Steal the sky

Chapter 1126 Infinite power

Zhang Ye crossed the second puppet and galloped forward all the way. When he walked more than 900 feet, Zhang Ye heard a loud sound from a distance. This louder sound was louder than the sound Zhang Ye made when he hit the puppet just now. The terrible sound waves passed, even the clouds under the path. The fog was tossed by the impact.

"Huh? What a terrible strength!" Zhang Ye's heart moved slightly, and he looked very far. He saw that on another path hundreds of feet away, Situ Houtu was dressed in gray and was flying away. Standing in front of him was a puppet with gray light all over his body.

Seeing Situ Houtu, Zhang Ye was overjoyed.

The strength of Situ Houtu is unfathomable, and his body is even more magical. After passing through the nest of strange ants, Zhang Ye chased all the way and wanted to follow his boss, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not see the shadow of Situ Houtu. Unexpectedly, this Situ thick soil was actually stopped by the third puppet on the path.

When Zhang Ye saw Situ Houtu, Situ Houtu also saw Zhang Ye.

The loud noise made by Zhang Ye's fight with the puppet just now surprised Situ Houtu secretly. He had to catch up with Lan Haohan, who was famous for his strength. Unexpectedly, the one who broke into the third puppet with him was the unknown Zhang Ye.

Situ Houtu took a deep look at Zhang Ye and said to himself, "In this real hall test, I thought I could undoubtedly win the first place. Unexpectedly, this unknown young man passed through the strange ant nest and two puppets and quickly rushed up. I have to pass this puppet quickly, otherwise I will probably be led by him!"

Zhang Ye also took a deep look at Situ Houtu and said in his heart, "This Situ Houtu is known as a genius once in a hundred years, and his strength is extremely strong. Now that I've arrived here this time, I want to see how powerful this genius is. I have to quickly pass this third puppet, ahead of Situ Houtu, and lead all the way to the end!"

The two of them looked at each other slightly and moved away. Although they only met for a short moment, both sides saw the strong fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

Zhang Ye's body swept forward dozens of feet quickly, and what appeared in front of him was a gray puppet.

Looking at the puppet, Zhang Ye immediately became dignified. This gray-looking puppet is three points taller than the first two, and its weight is probably no less than 100,000 catties.

On the body of this puppet, wearing a dizzy and broken armor, on this dizzy armor, Zhang Ye clearly felt a rotten smell that would only appear after thousands of years. It seemed that anything that was related to it would be decayed immediately.

In addition to the smell of decay, there is another smell on the puppet.


A faint smell of death.

"With this smell of death, this puppet has definitely killed a lot of people." Zhang Ye gasped in his heart and said, "No wonder such a terrible puppet can't even break through Situ Houtu for a while."

Thinking of this, Zhang Ye remembered the loud noise that Yue just heard, and said, "This Situ Houtu is also powerful enough. The power of this puppet man is so powerful that he can fight hard without any damage. This kind of strength is really surprising. I also need to test this puppet quickly, otherwise it is likely to be taken by Situ Houtu first."

Thinking in his heart, Shuye slightly adjusted the breath in the [body]. Zhang Ye pulled out a heavy knife and suddenly took a step.

Zhang Ye's body was still fifteen feet away, and the gray puppet immediately reacted. One of its huge arms suddenly moved, and a thick spear with the mouth of the bowl appeared in its hand in an instant.

This spear is all black, and there are faint traces of impact everywhere on it, which are ancient and vicissitudes of life.

As soon as the spear came to the puppet's hand, it waved out.

The puppet's swing is extremely simple and simple, and the speed does not seem to be fast. But at the moment when the spear was about to wave, the murderous spirit surged for dozens of feet, and a huge crisis suddenly surged into Zhang Ye's heart. He didn't have time to think about it. The heavy knife in his hand suddenly turned into a black light and suddenly cut forward.


Zhang Ye felt that the heavy knife in his hand suddenly cut a terrible force, and the terrible force hit fiercely, like a huge thing, rushing towards Zhang Ye like crazy.

The dragon elephant power in Zhang Ye's [body] suddenly ran, and a faint golden light gushed out from the body and tip of the heavy knife. In the strange sound of metal friction, the heavy knife in Zhang Ye's hand was like a ship going against the current, abruptly cutting the terrible force in half.

Although this terrible force was cut in half in one fell swoop, Zhang Ye was also uncomfortable.

His body was knocked back more than ten feet by this terrible force, and a trace of death with the smell of ancient barbarism suddenly poured into his body.

