Break through the void

Chapter 268 Late Night Only for Orchid Fragrance

The white moonlight shone on the white woods and looked as bright as day. Everything is clearly visible.

A white cloud floated out from the southwest corner of the main courtyard of Qianye Hall to the woods swaying in the wind. The speed is not fast, and the flight stops. It looks like a cloud floating in the wind.

It flies against the treetops, the lawn, and the river. It flies wherever no one is, and quietly goes to the northern district of Zhen Xiangyu.

From time to time, there will be a person who lifts the clouds in front of him like opening a curtain and looks out. It seems to be too slow to scratch your scalp from time to time. It's not anyone else, it's Chen Lai. He had only one purpose, to go to Zhen Xiangyu's backyard to pick four orchids for Qian Yeye.

Qian Yeye set him three days. He thought that he would solve the problem for her in the evening and then go to Lou Byron.

When discussing with Heigu in Baiqijing, Heigu told him that he could meet Lu Byron directly. He didn't expect that there would be a Qian Yeye in the middle. When he met Lu Byron in the future, he wanted to ask him why Qian Yeye didn't save face for him as an elder.

Safety always comes first. While flying, he used "Tuilongjue" to search for the surrounding movements. As long as there is no one within 3,000 meters, he will move forward, and as long as there is someone, he will make a detour.

Unconsciously, I came to the North District Compound. This compound is just a title. In fact, it is not a yard, but an area. This area is 200 miles, which is under the management of Zhen Xiangyu in the North District.

Sneak into the compound, go deep inside, and approach Zhen Xiangyu's elder compound through a safe passage. This is the yard. Not only is the wall high, but there is also a moat! Five or six miles, the guard is strict.

The moat is about three feet wide and five feet deep, which generally does not play a defensive role, but only plays an aesthetic effect.

Entering from above, it is not safe. Chen Lai drove the clouds into the water and used the "Prison Knife" skill to move forward quickly. At this time, the cloud turned into a thin transparent "balloon" and took him forward. This balloon is actually a layer of extremely pure aura. He is a little distressed when he uses it, and he is absolutely reluctant to use it.

The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he was.

I could have met Lu Byron smoothly, but a money Ye Ye came out halfway. Not only did I not get beaten by her, but I was angry with her, but I also had to work for her! I have to compensate the locals to work for her!

That won't work!

The more Chen Lai thought about it, the more he couldn't suffer losses. Then he remembered this question: Why did Qian Yeye want these orchids?

When he came to a stack, he stopped and used "Tui Long Jue" to search for the information of the orchid cultivated by Zhen Xiangyu.

"Push the Dragon" immediately told that the kind of orchid is called Heigenlan. ** The black root outside hovers up to two feet long, and the black root deep underground up to five feet, and some can reach seven feet. This black root absorbs the aura-rich purified water in the soil underground, absorbs and extracts pure aura from the air, and stores all nutrients in the petals. This kind of orchid is extremely precious. After more than ten years of cultivation, Zhen Xiangyu has only opened 20 flowers! The low-level skill of fairyland is "hidden clouds". Many disciples will encounter bottlenecks when breaking through from the cloud to fairyland. Using this petal can help people quickly break through this bottleneck...

Chen looked at it sentence by sentence and was overjoyed. Hi, I know this. I don't need that little girl to force me. I'll come by myself! I'll put a few flowers first, and when to take them out. As for Qian Yeye, I didn't give it to her until I mentioned the aura inside. Ha ha, she was sultry.

Suddenly, I was refreshed.

He drove a balloon through the river faster, just like a big iron ball passing through the middle, and a wave suddenly appeared on the surface of the water. However, there is no sound.

The moonlight is very bright, penetrating the river and shining directly at the bottom of the water. Chen Lai moved along the river in the clouds and could see the fish around him. The fish also felt everything and stared at the balloon flying by.

