Break through the void

Chapter 269 Staling Love

The moonlight is brighter, and the white forest is transparent. A gust of wind blows, bringing the fragrance of the white forest and wild flowers.

Smell these aromas, and Chen Lai is in a good mood. You can get the customs clearance documents immediately, you can see Lu Byron immediately, and you can immediately become a disciple of Dijingshan. No matter how he wants to be happy.

But after only a few dozen steps, he stopped. Late, he still turned around and looked at the stream.

Qian Yeye was still lying by the stream, and it seemed that he would not last long.

Hi, no matter what, I'm a man. How can I die? Besides, this is a great opportunity to conquer her! He strode back to the stream.

Qian Yeye smiled when he heard the footsteps and said dying, "Why are you back?"

Chen Lai didn't say anything. He picked her up and walked to the foot of a mountain not far away. Qian Yeye snuggled up to his chest. Although his body and mind were in pain, he couldn't help thinking of being stroked by him that day. Suddenly, his cheeks turned red.

When he came to a cave, Chen Lai put her down and took out the flower bag around his waist.

When Qian Yeye saw the bulging flower bag, he looked at him suspiciously, pointed to the flower bag, and asked how much it was packed here.

"There are only 20 in the garden, and I have been turned upside down." Chen said it lightly, as if it was too little.

"What?" Qian Yeye's eyes suddenly widened and couldn't wait to stare at his face, "Twenty flowers are all there? This orchid is more precious than a thousand dragon elixir. If you pinch it back, Zhen Xiangyu will definitely go crazy!"

Chen Lai grinned happily, poured out four flowers and handed them to her.

Qian Yeye smiled, looked at him with admiration, stretched out his index finger and thumb and pinched one, "I can eat the next one."

With that, he turned sideways, picked up the flowers and chewed them slowly like eating steamed buns. Soon, the petals, stamens and stems were eaten clean by her.

Just now, she felt that her heart was burning, but now she suddenly felt a coolness, the pain was much less, and she felt that the sea of air was much smoother. She sighed in her heart that it was really Heigenlan, which lives up to its reputation!

Chen Lai touched her arm and handed her another one.

Qian Yeye knew in his heart that Zhen Xiangyu would definitely let the guardian investigate this matter. At that time, she would be injured, and 100 mouths could not be explained clearly. Now the most important thing is to recover quickly. She took it over again and ate it.

In this way, Chen Lai handed her four, and she ate four. After eating with a smile, Hegenlan was indeed amazing. After a short time, she felt that the pain of body and mind almost disappeared, and she suddenly felt a sense of strength in the sea of gas.

However, she still needs to practice to stabilize her Qihai. She sat cross-legged and smiled and asked Chen to protect her. Chen Lai not only did not refuse, but also sat behind her to provide her with pure aura.

The moonlight shines on the uneven hole, which is bright and clean, like goose feathers on the floor. The two are closely connected through the clouds and are immersed in the world of the sea of air.

With the deepening of practice, Qian Yeye felt more and more aura entering her back along Chen Lai's arms, then transmitted to her abdominal cavity, and finally fell into her sea of anger. The whole process was like a piece of warmth flowing into her body; she had never felt so warm, had never felt so comfortable, and had never been so moved. When she felt safe and sound, she leaned in his arms and took his two hands to her chest. Since he has touched the body before, let's have a good time now.

In fact, Chen Lai's body has already reacted. Sitting behind a beautiful woman in a hidden cave and putting her hands on her cold back, how can there be no response? He has wanted to warm her body for a long time, but he has been controlling it. Now when I see the other party throws a hug, of course, I won't refuse. He lowered his neck and kissed her lips, and his hands stroked her two beautiful breasts from behind. The feeling of holding made him burn. He turned around, put his hands into her tights and stroked her buttocks. After a while, he began to pull out her trousers skillfully.

Suddenly, a faint white light appeared in front of him, and an indescribable body fragrance also came to his face.

Chen Lai suddenly felt hot all over, especially the center of his right foot, which was simply placed on a stove! It's absolutely impossible not to catch fire.

Suddenly, Qian Yeye broke away from his arms and looked at him with wide eyes, full of suspicion and reproachment, "Chen Lai, you said before that you had never been to a brothel, but how can you be so skilled?"

