Break through the void

Chapter 15 The rainy night can't stop moving forward

It was the first time that the hunters killed a practitioner. While they felt excited, they were a little frightened, and even had a feeling of rebirth after death.

"This guy is really a master! I have to admire it!"

"Yes, if you are hit by an arrow, you can still walk vigorously! I'm exhausted from chasing him!"

"This guy is not a good guy. He died and scared us!"

The hunters laughed with joy.

Chen Lai was worried and walked a long way from the river, and he could no longer see the elderly beggars before standing.

Originally, he wanted to get some news through this old beggar, especially about the Iron Purple Gate killer, but now he doesn't get anything. He couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Seeing that there has been no elderly beggar on the river, he is a little worried.

"Little brother! He won't live again!"

Pan Lang stepped forward, came to Chen Lai and pointed to the river, "He was hit by an arrow, and the river is so big that he can't save even ten lives!" What's more, a piranha will appear in the gentle area five miles away. He has blood on his body, and the piranhas will eat him!"

Chen Lai pointed to Jiangmian and wondered, "Brother Pan, this man is a practitioner. His clothes will float away along the water. Will other practitioners find out that they will really come to our Panjia Village?"

What he is most worried about is that he will be involved in Panjia Village and Pan Lang.

Pan Lang smiled cheerfully, "Little brother, you are still worried about their revenge!" This guy is wearing ragged clothes, and he can't find anything!"

He looked at the hunters again and shouted, "What if another practitioner comes? Will we be afraid?"

The hunters all laughed.

Chen Lai looked at the river a few more times before walking back to the original road with Pan Lang and others. Everyone was very happy and walked talking and laughing.

When besieging an elderly beggar, a wolf dog was killed. They found its body and buried it. Chen Lai made a small grave for it and brought a stone to make it a grave.

The villagers were waiting for the banquet in Pan Lang's backyard. They didn't know what the men had gone to do. They were talking loudly. Seeing that they finally came back, they all stood up and cheered. The children shouted at their father and asked for a banquet.

The villagers learned that the men killed a vicious practitioner, and they cheered again. Everyone toasted Chen Lai. Because of his comfortable mood, Chen Lai unconsciously drank too much and got drunk.


When Chen Lai woke up, it was already evening. It rained lightly outside the window.

When he came to the window and looked at the rainy weather, he told himself that it was time to get out of here.

"Brother, look, the rain is getting worse and bigger. Let's go tomorrow!"

Hearing that Chen Lai was leaving, Pan Lang couldn't help but be anxious.

Chen Lai looked at the gloomy sky and smiled, "What is this light rain!"

At his insistence, Mrs. Pan Lang wrapped the child, tied it tightly to Chen Lai's chest, and tied another package behind him. "Little brother, there are so many milk pills in this package. The child is hungry and drink water. Remember that as the child grows up day by day, the milk pills will be more and more day."

"I wrote it down, sister-in-law." Chen Lai looked left and right and couldn't help nodding.

What kind of bows and arrows and knives, Mrs. Pan Lang is also tied to Chen Lai.

Everything is ready. It's time to go. Thinking that this might be a farewell, Chen Lai couldn't help but burst into tears and bent down to salute them.

Pan Lang's wife covered her mouth and cried, dared not make a sound, and tears rolled down.

Pan Lang also had a heavy face and suddenly thought of something. He ran to the bedroom to take out his one-and-a-half-year-old daughter and said with a wry smile to Chen, "Little brother, you see, the two children have not been named. You have read books and give them one."

"Yes, yes... let's make one." Pan Lang's wife couldn't help nodding.

They carefully opened the quilt wrapped around the two children and saw that the two children were white and fat, very cute.

Chen Lai thought for a moment and pointed to the girl and said, "This child's name is Pan Siyuan." Pointing to the child in his arms, he said, "My child's name is Chen Sien."

"These two names are good! These two names are good!" Pan Lang laughed.

Worried about waking up the child, he quickly covered his mouth and smiled at Chen, "Little brother, many years later, Pan Siyuan will not know you as a little uncle!"