When he came to an inlet, Chen Lai turned into the stream in the yard from underwater. The river suddenly narrowed. The stream is about two feet wide, but it is surrounded by dense cyan bushes, which are easier to hide. He sighed and finally saw the cyan plants.

After a few detours along the stream, he came to the destination - next to the back garden.

As he expected, there are many guards in the back garden, no less than 60 people! Everyone is dressed in black, which is very eye-catching. On the river bank beside him, there were several guard disciples standing! One by one, they held the waist knife and turned around without any fatigue.

The lowest of these disciples is also the lower level of the fairyland. Chen Lai understands that he may have a way to deal with one or two. He is definitely not a rival. Whether he can be found by them hidden in the water now is uncertain and carefully follows the river under the bushes.

A fish in front of him came head-on, and he was about to stop and want to make way.

He searched with "Puilong Jue" and found that these guard disciple stations are very characteristic. The distance between each disciple is the same, and he does not miss any dead corner! It's very simple. There is no need to analyze. The current situation must attract the guard disciples on one side. The best way is to attack the east and the west.

He returned the same way and came to the weakly defended room. This is a large room, which is a room for cooking for the guard disciples. There are many cabinets, stoves and chopping boards in it.

He quietly rose to the surface, got into the kitchen, found the fire, blocked the cabinet in a corner, lit a small wax table under the cabinet, put firewood around it, and put flammable things such as oil and meat around it to let them burn. Then, he slipped away and drove the clouds into the water again.

Before and after, everything is so smooth.

When he came to the back garden, he waited attentively with his chin in his hand.

In a short time, someone shouted to put out the fire. A group of guard disciples looked at the fiery place in the south. They saw the fire burning higher and higher, shining red.

A disciple waved his hand and shouted, "One team and two teams, come with me to put out the fire!" Three teams and four teams, stay and defend!"

The disciples continued to leave, and suddenly half of the disciples left. However, the remaining disciples immediately dispersed and surrounded a garden with famous orchids in the back garden.

Chen Lai observed for a while, thinking that he could only hit east and west again, quietly retreated and withdrew from a distance of about 100 meters. Then hit a cloud, turn the cloud into a cloud net, push forward, and force the fish to swim forward, driving the fish like a fishing net to catch fish.

Suddenly, large and small grass carp gathered together to form a group of fish.

When he felt the fish swimming next to the back garden, he suddenly hit the spiral water cloud in Prison Knife.

swish, clouds swirled at high speed in the water like pythons and rushed towards the fish.


The fish were extremely frightened under the pressure of the spiral clouds, and many of them jumped out of the water! The spiral clouds behind swirled faster and faster, forcing all the fish together and jumping them high. Some fell on the lawn, some fell into the garden, and some even fell on the heads of their disciples. In the moonlight, there are white flowers.

The guards on one side of the garden suddenly became a mess! Some shouted, some cursed, and some jumped around. Other disciples laughed when they saw their awkward appearance.

They are usually well-trained guard disciples. In the face of thieves, they assassinate and kill immediately, but in the face of the fish, they laugh and ignore it. Now they are undisciplined.

Chen Lai took a look at the opportunity, jumped up along the flying fish and fell into the orchid garden. He saw the largest white orchids in the middle, and then stretched out his arm and pinched seven or eight and put them in the flower bag. To his surprise, every time he cut off the orchid, the orchid would make a crisp crackling sound, as if shouting. He didn't pinch one, and he couldn't help but squat down.

However, the guard disciple only cared about hiding the fish around him and watching the bustle. He didn't care about these sounds at all. When Chen Lai flew to a corner, a guard disciple found a white shadow!

"There is a thief!"

When he shouted, other disciples also found it and shouted,

"There is a thief!"

"The thief who stole the orchid!"

"Hear him quickly!"

"Don't talk about it!"

Chen Lai had already bypassed the corner of the wall, and then drilled into the river with a cloud, hiding under the bushes by the water.

