Steal the sky

Chapter 1120 Searching for the Holy Palace

Outside the chaos, in the nebula, Don't beg for a group of people standing on the back of the nine tails, looking at this magnificent and unusual starry sky with a smile. The planet where the Worry-free Sky is located has gone far away with the tide of stardust, and the planet is full of huge mushrooms. Moreover, after these giant mushrooms have been begging for a while, the barely formed intelligence has been branded by begging, and have become the best gatekeeper in the heaven.

Who would have thought that outside this chaos, in this boundless nebula, there is such a small worry-free sky hidden?

"Go back and find the ancient holy palace!" Don't beg for a wave of your hand, and laughed proudly and said, "Our boat is rooted here. Even if the Pangu world is beaten into scum, it has nothing to do with us. This time I went to the Ancient Holy Palace to eat delicious food and drink spicy food, or shrink my head to make a turtle. It depends on the luck of this time.

After being busy for a long time, the worry-free world has finally been completely mastered by Begging. Ordinary human beings, the dragon people, the heavenly ghost clan, and the dragon clan brought by Ao Buzun, all occupy a fertile and vast territory in the worry-free heaven. Stealing the sky has become the only fairy gate of Wuyoutian Realm. Those demons who recite poems and rectify some piano, chess, calligraphy and painting all day long have also become disciples of Stealing the sky.

A crane cloak made of a wide white crane feather, dressed in a blue Taoist robe, stood in front of Don't beg begging, and said, "I just go. I'm sure I will host it, and I won't make a mistake."

This old man is a split body that has been re-differentiated in addition to the Venerable of the Great B and the clumsy superior. Don't beg to call him a worry-free resident. Since then, everything in the worry-free heaven will be taken care of by him. The Taoist practice of a worry-free scholar is the same as that of not begging, but his mana cultivation is a mess. His mana is probably comparable to that of the nine-grade Taiyi golden fairy who first entered the Ming Dynasty, and belongs to the weakest class among the top powers.

But Daoxing is there, and there are no natural and man-made disasters in the worry-free world. Give Wu Xinshi enough time, and his mana is enough to slowly cultivate. There are countless white rat spirits in Wuyoutian. In those years, they really harmed too many ancient powers, but now they are all cheaper.

Don't beg to leave a sopupon to sit in the worry-free heaven, and naturally there will be no worries. But he wants to go to the chaotic world to do all kinds of dangerous things, and he can't give him too much mana. It is equivalent to a nine-grade Taiyi mana, which is enough to deal with all kinds of things in the worry-free heaven. After all, where is the Taoist line at the peak of the Taoist realm, even if it only has the mana of Jiupin Taiyi, it is enough to easily erase the existence of any Ming Taoist realm.

patted Wuyoujushi's shoulder hard, didn't beg for a roar, and stepped heavily on the back armor of the nine tails. These days, the nine-tailed music of eating and drinking happily in the worry-free territory turned into a streamer of light and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wuyoujushi deeply bowed his head in the direction of not begging away, and then straightened up, squinted his eyes and said in a low voice, "Preaching my decree. From today on, all the holy demons in the worry-free world will practice behind closed doors. Don't waste a little time and try your best to improve Every year, I preach to teach the supreme avenue. Those who are the most advanced in mana in a year can get all kinds of rewards.

The respectful first bow of several disciples who stood beside the Wuyou Jushi, and disappeared into the star dust as the Wuyou Jushi turned into the spiritual light. The planet where Wuyoutianjing is located has been washed away by the stardust. If Wuyoujushi doesn't catch up quickly, I'm afraid it will cost him a lot of money to find Wuyoutianjing.

Don't beg the group to return the same way. Through the natural array of five black death stars, the group returned to chaos. He was not in a hurry to return to the world of Pangu, and then continued to travel to the chaos with a group of people. The Great Yi and the clumsy master have always maintained mental contact with him. The Pangu world is now in chaos into a pot of porridge, and the Daoyuan Palace has been demolished. The nine Taoist ancestors are chasing the world with bright swords all over the world. He is not in the mood to join in the fun now.

told Princess Pule and others what happened in the world of Pangu, and everyone laughed in unison. They all gloated at the robbed of Buddhism and Taoism. In particular, Qixia laughed and sighed repeatedly that she was not in the Pangu world, otherwise she must be divided up and down with those thousands of broken worlds to see if they are powerful or her, the ancestor of the invisible demons in the outer world.

Speaking and laughing all the way, the group of people has already entered an extremely remote place in the chaos.

In the past, the place where Pangu was created was the place where chaotic demon gods often haunted, including several demon gods markets that were familiar to the old man Yuanling in his previous life. In other words, Pangu opened up a world in the settlement of the chaotic demon god, which led to the fact that after the opening of the Pangu world, chaotic demon gods often went in and out of the Pangu world.

