The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Cresmann von Charlotte

Chrysler sniffed the smell of discord in the air and turned his head quickly. Duanmu looked at him with a smile and said, "Casanova will not thank you, but Feimo will thank you very much!" His Excellency Duke Chrysman von Charlotte!"

The housekeeper standing behind Duanmu Xun looked at Christman helplessly, with an anxious face, but did not dare to make a sound. As soon as Kleisman saw him, he bowed and retreated as if he had been redeemed.

Mr. Chrysler, who has lived for thousands of years, just raised his eyebrows and said to the blood clans who put their greedy eyes on Duanmu Xun's body, "Let's disperse."

The blood clan was unwilling to leave. When they left, their eyes were still attached to the two people and refused to evacuate.

The banquet was over, and then Kleisman looked at Feimo.

The two people touched their eyes and made each other's meaning clear.

Duanmu Xun smiled softly, "Then let's wait and see!"

"Of course!"

As soon as the words fell, I heard a jingling sound from the corridor. Chrysler slandered that Casanova, a useless thing, could not even be messed with by Fei Mo. It was really a disgrace to the blood clan.

Then, there was the sound of breaking the air, which shattered the walls, and the sound of stones hitting the ground was particularly loud. Then, there was no sound.

After a while, Casanova's chatty apology came.

Fimo didn't say a word or a word from beginning to end.

Duanmu's smile has never left his face.

Chrysman deeply felt that he was injured, very serious and painful. Casanova is really unmanageable - such a person is actually a direct descendant of Christman von Charlotte. There has never been a time that Duke of Chrysman regretted the birth of Casanova more than now.

What's more humiliating is that Duanmu Xun actually saw this matter from beginning to end. Duke Chrysman hated it and couldn't help it - who made the noble Duke fall in love with this person!

The regretful Duke fell into a deep self-disgust.

Casanova and Feimo are silent. I don't know whether Casanova conquered Fimo or Fimo ** Casanova, but the Duke of Kresman did not admit that even he felt that the result behind him was more likely.

A thin boy wrapped in dark black sheets stumbled into the hall.

Seeing Chrysler and Duanmu Xun, he shrank and trembled, and couldn't even say a word.

This boy with a delicious taste is obviously an authentic human. Youmu suddenly admires Cresman, where did he find the beauty?

This boy has soft black hair, beautiful muscle lines, exquisite facial features, white and delicate skin, ink eyes, full of fear inside... This is the real beauty, invincible.

Chrysler and Duanmu were shocked by his appearance. But soon, both of them came to their senses.

Duanmu Xun showed unprecedented interest in this child.

He didn't want to say, "Since the task given to him by the Duke has not been completed, why don't you make a personal offer and give it to me?"

Chrysler's heart is shouting, no, of course not! However, Kleisman is a noble blood clan, a dark night clan, with generous and gentlemanly qualities, so his answer is, "Of course." Please."

But Christman is still uneven after all, and he added another condition, "It can be, but relative. Duanmu, you promise me a request, so that it will be fair.

Duanmu Xun is not an unreasonable and arrogant person. Although Christman is likely to ask for a lot of price, he believes in Christman's gentlemanly quality, so he returned, "Of course."

The two looked at each other and smiled again.

It seems that a tacit understanding has been reached.

God knows how different and boundless these two people's thoughts are. However, I don't know that it is the greatest benefit for two people.

Chrysler also said that Jing Baosheng is ignorant and blessed, isn't he?

Our duke shook his mind and was a little unhappy. How can the people he value get entangled with others and don't know their identity?

Sure enough, the ancient world will teach people badly.

Our duke obviously forgot that he was the heir of a pure family in the ancient world. However, it is understandable that the IQ of people in love is reduced, right?

Duanmu Xun waved to the beautiful child. The child shrank and wrapped the sheets on his body and walked carefully to Duan Muxun step by step.

Duanmu Xun picked up his chin and looked at it, as if he was estimating a good-value goods - indeed, it was a beauty, but it was debatable whether it was worth the condition of Chrysmann.

Now, Duanmu smiled. He is not in a hurry to inspect the goods.

"Typ, what's your name?"

The boy closed his eyes like a black gem, and his eyelashes kept trembling and he was very uneasy. Because of fear, the boy stammered and couldn't make a sentence, "I, I, my name is Rickie."

"Rikie! Are you an Oriental?"

Duanmuxun's words have the magic to appease people. At this moment, the child is no longer staggering, "I'm an Asian, but I grew up in the United States."

Youmu rubbed the boy's chin and looked at Christman with a smile. He said ironically, "I didn't expect the Duke to hunt so widely."

No, Kleisman was guilty and dared not look into Duanmu's eyes.