The guard disciples suddenly appeared as if they were facing a great enemy. The disciples who caught up behind had flown to the top. Seeing this, the other disciples flew up one after another, looking forward and chasing after them.

"Where have you been?"

"I was here just now!"

"A white shadow disappears as soon as it turns!"

"He must have set off the fire just now!"

They shouted, looked extremely panicked, and tried their best to find it. Seeing their appearance, it seems that they are willing to die as long as they find the orchid.

Chen Lai not only didn't leave, but also returned.

This time, there was no disciple next to the Orchid Garden. He staggered over and jumped over generously. Whether it was big or small, they were all put in the flower bag.

Poor Zhen Xiangyu's Heigenlan, who had been cultivated for many years, was all stolen by him. There are 20 in total, and there is no one left!

Chen Lai looked to the south, listened to the noise, grinned, drove the clouds into the water, and returned leisurely. When I came to the moat, I saw that there were disciples flying on it, shouting one by one, as if the sky had fallen!

"Be sure to find him!"

"The elder said, as long as you catch the thief, you will be rewarded with ten thousand pieces of gold!"

"The elder said again that he couldn't catch the thief, and all the guards would die!"

Chen Lai shook his head and felt that Zhen Xiangyu was really cruel and deserved to be stolen by others. After taking a chance, he flew up and ran along the lawn in the forest, thinking of flying out of the North District compound quickly.

He used "Tuilong Jue" as a guide, turning around and going south. Suddenly, he felt bad!

There are people all around! Pushing the Dragon clearly told him that there were people around him and they were chasing in his direction!

"There is a figure!"

"I found him!"

"That's him!"


A group of disciples found Chen Lai's white figure and chased after him. Chen Lai secretly shouted that it was not good and accelerated forward.

Immediately, a disciple entered Zhen Xiangyu's inner courtyard and reported the theft of the orchid in a panic. With Zhen Xiangyu's shouting, some of the guard disciples in the yard rushed out and joined the team to search for thieves.

Another disciple shouted and notified the cultivation disciples in the North District. In an moment, almost all the North District went out, and the whole sky was white. It is dense, like a rolling white cloud.

Just as an empty nest was formed in Zhen Xiangyu's elder house, a white shadow god quietly flew out of the cave under a rockery. She is slender, plump and compact, bulging and upturned. She is obviously a woman, but her face is wrapped in a masked white cloth, and she can't see her face.

She flew directly to Zhen Xiangyu's inner courtyard and flew to the study. Along the way, she looked around and was very wary.

When she came to the door of the study, she quietly fell down and observed for a while before gently pushing the wooden door of the study. In the moonlight, the appearance of the study is clearly visible. She was stunned just by looking inside.

Zhen Xiangyu actually sat in the middle of the study, smiling on her face, as if waiting for her intently, "You let a disciple steal my orchids and attract everyone away, and then you come back to my study to steal... What on earth do you want to do?"

The masked woman did not answer, then retreated, closed the door, turned around and flew away. She flew straight north to the forest in the north. Already feeling dangerous, she used all her cultivation and flew almost twice as fast as when she came.

Where to escape?" Zhen Xiangyu chased after him, "Leave your life!"

A slap.

The cloud of this palm has neither turned into a weapon nor into a beast, and directly hit the back of the masked woman like a wooden stake. The speed of wooden stakes is like arrows!

Zhen Xiangyu himself is the middle level of the fairyland. This palm uses a lot of aura, which is powerful and obviously wants to kill the other party.

The masked woman in front heard the wind and jumped away as she flew back to stop the explosive cloud.


A white tiger roared out and hit the flying wooden stake.


The tiger was smashed by the stake. Not only that, the splashing clouds were also sucked by the stake, which not only did not resist the attack, but also enhanced the speed of the attack. Then, it hit the back of the masked woman's back.


