Steal the sky

Chapter 1182 Magic Flame

In the void, two dark shadows that are as thin as pieces of paper are constantly disappearing, like a ghost fire in a late-night cemetery, with a gloomy smell. At their feet, it is the extremely huge figure. There are tens of thousands of star domains covered by a snake's head, and the nine-headed python that can cover 10 billions of stars.

Such a huge python is constantly squirming and slowly penetrating into the void. There is a faintly low sting. When the sound came, the strange python's tail occasionally swept through the void, and all the stars swept by the faint tail disappeared. Whether it is stars or other stars, including practitioners and ordinary mortals on the stars, and all other creatures disappear in an instant.

All traces of existence have been erased, as if they had never existed.

Two twisted shadows laughed strangely in a low voice, and one of them suddenly said with a chirping smile, "Youjue, hurry up, quickly infect the laws of the world, so that we can destroy here." The end. To recover, we only need to destroy the world, and the power of death that spreads when the world collapses is enough to make it "end." Su Yang from eternal sleep.

Another dark shadow shouted in a low voice, "Youjue, so many years of deep sleep, do you make you confused? In those years, you only used a few days to infect the divine law of the Holy World. Is this small world more difficult to deal with than the Holy World?

The two shadows shouted in one voice: "Seven days, give you seven days, you have to hold the laws of the world in your hands."

The nine-headed strange python suddenly stopped moving, and an unpredictable voice sounded from all directions at the same time: "Shut up, the world is very small and weak, only one trillionth of the size of the Holy World. But in this damn world, how complicated his laws of heaven are, do you know?

The nine-headed strange python is the weakest among the thirteen breakers, but complains about the most powerful hazard of a world. In those years, it only took him a few days to infect the heavenly law of the holy world, because the heavenly law of the holy world was neat and neat, and each law was in place, just like bricks of equivalent specifications.

The law of heaven that infects the holy world is such a pleasing thing. There is no need to use your brain at all. If you gradually engulf the flow of the law of heaven, you can quickly understand all the laws of the holy world, and at the same time integrate your breath into the law of the holy world, greatly weakening the power of those .

But the heavenly law of this Pangu world makes You Jue want to vomit blood. The laws of the Pangu world are very complicated, including almost all the laws and regulations that once existed in the Holy Realm.

But the laws of the Holy World are so neat and so neat. All the laws, from low to high, are placed according to a perfect rule.

Only this damn Pangu world is like an irresponsible construction worker pouring all the construction raw materials into a big pit. It's just messed up. That's all. Pangu, who opened up the world, is irresponsible.

But in addition to the blame, the Pangu world has experienced countless disasters, and the power of those Taoist realms has filled this big pit with sand, mud and cement. Then mixed with countless glue, and then stirred it fiercely countless times.

Every time there is a great power to disturb the sky, the composition law of the heavenly law in the Pangu world is chaotic once. After so many disasters, after so many struggles, even if Pangu takes action in person, he can't straighten out these laws.

In particular, the most angry thing is that the laws of heaven in the Pangu world are not only chaotic, but also chaotic, and what makes people collapse is that 90% of these laws are incomplete.

For example, the most basic five-element law, in which one piece is missing in the east and one piece is missing in the west, which is entangled with each other, which is completely incomprehensible.

But all the laws of the Holy World are complete and perfect, and through one law, you can easily infect other laws related to it. And what about Pangu World here? You follow the law of the earth to the law of wood, in which all kinds of laws such as gold, fire and water suddenly appear to make trouble, and then change from each other, and more messy laws such as wind, thunder, ice and snow come out.

The sheep intestine path is still full of traps, which makes You Jue infect these damn laws?

You Jue feels very wronged. Why is this small world so strange? The other two companions only gave themselves seven days? God, in seven days, it's good for him to figure out the five elements, not to mention other more complicated and messy things.

You absolutely complained that the two companions kept complaining, and the frequency of the two dark shadows flashing bodies suddenly accelerated. At the same time, they lamented, why is this small Pangu world so strange?

sighed, and a dark shadow muttered, "Well, try your best! Strive to destroy the world within three months! Since there is such a world in the ruins of the Holy Realm, it is difficult to say that there are other similar worlds. Our task is very heavy!"

The three breakers sighed at the same time, and the secluded body began to squirm slowly again. From his [body] from time to time, a black breath was emitted to invade the four directions, and there was a vortex-like five-color light flow around him. The black airflow gradually invades the five-color light flow, and some of them gradually bring a thin layer of black PS

Don't beg and the two big splits rushed into the void at the same time, and the three of them hit their strongest attack on the two shadows without saying a word.