But the gentleman's law saved him, and Christman returned slowly, "I'm not very clear about the person I'm looking for below." Is it possible for the high-ranking Duke to work hard for a prey that he is not very interested in? Of course not.

There are people who serve the Duke below.

Where such prey is placed, it is the object of competition. It's just that I'm not very lucky today. I met Chrysler, who doesn't pity and cherish the jade. No, I met Chrysler, who met this time.

Otherwise, how could Criesman wrong himself in the face of such beauty?

This thought, Duanmu Xun is not the roundworm in Kleisman's stomach. He will not know, never. Now Duanmu Xun is very interested in this child for no other reason. He carefully observes everything around him, reminding Duanmu Xun of Jing Baosheng - not long after that person was reborn.

Although the two people don't seem to have any similarities in performance.

Jing Baosheng has Shen Nange and Shen Lan as the backing, and he is about to lift the sky; Rikie shrinks himself again and again in an attempt to completely dilute his existence.

However, Duanmu Xun saw the tight string from the depths of the two people's eyes. Duanmu Xun thought wickedly, if he had a little more bad taste and broke it directly, would they all collapse?

with the same cautious and guarded eyes, looking at everything around and guarding against the surroundings. Although Jing Baosheng looks carefree, in fact, when the two of them drink tea together, Jing Baosheng occasionally shows a stunned temperament that explodes when they touch it - from the fundamental point of view, there is no difference between the two.

This boy, perhaps as long as Duanmuxun moves a little, he will be more hysterical and difficult to control than Jing Baosheng.

unconsciously licked the corners of his mouth, and Duan Muxun suddenly wanted to see such a scene.

However, all this fell into Chrysman's eyes, which was another meaning.

Chrysman couldn't help doubting his charm and also killed the child named Rickie.

However, Christman did not have the opportunity to put it into action. Duanmu Xun's bad taste was not satisfied. Fimo and Casanova came out together.

Two people have different faces one after the other.

Chrysler thought a little bored. It's better for the two of them to fall out, and they don't bother to see Casanova's dead appearance. Compared with his direct descendants, it is obvious that Rikie is not that important.

Like an ant-like existence, the high-ranking duke would not have bothered, if it weren't for Duanmu Kaoru on a whim.

Fisman's impression of Kleinman is not good or bad, but this time, Kleinman really stepped on the bottom line of Fisman.

fei mo didn't even give Rikie a spare light, and said directly to Chrysler, "Duke, I don't think Casanova is suitable to live in your castle anymore. The 'good tradition' of the blood clan will bring him a disaster!"

Duanmuxun put down Rikie and persuaded, "Feimo, if you have something to say."

Fei Mo said, "The clay figurine still has a three-part spleen. Duke, please forgive me for not having your deep self-restraint and can't tolerate such a thing happening to my lover.

Of course, speaking like this will cause people's dissatisfaction. But Feimo didn't want to care so much anymore - when he saw the dizzy Casanova and Rickie entangled in everything, he wanted to be responsible for the anger at this moment like Baosheng!

But he is Feimo after all.

has strong restraint.

He did not embarraskie. In Feimo's eyes, such a little human without resistance is not the opponent of these wild blood clans who claim to be noble bones - as a fish, can he still make the knife show mercy?

But what Fimo can't tolerate is that Kresman interferes with the feelings between him and Casanova again and again.

At the beginning, he was mainly assimilated into a blood clan without authorization. Feimo has endured for a long time. Now, there is no need to continue like this! Don't blood or something mean that you need to follow the desire/desire?

In this case, as long as it is completed.

However, Fimo must take away Casanova. Christman is the leader of Casanova, and his influence on Casanova is not very powerful.

Casanova has been cheated today, so what about the future? Will Casanova be directly against him - with Kleisman's extremely unkind performance, this is very likely.

Poor Duke, who did not know his behavior, has left a deep mark in Feimo's heart, so that when he was eaten to death by Duanmuxun, there was no one around him who would lend a helping hand (Casanova wanted to, but unfortunately Feimo was too powerful).

This is not the first time that Fermo has faced Christman head-on.

Femo knows very well where Clesman's dead blood is. It's just a change of position. Today, Fimo can also hold Christman.

Fimo said, "In order to compensate for your loss, the vacancy left by your descendant Casanova, we want Duanmu to stay. Do you think it's okay?"

This has been discussed by Feimo and Duanmuxun for a long time.

Duanmu Xun suffered a loss here at Christman. Of course, he won't let Christman go so easily. Thirdly, there are a lot of miscellaneous things in Jing Mingyue. If you don't pay attention, you will push yourself into the fire pit - it's also easy to go into the fire pit, so it's easier to pick one!

