Online game No. 5

Chapter 27 Cat Demon

Out of Xuanwu City, I drove out with the humanoid dragon. Some of the little monsters I met outside the city with only more than ten levels were directly knocked unconscious by a "savage collision" by the madman in the front. Of course, the end was benevolence taking time to throw some blood on the madman.

The boss, who was killed by thousands of knives, actually told me that the truck was already in the dense forest in the north of the city that if I was a step late, the truck would be intercepted by the cat demon. ( Me: What is the cat demon doing? GM: It's pure fun. Me:...) That means that my mission failed.

Finally, I rushed from Xuanwu City to the dense forest in the north of the city with a total length of 1,000 meters. If I were the junior high school student, I would find that my running score was exactly full. ( Shame on you, 19-year-old man is still compared with junior high school students, and he is in the game. Me: I'd love to do what you do!)

Just as I ran to the dense forest outside the city without blushing, I found that a carriage loaded with goods was transporting goods rapidly. The people in the carriage looked anxious, dragging the hemp rope with both hands, whipping hard, and shouting: "Drive! Run!"

And behind the carriage, there are about five or six black cat demons chasing.

The cat demon's head is no longer hair, but scattered hair, sharp claws and vigorous body. It seems that these cat demons are about to evolve into human form.

Looking at the way the royal horse was about to cry, I said to myself, "Heroes always appear at this time." Go to the toilet!)

The madman picked up the black iron spear, shouted, and used the newly learned skill, the dragon tooth gun.

I only heard the sound of the Xuantie spear make a dragon's voice. At first, I thought it was the voice of the dragon, but it turned out that my guess was wrong. In the green light emitted by the Xuantie spear, a yellow dragon flashed, circled up and hit the cat demon in front of me.

As a result, the cat demon fainted directly. I was lucky enough to use it for the first time.

The number next to the cat demon blood bar tells me that they are level 40 monsters, but for me, a level 35 person, it is not much different.

But after all, there is a level gap. The cat demon's claws made the madman take a few red pills in a row, but at this time, Xiaolong was not idle. His seemingly tender little fist unexpectedly burst out the number 3824, which scared me to rub my eyes quickly. What are you doing? I'm afraid I'm dreaming!

If I didn't know that Xiaolong was a mythical beast, with his humanoid similarity and the magic cap on his body, I almost thought he was a mage.

With the help of Xiaolong, I quickly solved the intercepted cat demon, but the stingy GM still didn't give anything.

After slowly completing the collection technique, I went to talk to the horseman who escaped from danger. Anyway, this is an NPC. Before I told him, he would not leave.

I came up and said, "Are you all right?"

The royal horseman got off his horse and hurriedly said, "Thank you for your rescue. Thank you very much."

Yes, it's like a poor sophomore in the store. What a martial arts person!

I smiled and said, "It's okay. Then go back early and be safe on the way."

Xiao Er nodded and said, "I don't know if the young man can help the next favor."

I got goosebumps and said, "Go ahead."

Xiao Er said, "You have helped us now, but you have only helped us for a while, and you can't help us for a lifetime. If you leave, we will also be attacked by the cat demon, so I hope you can lift the cat demon's nest!" In the end, Xiao Er showed a sinister face, and I immediately understood that he was bullied by a cat demon more than once, a typical public revenge!

But as a person, I am very kind in my heart and will help if I am busy. So I nodded heavily and said, "No problem." Speaking of this, I deliberately pondered for a while, waiting for his words.

"Thank you very much. After you lift the cat demon's nest and return to the weapons store in Xuanwu City, I will give you a good thing. Xiao Er laughed.

I nodded with satisfaction and asked him to go back first. This is the result I want. In fact, I don't have to help, but it's true in the game. Who has a prize?

After Xiao Er left, I almost called out. He hasn't told me where the cat demon's nest is!

I sighed helplessly. It seems that I still have to look for it myself...

For good, the dense forest in the north is not very large, and there is no monster to stop it. I quickly found the cat's nest.

The so-called cat's nest is just a small cave, in which the fragmentary rocks are dripping with a little water droplets, which is extremely quiet.

