Online game No. 5

Chapter 52 Gang Battle 3

I was so happy that I didn't expect to be so lucky this time. The holy words and poison of benevolence and fanaticism were exerted respectively. The two main forces, the gentleman and the madman, rushed directly into the front line. Under the cover of the mages and mechanics, the madman rushed straight out of the city.

Little dragon and little tiger, dealing with the huge fire demon at the same time. To my surprise, I didn't expect that the little dragon to be so perverted and couldn't deal with this fire demon. It seems that the mythical beast stream summoner is really not covered, so the first task of the madman is to find out the behind-the-scenes call

The summoner of the fire demon. But there are at least 300 people outside the city, and more than 10 of them can fight against crazy people.

So when I rushed into the front line, three single-sword swordsmen surrounded them. The weapons in their hands were all blue, all of which were sea blue-level equipment. Coupled with the stunt sword spirit of single-sword swordsmen, each knife they cut out was half

The sword spirit of the moon has increased their attack range by 1.5 meters.

The madman shuttled between the three swords, and the blood strips plummeted, but with the help of supporting benevolence and gentlemen in the rear, the madman did not take the advantage.

But at this moment, I didn't have any leisure to entangle with them. A direct "riding shock" made them temporarily stunned for 1 second, and this second was enough for me to rush out of the three people, but in addition to these soldiers, three mechanics blocked my way.

The cooling time of "Riding Shock" will take a long time. If other people stop me next, the city will be destroyed by the fire demon before I find the mythical beast stream summoner.

Gentlemen and fantasies have too poor vitality. I dare not let them enter too much (ghosts are even more impossible). The only way is Xiaolong, Xiaohu is still immature.

So I let the "Ying Lily" guard the gate, opened the only invincible wall, and sent farmers to repair the wall.

The little dragon turned into a beast, roared to the sky and flew towards me.

With out of Xiaolong's help, Xiaohu seemed a little powerless. He was sprayed by a flame by the demon and lost half of his life. Although Xiaohu was not convinced, I still forced her to return to the city. I can't let her have any shortcomings. At the same time, I also let

Some people have returned to the city. If the demon dies, the other party can still summon, but if the helpers die, they can't "summon".

I still have some prestige. All the gangs obeyed my orders and retreated to the city. Only a lot of long-range attack professions continue to attack. Xiaolong bit down a mechanic who besieged me, then shook his head and threw the man away

Get out. The madman with the help of Xiaolong is like a tiger adding wings. I rode the Xiaolong directly and flew to the higher sky. But there are still many long-range attacks on the madman.

I directly ignored their crazy attacks, and the blood of the madman can still be maintained. I felt a burst of comfort on Xiaolong, as if the "Night Magic Gun" in my hand was more convenient. Dragon Rider increased my attack and defense by 50%, which also made

My confidence increased greatly, and I clamped my legs and shouted, "Go! Xiaolong!"

A dragon roared, and a pair of huge wings grew on the dragon's back. The sound of the dragon's scales trembling made my heart surge. When I was still surprised by the change of the dragon, the wind roared in my ear, and I felt my body

lost half of his center of gravity and was driven by the dragon and rushed out into the distance.

This feeling is very good. I suddenly have this idea in my heart. The blood surges in my chest, as if the power flowing from the dragon's body and the power in my body circulate with each other, forming a downstream, making me merge with the dragon into a

as a whole.

"Ding!" The system suddenly sent a message: "Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Dragon Rider II: Increase the character attribute. The attribute is 30% of the riding pet, and the riding pet must be a dragon clan.

I didn't expect that I could understand the skills in this way. It seems that there are really nothing strange in Illusion. After accidentally understanding the skill, I felt the strength of my arms surged up. With the 30% bonus of the dragon's strength, my attack and defense has increased significantly.

Just when I was overjoyed, Xiaolong had flown far away. Above a forest outside the city, I lowered the height and entered the forest. I guess the summoner is here, because the distance between the summoner and the summoning beast is the most

does not exceed the range of 5000*5000.

And the moment I entered the depths of the woods, a round robot suddenly emerged from behind a thick tree in front of me, a pair of square golden eyes, a rectangular mouth, and a fan behind the buttocks, so that it could fly

OK. On top of its head, there is also a long metal barrel.

Just as I was surprised at the use of the metal barrel, it slammed a shell at me. I was shocked and was directly focused on it before I could react. The huge momentum made the dragon under my seat help retreating

A few.

