The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Cresmann von Charlotte

Jing Baosheng was not satisfied with Duanmu Xun, but he had no problem with his scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Most of the whole plate went into Jing Baosheng's stomach - the ultimate foodie was finally exposed.

Rikie was robbed of benefits by Jing Baosheng and didn't care about it. Just eat quietly.

Duanmu Xun and Chryslerkman pretended to be X, very calm. One person drank with a glass of snow with relish, and one person held a wine glass and was very intoxicated.

Jing Baosheng was extremely disdainful of them and planned to leave after saying that.

"Jing Mingyue is going to take action against Mu. Kleisman, look, do you want to call the blood clan that cooperates with Mu?" It looks like scratching your ears and cheeks.

After the child returned here from the mainland, his amnesia became more and more obvious. Duanmu thought.

"Del family." Duanmu answered naturally.

The tacit understanding between the two people made the other two very dissatisfied.

Chrysler felt as if people all over the world were robbing Muxun from him, so he snorted coldly, "I heard that you are still an unmarried couple?"

Rikie was originally dissatisfied with the tacit understanding between the two people. After hearing this, even the chopsticks in his hand fell off.

Three people looked at him together.

He was at a loss and hurried out without saying anything.

Jing Baosheng was puzzled, "What's wrong with him?"

Danmu Xun is also very helpless about this. He feels that he doesn't have a pet, as if he has picked up a big trouble. "Rikie has a little psychological disorder and doesn't like to contact strangers." It will only look more normal when Duan Muxun gets along with him.

Obviously, this is very abnormal.

Chrysler added, "Since Duanmu saved him, that's it. Seeing everyone is like being bullied. He gritted his teeth fiercely and hid it very secretly. Duanmu Xun didn't know it, but Jing Baosheng, who was familiar with the inside story, knew it clearly.

Jing Baosheng laughed to live up to expectations, "When did Youmu become the mother of the chicken? I only recognize you~~~" With that, he held his stomach and laughed.

Duanmu Xun, who has always been indifferent, is also helpless about this.

What's more, the self-respectingly well-bredChrysler has been much more irritable recently.

Returning to the point, Jing Baosheng wiped his mouth, "Jing Mingyue is not going to do anything to Mu, but as long as Mu is not allowed to disappear, Jing Mingyue will have no effort to toss around. As for the Del family, the prince seems to have had a lot contact with Mu'an recently!"

"A Mu family member became a descendant of the Del family." This is the latest news from Kleisman.

"Wen Chenyue?" Jing Baosheng didn't care much. "I already knew that Mu An was not a good person, and even the dead would not let go."

Duanmu Xun said, "Maybe he will make this an excuse to attack the Jing family, but he will not help. For the life of the important person in charge, he can only be defiled with the Del family." - This alliance with Jing's Chaloy family has no choice but to be forgiven.

"Mu'an's character should do such a thing." Jing Baosheng is now avoiding Mu'an like a snake and a scorpion. He is very afraid. If Jing Mingyue hadn't made up his mind to deal with him, Jing Baosheng would not have ignored his amnesia.

At this time, Jing Baosheng really realized how lucky it was to have a brother in front of him (when he was a child, he was grabbed by Jing Mingyue. He was afraid of misery and thought that he could do whatever he wanted if he became a big one).

"Jing Mingyue asked me to tell you that the Jing family absolutely supports the actions of the Clesman and Sharoy family." Another sentence was added, "It's not just spiritual."


Even the most powerful Duanmuxun has been lost!

Jing Mingyue never does business without profit!

Duanmu Xun fell into a dark background in an instant, "The master of the bright moon is really easy to calculate."

Jing Baosheng looked at him with contempt, "Aren't you just teaching at the beginning? I don't know how powerful it is. You have to be pushed into the pit. You deserve it!"

Only Christman was happy, "So, can Duanmu discuss with us how to deal with it?"

Jing Baosheng helped Duanmu and said, "This is natural. What we Jing said has never broke our promise. Ah! By the way, Shen Nange's power has been rectified," patted Duan Muxun on the shoulder. "Remember to take over. Shen Nange said he was going to the Antarctic for a honeymoon."

"Together?" Duanmu said, "The leaders of the Jing family are all unique."

"If you are jealous, just say it directly. It's not good to cover it up. If you also find a partner,--" Jing Baosheng's eyes drifted to Chryslermann intentionally or unintentionally, "Just for an example, don't care too much! --If you are with Chryslermann, Jing Mingyue will definitely not be able to cut your vacation, which means two troubles: diplomatic relations and internal conflicts."

Duanmu Xun has hated the brother and sister to the bone.

The conversation ended with Rikie serving tea.

Jing Baosheng went back to linger with her little lover. Duanmu Xun has been under pressure for several days in a row. Rikie only dares to move one meter away from his territory.

Chrysman seems to be pretending, "If the other party is you, I'm very willing to help you!" He also made a gentlemanly salute, which was very sanctimonial.