Chen Lai began to think that she was shy and wanted to go down. As soon as he heard it, he immediately hugged her face and kissed her, trying to make her forget this matter, but Qian Yeye pushed him away again, "Why don't you explain to me?"

It seemed that she had been greatly hurt, and she burst into tears.

Chen Lai felt very disappointing, "Ye Ye, why don't you simply now? This is our love. What does it have to do with my past? What does it have to do with your past? ...If you do this again, the atmosphere between us will be ruined."

With that, he bent down and held one of her breasts with his mouth.

Qian Yeye bit his lip, let him eat for a while, and suddenly pushed him away, "Chen Lai, I want you to explain."

Chen Lai was furious, stood up and lifted his trousers, "Hey, what are you doing? Let's not be happy, let's see who walks fast!"

turned around, walked out of the hole and flew up.

"Chen Lai! You are a hooligan! You touched me, kissed me, and did it to me like this!" Qian Yeye cried angrily, grabbed a stone beside him and smashed it out.


In the North District Presbyterian, Zhen Xiangyu has woken up lying in the bedroom. But his face was pale and breathless. Obviously, the knife that Chen Lai's sneak attack made her a little unstable.

Two doctors came, who are the best doctors on Dijing Mountain. They took Zhen Xiangyu's pulse, looked at the injury, and finally made sure that it was not life-threatening, but they had to stay in bed for a period of time.

How can Zhen Xiangyu be in the mood to rest? Thinking of getting up and killing the thief immediately. To mention the injury, 20 black root orchids were all stolen. How she felt uncomfortable and angry!

Immediately asked the two men to call Liu Fenghe and Bai Yu. Liu Fenghe is a man and it is inconvenient to enter the bedroom. Only Bai Yu can enter.

The doctor and the girl have retired. Bai Yu knelt outside Zhen Xiangyu's tent to listen to the order.

"Bai Yu, come to me."

Bai Yu is a 22-year-old girl. She has been under Zhen Xiangyu for more than eight years. Zhen Xiangyu treated her like a daughter. Hearing the voice, Bai Yu stood up, walked to the bedside, opened the account, greeted her, and sat down.

Zhen Xiangyu lifted her clothes and let her see her belly.

I saw that the belly was very white and a little bloated. At a glance, I knew that it was the belly of a woman in her forties, and there were small light blue characters on it! It is dense, like a tattoo totem. Bai Yu came closer and saw the Sichuan characters, and her eyes widened!

Zhen Xiangyu pointed to herself again, "I have this kind of Sichuan character. Obviously, this is the Sichuan character knife method. Only the disciples of Iron Purple Gate can reach this realm..."

Bai Yu was shocked and said, "Your Excellency, is Tie Zimen paying attention to us?"

Zhen Xiangyu shook her hand and pulled her to sit down. The white jade was originally soft, but now her body looks a little stiff.

"We always do things without leakage, how can we be caught by others? I just want you and Liu Fenghe to pay attention to the actions of Tie Zimen disciples in the future.

Zhen Xiangyu sighed heavily again, "I could have caught the thief who came to my study, but the disciple of Tie Zimen suddenly appeared and attacked me with a knife. I was focused on catching the thief and was unprepared, so I was successfully attacked by him... Now you pay more attention to the thief."

"E elder, do you have any clues?"

Zhen Xiangyu sneered, "I suspect that that person is Qian Yeye of Tianleimen. The thief is very similar to her skills to see if she is injured... I think she has stared at us. You can either keep an eye on her or kill her earlier."



"You are so stupid!"

Back to Qian Yeye's main courtyard, Chen Lai shouted at Qian Yeye who chased him.

"What am I stupid about? I don't think you dare to tell your past!" Qian Ye is tit-for-tat.

Chen Lai stretched out his index finger and shook it at her. "Where do you want to go? I mean, it's stupid for you to go to Zhen Xiangyu's study.

Qian Yeye tilted his head and stared at him, pretending to be an important person to explain.

