Steal the sky

Chapter 1183 Jade Hand Demons

Heavenly prison!

The four breakers, including the slaughter, finally rushed out of the prison. The star king who went to [town] to suppress them was defeated by more than a thousand waves of nearly 100,000 people in a row. The 100,000 star king was defeated and lost, and the prisoners in the heavenly prison were swallowed up by four people. At this moment, the breath of the four people has swelled to a shocking level.

As soon as he rushed out of the prison door, Sha Tu unscrupulously released the [body] internal evil spirit. 〖 The Ya Hall, which pressed the door of the prison, was smashed. Although tens of thousands of four-phase divine soldiers had star power to protect the body, they were still smashed by the unimaginable evil spirit. Their yuan spirits are protected by the law of heaven, and these four-phase divine soldiers have long been scattered and died.

Even so, tens of thousands of magic soldiers were suddenly killed in battle, and the large array laid by the four-phase god king also revealed great loopholes. The four breakers rushed into the array. The sword was like rain, and the yang can's arms were stabbed quickly. The remaining two breakers were black and flew around like a tide The twisted shadow was like poisonous insects and beasts raging everywhere. Millions of divine soldiers belonging to the four-phase god king immediately collapsed, and the large array burst into pieces. The power of counterphagocy made tens of thousands of stars who recited spells in the void spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing the four breakers rushing out, the six heavenly emperors couldn't help but be terrped. They danced and shouted loudly, and ordered the Xingjun and the gods to suppress the four of them quickly. But now they are not facing the original low-strength breakers, but four crazy demons whose strength is comparable to the peak level of the Taoist realm.

Six heavenly emperors scolded loudly in the sky, and the consciousness of the four world-breakers immediately locked them.

Sha Tu's body directly tore the void and came to the side of the six heavenly emperors. The sword waved six heads and rose to the sky. The Yuanling of the six heavenly emperors roared away angrily and rushed to the Huashen pool in confusion.

The eighteen masters standing beside the heavenly emperors were shocked. At the same time, they sacrificed their own treasures and subconsciously fled to the distance. Unlike the sanctity of the heavenly court, these masters are all immortal golden bodies, and the four world breakers do not get any benefits from the sanctity of the heavenly court, but these eighteen great masters can be equivalent to the panacea of the Tang monk's meat for the breakers, and the strength of swallowing any of them can soar to a

But they escaped quickly, and the four breakers chased them faster. Two dark shadows flashed in the air and suddenly came to the head of the emperor Huang Zeng Tianyuan, who was fleeing backwards at full speed. The two dark shadows suddenly ejected countless black gas, and their bodies finally emerged from the black gas.

These are two young men who are born with extraordinary charms, one with dark skin and the other with white and blue skin. The black-skinned man had a pair of snow-white wings behind him, and behind the man with white skin and blue, there was a pair of black and shiny wings. The two people hooked their feet together, their wings flapped rapidly, and their bodies rotated rapidly in the void. The two people are covered with a layer of color and dirt, like a black flame in which all the filth of time is in it, and the color is pale, as if everything belongs to nothingness, which makes people feel a strong white magic flame of death.

Qingling [Dao] Deyuanjun has a three-layer hexagonal pagoda on his head. Each noon corner of the pagoda is inlaid with a thumb-sized spiritual bead, which is constantly shining and sweeping around.

Where the light of a hundred feet long passes, even the void has been torn through countless cracks. But these two breakers were just "Jie Jie, with a strange smile, like a whirlwind to the top of the head of the Qingling [Dao] De Yuanjun, and then rolled up the black-and-white magic flame with both hands and hit it down.

With a loud noise, the pagoda cracked countless remaining cracks. Qingling [Dao] De Yuanjun howled and spit out a mouthful of blood. His body suddenly exploded into countless purple streamers and flew around, but the black-and-white two-color whirlwind swept from all directions, forcibly restraining the fleeing purple streamers together and It has become the body of Qingling [Dao] Deyuanjun.

Four arms were fiercely inserted into the body of Qingling [Dao] De Yuanjun, the master of the Taoist sect, who broke the Taoist realm and approached the peak of the cultivation. He just let out a sad and short howling, and was sucked into a mummified corpse in the black and white flame. In front of the countless sacred faces of the heavenly court, the body of the great master gradually turned into drifting sand, and from then on, the soul completely disappeared.

The black-skinned and white-winged young man smiled evilly. He raised his right hand and laughed loudly, "Winning for nothing!" The young man in white leather and black also sneered and smiled. He squinted and raised his hands and shouted, "What a delicious taste, I'm a dragonfly!"

The two laughed wildly and turned into a black-and-white two-color whirlwind and swept around. Where Bai Ying passed, the bodies of countless divine soldiers suddenly became filthy. In just a few breaths, their bodies seemed to have been corroded by concentrated sulfuric acid for hundreds of years, and the rags were full of all kinds of abscesses. Where the underworld passes, everything turns into nothingness, and the white flame devours everything. Whether it is the weapon armor or the divine soldier himself, it melts in the white flame.

Xha Tu raised his long sword and rushed into the Huntian array. With the cultivation of the Taoist realm, he drove the sword to sweep left and right. The sword spirit was three thousand miles long. As long as he waved his hand at will, it was a blood alley. The penis specially made way for those female stars and gods. He laughed and slaughtered all the men around them, danced quickly with his hands, and tore all the clothes on their bodies to pieces.