Don't beg in the Seven Holy Palace have gained a lot of benefits, including some elixirs left by the seven strongest saints who founded the Seven Holy Palaces. The Great B Venerable and the clumsy master have taken a certain amount of elixir these days. With the help of Bu Begging, the two splits have steadily stepped into the realm of creation.

After all, it is their own split, and it is much easier to improve their strength than that of Princess Danle.

The three founders took action at the same time, and the vast sacred power swept out of the fingerprints and turned into three purple-gold thunder lights roaring out. The thunder was like a giant dragon flying in the air, and the three thunder lights suddenly melted into one, turning into a purple dragon and rushing out with a thunder.

The two dark shadows were caught off guard and swallowed by the purple dragon, the infinite thunderbolt exploded, and the two dark shadows were blown to pieces.

You Jue exclaimed, "Be careful, these three people should be the most powerful saints in the world!" Before I invaded the Tao of Heaven and killed their spirits, they were immortal!"

Countless black halos flashed in the air and quickly re-condensed into two dark shadows. The light flashed, and the two dark shadows showed the real body. Both of them are beautiful girls, and both of them are expressionless, with deep death in their eyes. The two girls in black robes held a dark skull in their left hand, and the one on the right was surrounded by two bloody hearts that were still beating violently.

"I'm a black skull!" The girl on the left sneered, "You are really strong, but it's a pity that you are doomed to fall."

"I'm naked!" The girl on the right hand looked at Begging obsessively. The corners of her mouth fell slightly and sighed in a low voice with a cold smile, "Your strength is so strong. Your heart must be delicious, right?"

In the eyes of Begging, countless black lights are constantly integrating into the bodies of the two girls. Obviously, the scale of killing on the Pangu continent is getting larger and larger. With the breeding of the smell of killing, the cultivation of the breakers is also increasing. The strength of the two girls in front of them has definitely reached the level of Hedao Realm, and as long as they are not dead, they will never fall. They really have all the power and characteristics that Hedao Realm should have.

Chihang giggled, and the two hearts floating beside her suddenly beat. Don't beg, the heart of the great man, and the clumsy man beat violently. The blood in the [body] flowed uncontrollably in the blood. The eyes of the three were squeezed out of the ora by the violent plasma, and almost popped out of the ora.

"Damn it!" Don't beg for a low voice, and the refining tripod roared out, releasing a large amount of flames covering the three human bodies. The speed of blood flow was slightly reduced, and then the clumsy superior sacrificed the Taiqing Vientiane Star Tower!

This fixed star tower is a Hongmeng treasure made of too clear white lotus in those years, and it has a strong defense.

But as soon as the pagoda appeared, the secluded giant tail lightly swept this side, and a loud noise was heard. The Yuanling Zhenyan released by the Tianding was broken into a huge gap, and the Taiqing Vientiane fixed star tower was blown into countless pieces.

The black skeleton and the red moult at the same time smiled strangely. Two black gases spewed out of the skull's eyes in the black skull's hand and fixed on the heavenly cover of the begging. She sneered and said, "This tripod is just fine. It smells like the sacred artifact of the Holy World in those

Two black gases shot through the Yuanling Zhenyan on the cover of the don't begling spirit. Don't beg only feel that the soul sinks, and even the mind is almost stagnant. Countless sad ghost roars sounded in my ears, and those roars almost tore the soul of the god of no begging to pieces.

The refining tripod roared angrily, and a large flame condensed into a giant dragon and rushed to the black skull and red molt. The two breakers were ready at this moment. They flew back at the same time. A sticky black gas spewed out of the secluded [body], and a giant nine-headed snake a hundred miles long came out of the black gas out of thin air. The black skull and the red molt stepped on the head in the middle of the nine-headed python, and their eyes flashed with a soul-catching cold light.

The fire dragon hit the nine-headed python and burned a large hole in diameter. But the black gas kept pouring in, and the burned hole returned to normal in an instant. And a black gas went straight to the direction of the fire dragon, begging, and hit the refining tripod fiercely.

"A click, a sound. After dozens of condensation, the refining tripod actually cracked a very fine line.

Don't beg for a mouthful of blood. He roared, and his big sleeves waved countless golden lights, like the golden light of a meteor flying down. Don't beg and the two big splits hit Da Luotian at the same time.

"Seven Buddhas and nine paths, the breakers of the world have begun to infect the way of heaven. Why don't you come out and wait for it?"

Don't beg to roar, the huge sound waves resounded through the whole Pangu world. He intended to pull the seven Buddhas and nine paths into this muddy water, otherwise how could he get the sixteen breaths that made him anxious?


Calculate that it is about to end, and plan to open a new book.

The update in the last few days will be a little slower.

Let's see how to arrange a happy ending for your classmates.

Er, 90,000 women, will it expand a thousand and 800 times in the future?