"Zhen Xiangyu is an old fox. You are self-righteous, let me steal orchids, and then think about going to her study easily. What's the result? If it's not by chance, you will die! In addition, since you are going to be a thief, you must be fully prepared. At least you can't let others see who you are, but I dare to assert that Zhen Xiangyu has begun to doubt you! Also, the last time you were in Wanchun Building, you actually pretended to be the little * soliciting guests inside! I know your target is me, but what you do is very unreal. On the other hand, don't you worry about being discovered by your enemies? ...Do you think you are stupid?"

Chen Lai pointed out and vented. In fact, he was still unhappy with Qian Yeye just now. He was angry, and then the old accounts and new accounts were liquidated together.

Qian Yeye lowered his head and stopped arguing. Xiaohong pouted.

Chen Lai bent his head, pointed at her, and scolded, "Do you think I don't know why you went to Zhen Xiangyu's study? Let me tell you, I know more than you! You actually want to investigate her real identity!"

Qian Yeye's eyes widened and looked up at him.

"I can also tell you that I know the details of Zhen Xiangyu best, who she is, who she is buying, and what she wants to do. I know it well!" Chen Lai stretched out his index finger, shook at her again, and turned around angrily.

Qian Yeye's eyes widened. What Chen Lai just said is what she has been investigating. I can't imagine that a low-level disciple from Baiqijing knows more than her, a disciple of Tianleimen!

In order to investigate these truths, she even sacrificed her life, because this is a dead task given to her by Tianleimen. That's what she wants to know!

"Brother..." Qian Yeye stepped forward, carried him on his shoulder and hummed.

Chen Lai held his head high, pinched his chin, and observed the beam.

Qian Yeye thought for a moment, smiled, turned around and ran out. Chen Lai didn't move, just look at the "scenery".

After a while, Qian Yeye ran back and held a document in his hands, "Brother, this is your customs clearance document. Please put it away."

Chen Lai still ignores it.

Qian Yeye smiled, put the customs clearance documents on the desk, and then walked to him and carried him on his shoulder. "Brother, can't I know it's wrong? When I was in Wanchun Building, I shouldn't have hit you. When you come to Jingshan, I shouldn't have stopped you. It's all my fault... Brother Lai, think about it, I've also been forced to be helpless. The leader has always disliked me, but only I know how to drug Xiuyun's disciples. She uses me conveniently and gives me anything to do whatever the task is. First, let me investigate Qizhen, and now let me investigate Zhen Xiangyu. I really can't help it. ...Now, I know that Brother Lai is a big shot, and I also ask Brother Lai for help."

He said cleverly and pitifully, leaning on Chen Lai's chest.

Chen Lai knew that the opportunity had come, and he was secretly happy. He looked at her and asked seriously, "Do you still ask me about my past?"

Qian Yeye felt his hot eyes and immediately realized some danger. His face suddenly turned red, hugged his shoulder and muttered, "Brother, I'm talking to you about business."

Chen Lai stopped talking nonsense, put his arms around her waist, picked her up with her buttocks and walked to the bedside. After being busy for a long time, he felt that this was the business.

"Rougan! You hooligan! How can you force it... How can you force it... Qian Yeye couldn't help beating him and struggling, but the more so, the more Chen Lai pressed her to **...

"Ice Hall Lord! "Master of the Ice Hall!"

Chen Lai's preparations have just been completed, and the love of fish water is about to begin, and there is a fire outside.

Hearing the cry of his men, Qian Yeye quickly pushed him away, sat up and put on his clothes in a panic, looked at the closed door and asked solemnly, "What happened?"

The disciples outside replied: "Lord Dharma ordered that all the master and high-level disciples above the master should gather in the small square of the court within an hour."

Qian Yeye immediately agreed and hurriedly put on his boots.

Chen Lai sighed secretly and had to stay until the next time. Seeing her anxiously angry, he laughed, "Ye Ye, what are you panicking about? It's not too late to go after our intimation.

"Do you think the rally is a family? If you are late once, the guardian will be dismissed!" Qian Yeye put on his boots and stamped.

Chen Lai shook her water-red shorts, "Do you still wear this?"

Qian Yeye took a look and waved his hand generously, "Aren't you disappointing? I'll give it to you as a comfort.

Chen Lai laughed waving his shorts. As soon as he lay down, he kicked his legs and smiled.

Qian Yeye came forward and grabbed his shorts to cover his mouth and let him whisper. Chen Lai took the opportunity to touch her buttocks again.