But I didn't know that Kresman was secretly happy in his heart - which directly led to Rickie's new hatred for Chryslermann and hated him even more - it was said that the child was too ** for emotional changes.

The people of the Del family soon found this quiet island.

In the daytime, it is difficult for the blood clan to move. Everything is quiet in the surging sound of the waves, happy, peaceful and harmonious.

At night, the lonely nobles swarmed out and cheated corpses from the coffin, lighting up their claws and teeth one after another. The two sides fought hard. Countless gorgeously dressed and elegant figures turned into dust in the bright moonlight and were punctured like foam.

Even the soul is erased.

Rao is Duanmu, and he is also deeply touched to see this scene. If it hadn't been for Jing Mingyue's greedy man who made a soul contract with him just in case, Duanmu is the best today, and it's just this end.

The most humiliating thing in his life has become a life-saving straw - how can this make him feel? - This is the reason why he hates Jing Mingyue so much that he wants to leave the Jing family.

Because I know too clearly, the damage is the most real.

Around the seaside hut, no one dared to step into the shadow of the hut, but witnessed how easily the powerful dark night clan disappeared. Rikie shrank in the corner of the wall and covered her ears and trembled.

Duanmu sneered, "Are you afraid?"

Naturally, there is no answer.

Duanmu Xun didn't care and thought about himself, "Jing Bao was born at such a time, and he dared to quarrel with his mouth. It can be seen that people are very different in the end. Promotion is indeed a stand-in, and it will never replace me.

Duanmu didn't think about it. Jing Baosheng dared to do this because there was someone behind him. Otherwise, he would have been low and only wanted to save his life - Jing Baosheng was also the most knowledgeable.

I don't know if this has fallen into Rickie's ears, or Rickie is just trembling and scared, leaving everything behind. I can't hear, see, touch or smell.

Only the perception of people's emotions.

The strongest sense of disgust. The most disgusting greed. The most violent murderous intention. ······

Surrounding Rickie, circle after circle, surrounding him, wrapping him, entangling him, refusing to leave a trace of void.

Duanmu Xun raised his hand, scratched his face and waved it gently. Rikie, who should have trembled in the corner of the wall, slowly lowered his humble head.

The body twitched a little and never moved again.

Duanmu Xun gave up and said to himself, "It's better to leave you for them as food in a tone to go early so as not to suffer. You should know that there is no one in the world who doesn't suffer, but it's good if you can collect less.

Duanmu Xun's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light.

When Chrysman hurried to the cabin by the sea, Duanmu Xun was no longer here. Similarly, Rikie was not here, only a pool of blood that had not yet solidified.

Chrysler's pale face is getting worse and worse.

Behind him, the housekeeper wore a blown hand with white gloves, holding a trident, which was still stained with ** from the unlucky man. Under the confused moonlight, it was very colorful.

"Duke, maybe Mr. Duanmu has left first?"

How can you not know the changes of the master after following Chrysman's loyal housekeeper for thousands of years?

Of course, Duke Christman does not need such comfort. The Duke was very pragmatic. He quickly adjusted his mood and said, "Let's look around."

"Yes. Your Excellency."

The sound of the waves is turbulent, and the waves at the seaside never stop with the rise and retreat of the sea.

Human residents on the island fell into sweet dreams, and the tides and tides have long been used to falling asleep in the shock. Non-human residents, their battle is coming to an end, and they don't even have to clean the battlefield.

Behind the cabin is a quietxiao lin, not deep, but at this moment, Chrysler, who is used to the night, suddenly gave birth to an endless powerlessness.

Gentleman, you seem to be afraid of something.

The housekeeper can see from the frequency of the Duke's rubbing crutches.

But the housekeeper never intended to say it. Whether there is anyone present or not, the embarrassment of breaking the owner's mind is an act that can never be in the housekeeper's code - oh, how undisrespectful it is.

For good, our Duke is a qualified gentleman. He never allowed himself to be controlled by emotions. He clenched the crutch in his hand and walked towards Xiaolin step by step.

When approaching the edge of the forest, delete a person.

This figure made Duke Chrysler immediately take precautions, but the next second, he relaxed again.

Duanmu came out of the forest, "Good night, no, good morning, Duke!"

The Duke looked at Duanmuxun with disgust. The hem of the white shirt was exposed, the sleeves were unbuttoned and tied around the elbow, and there was something brown on it.

Chrysler's worries turned into contempt.

As a qualified gentleman, how can he do such an unident thing?

Chrysler said, "Where have you been? At this time, running around, is this Jing's style of doing things?

Duanmu Xun did not respond to this person's unprovoked accusations, but said, "I and Jing are just a cooperative relationship, Duke. Well, I don't know what style Jing does, but if you want to know, I can change Shen Nange.

Chrysler was choked. The housekeeper behind him smiled secretly, but he still had a serious face.

"Okay. So what did you do?

"Just let a person rest in peace. Duke, if you are interested, you can go to his funeral with me!"