But the place where Don't beg and others enter now is the remoteness of the chaotic world. There is no production here, and there are no creatures in ancient times, and no chaotic demon god is willing to come here to wander around. There is only a violent chaotic atmosphere here, and only all kinds of chaotic stars with extremely poor stability have countless strange and dangerous places.

Along the way, Buqi and others have encountered at least more than 30 chaotic galaxies that are forming in chaos, but I don't know how many disasters these have brewed, and the galaxies that are about to condense are immediately blown up in the air by the chaotic aura of the outside world. These chaotic stars, which are often trillions of miles in diameter, tens of thousands of times and millions of times larger than the stars in the Pangu world, are powerful enough to sweep across a chaotic void of millions of times the diameter of a star.

Don't beg. They have encountered more than 30 such explosive chaotic galaxies all the way. The terrible explosion wave is countless times more horrible than the most powerful thunder magic power of Don't beg and others. Every time Don't beg, a group of people are tosssed to death. The few people with the lowest cultivation are wrong to be .

"It's dangerous, it's so fucking dangerous!"

While gasping, Ao Buzun grinned and smeared a bottle of powder to disinfect the wound on his chest. A faint black flame was attached to the bloody wound, and the sticky flame was like melting glass, burning quietly on Ao Buzun's muscles. There was a strange smell of barbecue around. Golden horns, silver horns and clams drooled, constantly ** their noses, and greedily looking at the obviously cooked pieces of dragon meat on Ao Buzun's chest.

Just a group of people dangerously avoided a big explosion of stars. The terrible shock wave blew them far away, and the sky was spinning, and even the begging was blown up so dark that they couldn't figure out where they were. At this time, a small meteorite the size of a thumb roared at an extremely terrible speed, and coincidentally hit Ao Buzun's chest.

Fortunately, Ao Buzun's instinct to avoid danger far exceeded his reaction speed. Three layers of black dragon scales immediately appeared on his chest, and he hit the flying little meteorite. The consequence was what everyone saw in front of him. The dragon scales half a foot thick on Ao Buzun's chest were smashed, the muscles on his chest were sunken with a pit the size of a washbasin, and the muscles were blown to pieces. The small meteorite was also blown to pieces, but the strange black flame in the meteorite Strong smell of barbecue.

It's wrong to know that Ao Bu Zun's cultivation is far better than his own. I'm afraid that the clams had already rushed up and ate at least three or four catties of ripe dragon meat on Ao Bizun's chest.

He gave a fierce look at the bad-looking mackerel and was drooling desperately. Ao Bu-respect took out a dagger and cut off the cooked dragon meat in his chest. He gritted his teeth and howled up to the sky. Then he opened his mouth and swallowed the whole barbecue.

While chewing the flesh and blood on his body, Ao Bu-Zun smiled and said with an ugly look on the opposite side, "I didn't expect my meat to be so sweet!" Ouch, what the hell is this thing? Why does it hurt me so much?"

Don't beg to collect the debris left by a few crushed meteorites from Ao Buzun's chest. After careful inspection, he nodded and smiled, "So this thing? Do you remember the ups and downs in those years? The spiritual tongue green sparrow god married the black bat demon. As a result, in front of everyone, the spiritual tongue green sparrow god's head was suddenly broken, and half of his body was burned to ashes by the black flame?

Don't beg said that Chaos Demon God Feng was a famous unsolved case in those years. The Green Sparrow God, who was famous for his beauty and singing, married the black bat demon. As a result, the Green Sparrow God was beaten to death on the spot by an attack from nowhere in full view of the public. The black bat demon is also the famous overlord of the chaotic demon god. Seeing that the beauty was in his hand, he suddenly became a dead beauty. He took his men to pursue the murderer all over the world. As a result, it triggered a huge bloody storm in the chaotic demon god, and at least tens of thousands of chaotic demon gods fell as a result.

But today, it seems that it was not some plotting chaotic demon god that killed the Blue Sparrow God that day, but this sudden small meteorite.

I didn't see the trajectory of the little meteorite just now. The speed of this thing is at least hundreds of times faster than the fastest light.

If this thing is man-made, then that person's cultivation has reached an unimaginable level.

If this thing is born, then how dangerous and desperate can it breed such a terrible thing?

With the defensive power of Ao Bu Zun's dragon scales, the triple dragon scales have been smashed with one blow, and this attack power is almost comparable to the current full strike.

This time, everyone came to look for the ancient holy palace, but every begging only barely retained a little impression of the ancient holy palace in those years. After all, he secretly followed the seven Buddhas and nine paths to the ancient holy palace in his previous life. The specific way of walking was forgotten.

Just look for it all the way. Now there are such weird gadgets. Don't be very interested in its source.

Although it is a little risky to play in the chaotic world, don't beg for a greeting. Everyone followed him in the direction of the little meteorite.

After flying forward with all his strength for seven days and seven nights, a wonder suddenly appeared in front of him.