She opened his hand and came forward to arrange, "Your Excellency asked us to go. It must be because of Zhen Xiangyu. I have to go and have a look."

Chen Lai took her hand and immediately became serious. "Help me observe the expressions of them, analyze the contradictions between them, and come back and tell me the content of the meeting."

Qian Yeye was stunned, "Don't say let the Lord Protector know, but let the commander of Tianleimen know that I'm guilty of death."

"You are already very dangerous. Tianleimen has used your fragrant medicine. Zhen Xiangyu has suspected you, so we have to cooperate... Besides, are we still outsiders now?" With that, Chen Lai stood up, patted her on the shoulder, walked to the head of the bed, took out the flower bag from the bedside table and handed it to Qian Yeye, "If you need it, I will give it all to you."

Qian Yeye was stunned again. She thought of Chen Lai's rescue and the closeness of the two. She understood that although Chen Lai had a hooligan nature, she didn't say anything to her. As he said, they were inseparable at this time. "You keep it first, wait for me to use it, and then take it again. You must let it go... I'll go. ."

Walking a few steps to the door, she stopped again, suddenly turned around and walked back, hugged him and kissed him on the mouth. As she trotted into the yard, she waved her arms and ran forward, as if she had two long wings in the moonlight.

Chen Lai lay down again and covered her shorts on her face. At this time, his thoughts flew to the small square of the guardian with Qian Yeye's figure. However, after only a moment of franing, he sat up and thought about his own business.

From the moment he came to Dijingshan, he could feel the change in his body, as if he was always in a state of excitement. He understands that this has something to do with being curious about coming to a new environment, but this is not the ultimate reason. When he felt the discomfort of the sea of gas, he fully understood that this was a change in the environment of Xiuyun!

When he came here, he found that there were very few clouds in the mountains and forests, and he couldn't figure out where the disciples here got the clouds for practicing. Thinking of this, he regretted it. He didn't know what he had been busy with in Baiqijing all day. He didn't even ask this question and wanted to wait for Qian Yeye to come back to ask her this question.

Wearing a coat and boots, he came to a white forest behind him. This white tree looks like a birch tree and a white pine tree, tall and leafy. Under the moonlight, it is white. Even under the shade of trees, it is actually white. The white grass on the ground is related. As long as it absorbs a little light, they can reflect light.

Chen Lai came to a bald mountain, stepped on the forest under his feet, and looked around. White snowflakes, the sound of waves.

Looking at the sky again, there is a round and big moon surrounded by a dark blue sky! That's cloudless!

I don't know if the pure aura can be mentioned here, so Chen decided to have a try. He sat down, began to work, made a layer of air mask to surround himself, and then began to extract the aura around him.

He remembered that in the time of Baiqijing, he could extract a lot of pure aura and store it in the sea of incense, but here, he was busy with a bunch of incense, but there were no grains.

He felt very strange. There was no aura. How did the disciples of Dijingshan practice?

He took out "Push the Dragon" and began to search for the aura around him. Pushing the Dragon told him that there was not a trace of aura around 3,000 meters.

Hi, this is really a problem! Chen Lai stretched out his little finger and scratched his scalp and looked around again.

Are the disciples of Jingshan all going to steal other people's aura? But stealing and stealing, the whole Jingshan can't make much progress! They also have Jingyunyuan, and they also need to send elite disciples to the upper level! How did the disciples in Jingyun Academy practice?

After thinking about it, he decided to start consolidating his skills. When he came to Dijing Mountain, he didn't know whether his skills were standing still or going backwards. He asked himself never to go back.

flew north again. He came to a cave and began to consolidate his practice.

Among the skills of Xuanjing, the most important offensive skills are the "fantasy cloud weapon", which turns clouds into various offensive weapons. After Chen Lai hit the clouds, he turned into weapons such as swords and sticks, and hit the targets one by one. It felt very smooth, no different from Baiqijing. The only change was that the clouds turned into white clouds. He also didn't understand the reason and thought that he would ask this question when he met the master in the future.

In the skill of Yunjing, the most important offensive skill is to "improve your breath into a beast" and turn the clouds into all kinds of highly offensive beasts. Chen Lai hit the clouds and turned into lions, tigers, leopards and other beasts. He didn't feel any difference. Like the practice just now, the clouds changed from black to white.

