the huge body of the demon god. These shadows only moved slightly and tore the void with physical strength, surrounding the six great emperors of heaven and witches.

The Nandou Emperor, who was driving Shenzhong and Wu Chang to hold each other, was stunned. A figure suddenly flashed behind him and punched his back. Only a burst sounded." Nandou Emperor's protective fairy clothes were smashed, and a large area of white huāhu's skin was exposed behind him. A deep three-inch fist seal was deeply imprinted in the back of Nandou Emperor. This punch almost penetrated the Taiyi's golden body of Nandou Emperor.

A mouthful of blood mixed with visceral fragments spewed hundreds of feet away, and the Nandou Emperor hurriedly summoned the divine clock to protect his body.

Wu Chang stopped attacking and saw the soldiers of the undead army attacking the Nandou Emperor. He knew that it would never be the six heavenly emperors who robbed the ten thousand ghost seals.

Don't beg, he smiled, and he nodded and whispered, "Is it 30%? Then, just capture them alive!"

Ten thousand ghost seals suddenly flashed a deep black light, and the soldiers of the 8,000 immortal army moved at the same time.