
309 Open the door

309 push open the door

"Your excellency, the data has been compared! Confirm that the sand tears have reappeared and are moving towards the center of the bloody slaughter!" Xu Wei reported the latest information in a decent voice, but his trembling hands were betrayed, not because of fear, but excitement! He looked at Yelu Xiuge's eyes enthusiastically.

"No!" Yelu Xiu looked at the tactical panel in front of him and didn't look back: "You can't go to Wantian to fight alone! Stay here!"

"But my lord..." Xu Wei pinched the control panel in his hand, and his eyes alternated with a burst of gold and blackness. Brother Yelu Xiu pressed the body he wanted to move with one hand, "No, but! His energy appeared with sand tears, but he did not attack sand tears! So, you want to take action on the pretext that he is threatening! All I can say is that the conditions are not valid!"

Xu Wei lowered his head angrily and muttered in a low voice. He threw the control panel in his hand on the table without taking two steps, desperately grabbing his curly hair, trying to let the pain suppress his belligerent blood!

"Don't worry!" For Xu Wei's childish temper, Yelu Xiu is not surprised. His eyes have not taken away from the virtual battle map in front of him, but his words were told to Xu Wei: "Since he came out! After a long time, there will always be a chance! Now, I have more important plans!"

A fine light flashed in his eyes hidden behind the cold mask. Yelu Xiu raised his head and connected the command communication of several other warships! The translucent communication video appeared in the air, and the commanders were ready to stand ready. "Everyone, change the formation and retreat slowly to prevent enemy raids!" Shrink the defense line and return to the mother ship!" There is unquestionable majesty in the tone of Yelu Xiuge.

The other three captains agreed to come down and immediately shut down the communication. At the beginning of this round of deployment, only Yelu Xiuge's cold voice echoed in the busy warship, "Second-level preparations, all personnel in place, ready to enter the battlefield at any time!"

The whole warship, even the whole army, no one asked why! Yelu Xiuge's order was carried out most efficiently at the first time.

The bloody slaughter soldiers who fought head-on with Yelu Huge's army did not take the opportunity to pursue, and they also retreated to the rear! In the cracks in time and space, the two armies withdrew to both sides with a transparent passage as a line. It's not that Blood Futu doesn't want to chase, but there are more important things to deal with now!

"Let those bastards come back! Pursuit? Chasing you, didn't you hear the broadcast just now? Just guard the defense line and don't make trouble for me!" The lion jumped like thunder in the command room, crushed the backrest behind him, gasped his thick nose, and cast his red eyes on the yellow finch who bowed his head and said no words!

"The ice silkworm boy didn't kill ten thousand days! I already said that guy can't be trusted! That's good! He is back! What do you think we should do?" The lion roared in front of the yellow finch, and the smelly saliva sprayed on the face of the yellow finch.

The yellow finch glanced up at the lion, wiped the saliva on its face, and pinched its two mustaches in silence. There were only two of them in the whole command room, and the rest were bombarded by lions at the beginning of the broadcast. Now that the yellow finch does not speak, the lion is even more angry. The strong seats inside the command room have become a tool for lions to vent their anger and sharp debris all over the ground.

"Okay! Can't you be quieter?" Just as the lion stretched its claws to the last table in the whole room, the frowned sparrow finally stood up.

What do you say? Is there anything you can do? Regardless of the pain on his feet, the lion stepped on the sharp fragments on the ground and ran to the side of the yellow finch. For many years, the two of them have not gathered together to discuss countermeasures like now!

The yellow finch's face was full of sadness and kicked away the residue at its feet. Holding Hu Jian's fingers trembled slightly, "Let me ask you a question! You have to answer me truthfully!"

The lion patted his thigh angrily, "You guy, it's all at this time! Can't you be more cheerful? If there is any bullshit, just say it quickly! I must have something to say!"

The inverted triangular eyes of the yellow finch narrowed slightly and stared at the lion's eyes, "Are you willing to give up the right to get it now?"

As soon as this came out, the atmosphere in the whole command room was solemn. The lion closed his mouth without spitting out a word. It was extremely quiet, and the breathing of the two was fresh and audible. The lion was silent for a long time and said lightly, "I can't!"

The corners of the yellow finch's mouth were slightly upturned, and its two moustaches trembled slightly: "We are all honest and can face our desires directly! So, there is only one way in front of us now!"

The lion clenched his fists, his shining eyes hesitated, and his previous uneasiness and panic had left him. Like the change from a native dog to a male lion, the lion nodded silently...

Human beings can only move forward if there is no way out!


The tower-like body stands in front of everyone, behind it is the camp where the blood and smoke stopped, surrounded by endless dark time and space, and in front of it is the blood-winged warship where the lion and the yellow finch are located!

