Break through the void

Chapter 14 Killer Throwing into the River

The practitioner has been running north, which is the direction of chasing the Longjiang River.

"As long as he gets to the river, he has no way to escape!" Chen Lai endured the severe pain in his chest and suddenly stood up, shouting loudly, and a loud voice penetrated the woods.

He knew in his heart that he must not shirk at this time, and he had to use his brain to deal with this killer.

When the hunters saw this, they immediately expanded their formation to prevent practitioners from killing a gun.

Pan Lang listened to it later and secretly scolded: Brother, aren't you reminding the practitioner?

Sure enough, the practitioner suddenly changed his direction and ran to the forest to the east.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly chased to the east woods. The woods were full of thorns, which was extremely difficult to pass, but under the leadership of Chen Lai, they were fearless.

"There is a big lake in the east, and he has no way to escape!"

Chen Lai shouted again.

Everyone was stunned. There was no big lake in the east. They ran wildly and looked at Chen Lai.

When the practitioner heard this, he suddenly changed his direction and flew to the western woods.

Everyone also changed direction.

After chasing for a while, Chen Lai shouted again: "There is a swamp in the west!" He can't fly with his wings!"

When the practitioner heard this, he changed his direction again and ran to the north. His pace was chaotic and quite embarrassed.

Pan Lang couldn't help laughing when he heard this. Good job, Chen Lai, it turned out to be a trick!

Other hunters also understood Chen Lai's tricks. Seeing that the practitioners had been confused, they seemed to be more and more flustered and smiled, but they still did not dare to be careless, pulling bows and arrows and preparing to shoot.

The practitioner used light kung fu to run wildly on the treetops, spending a lot of physical strength and consuming a lot of energy in the sea of air. In addition, his foot was injured and he has been gritting his teeth to endure it. His whole body has been breathless and exhausted.

glanced at the teenager who was still chasing and the hunters in formation. He made a poisonous oath in his heart: as long as he passed today's level, he would cut off the teenager's head and wash Panjiacun with blood!


The roar of the river suddenly came from the north. He suddenly thought of the rushing torrent and the spinning whirlpool. He couldn't help but be shocked and suddenly stopped.


A dozen arrows suddenly flew from below.

He shouted, turned around, dialed the arrows, and wanted to kill a horse gun. Only in this way can there be a possibility to survive! He told himself that he could only rush out of the circle of arrows!

When he pushed away the last arrow and began to run wildly, a dark arrow suddenly hit his right back and hit his right shoulder!


He couldn't help screaming, and his right hand suddenly became weak and the sword fell off; the sword fell faster than the falling speed of the arrows, looking like a direct sunlight.

Feeling that the arrow tilted and penetrated the shoulder blade, he put his left hand behind his waist to grab the arrow feather, clenched his teeth and pulled it out violently!

Oh! He let out a secret cry with his teeth.

A stream of blood comes out!

"His sword has fallen!"

"He was hit by an arrow!"

"He wants to run back!"

The hunters shouted and kept shooting arrows, blocking the way for practitioners. More than a dozen wolf dogs seemed to cheer, shouting crazily.

The practitioner dodged the arrows and looked at the arrows in front of him like an array of arrows. He could not pass at all, so he had to turn around again.


At the moment of turning around, he let out another scream.

It turned out that another sneaky arrow flew and hit his left waist!

The practitioner clenched his teeth, pulled out the arrows again, and brought out a stream of blood! Without stopping, he took out a pill from his waist and swallowed it and ran to the river.

It's really a practitioner! Pan Lang, who shot a dark arrow, was secretly surprised. Usually, no matter how strong the wild boar is, he can't escape his two dark arrows, but now this practitioner not only does not shout in pain, but also can run on the treetops!

He pulled his bow and arrow, ready to shoot the third dark arrow.

"He went to the river!"

Chen Lai looked at the treetops and was still running in front of him. "Retain the arrows and shoot him to death in the river!"

The hunters stopped shooting arrows and rushed to the river. A hound has already rushed forward.

The roar of the river is getting louder and louder. Chen Lai has felt the water vapor coming to his face, which is more exciting and faster and faster.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and suddenly stopped.

It turned out that the practitioner on the treetops went back and forth again.

"He flew back again!"

The hunters hurriedly stopped and looked up to see that the practitioners had flown above their heads and were flying south.

When they pulled their bows and arrows into a full moon, the practitioner had already flown by.

Just as the hunters started, they were surprised to find that the practitioner had flown back!

Look again, the practitioner covered his chest, and there was a branch of arrow in front of his chest!

"He can't run away!"

is Pan Lang's loud shout.

It turned out that Pan Lang had been pressing the array at the end, maintaining a distance of 20 feet from the hunters in front of him. When he found that the practitioner suddenly flew back, another dark arrow quietly flew out, hitting the practitioner's left chest!

In panic, the practitioner realized that there would be a dark arrow ahead, so he had to turn around again and run to the river in great pain.

Chen Lai and the hunters changed their direction again and chased to the riverside.

The distance is getting closer and closer!

Suddenly, Chen Lai stopped. The hunters behind also stopped; they pulled bows and arrows one by one and lined up in a semicircular formation.

They saw the old beggar standing on a cliff, spreading his hair and covered with blood. The cloth on his body had been stained red by blood, fluttering in the river wind, like long red belts!

Chen Lai put down the bow and arrow in his hand, slowly stretched out a hand, and pointed it at him with his index finger. "Speak your details and tell me why you have been chasing me... I promise you that we will not kill you!"

The old beggar smiled coldly, looked at Chen Lai with contemptuous eyes, and then at Pan Lang, who slowly followed him. "Wait, someone will kill Panjia Village soon... At that time, no one will stay and cut the grass and get rid of the grass."

He laughed to the sky, jumped and plunged into the river.

Chen Lai rushed up and shot arrows at the shadow of the river. The arrows entered the river and made a poofing sound.

The hunters gathered around and saw that an area of the river became red, and they kept shooting arrows at the area that turned red. It keeps ringing.

After a while, they shot all the arrows on their bodies.

Two hunters were stoned.

For a while, more than a dozen swordfish with arrows floated on the churning river. Under the sun, the silver light shines.

Chen Lai pulled out the dagger at his waist and followed the water for a distance. The hunters followed, but they didn't draw their swords.

Pan Lang followed, stretched out his neck, scratched the stubble on his chin, observed the river with a connominator's eyes, smiled and said confidently, "He is dead... Even a fairy can't save him."