Duanmu Xun really doesn't think that young Jing Mingyue is better than Kleisman, who has lived for thousands of years!

Of course, Duanmu Xun didn't know that Kresman once revealed to Jing Baosheng that he was...

If you meet a large group of interesting creatures who like to watch people's dramas, you must be careful of every step you have taken. Even if you usually look kind and amiable people, don't believe them easily!

Although Duanmu Xun knew this for a long time, when he put it on Jing's group, he really looked away, just like Jing Baosheng looked at him.

eight catties and eight taels.

Chrysler held the shelf, held his heartfelt love, and said lightly, "Really? Duanmu is not from our blood clan. How can he fill the vacancy left by Casanova?

Casanova wanted to insert a sentence, but he was stared at by Fei Mo and shrank back.

Feimo took out the previous agreement between the Jing family and the Charlotte family and said, "In order to show the sincerity of the Jing family, we will stay with Duanmu and hope that the Duke will be present when carrying out the actions related to the Jing family. Of course, Casanova will also contribute to the future of the Charlotte family.

That is to say, each side handed over a hostage and usually eats and drinks well. By the way, when the army is built, when something happens, these two people are the first to be unlucky...

However, Duanmu Xun has always been used to bad luck, and he still doesn't see this.

As for Casanova, he likes such bad luck.

Especial that he had just been caught by Fermo. Casanova turned his face disgustedly, and Rikie, in his eyes, was like the dirtiest creature, which cast a bad shadow on his eyes, but it was not this person... Casanova's blood churning.

Fimo's slap did not slap Casanova on the face, but on the wall behind him. The thick wall collapsed in an instant and the building fell.

Chrysman reluctantly agreed, "Well, that's it. You take Casanova away." When his married son spilled the water, Chrysman saw Casanova's fire out because of Fimo's look and was completely desperate for him.

Chrysler is already considering whether to choose a cultivated human being and accept his inheritance...

However, in general, Duanmu Xun's stay is always a pleasant thing - this is the only thing worth celebrating today, although there are a little flaws - Duanmu Xun seems to be very interested in that Rikie...

After sending away Feimo, the plague, Chrysman was generally relieved.

It hasn't been long since I saw it. Fei Mo has become closer and closer to Huangfu's temperament. That kind of bone-eating smile is still gentle to death!

Let the housekeeper come up and pointed to Duanmu and said, "Clean up a house for Duanmu."

Duanmu took off his clothes and wrapped them around Rickie. He said, "It's close to the seaside. Jing Baosheng may come over. It will be much more convenient to be at the seaside. After thinking about it, he said, "Mr. Butler, I hope no one will disturb me!"

The housekeeper looks at Clesman.

Chrysler pressed down the unhappiness in his heart and said, "Listen to him."

Without looking at Rickie, he disappeared in the hall in an instant. Rickie was stunned.

Duanmu Xun couldn't help laughing, "Fool!"

Simple children are so cute. Compared with Jing Baosheng's nine twists and turns in their hearts, they are even more cute. Duan Muxun finally knows the fun of pets.

Although Duanmu Xun's character is not good, there is no doubt that he has always been good at people who care about him. It's so good that people can't rely on him.

Of course, if we go further, people will have to be afraid to leave because of fear.

Weier and Jing Baosheng struggled to get rid of them after suffering.

But Rickie is different. This child is like a pure crystal, transparent, naive and pollution-free (what adjective is this???), which is really touching.

Compared with Okajima, this child has a clear sense of world affairs.

He won't look at people's faces, but he can ** perceive other people's emotional changes; he can't do any housework, but will accompany Duan Muxun. If he can't do it, he will never help. If he can do it, he will definitely not let Duanmuxun do it. He doesn't have to move his brain.

Because he grabbed this lazy opportunity under the extreme pressure of Jing Mingyue, Duanmuxun intends to comfort himself and leisurely watch the sunrise and sunset, and he also has the opportunity to rectify his cooking skills.

So after destroying Rikie's poor stomach for the first time, Duanmu Xun finally succeeded in making a delicious dish - scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

On the day of his success, Christman and Jing Baosheng arrived at the same time.

Look at the plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Chrysler and Jing Baosheng look very bad.

What Cresman thought was that he would cook for this small humble/cheal human being himself. As an aristocratic gentleman, I don't have this treatment!!!!!

What Jing Baosheng thought was that he could actually make decent dishes. He used to play with me as a monkey! How can I make you feel better!! - Jing Baosheng secretly swore that he must bear the debt/repayment, but because of the trace department, the creditor is Jing Baosheng. As for who is collecting it and what kind of meat/repayment, it's not her concern!!!