Steal the sky

Chapter 1121 Chaos Relics

The messy chaotic airflow is split a strange twisted gap here. The spiral-like black gap is no more than ten thousand miles wide, but I don't know how long it is. From the direction of everyone's head, it is winding and twisting all the way down. There is no top or bottom in this gap, and it is crooked beyond the limit of the divine insight of not begging.

When everyone saw this gap, they instinctively released their consciousness to explore his edge. But soon everyone's face changed. The clam and the Holy Spirit are closer to the physical cultivation of immortals. Their divine consciousness is not very strong, and it's okay if they can't find the edge of this gap, but Don't beg and Qixia can't figure out how long the gap is, which is very scary.

Nowadays, the god of begging can easily cover the whole Pangu world, but he can't figure out how long this dark gap is here. Don't beg and Qixia's faces were a little blue, and they shook their heads at the same time. In the chaos, all kinds of strange natural dangers are endless, and this is obviously one of the wonders.

In this slowly rotating spiral black gap, some broken bricks and tiles are slowly floating. There are exquisite cyan bricks of human head-sized people, and magnificent stone columns that are several feet long and hundreds of feet away, and some exquisite metal components are mixed in it. Those metal components have been cast into the images of exquisite birds, insects, fish and various humanoid creatures. Each one is shining brightly, the soft light shines around, and the violent chaotic airflow cannot get close to these broken bricks and metal components.

Obviously, there used to be a magnificent building here, but I don't know who or what force destroyed him, leaving behind these broken bricks and tiles. In this way, these dilapidated building wrecks are following the trajectory of some kind of power, sinking down, but a strange force is full of these wreckages, so they have opened up such a magnificent spiral gap in the chaotic airflow.

Countless wrecks rotated slowly and sank slowly along a certain constant trajectory. On everyone's head, there are countless debris floating in the black gap that I don't know how high it is: at the feet of everyone, countless debris are also floating in the gap that I don't know how deep it is.

, "What is this?" Ao Buzun subconsciously asked. He reached out and grabbed the wreckage in the distance, and a golden ** statue with a tall body was caught in the distance. His hands naturally stroked the towering chest of the exquisite ** statue. Ao Buzun grabbed two handfuls very obscenely. "Ji Jie, he smiled and said, "Hey hey, it's still warm, hey, a little soft and elastic!"

As Ao Bul-zun spoke, his face became extremely strange. Begging and others, who stood beside him, stood up all over and looked at the ** statue one by one.

It looks like a metal statue, but in fact it exudes a very faint breath of life. This ** statue with an extremely beautiful dance shape seems to be transformed into a metal statue with great magic power!

But the magic power of the magician is really terrible. This ** statue actually maintains a certain breath of life. Although it is metal, with a little flesh and blood attribute, her life is not over, but she is banned in this statue.

Don't subconsciously reach out and touch the statue's arm a few times. As Ao Buzun said, the statue's tentacles are warm and have its own flexible elasticity, as if it is really touching the flesh and blood of a stunning woman, not like a metal statue. But with the exploration of the inside and outside of the divine consciousness, this statue is a metal pimple, but her internal organs, meridians and blood vessels are no different from ordinary living people.

Even her blood vessels have a slow flow of sticky and heavy liquid like mercury, and there are even extremely subtle mental fluctuations near her brain.

"It's amazing, an incredible means!" Don't beg to look at the statue and shake your head in a dary.

Ao Bu Zun swallowed it. He stared at the statue with bad intentions and muttered in a low voice, "If you turn the flesh and blood into metal, you can do it with some evil spells. But it can still maintain the elasticity and breath of life of the skin. What a magical power is this?

shook his head, and Ao Buzun put the statue into his condensed Xiaoqian world." He asked Begging with a smile, "Lord, do you think this girl can still have a baby? Is the child she and I gave birth to flesh and blood or metal? Tut, her physical strength is very scary. Just now, I tried my best to rub her chest, but I couldn't leave any trace. If it was the crystallization of love between me and her, I could have such a strong body... Tut-tt"

Hold a metal statue and hum very hard there?

Don't beg for a few cold sweats on your forehead. Everyone subconsciously retreated a few steps and cautiously stayed away from Ao Buzun. Only this ** dragon can do this kind of thing, right? He doesn't even let go of metal statues in the world? Although this is a living metal statue, the plot is so weird that even if you just imagine it in your head, it's creepy.

