Steal the sky

Chapter 1181 Erosion of Heaven

"The tactic of adding oil is so unwise!"

In the face of the continuous deployment of the six heavenly emperors to fill the prison, it showed the ridicule of the Holy Spirit. In the past, in the East China Sea, the huge East China Sea army was dispatched by the Holy Spirit, but his achievements in the military array were gifted. In his opinion, since the four breakers are now in the heavenly prison, they simply risked the prisoners in the heavenly prison and directly launched the strongest prohibition to destroy the heavenly prison together.

The most appropriate way to deal with it is to break the world and suppress the four breakers in one fell swoop. Such a slow dispatch of 30 or 50 star kings to fight with the breakers, which has no effect at all.

It was the time when the Holy Spirit King attacked the Six Heavenly Emperors, Beidou, Nandou, Qiyao, Jiushu and other star kings had been defeated and lost. Hundreds of Yuanlings rushed to the sky and escaped in the direction of the God Pool. The four worldbreakers smiled strangely and rolled up the bloody wind in the prison, The spirit of.

The six heavenly emperors constantly dispatched troops to enter the heavenly prison to suppress the pressure, but none of the gods and stars who entered were the opponents of these breakers. They were defeated by the divine bodies one after another, and they returned to the god pool in confusion and re-consolidated the divine body.

Don't beg, you can't help shaking your head repeatedly, and the Six Heavenly Emperors really made a mistake. As the Holy Spirit said, they use oil-adding tactics to deal with the breakers, which is simply to create strong opportunities for them. With so many prisoners in the heavenly prison, it is enough to raise the four breakers to the peak of the Taoist realm and even the peak of the Taoist realm. With the current strength of the heavenly court, can it deal with the peak of the four Taoist realms?

If the six heavenly emperors can ruthlessly destroy the heavenly prison in one fell swoop, sacrifice all the prisoners, and prevent the four breakers from absorbing any essence, they can't be promoted to the current level. At that time, the Huntian array will besiege them. What else can the four broken people whose strength has not yet recovered do except to be completely suppressed?

Trapped in the Huntian array, no matter how many divine soldiers and generals they kill, these divine soldiers and divine people are the bodies condensed by the power of heaven, and there is no essence to be absorbed by these breakers. No matter how much they kill, their strength will only become weaker and weaker, and they will not be strengthened at all. Under the siege of the Huntian array, the four breakers are bound to be suppressed.

But it's good now. The four breakers don't know how many heavenly prison prisoners have swallowed up. Now they are fighting stronger and stronger like chicken blood. Seeing that they are about to rush out of the prison, their breath has become the same level as the seven Buddhas and nine paths, which is simply terrible.

"Stupid!" Don't beg, he sneered and shook his head and said, "After years of practice, they are all stupid!"

A group of people mocked the six heavenly emperors and many gods and emperors, and the five righteous gods of the five elements array looked at each other one by one.

Two streamer lights spewed out of Don't beg's eyes. He looked carefully in the direction of the prison, and then shouted in surprise. The strength of the four breakers is getting stronger and stronger. Not only are they are devouring the relationship of those prisoners, but also the black nameless force full of blood and murder is constantly injecting into their bodies. Looking at the source of the black python-like breath, it seems to gushed out directly from the surrounding void.

Don't beg for suspecting, he hurriedly opened his eyes and looked at the whole Pangu Continent. The heavenly court was no different. Those lost soldiers and gods could re-ensize their bodies with the divine pool. In fact, it was equivalent to no loss. There is nothing like the sky. With the Wa Huangshi and so many Taoist realms, those who break the world will not be stupid to flirt with them now.

There is no difference between Daluotian, and the mouth-sting breath of the thief still exists. In addition, Daluotian is as quiet as a ghost.

The outer starry sky is no different. The mortals on the stars everywhere live and work in peace and do not know what happened in the heavenly court at all.

The Great Spirit Slu Mountain is still shrouded in Buddha's light, and countless senior monks are happily chanting and practicing, which is a pure land of Buddhism.

But when he couldn't beg to look down at Pangu, his heart suddenly twitched. There seems to be nothing unusual in the calmness of Pangu mainland, but the source of the black smell is on the Pangu mainland. And the breath mainly gushed out from the direction of southern Xinjiang, but there seems to be nothing different there. Except for some cities and surrounding villages and towns, which seem to be unpopular, everything else is normal.

It's not popular, which is the reason why Don't beg's heart suddenly twitches. Some cities are hundreds of miles long and wide, and there are at least more than 10 million people living in such a city, but how come there is no pedestrian in such a city in the daytime? The nearby mountains and hills are emitting auspicious light covering the earth everywhere. Even the ordinary sacred eyes of the heavenly court can't see through the prohibition of the spiritual power of these mountain gods and mountains.

But why is the cultivation of begging so powerful? His magic eyesight is also particularly different. How can these prohibitions be hidden from him? That's why he found the strangeness of those cities and villages! If there is no mistake, all the mortals in these cities and villages have been slaughtered, and those mountain gods and land are actually cooperating with the slaughterers to cover up the sky!

