
308 deep

308 deep

"How did you know my name?" Sha Qi looked up at Wan Tianyang, who was two heads taller than herself, and was very puzzled, "I didn't touch you just now, and you came out!" However, you should come out early! Let me be scared here!"

Before he finished his words, he was pushed to the side by the ice silkworm. He looked at the recovered Wan Tiancan excitedly. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, and finally all his words turned into a violent cough. Wan Tian walked to his side with a blank face and patted him gently on the back, "These years! In fact, you don't have to..."

"Tian Can... I..." The ice silkworm's words were stuck in the throat, but they couldn't spit out anything, and finally turned into a sigh.

"Take a break! I know what you want to say... Now, I have to solve this teenager's problem first!" Wan Tiancan let go of the shoulder of the ice silkworm and looked down at the tears falling on the ground. Sand tears fell to the ground with two feet and one palm, and clenched the thorn dagger in his right hand.

Wan Tiancan looked at the alert look of Sha tears and did not take another step forward. He just said coldly, "I'll ask you again, are you called Sha tears!"

Sha tear did not reply, looking intently at the unfathomable two people in front of him. The ice silkworm alone was no longer able to deal with sand tears. Now there is a ten thousand remnant. What should I do? Bean-sized sweat involuntarily appeared on the forehead of sand tears.

"Cough... Heaven is disabled! It won't be wrong! I have confirmed it!" The ice silkworm naturally stood behind the ten thousand disabled, as if reporting to his superiors, "His identity is not wrong, sand tears, the third young master of the watchman!" Sha Jiabang's son..."

Wan Tiancan looked at Shaqi silently and took two steps forward silently. Shaqi's muscles were swollen nervously, and he waved the thorn dagger in his hand and stabbed at the key point of Wan Tianshan!

"When~~~~" "Plop!"

The thorn short sword is fixed outside the skin of the ten thousand remnants, and it can't penetrate the skin of the ten thousand remnants at all! However, unexpected changes appeared between sand tears and ice silkworms! Wan Tian Can actually knelt down in front of the sand tears.

"Heavenly disability! What are you going to do? Cough... Get up!" No matter how the ice silkworm pulls it, Wan Tiancan will not move at all. "What's wrong with you? Is it because he woke you up? No, his soul energy just had no contact with you at all... Cough..."

"Although I didn't have contact, I was indeed awakened by the energy fluctuation of sand tears!" Wan Tian Can then worshipped the sand tears three times, "These three worships are not for you, but for your father!"

"My father?" Sha tears said doubtfully, "Have you seen my father?"

Even the ice silkworm looked at Wan Tiancan, who slowly got up doubtfully: "His father? Over the years, we have never seen such a person! Tian Can, where did you see him? It's not like me...cough..."

Wan Tiancan looked at the ice silkworm and said lightly, "Let's see him together at the gate of Queen's Park!"

"What?" The ice silkworm opened its mouth in surprise, "You mean that the mysterious man back then was Sha Jiabang? Is this young man's father? That legend, my God! Why have I never thought of it!"

"He was covered with black cloth and only talked to me. Naturally, you won't know!" Wan Tiancan paused and continued, "In those years, he said in my ear: 'Everyone has an inescapable fate. Years later, my son Sha Jiabang, a person with the same soul power as me, will wake you up from your deep sleep. I won't ask for deprivation of your hard-won freedom. I just hope that At that time, you can grant him three requests!'"

"In those years, I thought it was just that man's nonsense until the day I was frozen! I found that his prediction was so accurate, so I thought in my sleep and looked back on what I had done in my life! I'm not afraid that I will never wake up again, because the benefactor predicted that you will come one day!" The burning eyes of the sky were all projected on the sand tears.

Being stared at by such a strong gaze, Sha Tears is not much uncomfortable, but more curious and helpless: "I have been on this road of desperation since I entered the small world to today! All this was arranged before I was born! What kind of person is my father? How many road signs has he left for me in the future?

Sha tears can't know these questions, but he knows what he should do now! His partners and his brothers are still waiting for his help!

Wan Tianfan looked at the changeable sand tears and said lightly, "Sha tears! I can feel your hesitation and desire! I will do my best to fulfill the three wishes requested by your father! Is there anything I can do for you now?"