Pan Langniang smiled and said, "Why don't you know each other? I can remind her to know. Pan Siyuan, like me, has a red mole on her right eyebrow! There is also a red mole in the center of her right foot!"

"Sister-in-law, I wrote it down!" Chen Lai bent down again to salute and said goodbye.

Pan Lang and his wife became depressed again, sighed, and sent Chen out of the yard.

When the villagers heard that Chen Lai was leaving, they all came to see him off. In the past month, Chen Lai has cured a lot of back pain and leg pain, cured a lot of gynecological inflammation, and cured a lot of difficult and miscellaneous diseases. The villagers were reluctant to leave, and they all looked solemn.

"Chen Lai, why do you have to leave at night?"

"Chen Lai, you must be careful on the road..."

"Chen Lai, don't let your child catch a cold..."

Chen Lai nod his head. From beginning to end, he was holding back tears.

Finally, in the drizzle, in the blessing of Pan Lang and his wife, and in the hands of the villagers, Chen Lai embarked on the rugged mountain road with his child in his arms.


The mountain forest under the night looks dark. I can only see the vague and bright mountain road. I can't see anything else. The silence makes people crazy, and the sudden scream of a bird will make people creepy!

The winding mountain road leads to the depths of darkness, with only the beginning and no end.

Normally, Pan Lang passes by here and is also careful. He has been to Xijing several times from here and knows that through the difficulties of this mountainous area, he drew a simple map for Chenlai, marking the nearest safest mountain road leading to Xijing.

Chen Lai is walking this mountain road now. Pay attention to the narrower and narrower mountain road under his feet and walk forward very carefully. One hand held the child on his chest and the other hand held the knife around his waist.

After driving the old beggar to chase the Longjiang River and shooting him with arrows, he still thought that there would be killers chasing him, maybe not two of them, so he felt that it would be better to leave earlier. On the one hand, he and his children were safe, and on the other hand, he would not involve Brother Pan and others.

At the same time, he thinks that the more dangerous it is, the safer it is. Those killers may think that he dares not rush at night and relax his vigilance for a moment, so he decides to go at night.

But after walking, he gradually regretted it.

The north wind is getting stronger and stronger, the drizzle is getting stronger and sharper, and the mountain roads are getting rougher and rougher. Standing in a deep mountain forest gives people a painful feeling that they can never get out of here.

"Maybe hell is like this?" Chen Lai sighed and looked around and found that there were trees, no caves, not even a stone to rely on, so he had to continue to move forward.

After walking a few miles, the rain became heavier and heavier, knocking on his cloak.


The child suddenly cried, which made Chen a jump, and his body was suddenly covered with goose bumps.

The child's sharp cry actually shocked a group of birds next to him and flew into the sky. A group of birds were not far from Chen Lai and shocked him into a cold sweat.

"Chen Sien, even if you cry, say hello in advance!"

Chen Lai smiled bitterly and couldn't help shaking, thinking that the child was hungry.

There are milk pills on his body, and there is also a "milk pot" made by Pan Lang for children using a small bamboo tube. You can feed the child with spring water, but you must look for warm spring water.

In this way, you have to look for it in the cave.


Chen Sien's crying suddenly became sharper and pierced the night.

At this time, Chen Lai was not afraid of ghosts, so he was afraid of children. Thinking of Pan Lang's "pacifier" made of sweet turf, he hurriedly took it out and put it in his little mouth.

Chen Sien sucked hard, hummed in his throat, sucked a little sweetness, and stopped crying.

Chen Lai accelerated his pace and moved forward.

For a while, I came to an open area, with a path in the middle, surrounded by high and low stones. Thinking that he could find the cave through this area, he accelerated his pace again.

When he bypassed a corner, he stopped!

A figure suddenly appeared in front of him!

In the desolate light, Chen Lai saw that this man's hair was messy, his body was tattered, with one foot wearing straw shoes and one foot bare feet!

It's obviously the old beggar!