"Yes. When you walked into the room, I thought it was another blood clan, so I had to interrupt the general funeral and rushed over. With that, he walked to the depths of the forest.

Chrysler looked at the housekeeper and said, "You go back first." Then he said, "In that case, I will reluctantly go."

The housekeeper responded.

Duanmu said, "Wow, that's an honor."

Chrysler looked at his back and felt very uncomfortable. "Duanmu, I think I should make it clear that, well, although the cooperation with you is not so satisfactory, there is no need to change Shen Nange."

Duanmu listened, looked back at him and said, "Yes, Duke."

Chrysler said again, "I mean, Shen Nange will be more troublesome than you."

Duanmu Xun didn't say anything, but just said "hmm" to show that he was listening.

"Compared with a pet-only you, Shen Nange will bring tolerance and Jing Baosheng, which is tantamount to disaster for the residents here."

"That's true, you--" Duanmu stood in front of a deep pit, in which there was a white and flawless lily, but in addition, there was only soil and nothing else.

"Where are the people?"

Duanmu squatted down, "I don't know."

"The person who just died. Probably, it will be resurrected by the blood clan. Newborn - it seems that I should ask people to protect the residents here. He turned around and left, but was knocked down by the suddenly bursting Duanmu.

A figure flashed over, Duanmu Xun hugged Chryslermann and kicked him, and the figure was kicked to the ground and rolled.

At this time, Christman still suppressed Duanmu Xun and did not come to his senses for a long time.

This is the human body temperature.

It's very comfortable.

Chrysler thought. No wonder Casanova was reluctant to let go after falling in love withfei mo. He was also willing to have such a body temperature.

Here, we will not relive the period when Chrysler was a cub and was with humans.

Duke Clereman has always been superior and attach great importance to bloodline. Yes, bloodline. Since the time when he spent his cubs, Chrysman has strictly distinguished between blood and human beings.

I have never touched a human again.

The good qualities of a gentleman are once again revealed to him. The perfect model gentleman.

However, this is not the time to be distracted.

After the moment when Chrysler was knocked down, Duanmu Xun bounced up from the ground. Of course, the Duke, who pays attention to appearance, has been left on the ground...

"Rikie?" Duanmu made a sound and asked questions at any time, but in fact, Duanmu Xun has been 100% sure of this person.

He was relaxed and relaxed, but in fact, he stood in front of the still stunned Christman, and his muscles were very tight.

If Kleisman doesn't find Jing Mingyue to replace him, he will go by himself. It's really unreliable to have such a partner - Duanmu Xun thinks so while guarding against the person opposite.

"It's an honor that you still remember."

"Of course, at the last moment, you are still the body I want to bury with my own hands, and I won't forget it."

Rikie licked her lips, and her golden eyes glowed in the dark.

"Danmu, you have eyes, don't you? Don't you think my young life is more suitable for you than that old antique? The hungry light was in his eyes, "The rusty old antique has been lying on the ground for so long!"

Duanmu Xun looked back at Kresman. The Duke, even his posture of rising up, was so elegant and impeccable.

"···" Sincerely, even Duanmu has nothing to say to him.

Chrysler rubbed the emerald at the top of the crutch and tidyed up his clothes. "Afterlife, pay attention to your words. Being so rude to their predecessors, the Del family has become more and more degenerate.

Rikie, a later generation, didn't care about Kresman's warning at all, but said to Dumu, "You can consider it. Jing's master doesn't like to weigh the pros and cons. He will know that working with our Del family is the best choice. And we are the best partners.

"That sounds good." Duanmu Xun said, "But I'm just a little errand boy. If there is any cooperation, you and Jing Mingyue. I'm only responsible for execution here.

Chrysler is unhappy at the moment. What does it mean to ask Jing Mingyue? If Jing Mingyue agrees, will you throw himself into that guy's arms without hesitation? It's just a dream!

"Do you still want to step in the cooperation between the Sharoy family and the Jing family? Later generation, you should know that their ancient world is no better than you. It was meaningful, but he stared at Duanmu without a trace. Unfortunately, Duanmu didn't know the meaning of that look at all.

Catch it blind!

But it seems that Rickie didn't pay attention to the predecessor Chrysman at all. From beginning to end, his eyes were swimming on Duanmu Xun.

"Typ, why are you not surprised to see me? Anyway, a blood clan will not have a body temperature or a heartbeat.

Duanmu smiled faintly, "I have never doubted. I just want to send you to a place where there is no worries - a child who is silent all day, of course, to live a carefree life. Since I can't give it, I can only try my best to pave the way for you.

Rikie burst into laughter.

It made Chrysler frown.

What is the beginning of this arrogant descendant? Chrysman instinctively felt the powerful and dangerous power on him, but he had never heard of such an immortal people hidden among the old immortals of the Del family!

Chrysler is very puzzled.

Is it really a newborn cub?

How to explain the powerful power in the body?