This kind of breath of death with barbarism was extremely terrible. As soon as he entered the body, Zhang Ye immediately felt the shock of Dantian. He was preparing to run the magic. When he spit out a mouthful of blood to force the breath of death out of the body, the dragon elephant power suddenly operated.

After absorbing the elephant power of the six ancient Ma elephants, the dragon and elephant power obtained by Zhang Ye's cultivation of dragon and elephant skills faintly has a trace of ancient wild atmosphere. As soon as the dragon elephant kung ran like this, it suddenly suppressed the breath of death [town] with the breath of barbarism, and the turbulent qi and blood in Zhang Ye's [body] also quickly regained its calm.


Zhang Ye felt the change in the [body] and couldn't help but be happy. He vaguely felt that although the six ancient elephant forces were refined and fused by himself, they seemed to be particularly interested in the wild atmosphere. Just now, the breath of death with a wild breath was swallowed up by the power of the dragon and elephant in more than a dozen breaths.

, "It seems that there is any wonderful use in the elephant power of these six silks. If I find out the wonderful use of this elephant power, I'm afraid that my dragon elephant skill will soon be promoted to the middle of the fifth level!"

Zhang Ye couldn't help but be secretly happy.

, "Huh?"

Situ Houtu in the distance has been paying attention to Zhang Ye. When he saw Zhang Ye's empty blow from the puppet, he couldn't help showing a smile on the corners of his mouth. The strength of this puppet is far from winning the first and the second. It can destroy a terrible power on its spear, which contains the breath of death and is stained with a trace of trouble.

Although Situ Houtu also received a blow from the puppet just now, after receiving this blow, his [body]'s internal qi and blood were churning, and the breath of death drilled around in his [body]. With his exquisite cultivation, it took a long time to force this breath of death out of the body.

Zhang Ye's cultivation is far inferior to his own. Although he has the skill of refining the body, the skill of refining the body is less effective for this breath of death. Situ Houtu originally thought that after Zhang Ye received a blow from the puppet, he would be traumatized and spit blood. Unexpectedly, after Zhang Ye took the puppet's blow, he just retreated a few feet, and even a small mouthful of blood did not have to vomit.

Seeing Zhang Ye's performance, Situ Houtu's heart sank slightly. His eyes flashed, staring at the puppet more than 20 feet in front of him, and walked over step by step.

Zhang Ye can take over the attack of the puppet man in the air, and his strength is not small. In the face of such an opponent, Situ Houtu can only take a risk to take the lead.

Situ Houtu felt surprised. In the hall thousands of miles away, the four palace masters were quite surprised to see Zhang Ye taking the puppet's blow into the air, as if nothing had happened.

The owner of the second hall said with a little surprise, "This puppet man was a combat puppet specially used for combat thousands of years ago. He was murderous, and even the weapons were stained with death.

Just now, Zhang Ye took its blow and didn't even spit out a mouthful of blood. The boy's body is strong enough.

The other masters nodded slightly.

Others don't know the strength of this puppet dog, but as the owners of the real hall, of course they know it. Thousands of years ago, this puppet was equivalent to the master of the nine peaks of martial arts. After thousands of years, it has been damaged a lot, and the weapons in its hand are no longer as powerful as they were.

But even so, its blow is still more than 150,000 catties.

Such a powerful force, coupled with the breath of death from its long-term killing, the puppet's strength is extremely powerful. Although the volley blow exerted by the puppet just now is not very powerful, it contains the breath of death in its power, but its power is not small. Zhang Ye was able to block the next blow with a heavy knife, and naturally there was no damage, which made several palace masters feel surprised.

After seeing Zhang Ye's performance again, several palace masters have overestimated Zhang Ye's strength as much as possible. But Zhang Ye's performance surprised them again and again.

The Lord of the four halls showed a slight look of [Xing] on his face and said, "Zhang Ye took a blow from the puppet man, and Situ Houtu also received a blow from the puppet man just now. Ha ha, the strength of these two people seems to be very strong. Do you think they can break through the third puppet in two days?

The owner of the second hall shook his head slightly and said, "How is this possible! The third puppet was very popular. It took him three days to find the fault of the puppet man and successfully broke through the barrier. Although Situ Houtu and Zhang Ye have their own means, it is absolutely impossible to break through in two days.

Both the master of the main hall and the master of the third hall nodded slightly. This third puppet is not so easy to break through. Situ Houtu and Zhang Ye were very happy to break through in three days.

Unconsciously, several palace masters have put Zhang Ye and Situ Houtu together and compared them.