Steal the sky

Chapter 1127 Endless Power

Chapter 1127 Endless Power

Don't beg for the test of your strength at this stage has come to an end, and at the same time, other people's crazy practice has suddenly stopped in recent years. In Ao Buzun's words, he was still very happy when he reached the peak of the Taoist realm, just like a person who climbed to the peak after a difficult trek, with endless views around and good scenery. But Don't beg suddenly broke through the level of breaking the road, just like Ao Bu-respecting was standing on the top of a mountain a hundred miles high. When he was proudly enjoying the scenery, a mountain thousands of miles high appeared not far ahead.

Don't beg for a breakthrough that is very shocking, which makes Princess Pule temporarily lose the motivation to continue to practice.

But in the past few years, everyone has also gained great benefits. Don't beg. Now the realm is unclear. Princess Lele, Qixia and Ao Buzun all have the power to break the peak of the road, especially their mana is more than ten thousand times stronger than a few years ago. Nowadays, even in the face of the top gods and masters of Buddhism and Taoism, whether it is the divine passage method or the simple competition of mana, the three of them are absolutely not afraid of them.

What's more, Princess Po Le, each of them has condensed a very strong magic weapon, which has gone beyond the scope of Hongmeng's treasure in the ordinary sense. If the power of Buddhism and Taoism dares to make trouble in front of them, it is absolutely self-seeking to die.

As for the Holy Spirit King and the cat cattle, including the weakest rabbit Xiaobai, have broken through to the realm of breaking the road. The Holy Spirit King and the cattle have the ancestral dragon secret skill taught by Ao Bu Zun, which has reached the level of breaking the Tao. The four flying ice fire dragon pythons, with golden horns and silver horns and silver feathers, have the secret power of their own blood, and their cultivation is not under the Holy Spirit King and the cattle. In contrast, Tu Xiaobai and Yuanqing, the two demon fairy disciples who do not beg to stay with them, are the weakest, but they are also extraordinary.

The colorful treasure lotus is really an unbelievable cheat. With this treasure to improve the mana, don't beg the party to get too much benefit.

On the third day after the battle between Buqi and Ao Buzun, after carefully exploring all the corners of the ruins, everyone gathered in the highest and most magnificent hall at the core of the ruins.

Don't beg to wipe it in the void. A light waterfall with a radius of a hundred feet appears out of thin air. The panorama of the ruins is displayed in the light waterfall. Everyone can see His Highness staying in the light waterfall, with a very strong light flashing. Begging's finger clicked on the light, the light suddenly spread, the panorama of the ruins dissipated, and a huge stone room with a radius of hundreds of miles appeared in the light waterfall.

In the past three days, don't use your divine consciousness to explore the internal and external details of the ruins clearly. There is nothing else valuable left in this relic, such as elixirs, wonderful magic weapons and so on. The only thing worth noting is the strange stone room under this hall. All the mysteries of this relic should be in this stone room.

In the middle of the stone chamber is a huge pool, about 40 miles deep. In the huge pond, there is only a shallow layer of water waves that are about ten feet deep, and the water waves shine like diamond dust, which is a bit like the strange and unknown power in the body now. And don't beg to notice that as long as people move their minds to condense something in the ruins, the water waves in the pool will be shallow.

If the condensation is ordinary melons, fruits and other things, the water in the pool will hardly be consumed, but if the condensation is a Hongmeng treasure such as the Tianding, the water wave will obviously fall down. After several attempts, Buqi finally determined that this pool is the key to the magical reason why the whole ruins are so magical.

There is nothing special about the ruins themselves. It's just that the materials used to build the relics have never been seen in the Pangu world. But this rare material is not very valuable, but it is more beautiful and bright, which can well accommodate all kinds of aura. These stones are naturally excellent for building caves and palace pavilions, and there is no other great use.

In the stone chamber under the hall, a large number of pipes made of transparent crystals connect the ruins, and the pipes are covered with various runes. Don't beg tried all over the ruins. He meditated on an item in his heart. When the item condensed smoothly in front of him, a certain number of water waves in the pool would gushed out along the pipe and quickly passed it to Don't beg.

told his discovery to everyone, and everyone curiously penetrated the divine consciousness into the bottom of the hall. However, their divine consciousness is too far from the level of not begging. Except for Princess Yule's divine consciousness, they can barely feel that there is an extremely hot and huge power in His Royal Highness, and no one else can find anything at all.

Ao Buzun shouted, "It's strange. This Your Highness's face is a solid stone. Where is the stone room?"

Don't beg and shake his head. He casually rowed to the ground of the hall, and a floor with a radius of several feet disappeared out of thin air. Don't beg to open up a corridor of thousands of miles in the hall. He took the crowd into the corridor and landed all the way down. Soon, a bright light came out below, and they had come to the stone room.