Although "Fantasy Cloud Becomes a Device" and "Earge for Beasts" are both basic skills, master disciples such as Xuanjing and Yunjing, and even higher-level disciples will also use such skills when they compete with others. Because it is a basic skill, it is easy to use, but their speed is faster, their explosive power is stronger, and their attack intensity is greater. Therefore, Chen Lai practiced meticulously for half an hour before he stopped.

Of course, he would not forget the "Prison Knife Decision" taught to him by Wu Sheng. When he returned to the room, he meditated for a while before lying down and waiting for Qian Yeye to return.

Qian Yeye returned to her bedroom, quickly changed into a clean white dress, asked the girl beside her to wash out the clothes she wore overnight, and then flew to the main courtyard behind.

She is a disciple of the head of the hall, and the upper level is the disciple of the head of the hall and the head of Dong Zejun. She must first report to Dong Zejun, then report to the leader of Tianleimen with him, and finally follow the leader to report to Lord Hufa. Every time it is like this, or follow this procedure, you will be punished by the leader Bai Ruyao.

When he came to the small square of the main hall, Qian Yeye saw that three hall masters had come and fell down to greet them. There are a total of six masters under Dong Zejun, and they still need to wait.

In a moment, the other three masters came. Among the six masters, there are four female disciples, two male disciples, four women talking together, and two male disciples talking together. However, their tone is very cold. As disciples of Tianleimen, their daily work is surveillance, interrogation and slaughter, and their personalities have a very cold side.

"Your Excellency is here!" A disciple shouted.

I saw a thin disciple with long eyebrows swaggering.

Qian Yeye and other hall masters immediately hugged their fists and saluted, "I have seen the hall master!"

The regulations of Dijingshan are also very strict. In the face of higher-level bosses, they must salute or bow, and in the face of higher-level superiors, they must kneel on one knee. There are two kinds of names for bosses. Women are adults and men are adults. Of course, it is okay to call them directly.

Dong Zejun nodded coldly and looked around at his disciples. Seeing that his men were all there, he nodded at ease, and finally took another look at Qian Yeye.

Everyone else knows that he likes Qian Yeye, but in the face of his lustful eyes, they all pretend to ignore it.

Seeing this, Qian Yeye hurriedly lowered his head. I can't say why. She is just impatient with this man. When she sees his eyebrows as long as a beard, she feels very annoying.

With Dong Zejun's greeting, they flew up together and flew to the council hall of Tianleimen.

The council hall of Tianleimen is the place where the high-level disciples of Tianleimen gathered for the meeting. When Dong Zejun and the others came, there were already more than 200 high-level disciples of Tianleimen standing in it. And that day, Bai Ruyao, the leader of Leimen, was already standing on the high platform.

Dong Zejun and others saw this and hurriedly knelt down to salute. Then, they signed with the disciples, and then went to the two nearby rooms to be inspected by the disciples. The male disciple went to a room to be inspected by a male disciple; the female disciple went to another room to be inspected by a female disciple.

In the past, every time the high-level disciple gathering of Tianleimen was the last person to come, but this time she came very early. The disciples had seen from her blue and purple face that this party was not small. Besides, they felt even more strange that they had to have a physical examination this time; of course, only Qian Yeye understood the reason.

After another cup of tea, a disciple came forward to report that all the disciples had arrived.

Bai Ruyao glanced again with stern eyes and asked softly, "Among all the disciples, is anyone injured?"

Just now, she came back from the guardian. She had learned what had happened at night and was worried that it would be her disciple, so she checked whether all the disciples were injured one by one.

The disciple answered in a positive tone.

Bai Ruyao looked at it again, especially Qian Yeye, and whispered to his disciples to check Qian Yeye's situation.

The disciple immediately returned and called the disciple who inspected the female disciple. The disciple came to Bai Ruyao, softly concluded that Qian Yeye was not injured, and said that she was well maintained.

Bai Ruyao nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand and said, "Let's go to the guardian, so let's all cheer up."

The disciples suddenly trembled. Qian Yeye didn't dare to be careless. The bra is tall and upright, which is heroic.