The master fled. The six heavenly emperors were beheaded before they had time to re-condensulate the divine body, and there was no one to command them.

For a while, the huge formation was completely chaotic. One hundred and eighty thousand star kings fought separately. The righteous gods of each other did not listen to each other. There were other gods, gods, emperors, etc. with their own nature. You ran this way, and I rushed there. The insiders came and went like a market. The first killing array in the heavenly court was completely scrapped before it played any role.

Bai Ying and the underworld laughed wildly, and their bodies suddenly collapsed and turned into countless black and white flying insects shaped like mosquitoes but with extremely long mouths flying around. There are at least billions of flying insects incarnated by them. The dense flying insects are like dark clouds sweeping around, and the divine soldiers will fall one after another wherever they pass.

The slaughter made a magic power of heaven and earth, and he changed into a giant with a height of ten sons. The long sword in his hand has become hundreds of thousands of miles long. The huge sword does not need any magic power at all. With a gentle wave, countless divine soldiers will be made into meat cakes.

The sun pot is running around in a mass of pink fog. Wherever he passed, all the male saints died on fire, while all the female saints suddenly disappeared without a trace. I don't know where he had taken them.

The four breakers laughed wildly, and the Huntian array had been torn into thousands of parts of different sizes. For a while, the heavenly court showed signs of full collapse. If the Huntian array is destroyed, the four breakers only need to follow the direction of the Yuanling to find the Huashen Pool. With their current cultivation, although they cannot destroy the Huashen Pool, which is derived by the seven Buddhas and nine ways with the help of the power of heaven, they are somewhat sure to seal it.

It's not that all the sacredness of the heavenly court will be sealed by the four breakers [town], but it's not their turn to [town] to suppress these four breakers.

Seeing that the heavenly court was about to lose blood, four gold and silver lights suddenly flashed in the void.

Four thousand-thousand-long flying ice-fire dragon pythons were born. They opened their mouths and spewed out the hot and cold light of gold and silver, instantly pierced the key points of the slaughter, who was cutting down crazily at 100,000 miles.

The eyebrows, throat, heart, and lower abdomen were beaten to pieces by the divine light spewed out by the four Golden Horn Brothers.

It's boring. With the sound of the Lord, the magic of the law was broken, and countless black gases spewed out of his body, and his body turned into its original shape in the blink of an eye. His body shivered violently, and the ice and flames appeared on his body at the same time. Today, the original light of the four golden horns is not the same as that year. After the lesson taught in the Seven Holy Palaces, their original divine light has brought the breath of holy power unique to the Holy Realm.

The breath in the slaughter [body] was quickly weakened, and this serious injury made him return to the peak of the Taoist realm from the peak of the Taoist realm. Before he could come to his senses, the golden horn let out a long roar, and the four dragon pythons rushed up with great interest, and the claws were all scratching and tearing at him. Poor Sha Tu's armor was torn to pieces, and the sword was also taken away by the golden horn and thrown far away. Soon he was torn out of shape.

Bai Ying and the underworld were shocked. They were about to go to support the slaughter. A large area of sudden clouds fell from the sky, and countless strange colorful swims drilled into the flying insects they incarnated. Qixia stepped on a colorful cloud smoke and floated down. She looked at the flying insects all over the sky with a smile and said, "Oh, it's actually a magic power that distracts hundreds of millions. It's amazing, but are these distractions immortal?" The slender little hand patted gently, the colorful magic flame nose rolled in all directions, and a violent magic flame spewed out of each flying insect [body]. Bai Ying and the underworld howd in unison, and the flying insects they differentiated were burned 90%. Some of the remaining flying insects flew back awkwardly and barely formed their own bodies, but their breath had fallen from the peak of Hedaojing to the level of Mingdaojing.

He was horrified by stuffing one beautiful goddess fairy after another into his sleeve. He turned around and shouted harshly, "Be careful, these people are weird. They are much better than those rubbish!" Before the words fell, five shocking swords fell from the sky and patted on the penis almost at the same time. The penis only felt that the magic all over his body was shattered, as if hundreds of millions of thunderbolt at the top of his head at the same time. He couldn't react to anything for a moment when he was in a mess in his mind.

The five swordsmen bombarded the yang jar to death, and the sword spirit disintegrated and turned into five divine lights to form a dazzling grinding disc, and swallowed the yang jar. The colorful grinding disc was grinded rapidly, and the body of the yang tank gradually shrank in the grinding disc and gradually smashed. The boundless magic gas was squeezed out of the yang tank [body], and then it was quickly decomposed by the colorful divine light into the aura of heaven and earth.

Princessule slowly fell from the sky with a piece of purple gas. She sneered at her little mouth and shouted coldly, "Is this the strength of the heavenly court? Is this your sacred power? It's ridiculous! The four breakers who have not yet recovered their original strength can't deal with it. Do you still have the face to compete with me for power and profit? What a big dog!" Six regiments of purple gas flew to this side, and the six heavenly emperors re-condened the divine body and returned to the prison at the same time.

Hearing the rude cynicism of Princess Le, the faces of the six emperors of heaven also became purple, like six purple eggplants.