In the stone room as wide as a hundred miles, there are countless runes on the four walls and the ceiling of the floor. Some runes are exactly the same as the 360 runes that are thorough, but there are others that have never been seen before. Don't beg to remember these runes that he had never seen before in his heart for the first time. Ao Buzun had already jumped to the edge of the pool and grabbed the pool curiously.

A big hand composed of dark water mist grabbed the water waves in the pool. Ao Bujiun just wanted to get some liquid samples from the pool to see the freshness. However, the surrounding walls flashed, and a thunderbolt fell out of thin air. Ao Buzun howted miserably and was blown more than ten miles away by the thunder. In a hurry, three thick dragon scales appeared on Ao Buzune's body to protect the key points around him, but the power of the thunder was ridiculous. The triple dragon scales on his body were crushed, and half of his body was burned by thunder.

The group of people looked stiffly at Ao Bujiun, who got up from the ground in embarrassment. This guy was bold but his life was extremely hard. His whole body was burnt black, and about an inch of skin was burned to ashes by the thunder fire. Most of the upper half of his body was roasted into cooked meat. He was still alive!

The cat cat murmurmured to himself, "The disaster will live for ten thousand years, this is true! If my aunt suffers like this...

After a sudden shiver, the cattle couldn't imagine what half of his body looked like after it was cooked.

"Fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields!" Ao Bujiun, with the aroma of barbecue, grabbed the roasted dragon meat on his body and swallowed it with a big mouthful. Such a ferocious scene makes Don't beg can't help but turn his head. Who has ever seen such a cruel person who can swallow his flesh without changing his face? This ** dragon is indeed a little outrageous, but he is indeed a great scourge in the wilderness. Few people in the world can compare with this fierceness.

He swallowed all the cooked dragon meat on his body. Ao Buzun looked up to the sky and roared, and the strong black gas rolled out of his body. The flesh and blood on his body was quickly reborn, that is, he had repaired the injury as before in the kung fu of a cup of tea. He spit on the ground awkwardly, gritted his teeth and shouted at Begging, "The master here is so stingy. I just want to see what's in this pool. How can he be so stingy?"

Before Ao Budun's words fell, the whole ruins suddenly trembled again. Everyone understood that the strong light from below collided with the ruins again.

In the past few years, everyone has practiced in the halls of the ruins, and they have not noticed anything strange after the strong light hit the ruins. But today, everyone stood by the pool and clearly saw that with the strong light hitting the ruins, countless extremely thin transparent transistors in the stone chamber burst out eye-catching strong light at the same time. Tens of thousands of transistors, which are as small as hair, sprayed a viscous liquid juice like crushed diamond dust at the same time, and injected into the pool with a pleasant 'ding-dong-dong' sound.

This strong light hit the ruins, and the water in the pool, which was only about one foot deep and shallow, suddenly increased by about three feet. Obviously, if there is no consumption, the water in the pool can be filled in less than a year.

Looking at the gradual rise of the water in the pool, Bu Begging nodded with satisfaction. He smiled and said, "It seems that the prohibition in this relic is not so simple. If the ruins are not disintegrating, look at the situation, the water in the pool can constantly replenish itself.

After a moment of meditation, Princess Pule smiled and said, "In this case, doesn't it mean that as long as the ruins are not destroyed, the power in this pool will never be exhausted?"

Everyone's eyes are bright. If they can collect this pool, won't they get endless benefits?

Don't beg to look around. He smiled and nod to the crowd and said, "I'm afraid we can't recover from the prohibition here. If you want to collect it, you must take away the whole ruins. And this pool is just a container for storing this wonderful power. The real treasure is the instrument that constantly replenishes the power to the pool. We first tried to collect the ruins, and then went down to see what kind of treasure has such power.

Everyone praised in unison. Don't beg to look at the pool. He frowned and suddenly grabbed the pool.

Everyone was shocked, but they saw that the palm of the begging spewed out a big hand transformed by a strong light composed of crushed star powder. The palm of the palm just flashed to the water and easily grabbed a fist-sized drop of water. This time, there was no response from the surrounding prohibition.

A group of people who had just been shocked breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Don't beg to grab the liquid beads and play in their hands for a while. They opened their mouths and swallowed it.

Yes, it is the same source as the strange new energy in Don't Begging's body, but it's far less pure as the energy in Don't Begging's body.

If the energy in the body is alcohol, the water wave in the pool is at most 30 degrees of mixed with water and white wine.

Looking thoughtfully at the prohibition around the stone room for a while, don't beg and say, "Let's go, let's collect this relic, so that it won't slowly collapse here. It's really a tyrannical thing!"

The group laughed in unison and rushed out along the corridor one after another. RO