The masked woman let out a scream, was blown away, and spewed out another mouthful of blood. Blood spewed out through the white cloth in front of his mouth and turned into a blood mist! And a red blood stain suddenly appeared on the white cloth! Under the moonlight, it is very eye-catching.

She secretly worked hard, protecting the sea of air while flying around.

"You can't escape!" The person behind him slapped again.


Chen Lai continued to run forward. In order to speed up, he turned the round air mask around him into a shuttle-shaped air mask. Inside, his hands were in front and behind him, flying like a shuttle. In this way, it has been flying for a cup of tea. He also doesn't understand why there are so many disciples this time! He felt that there was someone who caught him and watched him change, and it seemed that there was still something to protect him!

He felt that Jingshan was strange and had to be turned upside down in the future.

Suddenly, he felt a figure in front of him, blocking the road, and he had to make a detour.

With the help of Pushing Dragons, he hid like hide-and-seek with his disciples like snowflakes. Flying around, and finally unconsciously flew back to Zhen Xiangyu's elder house.

He doesn't care where he is, as long as it's a safe place.

Seeing that there were more and more disciples behind him, he turned around again and used "Prison Knife" in a hidden place to hide in the stream and gallop forward. This time he moved to the bottom of the water, so that the water was calm and nothing could be found.

At this time, he was secretly grateful to his master Wu Sheng, who was not the "Prison Knife Decision" he taught. I'm afraid he would have long been a turtle in the urn!

Unconsciously, I flew a curved journey. Suddenly, he used "Tuilong Jue" to find that there were two fighting in front of him, one was Zhen Xiangyu, the owner here, and the other turned out to be Qian Yeye!

Why did Qian Yeye, the little lady, come here? Does she want to be a thief too? Chen Lai hurriedly searched the war situation and found that Qian Yeye had been seriously injured!

Thinking that the customs clearance documents were still on her, he was saved even if he didn't want to save him. He quietly followed the stream to the yard where they were fighting. Slowly rising to the bottom of the water, he saw that Qian Yeye could only fight. Seeing the critical situation, he quietly pulled out his waist knife.

The steel knife is even more faintly shining in the water! Many small fish have been surrounded at first sight.

"Go!" I don't know whether Chen Lai was scolding the fish or scolding Zhen Xiangyu. He held a steel knife and pointed to Zhen Xiangyu's back in the distance.

A little knife pierced the water layer and came out of the water. There was no movement or wind, moving in a straight line. In the space where the water broke out, I saw that the knife light brought a tiny drop of water. Under the leadership of that knife light, they all moved forward.

Under the moonlight, the knife light became brighter and brighter, and the water droplets behind became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a little light.

A highlight is paved with a fishing net and heading towards the target. While flying, it turned into a Sichuan-shaped knife. Under the moonlight, you can see the regular script Sichuan characters turned into at each point!

Zhen Xiangyu was about to make a final fatal blow to the masked woman in the distance. Suddenly, she felt a chill behind her, hurriedly jumped forward, and then quickly turned around and slapped. But it was too late, and all the Sichuan-shaped knives had come to the face.

For good, he is a middle-level disciple of Wonderland. At a critical moment, he proposed that all the aura in the sea of Qi would protect his body.


The flying fishing net hit her more than ten feet away.


Zhen Xiangyu was hit dizzy, lost her sense of direction, and fell to the ground like an ordinary person.

The masked woman covered her face and was ready to die. She suddenly found this scene and was shocked!

Seeing a figure rising from the surface of the water, her cheeks suddenly became hot and she did not dare to face it. She deliberately lay on the ground.

Chen took a look at Zhen Xiangyu, who was unresponsive in the distance. Knowing that the sneak attack was successful, he hurried to the masked woman, picked her up, flew up, and once again hidden in the stream before the disciples behind him came.

"The elder is injured!"

"Come and heal!"

"Catch the thief! Not one, but two!"

