Steal the sky

Chapter 1088 Liu Bang's card

Late at night, the lights were brightly lit in the imperial palace of Chang'an City, and hundreds of female military officers gathered in the hall. Liu Bang was dispatching troops to do the poor soldiers. Some clumsy superiors are willing to help and arrange a training place that accelerates tens of thousands of times the time for the soldiers of Wu to use. Liu Bang has ordered that the conscription ratio of Wu should be increased to the unprecedented level of ten Ding in Pangu mainland.

In short, the land of Pangu Continent is fertile. If the old, weak, sick and disabled sprinkle some seeds on the land at will, there will be enough grain to produce, and no matter how many soldiers can afford it. Dayu's previous conscription ratio was maintained at the level of Wanding to draw a soldier, because Dayu did not have the need for a large-scale war. In fact, with the products of Pangu mainland, even if Liu Bang draws an army, it will not affect the national strength of Wu.

The newly trained soldiers are in a mixed formation with the previous soldiers of Dawu, and are constantly going to the frontiers of Wu Yu and Xinwu. The border area with Dayu is okay. For the time being, Dawu only focuses on defense, but on the border with Xinwu, both sides hoard heavy troops, and there is a guy who plans to completely beat the other party down.

Liu Bang, dressed in a black dragon robe, sat on the throne at the end of the hall. Lv Buwei, dressed in gorgeous clothes, stood beside him and meticulously arranged a military and political task. It is said that Lv Buwei is worthy of being the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty in those years. With such a big Wu, he did all aspects of things by himself, but he took care of them in an orderly manner. Even the clumsy Shangren and Gui Guzi and Mo Zhai sitting on the other side of Liu Bang were amazed.

Just outside Chang'an City, Don't beg to catch the Prince of the Dragon from the refining tripod and feed him to Jiuwei as food. Anyway, the dragon prince is also a figure of the Buddha's cultivation. He is full of blood. The nine tails eat happily, and the dragon prince eats clean in a few bites.

devoured the prince of the earthworm dragon, and the shell on the nine-tailed body became brighter and brighter. He swung his tail excitedly, and the four huge pliers were grinding on the body of the begging. He wanted to feed the Nandou Emperor in the refining tripod to him.

Don't beg to pat Jiuwei's head and scolded him softly. When Jiuwei was quiet, don't beg, then sat on his back. One scorpion hid in the faint dark clouds and floated all the way to Chang'an City. Without alarming anyone, Don't beg and Jiuwei sneaked into the palace of Dawu and quietly hid in Liu Bang's bedroom.

Liu Bang was busy until midnight when he returned to the bedroom surrounded by a group of maids and eunuchs. As soon as he entered the bedroom, Liu Bang noticed the faint evil spirit emanating from Jiuwei.

He was silent for a while, clapped his hands gently, drove out all the maids and eunuchs around him, and closed the door of the bedroom with his own hands. After plucking up a fire fold in person, Liu Bangmo silently lit hundreds of candles made of dumpling oil on dozens of huge candlesticks in the bedroom and suddenly filled the bedroom with a faint fragrance.

Don't beg to sit on the throne that originally belonged to Liu Bang in the bedroom. Jiuwei lay beside him. The nine-tailed, who was several feet long, grinned fiercely at Liu Bang, and couldn't wait to rush up and eat Liu Bang fiercely.

Liu Bang dropped the fire fold and laughed softly: "This kind of behavior of Taoist friends is really close to a villain."

Don't beg for the second nose and legs, take out the crown of the golden dragon mother Buddha and play with it in your hand. He looked at Liu Bang with a smile and said, "1 man? How can Your Majesty describe me with this word?

Who dares to call himself a villain in front of Your Majesty?

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time, but there was no smile in the laughter of Don't Beg or Liu Bang. It was dry as if the sugar cane powder had been pressed by the juicer a hundred times.

The two of them looked up to the sky and smiled for a cup of tea. Only then did Liu Bang suddenly stop laughing, and his fanatical eyes stared at the Buddha crown on Beg's hand.

Shaking the golden Buddha crown, don't beg lightly and ask, "Do you want it?"

Liu Bang swallowed it. He nodded vigorously and said, "I want it!"

Don't beg to put the Buddha's light in your sleeve, and said more and more coldly, "I won't give it to you!"

Liu Bang was so angry that his hair stood up fiercely. He took a sudden step forward, and the nine purple-gold human emperor's gas turned into the shape of a dragon. Behind him carried a huge pressure on his face, just like a hurricane hovering around him. Dozens of strange black stars flashed in Liu Bang's eyes. Don't beg, the space around him about ten feet is blocked by a gloomy and deep force. Don't beg is sinking all over, and the muscles and meridians are numb. It seems that some kind of toxin is constantly invading his body.

This kind of toxin is strange. With the ability of begging, you can only barely control it. If you want to devour and absorb it, you have to wait for the begging not to completely decompose and analyze it before it is possible. However, this poisonous, fierce, extremely violent, but gloomy and obscure, like a poisonous snake hiding in the grass unconsciously gives people a fatal blow. It is difficult to grasp the way the poison spreads in your own body.