As a result, I heard a "drop" sound, and my heart panicked. I still hadn't reacted, and a piece of thick smoke blew up from the ground. At the same time, seven or eight circular robots appeared centered on the explosion point. Of course, I didn't see

, but it can be guessed from the attack. These robots released Green's guns crazily at the madmen in the smoke.

The craziest thing is that I'm dying of pain, but I can't die. Let me catch the magic mechanic and the summoner, and I must let them die!

Watching my blood bar change from green to yellow and from yellow to red, my heart was half cold. Just when I thought I was going to rest, this fierce offensive was finally over.

I'm lucky to survive. If it weren't for the effect of "Dragon Rider" and "Dragon Rider II", I'm afraid I would have seen the king of Yan. Hurry up and feed yourself some super red pills. After eating, I found that I saw a "insidious little

" not far in front of me. The mechanic of

man is protecting a red-robed female mage beside him. I didn't pay attention to the female mage, because all my attention was on the guy who ambushed me.

After the two saw me, the "insidious villain" said a few words to the female mage, and the female mage fled to the depths of the forest.

I'm not in a hurry to chase her. She can't escape far. Because the distance between her and the summoning beast is no more than 5000*5000. And if I go to chase, I will definitely be attacked by the "insidious villain" again. The last time I was not killed by him, and the next time it will be different

is settled.

The mechanic's attack power of this summoning flow is estimated to be the highest among all professions, but it is also the slowest to cast spells. They need a long time to design traps.

With the resentment just now, I directly drove Xiaolong to rush up. The speed of the "insidious villain" is obviously not as fast as Xiaolong. In just a few seconds, I caught up with him and greeted him directly with a spiral.

A big "shockback" emerged from his head, and his feet scratched two marks on the ground and hit the tree behind him heavily.

The mechanic's defense power is almost zero in the eyes of the madman in the state of two "dragon riders". After eating my spiral thorns, the blood strip directly bottomed out. Although the mechanic can summon the maintenance robot to restore his life, his blood recovery speed,

In my eyes, it is not worth mentioning at all. If the trap of the mechanic who summons the stream can't kill the enemy in seconds, the only thing waiting for him is death.

With the trap he just designed, I think it's enough to kill a person in seconds. Even I only have a trace of blood left. Except for the priest, I am confident that no one's blood is more perverted than a madman riding a dragon. But unfortunately, he met me and I was not.

Without words, he rode the dragon and used the dragon tooth gun again without any suspense. This guy died directly under my gun.

Kill the "insidious villain", I patted the dragon and flew back into the sky, looking at the dense forest in the vast sky. The nearby environment was all in front of my eyes, and the female mage could not escape my eyes. I found her under a tree

. I smiled proudly, patted Xiaolong and went down to the female mage.

Looking at the female mage's face getting closer and clearer, my whole body trembled, as if time had frozen at this moment. Xiaolong seemed to sense the abnormality of his master and suddenly stopped in mid-air.

The other in our pupils seemed so surprised and dull.

The bright red font on her head reflects the purple light of the night magic gun, which is particularly dazzling - "purple frost"!

"It's you!" Almost with the same voice, we broke out, but we didn't know what else to say except this sentence.

We looked at each other for a long time, and she finally broke the silence first: "I didn't expect that you were the master of Xuanyuan Pavilion. You are still the same as before. You can do almost everything in the game.

Her words reminded me of the past and said, "Enough, don't talk about the past anymore." I don't want to listen to it or remember it.

"Purple Frost" smiled bitterly and said, "But I never thought that we would appear in front of each other as enemies."

I was very uncomfortable to think that "Purple Frost" was actually a relatively high-ranking person among the enemy, and I still praised: "However, your strength is also good. Have you worked hard these days?"

"Purple Frost" did not feel the oppression of the enemy. He smiled and said, "In the past, when I saw you playing, I learned more or less, but in front of you, it seemed that the class was playing with an axe."

It was before.

I was fiercely worried and looked at the woman in front of me and said, "Let's end it quickly. My gang still needs me to go back to guard.

"Purple Frost" slowly closed his eyes and waited for my fatal blow. The defense of a mage is lower than that of a mechanic, especially a summoner, which is lower than an ordinary mage. With the attack power of my current madman, it is definitely not a problem to kill her with one blow.