Sha tears frowned, "I do have something very important to deal with now, and time is running out!" Can we go back to the original world first? By the way, this should not be a wish!" Before the words fell, the ice silkworm waved their hands and returned to the original alley. The surrounding scenery did not change at all, and the sand tears seemed to have never left!

"Don't be surprised...cough..." The real body of the ice silkworm reappeared in front of the sand tears. "In my world, you feel that it's been an hour! It's only been a minute here!"

"That means..." Sha tears couldn't help looking away to the ten thousand remnants as strong as an iron tower. "You have disappeared outside for a hundred years... you are inside..."

Wan Tian can raise his eyebrows, "I've been sleeping for too long!" Don't you want me to move my muscles and bones now and say your first wish quickly?"

Sha tears lowered her head and fell into deep thinking, "My current requirements are very simple! You help me protect my partner here until I come out of the land of resurrection! If...if I can't get out, I hope you can get them out of here safely!"

As soon as the voice of sand tears fell, "Whis!" With a sound, the ten thousand disabled people disappeared!

"Where did he go?" Sha tears asked in surprise. He didn't expect that Wan Tiancan had been frozen for nearly a thousand years, and the result could still be so lively.

"Cough... He's going to fulfill your wish! Don't worry... If you are disabled, you will be fine... Cough..." The ice silkworm smiled and pointed to the direction of the hall. "The place you want to go is inside. Follow me. I hope my old bone can help you in the end!"

Sha tears followed the ice silkworm and ran towards the hall...


"Brother! Big brother! Great, do you feel it... The smell of sand tears appears again!" A Niu and Reisjie suffered a lot of minor injuries in this minute, and the reappearance of sand tears was like a shot to strengthen the two.

But they were extremely happy and sad. When the two were happy, they showed their flaws for a moment, and the two deadly lasers imagined the key points of the two people!


The laser, as a pure energy body, was pinched into powder in the hands of the visitor, and the man's strong body like an iron tower protected the two behind him. I'm ten thousand disabled! I, the bloody butcher, I order you to stop attacking now! Give these two people a dressing care treatment! Those who disobey the order, behead!"

"What? Ten thousand disabled? Ten thousand people are disabled!" It is not surprising that everyone present, including Reisjie and A Niu, opened their mouths, and the leader of the 100-year-old bloody slaughter is standing alive in front of them now!

For a while, the rain of bullets around stopped, and everyone stared at the remnants of the sky! Until the first old man shouted, "Oh, my God! This is really a disabled leader! I passed him with my own eyes more than 100 years ago! Oh my God! He is still alive, he is still alive! Great... he's still alive!"

Everyone looked at each other in condolence. Although they were unbelievable, the facts were in front of them, and they couldn't help but believe it. The people who had besieged Rice and A Niu immediately took down their weapons and took out the medical supplies they carried with them.

When they came to their senses, the ten thousand remnants had disappeared again without a trace! But the news of the re-esighty days spread.


"Lord Kilan, the energy tank on the left side of my spacecraft is overheated. If the continuous attack is not stopped, the energy tank on the left side is unlikely to be damaged or even exploded!"

Kylan slowly opened his eyes and said coldly with a blank face, "Then let him go!" If Sand Tears succeeds, we can naturally leave here, if he fails! We can't leave here either! Why do you care about this small explosion? Continue to attack, as long as you can!"

"Lord Kieran! I have re-searched the energy signal of Lord Sharyo, and he is now..."


Everyone looked at the top of the spacecraft, and the extremely tough hull metal was directly torn open with their bare hands! The man jumped down from the hole! He jumped directly in front of Kilan: "Are you a friend of Shalan?"

Keelan replied blankly, "You can say so! It is more accurate to say that it is a partner!"

"That's no problem! You connect me to the colossus imaging! I want to talk to all the troops on the ground!" The man directly gave orders to Kieran, "My name is Wan Tian Can, the same identity as you!" I want to tell everyone here! I'm back!"

"Ten thousand disabled?" Kieran's eyes flashed the same light!

After a while, the spacecraft stopped attacking and a huge projection appeared in the air! The deep voice spread to every inch of the bloody slaughter, "Pay attention, all the bloody slaughter children! I, ten thousand disabled! It's back!"