Steal the sky

Chapter 1089 Master Liu Bang

Nine tails drooled on the huge shadow behind Liu Bang, as if he had met an incompassionate enemy. Don't beg was surprised at where such a big resentment came from Jiuwei. The shadow with countless tentacles smiled sadly. He only felt that his internal organs were cold, and Jiuwei had been blown back with a sharp howling.

Poor nine tails, all the pliers and tails were corroded, leaving only a square body rolling on the ground. Don't beg for great shame, what is the origin of the nine tails? The newborn chaotic demon god, and the high-ranking predator among the chaotic demon god, is born with an amazingly fierce combat power. In front of this shadow, the nine tails are actually vulnerable?

Press one palm on the back armor of the nine tails, and the rolling purple gas is crazily injected into the nine tails [body]. Nine tails howled angrily, and his mouth kept spewing out black venom. He was quickly reborn under the nourishment of Hongmeng purple gas. He just devoured the dragon prince, and the huge essence had not been digested. Now he just reborn his new [limbs] body with the blood of the dragon prince.

Looking coldly at the strange shadow behind Liu Bang, don't beg to take Jiuwei and turn around and leave.

This shadow makes Don't Beg feel very bad. The sense of threat is extremely strong but extremely erratic, just like an old enemy who had a murder in his previous life, which made countless messy pictures flash in Don't Begging's mind in an instant. But don't be sure that whether it is the old man Yuanling in his previous life or his reincarnation in the world after being robbed, he has never seen this shadow.

Those fragmentary pictures and messy memories are more like the old man Yuanling brought from his previous life.

Don't beg for a burst of confusion in your mind, just escape to Liu Bang's bedroom by instinct. He vaguely guessed that the so-called chaotic demons were just the powerful existence of the destroyed holy world. After their death, their spirit was projected in the chaotic world, condensing enough chaotic gas and then re-pregnant. In this way, should there be memories before the destruction of those capable people in the Holy World in the mother body of the chaotic demon god?

In this way, it can explain the way of those bits and pieces that suddenly appear in your mind!

He turned into a streamer and rushed out of Liu Bang's bedroom in an instant, but Liu Bang laughed and said, "Master, you can't let him escape!" Such cultivation is just a good tonic for the master. The shadow behind Liu Bang made a gloomy laughter with Liu Bang's roar. A huge shadow flew to Don't beg, and countless tentacles moved crazily and wrapped around Don't beg.

Don't beg for the body to flash continuously, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed out of the territory of Dawu and came to the territory of Xinwu. But the shadow has also caught up behind Don't begging, and countless tentacles have covered the sky. Dozens of tentacles have been put on Don't beg. The poison in Don't beg has not been controlled, and more poison gas has poured into the [body] like the Yangtze River. Don't beg for his skin, black hair, green and too much poison gas spewed out of his pores like a fountain, and all the grass and trees everywhere he passed rotted into mud.

The sudden nine tails made a miserable cry. Don't beg to look down in a hurry, and his heart suddenly tightened. I don't know when the three tentacles have pierced Jiuwei's body and are frantically absorbing the blood of Jiuwei. The flesh and blood in the nine-tailed shell are shrinking rapidly, and more than 30% of the body fluids full of powerful aura have been sucked away.

Don't be shocked. The blood sword box sacrificed out of the rolling blood waves, and countless sword lights cut down at the three tentacles. Then the lid of the blood sword box suddenly closed, "with a click, three tentacles were cut off by the lid of the box. The huge shadow smiled more and more gloomily, and the three cut tentacles shook in the wind, and each tentacle was reborn with three new tentacles, which were densely grabbed by Don't begging and Jiuwei.

Don't beg to shake his head. He spewed out a mouthful of blood, pulled the nine tails and suddenly turned into a blood light and flew forward for millions of miles. In the blink of an eye, he reached the sky over the New Wudu City. He shouted sharply, "Liu Bang, the emperor of the Great Wu, colluded with demons to plot against Liu Bang's eight big splits in the world. All Taoist friends must be careful and never fall into his calculation!"

This roar did not beg for all its strength. All the divine consciousness was abandoned and spread in all directions in this roar. The huge sound wave spread all over the Pangu continent, and even the many powers in the Great Spirit Eagle Mountain, the Daoyuan Palace and the Wa Palace were clearly heard.

This is to do it all the time. If you, Liu Bang, want to do things in the dark, don't beg and won't give you this opportunity. Anyway, I have torn my face and started to do it, so why do I keep it a secret for you? Naturally, it is necessary to expose all your [true] true face as soon as possible.

Don't spit out a mouthful of blood just now, fly forward with blood, and barely get rid of the pursuit of that shadow. But his roar had just rolled over a cloud after him. Among the clouds, the Taoist who thought he was wearing a water cloud robe and holding a huā hoe huā basket to decorate Yunyou Yushi was chasing him quickly. The Yunyou Yushi laughed and said, "Don't beg the thief not to plant piles indiscriminately. Obviously, you entered your majesty's palace at night and plotted bad things but splashed sewage on your majesty. It's simply unreasonable."