The disciples shouted and panicked. Some carried the unconscious Zhen Xiangyu to the bedroom, some became guards, and some continued to look for thieves.

This time, Chen Lai flew along the stream with Qian Yeye to the forest in the north, and Qian Yeye has always been in his arms.

Qian Yeye is no more domineering than usual. She is completely a bird. On the one hand, she is injured, and on the other hand, she feels extremely shocked!

She can't imagine the fact in front of her. As a disciple of the hall, she can't deal with Zhen Xiangyu, but Chen Lai, as a guardian disciple of Baiqi Beijing, actually knocked Zhen Xiangyu to the ground. What's more difficult for her to imagine is that Chen Lai can fly in the water and fly very fast!

At this time, she believes more that Chen Lai is different and understands why so many people pay attention to him in Jingshan.

Of course, she feels more ashamed! The ultimate purpose of letting Chen to steal orchids is not to get orchids, but to go to Zhen Xiangyu's study to get something more important to her! She originally thought that even if Chen Lai was caught by them and lost her life, as long as she could get what she needed, it was worth it, but in the end, it was he who saved her in turn!

Conning that she was difficult for Chen Lai, she felt even more ashamed and didn't dare to look at him and put her cheeks close to his chest.

After flying for more than an hour and reaching the forest in the north, Chen Lai dared to rise out of the water after confirming that the surroundings were safe. Removing the air mask beside him, he took Qian Yeye to a white grass by the stream and said to her, "Sister Ye Ye, you can wash your face now."

Qian Yeye was stunned and asked in a low voice, "Chen Lai, do you know it's me?" After saying that, he coughed violently twice and spit out two mouthfuls of blood. A piece of clear stream suddenly turned blood red. The fishy smell of blood attracted a group of small fish, who shook their heads and sucked the blood inside.

Chen Lai sat on the stone next to him and gasped. He was originally angry with her. Seeing her like this, he stood up again, walked to her and squat down and pressed her round shoulder. "Sister Ye Ye, you are injured. Tell me what herbs you need to recuperate."

Qian Yeye closed his eyes and shook his head. "It's useless... I was slapped by Zhen Xiangyu. Without her orchids, I would definitely die."

She felt a fire in her heart, as if she had been barbecued and torn by something, which was extremely painful. She looked pessimistically at the very excited little fish looking for blood in the water, thinking that she would be eaten by them when she died in it, and her nose suddenly became sour.

"Sister Ye Ye, we are now friends of life and death." Chen Lai hugged Qian Yeye to his side. "As long as you tell me why you went to Zhen Xiangyu's study, I will help you."

Qian Yeye shook his head, and his resolute expression seemed to say that I would rather die.

"I know that you Tianleimen has strict discipline, but don't forget that I am a disciple of the Black Prison Hall, and I may become a disciple of Tianleimen in the future... Speaking of which, we are still a family."

Qian Yeye shook his head again.

Chen Lai stretched out his little finger and scratched his scalp, "Well, you don't say anything about this! Then you have to tell me why you stopped me and didn't let me see Lou Byron!"

Qian Yeye shook his head again.

Hi, how did you meet such a broom star! Is secret more important than life? Chen Lai stood up angrily, "Don't care! That's it! You deliberately stopped me and cheated me into stealing orchids. You didn't care about my life or death at all! Now that I have rescued you, I have done my best!"

He staggered to the shore, but after walking more than a dozen steps, he stopped again. It's done! I'll give you another chance! Say it quickly!"

Qian Yeye put his arms around his chest and lay on the grass in pain, as if it was difficult to support. However, she still didn't say a word.

"Qian Yeye! Hey, if you don't tell me the secret, you have to tell me where the document is, right?

Qian Yeye coughed a few times and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. Blood drops stuck to the corners of his mouth and gasped, "There is a pen holder in my study, which is hidden in a brush..."

"Thank you very much! Say goodbye!" Chen Lai staggered to the shore and walked east.