Although those mountain gods and land are the lowest-ranking gods among the yin gods, they have real power after all. They mobilized the aura of the veins of the Pangu Continent, and the prohibitions arranged together are enough to shield the ninetying of the heavenly gods from the Pangu Continent.

Since the sealing of gods, heaven and earth have become their own system. The gods and earth gods only have the authority to supervise each other, and there is no actual authority to govern. For example, the six heavenly emperors can't directly order the land of the mountain gods in the lower world. They must go through the leaders of the earth gods like the three mountains emperor to mobilize the yin gods in the lower world. In this way, if there is any change in the underworld, the heavenly court will be caught off guard!

"What the hell, are these seven Buddhas and nine brains full of paste? Gods, gods, but they completely ignore human nature!" Don't beg to stamp your feet. Obviously, there is a huge leak in the low-level mountain god land in the lower world. Almost all the mountain god land in the southern Xinjiang of the Pangu continent are working together to blind the upper layer. But can this be blamed on the seven Buddhas and nine paths? They have never been human. How can they be human?

Don't beg and won't forget the inheritance obtained in the Seven Holy Palaces. The breakers are the destruction machines made 'finally' using the negative power of the holy world. Their power comes from killing and destruction. Every time a creature dies in the Pangu mainland, the power of the breaker will be increased by one point. The human race of Pangu Continent is slaughtered like this, especially the human race is also the owner of the heavenly luck of Pangu Continent, and the power obtained by the breakers through slaughter will be stronger.

But how did they do it? How on earth were those mountain gods and lands persuaded by them?

Without waiting for begging to think about this problem, he suddenly felt the faint trembling of the whole void of Pangu World.

He hurriedly looked up at the endless sky, the stars flashed in the void, and all the stars were running according to their positions. The position map of the Tao of heaven is clearly visible in the beggars' eyes, but on the huge map, there is a dark shadow shaped like a nine-headed python slowly invading, and the shadow slowly squirming, carefully eroding the array of the position of heaven.

The position of the heavenly god is determined by the seven Buddhas and nine paths according to the heavenly law of the Pangu world. If the dark shadow shaped like a nine-headed strange python infects this array, it is equivalent to the law that he begins to infect the whole Pangu world. The so-called immortal power of the Taoist realm is nothing more than the combination of their spiritual spirit and the heavenly way, so the heavenly way does not destroy their spiritual immortality.

But if this shadow really invades the heavenly way of the Pangu world, sooner or later the spirits of those immortal Taoist realms will be found by it, and finally killed one by one in the vast heavenly way. If the spirit is destroyed, then the Taoist realm will be destroyed!

Except for the eyes that have been refined by the holy power, others have found the existence of this nine-headed python. This guy is definitely a member of the boundary breaker. He is using his own secret magic skills to completely wipe out the most powerful group of people in the Pangu world from the root. Just like the heaven-stealing array prepared by Don't beg, these breakers also saw the foundation of the Pangu world, and they directly attacked the strongest and weakest point in the Pangu world.

"Ao Bujun, the Holy Spirit King, cat cat cat, ape green, rabbit little white, you control the five righteous gods to lead all the divine soldiers and generals to the lower world, and carefully find out what happened in the southern border of the Pangu continent. Ao Bu Zun, you know what to do!" Don't beg fiercely punched Ao Bu-respect for the chest: "No matter who slaughters there, I will destroy him!"

With a wave, Wu Chang, who was banned from the soul, and the 8,000 undead army were thrown out by Begging. He shouted softly, "Take these fearless things, meet difficult people, and let them go. I also want to see if these undead soldiers will really not die!"

Ao Bu-respect and the Holy Spirit Lord stared down at the same time, but the southern border of Pangu Continent was full of mountains and fog, and the strong red dust over the town blocked their sight, and they couldn't see what had happened in the southern border at all. But since Don't beg said so, there must be his reason. The two of them didn't talk much nonsense. They greeted and rushed to the lower world with the five righteous gods.

The five righteous gods are a little reluctant. They really don't want to leave the heavenly court to hang out in the lower world. But Don't beg just glanced at them coldly. The five righteous gods shivered at the same time and hurriedly ordered all the subordinates to run down the world.

"Zi Xuan, Qi Xia, you take the golden horn, silver horn, golden feather and silver feather to the direction of the prison. To contain those four breakers, you can't let them get out of trouble easily anyway! If you can control the pressure, you will completely control them! Be careful, don't make me sad!" Don't beg to hug Princess Pangle and Qixia heavily. The two women were not pretentious. They hurriedly incarnated Changhong and rushed to the direction of the prison.

Don't beg to look up at the looming nine-headed strange python in the endless void, and rush to the void with the Great B Venerable and the clumsy Master at the same time.

"These idiots in the heavenly court, do you really think it's easy to rest?"

"I'm afraid that before the seven Buddhas and nine paths come out of the customs, you will be counted to death!"

Don't beg a little annoyed and cursed the high-level of the heavenly court and rushed to the void as fast as possible.