With a hoe in his hand, a colorful cloud smoke came to his face. Don't beg [body]. The internal poison gas burst into attack, and he had a sharp pain all over his body, and he almost fell to the ground. Don't beg to take a deep breath. The breath of the emperor hidden in the depths of his body rolled up, and the golden light shone on the internal organs. Don't beg for a burst of penetration. The damage caused by the poison to him was weakened by more than 70% out of thin air.

He secretly praised the wonderfulness of the emperor, and he was surprised by the means of the shadow.

Just now, it was a tentacle monster like an octopus chasing himself, and now it has become a fairy Taoist bone. This monster has a very profound means.

Don't wait to come up with a coping strategy. A roar rose to the sky in the new Wudu City. The Great Yi venerable rode a giant black tiger with only the Jindan period from nowhere, and rushed out of the city with a golden diamond pestle. He shouted sharply, "How dare the evil spirits come to the Buddha's territory to make trouble? Touch your head and see if you are still alive!"

With a roar, the Great Venerable B hit the top of Don't beg's head. Don't beg, he shouted very cooperatively and was hit firmly on the forehead by the Venerable King Kong pestle. He spewed out a mouthful of blood, grabbed the nine tails and fell into the city, and then fell into the dark corner of the city in the blink of an eye. Don't beg, the voice came from all over the city: "Big B bald donkey, I'm kind and kind to wait for the warning. You actually fell into the well and seriously injured me. This matter will definitely not give up with you."

The great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great- He laughed loudly and said, "Are you willing to give up? Buddha never knows what it means to give up! The cow's nose, you don't know where the Buddha is stationed in tin. Except for submissing to the Buddha's door, is it not allowed to have a cow's nose for hundreds of millions of miles?

With a roar, the Great B policeman smashed the man with a pestle on his head.

The man laughed a few times gloomily, and he did not speak, but casually raised the hoe to meet the Vajra pestle of the Great B. Only a loud noise was heard, and the hoe exploded into countless sparks scattered in the air. The King Kong pestle shattered the Taoist's right arm and beat it into a vague shadow floating in the air. With the momentum of thunder, the King Kong pestle continued to smash the man, abruptly smashing the man's whole body into a ball of rotten meat and spewed out.

But all the rotten meat turned into drops of black dry liquid in the blink of an eye, and also fell into the dark corner of the city.

The venerable of Dayi sneered. He shook his head and said, "Hold your head and tail, what a bastard?"

With a big hand on the bare head, a white light on the top of the head of the Great B rushed up a hundred miles high, and a seven-story relic Buddha's light treasure roared up, and the colorful light shone on the void, and suddenly it was as bright as day in a radius of thousands of miles. Wherever the colorful light passes, it shines thousands of miles deep on the ground, and the rock layers and sandstones that are thousands of miles deep become like crystals, and any foreign objects in it can be seen in the colorful light.

I saw countless black dry liquid condensing together in the depths of the ground. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a small Buddha's sami in a moon-white monk's robe, with a round head shaved and a faint Buddha's light shining all over his body.

Don't beggars hiding under the eaves. Looking at this incredible scene, I couldn't help but be stunned. The King Kong pestle of the Great B Venerable just now made great efforts, and at least he used 70% of his strength to kill this strange shadow? How could he slip to the ground and then become a little monk who exudes pure Buddhist power?

"It's really a demon!" The Great Venerable shouted in a fuss: "Hey, everyone in the world has listened. Liu Bang, the emperor of Wu, and the evil are in the same group! Hahaha, the good emperor of Taoism!"

Before Master Da Yi's words fell, Liu Bang's soft shout came from the distance: "It's ridiculous! Is it possible that there are some thieves shouting to catch thieves in Buddhism? Don't beg, how many benefits have you received from Buddhism and join hands with them to wrong me?

With a few cold snorted, Liu Bangqing scolded, "The Buddhist thief is bald and treacherous, and he is a person who has no faith in words. I am ashamed to coexist with you and others in the world. Passing on my will, send the army of the country to fight against the new Wu, and all the immortals should fight with all their strength to determine the luck of our human race.

Don't beg, you can't help but praise him. Liu Bang is really extremely thick-skinned, and he actually pushed the boat to launch a war against Xin Wu?

Hey, that's true. Just now, don't beg and shout that Liu Bang colluded with the evil. There is no real evidence. Who will believe this? Even if the little sami under the ground is condensing, he doesn't say that he is Liu Bang's master, and he has been parasitizing in Liu Bang's [body]. Who will believe these things? Liu Bang'er is the emperor's choice appointed by Daozu. Is it possible that Daozu will look away?

Thinking of this, there is a chill in Don't beg's heart. If this guy has been parasitating on Liu Bang, what kind of existence is it that can let Daozu see it?