Starting with a madman, Xiaolong stood next to the madman. We slowly walked in. Tranquility is often a dangerous beginning.

Sure enough, just after we took a step or two, we heard a large number of running sounds in front of us, the "stinging" sound of those claws colliding with the ground, and the sound of cats, which made people unable to believe what a huge army it was.

The claws of cat demons are very powerful. I know this. Five or six cat demons can force crazy people to take red medicine. I don't know how much red medicine I will waste for such a large group of cat demons, but I also know that their defense is very weak.

Then I only have two solutions. One is to beat them with agility and prevent them from attacking me, but the cat demon is very sensitive, so this solution is abandoned. Second, it depends on attack power to prevent them from having a chance to attack.

So I set up the formation and opened the self-created "shrimp" formation, adding 10% of the attack power and defense power.

The little dragon stands next to the madman to reduce the position where the cat demon can attack the madman.

After a "roar", the cat demon's offensive all attacked the madman. Looking at the madman's blood strips plummeting, I did not rush to accelerate the treatment speed of benevolence, and my hands waved the magic wand were paralyzed.

But I don't need to take medicine, because the crazy bondage is binding the cat demons around the madman one by one, so that they have no power to fight back and can't give way to attack other cat demons, but the time of bondage is still a little shorter.

Most of the madman is now in a defensive state, and the dragon tooth gun cannot be used at all, but occasionally sneak attacks with ordinary attacks, which also makes the madman's blood volume relatively balanced.

Although there is no high-attack warrior as a madman, the attack power of the dragon and the gentleman can completely kill and injure these cat demons.

The gentleman is still "gentle". Only when three ghosts are entangled can they kill a cat demon in seconds, and it leaves a whole corpse. The dragon is different. There is blue light on his fists, a broken limb, and two fists flying head. Looking at the cat demon's brains flying all over the ground, my heart not only trembled. Such a way of killing monsters is really not like his age. .

The number of cat demons gradually decreased, and the blood volume of the madman was basically balanced. Others, including Xiaolong, dripped blood under the protection of the madman's "roar", but the price was that I used up all the red medicine.

However, according to this posture, even if there is no red medicine, I will not be in danger.

But some things are always unsatisfactory. At this time, I clearly saw a different, purple-black cat demon running straight towards me in the cat group.

Obviously, this is the cat demon king, I secretly said in my heart, but now that I am surrounded by monsters, it can't get in at all, and I don't have much worry.

At this time, the cat demon king's nails suddenly grew, emitting purple and black light. I was stunned. If I was scratched like this, I'm afraid I would be poisoned to death without pain.

Cat Demon King "S!" With a cry, it emitted purple-black gas in all pores of the body and slowly attacked us.

At the moment when I was surprised, the purple-black gas had spread.

The amount of blood I saw has changed from bright red to purple and black, and the blood volume of six people, including Xiaolong, is slowly decreasing, and is getting faster and faster. It seems that this poison gas effect has a bonus.

I was shocked. If it goes on like this, I must be poisoned. I must kill the Cat Demon King first.

But now it's my turn to be depressed. Now I'm surrounded by monsters. I can't get out at all. How can I attack the Cat King!

Although I think so, the treatment of benevolence has healed everyone separately, but the treatment can only cure one person, which can't catch up with the speed of six people's blood removal. In addition, the madman is besieged by the cat demon group, so I can say that I have no power to fight back.

I tried the bondage of fantasy, but unfortunately, the level of Cat Demon King is much higher than that of Madness, and the bondage of fantasy can't help Cat Demon King at all.

At this time, the crazy spiritual sword emitted a blue light, and the spiritual wood emerged from the ground. I was overjoyed. It was really a help in the snow!

Although the appearance of Lingmu can't change anything for the time being, it can at least clear my mind.

Just as the cat demon group gave up the madman and besieged Lingmu, my brain was running fast.

The attack power of the cat demon was very strong, and Lingmu was tortured to death by the cat demon group in a short time.

And the treatment of benevolence can no longer keep up with the speed of blood deducted by poisoning, but there is a slight smile on the corners of my mouth.

I came up with a way! I'm just not sure if I can succeed, but at this time, I can only be a living doctor!