He laughed dryly a few times. Don't beg to leave Ao Buchun and don't bother to pay attention to him. His divine consciousness quickly swept around. Fortunately, although there are still several such statues in the distance and near, either they are missing their arms and legs and have no breath of life, or they are male statues. A

shook his head, don't beg to point to the top of the finger, the group of people immediately flew up, followed the countless debris that slowly fell from the top of the head, and quickly flew up. Don't beg. He constantly used his magic to help everyone speed up the speed of his journey. After flying up for more than a month, a mass of light finally appeared in front of him, and a grand building that was slowly disintegrating in the light.

This area is extremely large, tall and gorgeous, and the style is similar to the temple buildings of the Acropolis known to Beggai. The length and width of such a huge building are tens of thousands of miles, and I don't know how many heavy palaces and pavilions there are. Just look at the remaining remains of the wreckage, and look at the exquisite huā wains carved on the stairs and stone pillars, you can know the luxury scene of the day of this building...,

But such a grand building is slowly disintegrating like sugar sank into hot water, slowly disintegrating from all directions. The collapse of these buildings is very slow. Don't beg to figure it out. For about a year, buildings with a width of a foot can be turned into fragments.

From this point of view, the original scale of this building is larger, but with the passage of time, its area is shrinking, and I don't know how long it has existed here, or how big its original area is. But Don't beg has a bold guess. Maybe this magnificent temple is built by the powerful creatures of the Holy Realm. After the destruction of the Holy Realm, this building is stranded in chaos.

The holy world was destroyed, and then countless chaotic demons were bred in the chaos, and then Pangu opened the world, which passed countless disasters. This relic slowly dispersed in the chaos. Don't beg them to come here by mistake. I'm afraid that even if someone is lucky enough to come here many years later, they will never see this brilliant ancient building again.

sighed, sighed for those once extremely powerful creatures in the Holy World, and for the once extremely glorious civilization in the Holy World. Don't beg to look at the ruins of this temple, which is about thousands of miles long and wide, and there are countless well-preserved. He carefully sacrificed the refining tripod and sacrificed a clear light. This relic shrouded the past.

The clear light sprinkled by the Tianding is still hundreds of thousands of miles away from the ruins, and a dim light hundreds of times thinner than the fine yarn flashes in the void. Don't beg. He just saw a few twisted runes flashing faintly in the thin light. He shouted "It's terrible" and saw the clear light suddenly rolled back and hit the Liantian tripod fiercely.

If the clear light that you don't beg to withdraw from is a stream, then the back clear light has turned into a vast ocean. The boundless clear light roared and hit the Liantianding. Don't beg, but felt that the internal organs suddenly twitched, as if the innate five elements of vitality in the internal organs had to be squeezed clean. A large area of colorful blood in his seven orifices spewed out wildly, and his soul was in severe pain all over his

Dozens of cracks have appeared on the Tianding. Don't beg to look at those cracks and want to die.

In the previous life, the old man of Yuanling relied on the Tianding to create his reputation as a master of chaotic demon god alchemy and alchemy, but now the Tianding is almost completely destroyed by the light of reverse devouring. Don't beg to take back the refining tripod in the [body], and feel the wailing of the refining tripod. Don't beg to cry without tears. Stealing chickens can't eat rice. If you want to raise it completely, God knows how much time it will take. Don't begging for too much effort.

Princess Le and Qi Mei exclaimed and rushed to Bu Begging in panic. At the same time, they pressed their two small hands on the heart of Don't Begging, and kept losing their huge energy to Bu Begging.

Silent luck and stealing the heart method cooperated with Princess Le and Qixia to relieve the severe pain in the [body]. Don't stand up with your teeth and stare at the ruins and sneer a few times. He whispered, "If I'm not careful, I've suffered a big loss. After all, it may be a relic left by the Holy Realm. I'm really careless and arrogant. Well, let's stay here for a longer time and be careful to see if we can find some benefits from here.

Seeing that Don't beg, just trying to collect this relic was hit hard, and Ao Bujiun and others have also become extremely cautious. They looked at the huge ruins in front of them warily, as if they had seen some wild beast.

Everyone knows that this relic is countless times more powerful than a wild beast.

But this is also a well-trained responsibility. If such a relic that has been disintegrazed for countless years cannot be conquered, what do you mean to go to the well-preserved holy land ruins of the ancient holy palace?

After taking a long breath, Don't beg to catch Wu Chang from the Liantianding and threw him at the site.

Wu Chang roared angrily and couldn't help but fly to the ruins.