Online game No. 5

Chapter 26 "Gold Sore Medicine" Manufacturing Book

When I got to Tongtian Peak, I returned to my original place. Like last time, I didn't know where the ape had gone.

I sprinkled the baked barbecue on the numbing powder given to me by the pharmacy owner, then secretly put it next to the first centennial ginseng, and then find a place to hide with the dragon to observe the situation.

After a long time, I began to doubt whether the barbecue I wanted to do did not suit the appetite of the ape monkey, but at this time, the ape appeared in front of the barbecue with a "swish" sound, which scared me almost shouted. I didn't expect this guy to be so fast.

The monkey sniffed hard with its nose, then put on a "seriously" expression and picked it up and ate it with relish.

I, who was hiding aside, wanted to scold him, and I was so care about it.

Three times and five times to solve the barbecue, the monkey touched his round stomach and exhaled.

And I sneered: "One...two...OK!"

Just as I said "OK", the monkey fainted directly to the ground.

I just shouted and came out openly.

After handing over the ape monkey to the dragon, Ren'ai began to use the collection technique, while the other four served as bodyguards to avoid rushing out another ape.

It turns out that there is no second all-armed ape here, at least I haven't seen it. I collected a total of 5 hundred-year-old Xuanshen, each of which is almost 10 meters away. When I picked the fifth one and walked forward more than 30 meters without seeing the Xuanshen, I knew that the Xuanshen was gone.

Looking back, I saw the little dragon turned into a human form running over happily with a green ball and said, "Master, what do you think I got?"

Let me take a look. It turns out to be the inner elixir of an ape. The effect is to increase agility and can only be used by characters.

After I swallowed Neidan to the ghost, I only added four points of agility. It seems impossible to eat Neidan to become stronger in an instant, but it is better to have growth than no growth. I touched Xiaolong's head and said, "Let's go down."

The little dragon nodded heavily and turned into a dragon. I jumped up and down the sky peak. Of course, before going down the mountain, I still took the body of the all-armed ape killed by the dragon to prevent the pharmacy owner from repudiation.

When I showed the body of the monkey in front of the pharmacy owner, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, grabbed the body of the monkey in my hand, and the whip that came from nowhere. He quickly beat the body of the monkey and kept saying, "Tell me to grab the medicine with me, tell you to grab the medicine with me. ."

I'm watching in a cold sweat. This guy seems to be sadistic. I'd better go first, otherwise it's not good for him to use that and abuse me.

I thought about it, but I still reluctantly stayed down. After he had abused enough, I sorted it out, straightened all my hair and clothes, and then said, "Ah... brave young man, thanks to you, if it weren't for you, my medicine would have been robbed, then my pharmacy would be out of stock, and my pharmacy would be out of stock. Then the people in Xuanwu City can't be cured if they are sick. If they can't be cured, then..."

"Stop." I reached out to stop his long talk and spread out my palm to make a "take it" expression.

The pharmacy owner was stunned first, and then said with a smile, "Yes, you have helped me so much that I may not pay you? It seems that I'm too stingy if I don't pay, right..."

"I'm the grass!" I cursed, and the black iron spear in my hand had been raised.

"I shut up, I shut up." The pharmacy owner quickly made a forbidden expression for himself, took out a notebook, and then said, "I have prepared this for you for a long time. I have been optimistic about you for a long time. You will definitely become a super demon refiner, and my eyes will never be blind. I hope you can carry forward the profession of pharmacist and respect the ancestors of pharmacist Hua Tuo and Bian Que..."

Before he finished speaking, the dragon thorn + ghost entanglement + magic charm + darts had been greeted.

"Boom! Crackling!"

I walked out of the pharmacy happily as if nothing had happened. Looking at the gold sore medicine manufacturing book I got, I found that there were some obvious changes on the cover, some puzzled, and I secretly said that the game company was not making well. In fact, this is not the negligence of the game company, but...

After the pharmacy was smashed by me, the pharmacy owner climbed out of the pile of medicine, then looked at the door and said, "How dare you treat NPC like this, just practice! Eat on the mission after practicing! Look, I won't poison you..."

The materials needed for the golden sore medicine are very strange, and it needs a lot of poisons, such as poisonous scorpions and snake sacs. I secretly say that the game company's production is not very accurate, but it has no big impact. Anyway, this book is made for nothing.