Looking at Liu Bang in surprise, Don't beg shook his head and praised, "I didn't expect that Liu Bang, the weakest Han king in the nine big splits, actually had this?"

Liu Bang was stunned. He subconsciously asked, "How do you know that I have nine splits?" But as soon as he said this, Liu Bang roared angrily: "Don't talk less nonsense. Don't beg children. How dare you tease me? Did you forget the agreement with me?

The heavy pressure suppresses the body of Don't beg. With the ability of Don't beg, you feel heavy on your body, and your actions are blocked. Jiuwei scratched his claws on the ground uneasily. Several pieces of his smooth back shell became pitted. The invisible poison was corroding his shell. In several places, his shell had been corroded and penetrated, and the toxicity was invading his muscles, making him feel an indescribable sharp pain.

Just don't beg and didn't open his mouth. Jiuwei endured the pain and did not attack Liu Bang. But Jiuwei's self-control is passing rapidly. When he can't stand the pain, he will definitely launch a fatal blow to Liu Bang with all his strength.

Don't beg to press one hand on the nine-tailed head. Hongmeng purple gas keeps entering the nine-tailed body to help him suppress the pain caused by the strange toxicity to his body. He shook his head at Liu Bang with a smile and said, "Your Majesty's words are not true. Don't beg for help but dare not make a deal with your majesty."

Liu Bang was slightly stunned, and the evil power around him loosened slightly. He shouted coldly, "What's wrong with me?"

Don't beg for it and say indifferently, "Your Majesty, have you heard the name of the seven oars?"

Liu Bang was stunned. He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "How dare he do this, the bastard of Emperor Ziyun?"

Is Liu Bang, who is wearing a purple dragon robe, called Ziyun Emperor? Don't beg for a smile. The candidate for the Taoist emperor in front of him, and there is also an immortal emperor of the kingdom of immortality. Now there is another Ziyun Emperor. It seems that Liu Bang's nine splits are very interested in being an emperor!

After a few strange smiles, Don't beg and shake your head and say, "It has nothing to do with the Ziyun Emperor. It's the seven oars who are ordered to block the outside of the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain, in order to seize this fixed soul bead." Now Don't beg is a typical lie with his eyes open. He said to Liu Bang with a smile, "However, the cultivation of the mysterious seven lords is a little lacking. The seven evil obstacles were captured alive by me. They could not be tortured and spit out everything that Emperor Ziyun told them."

With a shake of his hand, a clear light rushed out from the top of his head. A purple-black dark cloud loomed in the clear light, and you could see the miserable green eyes and golden claws looming in the dark clouds. Don't beg for a move. The clear light gushed out and inhaled this group of purple clouds into the [body]. He smiled and said with a gloomy Liu Bang, "Now your majesty believes what Don't beg?"

Liu Bang's face was gloomy and cold. The Lord sat on a soft couch beside him. He gritted his teeth and looked at Don't begging and shouted in a low voice, "It's not enough to fail. It's a bastard. Emperor Ziyun is really abominable. The group of demons under his command.

. " After a while, the dark evil light in Liu Bang's congested eyes gradually dissipated, and the evil forces around him slowly dissipated. He said faintly, "So..."

Don't beg the leader said, "So, if Biping has a soul bead, he can take the soul between the nine splits,

The soul connection was completely cut off. At that time, His Majesty and the other eight splits will be nine independent individuals,

Your Majesty's oath can no longer restrain them. If they have a murderous heart for me and the people around me, hey hey, isn't the oath made by your majesty a bullshit?

After a click of his mouth, Liu Bang nodded thoughtfully and said, "Actually, I want to fix the soul beads, but in fact, I don't want to cut off the connection between us."

Don't beg, with a trace of aggressiveness, immediately asked, "What's the use of your majesty's soul beads?" Is it possible that your majesty also intends to reintegrate the nine splits with the help of the soul beads? Hey hey, if that's the case, that's..."

Liu Bang's eyes flashed. He looked at Don't beg and said angrily, "Don't beg. If you say too much, it will only cause you trouble."

Don't beg to laugh wildly. He crossed his legs, patted the big head of the nine tails one after another, and said with a smile, "Well, what cards does your majesty have that can be revealed. Well, tomorrow I will give the Nandou Emperor to Daomen for free, and then I will smash the soul beads to pieces. After that, I will find a ravine to hide. You, Liu Bang, have great ability. How can you stand me?

Liu Bang stared at Begging for a long time. His body suddenly moved like a water wave, and strange black gas tore open his skin and gradually emerged from behind him. Before long, there was a thick black gas behind Liu Bang, and countless black gas with thick thumbswayed around the black gas, like a mutant octopus.

The strange breath made Begging change his color. He looked at the black air and whispered, "What is this?"

Liu Bang said indifferently, "This is my card. Hand over the soul beads, I won't embarrass you. Liu Bang's indifferent eyes were full of deep fear. Obviously, he was unwilling to tear his face up with Don't beg.

Don't beg coldly looked at the black gas. The sudden nine tailsed wildly and rose up to spread the black gas with all his strength.

Nine long tails tore the air with a cold air, and the nine tails attacked the black gas with all their strength.


The upstairs neighbor decorated, and the electric drill made the pig's head helpless!