Online game No. 5

Chapter 53 Gang Battle 4

I held the night magic gun tightly, but I couldn't do it. Sure enough, I still couldn't kill her. No matter in the game or in real life, I would do such a thing to her.

I put down the night magic gun angrily, turned around and said, "Go away. I won't kill you. I'm unlucky!" As soon as I finished my words, without waiting for Zi Bingshuang's surprised eyes to look over, I directly drove Xiaolong and flew back to Xuanwu City.

Along the way, I found that the number of helpers of "lust slowness" was much less, and what surprised me more was that the decisive role of the fire demon had disappeared. And these gangs have no support from the fire demon, and in my other characters, gentlemen and madness

Thinking that there were still many gangs who were defeated back one after another.

"Little Shuanger..." I muttered in my heart that I was still hesitating to solve this annoying demon in this way. Even if I killed it, "Purple Frost" could continue to summon. But at this moment, she still left the battle very knowledgeablely.

Without the fire demon, the gangs at the north gate seemed to have won the battle. The remnants rushed to the outside of the city, and even the mage's magic was released very happily.

However, I couldn't help frowning again. Their master's "law injury" hasn't appeared yet. Is it...

Thinking of this, I had a sharp pupil and found that the big thing was not good.

At this time, Ximen's bombardment cannon had sent a message: "Master! There are only ten people in Ximen, but we can't stop it!"

"Ten people!" My mind is confused. There are more than 150 people defending at Ximen, but there are only ten opponents. Even my five characters can only fight against more than 40 players in front of Simon's more than 150 players. Of course, this actually fights with ghosts

It is related to the weak. In addition, Xiaolong and Xiaohu can only deal with more than 50.

It seems that the strength of each of these people is no less than that of a madman.

To say, at present, the people at the North Gate cannot be mobilized. The South Gate and the East Gate are also fighting with the enemy, and only I am running away.

In fact, my combat strategy is really bad, because I am the strongest main force in the gang, but most of my time is spent on the road, which makes me have few opportunities to suppress the enemy. But I have no other way. I can't have one

Does the character guard a door? In this way, I can't take care of it at all.

I found that this "French injury" mind is really good. If it were someone else, I'm afraid that all the main forces would hit one door, which is simply comparing the strength between gangs.

And the strategy of "French injury" has also scattered my strength.

But praise, I still have a strong hostility to the "law injury".

Passing by the rudder, I started the cannon again. Starting the cannon once requires a lot of gang resources, and it takes only 20,000 points of damage to deal with ten people, each of them, which makes me a little distressed, but I also know these ten people

The strength is not small and can't be careless.

The madman riding on the dragon moves faster than the ghost, and I dare not let the ghost come forward too much to avoid being killed directly.

But before I got to the west gate, ten players with the title of "desire and slowness" gang rushed towards the rudder. They were followed by many gangs, but they didn't expect that they would directly ignore the gangs to destroy the rudder.

These ten "desirous and gentle" people, one double swordsman, one single swordsman, one knight, two priests, one Taoist priest, one elemental master, and a central figure - the undead mage "Dharma injury"!

"There are two priests. No wonder they can fight for so long." I secretly praised that the blood-ading skills of these two priests are definitely very strong, otherwise it would be impossible for ten people to break through the defense line of 150 people. Of course, this has something to do with the Taoist priest's strong sealing skills


But there are only eight people? Where did ten people come from?

While I was puzzled, I suddenly found that behind the "magic injury", there were two children about seven or eight years old with a man and a woman. The girl was dressed in a red magic robe, which was enchanting and beautiful, and she was attractive enough before she developed

The boy is dressed in a green magic robe, with a pair of small glasses on his dull face, (? Glasses?) There is still a runny nose under the tender little nose.

But when Xiaolong under the madman seat saw the pair of men and women behind the "French injury", he couldn't help marveling.

"Xiao Zhu, Xiaowu!" Xiaolong exclaimed.

I was shocked, "Are these two the sons of the mythical beast, the little rosefinch and the little Xuanwu?"

While I was surprised, the "French wound" seemed to be a little surprised, but soon he reacted. First, a black sphere hit the madman, directly deducting one-tenth of the madman's blood.

"Xiao Zhu, Xiao Wu, kill them!" "Law injury" said to Xiao Zhu and Xiao Wu.

Desp, despite their brotherhood, they can't go against their master's wishes and said, "Brother Xiaolong, I'm sorry." With that, he rushed towards the madman.

Xiao Zhu's palms gathered a hot fireball and suddenly threw it at the madman. Boom!" I felt a burning heat on my body, and another one-tenth of my blood volume fell off.

At the same time, the elementalist also threw a fireball, causing one twentieth of the damage to the madman. Good guys are really good at fighting and know how to use magic to deal with low-spirit warriors. I also showed no weakness and let Xiaolong and Xiaohu directly face Xiao Zhu and

Xiaowu. But Xiaowu can be said to be a natural shield. When Xiaolong's claws were about to scratch Xiao Zhu, Xiaowu's turtle shield appeared at the right time and made a sound of "Peng~!" The muffled sound.