As for not having any tasks to complete now, I wandered around Xuanwu City. Anyway, this is also a big city, and there will always be some equipment stores. Now there are few players here, so these equipment naturally belong to me.

The equipment store is in a very conspicuous place, and I easily found a "Xuanwu equipment store".

But as soon as I went in, the owner of the store shouted, "Go out, there is nothing to sell."

I'm dizzy, what kind of NPC is this? Just drive the customer out, but... the more you let me go, the more I won't go.

"Boss, has something happened to you?" I asked.

"Did you hear me asking you to go out!" The boss roared.

Hey! He also competed with me. Haven't you heard that customers are God? I threw a bag of gold coins from my pocket, about 50. Generally speaking, there are only 20 pieces of silver equipment in the store, 1 gold coin, and 50 gold coins are more than double. I don't believe he refuses to make this money.

It's not without purpose for me to lose this money. As long as I occupy the goods in this store, 50 gold coins will be earned back soon.

Sure enough, when he saw the money, his eyes lit up, but he showed a trace of sadness, but his tone was much more polite and said, "Mr., it's not that I don't want to do business, it's just that the store has been out of stock recently."

"Are you out of stock?" I was surprised. It's strange that there shouldn't be many players here. How can it be out of stock?

I asked doubtfully, "No way, I don't think you have any business here. How can it be out of stock?"

The boss sighed and said, "You don't know that our equipment store was acquired from the equipment center (that is, the system), but when my carriage transported the equipment to the dense forest in the north of Xuanwu City, it was intercepted by a group of cat demons several times in a row, causing me What a great loss."

After listening to it, my reflexive game genius and extremely black business acumen came to my mind.

I snapped my finger and smiled proudly. I was too forgetful and even shook my shoulder cramps, which almost made my boss think I was crazy.

After laughing for a long time, I said, "I've done this. How about it?"

"Really?" The boss was overjoyed that because there were few players in Xuanwu City, it was very troublesome for him to ask someone to help him. Now that I come to the door by myself, how can he be unhappy?

"But..." I looked at the boss greedily.

"If you get things done, I will promise you one thing!" The boss said solemnly.

I waved to him and said no, what can this guy do for me? He can't fight, and he can't kill people. At that time, he will be in trouble if he has to spend time for medical treatment.

I said, "You don't have to promise me one thing, but... The equipment here can only be sold to me, not to others, and you have to give me a 50% discount."

"Five... 50% off..." The boss was stunned. The silver equipment, which was originally worth one gold coin, can only sell 5 silver coins now, and the profit has been reduced by half. Of course, he quit.

"I can promise you before, but the price is too expensive. How about 20% off?" The boss flattered.

I pretended to be meditative and then said, "It's 40% off." In fact, 50% off is just to explore false feelings. How can a genius mind like me think that 50% off will agree?

"This, the gap is too big, 30% off."

"Lifth off." I replied with a blank face.

"Fix percent off?"

"Lifth off." I was sleepy.


"Please be smart." I pretended to turn around and want to leave.

"Wait!" The boss stopped me and said, "It's 40% off, that's it!"

I sighed and said, "The cost of saliva is 50% off." Compared with me, save you.

"Good! Just 40% off! 40% off, 40% off! Don't say 30% off, just 40% off. If you want 30% off, I won't do it. That's it. OK, swear, the oath between men and men. The boss drooled wildly and said to the end.

I was so scared that I was crazy. Who would say that you want to give me a 40% discount, and I also want a 30% discount. Although I know that the boss is afraid that I will say 50% off, this metaphor is too off-topic!

Anyway, what I want is a 40% discount, so I agreed to push the boat smoothly.

"So, what should I do next?" I asked.

After listening, the boss rolled up his sleeves and looked at his arm. I thought he was looking at his watch, but after a long time, there was no movement. I looked at him curiously and almost fainted.

Damn it, I have nothing in my hand, and I still pretend to look at my watch. Obviously, I'm pretending to be B! I scolded in my heart, but when I think about it, it is also an NPC in this game type. How can there be a watch?

But what has he been doing? It's not that the computer is dead...

I sighed in my heart, and finally the boss came to his senses and said, "My carriage has arrived in the dense forest in the north of the city. Please go to the rescue as soon as possible. Be sure to protect my equipment."

I answered disapprovingly, but said in my heart, "It seems that the equipment is more valuable than human life."