The discussion is full of ten thousand disabled ears. Are these bandits in front of them the people who joined the bloody Futu after they left? Wan Tian Can doesn't want to admit it, but it is his responsibility to become like this. Most of the people standing in front of Wan Tianhan have never seen what Wan Tianhan looks like, but no one needs to know his prestige.

Wan Tiancan only took a step, and the huge team consciously dispersed to both sides, leaving him a road leading to the warship. Just a few steps forward, Wan Tian Can stopped walking, not because he was afraid, but because he said that the person he was looking for had come out by himself.

The yellow finch and the lion walked side by side and slowly floated forward. The three looked at each other in the vast cracks in time and space. There is no joy of reunion of old friends, and there is not even sparks of sworn enemies.

"I came here! It took a lot of time to walk here from the hall!" Wan Tian Can suddenly said this for no reason.

The yellow finch put his hands behind his back and said melancholy, "I know this is the time you gave us, but maybe you will still be you a hundred years ago, and we can't go back!" Power is really an addictive thing, and you can't quit it even if you want to!"

It was silent again. Tens of thousands of troops looked at the three people surrounded by the core and said silently, "These are all my faults!" The words of Wan Tian Can clearly echoed in everyone's ears.

"It's not your fault. You still like to carry all your responsibilities on yourself as before! We just chose different paths, but we didn't expect to return to such an ending in the end!" The yellow finch shook its head helplessly and sighed, "At that time, we were nine to one, but the past was like smoke. Except for the ice silkworm, they were still struggling, and they were all dead. Now the two of us are challenging you alone! This ending is really ironic. After all, we can't escape the fate of wrestling!"

Wantian shook his head and shook his hand with the Buddha beads in his hand, "You..."

"Don't say!" The yellow finch raised its hands and the lion stood in front of him. "Come and fight! Undead God of War!"


Although the ice silkworm kept coughing, his speed was no less than that of sand tears. Following the ice silkworm, sand tears easily walked through the twisting hall of the seven bays. "The place of resurrection I know should be a huge wormhole. Why is it in it here?"

"There are always some things in the world that you don't know. The three of us have been stationed here for a long time! When we first came, the size of the wormhole was amazing, but this would affect our stationing, so the three of us came up with a way to compress the volume of the wormhole and accumulate it in the center of the hall. The energy he overflowed just met the energy needs of our whole blood slaughter. We can rest assured to study this complex Everything in the living land.

Sha tear noticed that there is always a small ice channel at the feet of the ice silkworm. The reason why he is so fast is at his feet. He relies on his ability as if he were skating on the ground, and naturally can be comparable to the sand tears that opens the primary 'acceleration'.

The loud radio naturally reached the ears of the two of them. Sand tears ran sweating and worried about the safety of Wan Tianhan: "Will he be high-profile when he returns so blatantly? Doesn't this make the yellow finch and the lion ready?"

"If you don't do this, he will not be disabled. He has always liked decent things, even if he belongs to the person who will let you know before he wants to hit you! I don't know whether it's good or bad to stick to this almost pedantic principle! Cough..." The ice silkworm suddenly coughed violently, and his whole body trembled and fell softly to the ground.

Sha tears quickly jumped forward and protected the ice silkworm in his arms. When I bought it, Sha tears felt the chill of my heart. There was no body temperature that human beings should have on the ice silkworm's body. Holding him was like holding a thousand-year-old ice, which was no different from being in an ice cave. Sand tears immediately stimulated energy to protect their hearts!

Shaqi was about to transfer its energy into the body of the ice silkworm. The ice silkworm trembled to stop Shaqi's behavior. "I said before that my body will not last long. The ice is that I have frozen my internal organs, and only in this way can I survive to this day! Cough... Don't waste time with me, keep going and turn right! That's the portal into the wormhole! There is no way back after entering the gate! Over the years, none of the people we sent in have come back alive. Be careful!"

"I know!" Shaqi nodded solemnly and gently put down the ice silkworm and was about to leave. The ice silkworm held the palm of sand tears tightly. He looked up at the puzzled sand tears and said with difficulty, "I'm sorry for what I did to you before... I..."

"It's okay!" Sha Yan's face was filled with a confident smile, "If you have anything to say, just lie down here and wait until I come back!" With that, he flew away and disappeared from the sight of the ice silkworm!

"Wow..." Looking at the closed golden door in front of him, Sand Tear took a deep breath. He slowly opened his palm and pressed it on the door. The cold and hard touch stimulated the tight nerves of Sand Tear, close at hand! The unique smell of metal filled the nasal cavity, and the sand tears condensed and slowly pushed the door open!