Xiaowu's skills include not only defense, spell defense, anti-shock, automatic recovery, etc., but also protection, and active and passive skills that increase the defense of comrades-in-arms collectively. It can be said that he is a natural meat shield.

"Well." After Xiaowu's anti-shock, Xiaolong snorted, but the damage he suffered was not very much, and Xiaowu's counter-shock only caused a small amount of damage to the other party. And the little dragon is the eldest of the four sons of mythical beasts and the only one

The mythical beast with Qinglong Stone, and under my care, he is also the highest level, and his strength is naturally the strongest among them.

It's just that Xiaohu is what I just got. His strength is not enough. Only with Xiaolong can he draw with them.

Losing the effect of two dragon riders, the strength of the madman was greatly reduced, but I rudely rushed into the enemy's array and wanted to kill their leader.

But later, they found that the task was too difficult. They had three warriors who were transferred directly in front of the magic injury, and different types of warrior skills fell on the madman.

The Taoist priest also rudely made the madman dizzy.

What a strong spirit! What a strong sealing success rate!

The madman has been stunned almost all the time and can't move at all. If it weren't for the crazy poison and benevolence, and the strong defense of the madman, I'm afraid it won't be long. These people are not ordinary people!

And I'm afraid that the "French injury" is all equipped with sea blue equipment. His blow to the ghost beads made the blood of the madman fall wildly.

The healing of benevolence fell on the madman very quickly, and the gentleman directly released the undead magic array, and the ghosts patted on the door and aimed at the priest who added blood. There is a priest, and if he chooses a single strong attack, he will also be added back. And use group attacks

, he will be very busy.

After the holy words of benevolence, he kept releasing the petrochemical array and poison dispersion, but except for those few warrior players, the rest of the people's mental strength was very high. Even if the fantasy was sealed, it didn't take long to unravel, but it also made the madman gasp

several breaths.

This made Fa's injury frown involuntary, and a huge voice came from behind him. He knew that the defenders of Ximen had rushed over.

He didn't expect that the success rate of my fantasy sealing system was also good, and one was a scope. Originally, one he, one elemental division, three warriors transferred to the profession, five people were the main attack, but now the spiritual strength of the three warriors is a little poor, every

Every time you want to release the petrochemical array, it will make them petrify for a while. This leaves only him and the elemental master as the main force of the attack. Under such an attack, it will take a long time to kill the madman in front of him, but this time is enough for them

was submerged by my gang.

At this time, their priest seemed a little superfluous, because a gentleman alone could not beat them too much blood (they could even ignore the ghost darts).

The clever "legal injury" changed the target of the attack, and the ghost pearl threw directly at the dragon fighting with Xiaozhu and Xiaowu. When these four mythical beasts were fighting, the little dragon and the little tiger still had the upper hand. After all, the little dragon had the blue dragon stone.

But when the elemental master attacked the dragon with the "fa wound", the dragon fell behind.

Benevolence hurriedly added blood to the dragon. And the gentleman also began to attack Xiao Zhu crazily. Both sides no longer attacked people, but attacked the summoning beast.

In addition to magic wounds, seven other people also summoned their own summoning beasts. At first, they wanted to keep the final combat effectiveness and directly destroy the rudder. Because they don't have the confidence to let their summoning beasts carry more than 150 players from Ximen

's collective attack.

Their summoning beasts are not as perverted as Xiao Zhu and Xiao Wu.

And now that they are fighting, they have to summon out.

In an instant, seven different summoning beasts appeared, including war wolves, tree demons, giant frogs, beetles, unicorns, etc., all of which are advanced summoning beasts of grade four or five. With the emergence of the summoning beast, the battle situation immediately became unfavorable to me. I didn't expect them to help

There are so many people in the faction who have summoning beasts.

Summoning beasts are not ordinary monsters. You have to be happy to catch them. Although they are stupid, they also have the right to choose their own masters.

Looking at Xiaolong's blood volume plummeting, I couldn't help but feel violently, and the damn Taoist priest still stunned the madman. However, suddenly, when the Taoist priest released his dizziness to the madman, a big one appeared on the madman's head

"MISS", I laughed in my heart and finally let me seize this moment.

Without saying a word, there was a "riding shock" directly, and the people nearby were stunned by me for a moment.

And I also seized this moment and tried my best to release the treatment for Xiaolong.

The wild petrified array has been petrified to many summoning beasts, including the three mentally weak warriors.

The battle situation is unprecedentedly fierce, and the voices of support from the rear are getting louder and louder. I just need to hold on to that moment! More than 150 people can still insist until other gangs come through the other three doors.

Just when our battle was unprecedentedly fierce, the system suddenly sent another message. I took a look at it, and it was a red letter!

I couldn't help but be stunned and quickly opened it: "Shabak" helped attack your Xuanyuan Pavilion. Master: Kill God. The siege will take place in three hours.