Online game No. 5

Chapter 54 Peak, Crazy Battle

I was shocked and a little caught off guard, but before I could react, another red message was sent: "Please note that the "Shabak" gang uses " everything is ready". The siege time is two hours in advance, and the siege will be in one

It will be carried out in an hour.

This is simply adding insult to injury. I am now without a god. I didn't expect that this "lust" would form an alliance with the "Shabak" gang to deal with me. It seems that I underestimate my prestige in the world. Unexpectedly, in order to deal with me, both gangs joined together


But I seemed to imagine the situation too badly. I couldn't help sinking when I saw the "French injury" and gave up attacking me and said to his comrades-in-arms, "Retreat."

This surprised me, and soon, the Westgate defenders who came to encircle and suppress it had blocked the French wounds and others.

The wounds clenched their fists and sweated coldly. These ten people looked at each other in con's eyes.

The leader shouted " decadence", and when all the long-range attack professions were about to attack, I suddenly shouted, "Let them go!"

Not only decadence and others, but also magic injury turned his head and looked at me in consternation. Master? Why?" He asked decadently.

I didn't answer directly, but said, "Let them go." We don't need to build too many enemies. Prepare for the next battle. There is only one hour."

Faju looked at me and seemed to understand that I, like him, was declared war by others. Although I knew that I was also forced by the situation, I still said gratefully, "I'm sorry. Thank you." So these elites with a gentle desire

Ying left my city. Seeing that he is so anxious, I guess he has encountered the same situation as me, and someone is reaping the benefits of fishermen!

After the injury and others left, I didn't say anything and directly asked everyone to start building the city defense. "High Bridge" is one of the city constructions that I have to build, but I don't know if the high bridge can be built within this hour. I bought Xu

more NPCs to help build. When the effect of Takahashi, when gangs fight, the movement speed of gang members in the city is related to the building level.

After the battle with the French injury, I found that the importance of the "Takahashi" building is too high, which can shorten the unnecessary time we waste when fighting.

The second is the city weapon - bomb. I spent all the remaining city savings to buy bombs, and then put a total of 5,000 bombs in the ghost's bag. In the battle with the French injury just now, I think there is still hope of victory, so I don't want to

Waste. Not a single bomb has been used, but now there are less than 200 of my remaining gangs. My strength has been greatly reduced, and I can't waste it.

Those gangs who died in gang battles will not be punished by death, but they are not allowed to participate in gang battles within five hours.

The busy hour passed quickly. Before my four gates have recovered, the system has sent a message: "Please note that the attack of 'Shabak' on your gang 'Xuanyuan Pavilion' has begun. Take out your weapons to defend


One second, two seconds...

I still haven't seen them. No matter what else, it consumes resources to speed up the repair of NPCs, and resolutely does not miss a minute or a second. My East Gate wall has returned to 70% of the blood volume, and there are only a few points left on the high bridge

The construction time of the clock is up.

"Quick! Hurry up! Hurry up!" My palms are already sweating, and the chances of losing this battle are too high. I can only say that this "killing god" is really cunning!

In the third second, we already had a monster's body. I clearly saw that the killing god sent the same siege monster as the magic wound, but the siege monster sent by the magic wound was covered with golden armor all over his body, and killed

In addition to the golden armor, the siege monster sent by God also has silver armor.

I didn't think much about it, because in addition to the siege monsters in front of me, many heads also slowly came into my sight. I'm afraid this "killing god" is a direct head-on attack. That's right. There are few people on our side, and the wall defense is weak, if

If you still fight guerrilla warfare, they will definitely suffer losses.

As soon as I saw the siege monster, I directly greeted the mage to release magic without saying a word. The siege monster in golden armor was bombarded a few steps back, while the siege monster in silver armor still seemed to be tickled and moved forward slowly. Siege monsters

The speed is too slow.

But no matter how the mage shouts, because the strength of the remaining people is not very high, even if there are, there are only a few who can't fight against the golden siege monsters at all. The number of these siege monsters is much more than the magic injury time.

The defense of silver siege monsters has been strengthened, and the magic effect on them is only 1,2 points.

As soon as I turned my mind, I ordered the mechanic player to release a long-range attack to deal with the silver siege monster. Sure enough, the golden siege monster is resistant to the weak, and the silver siege monster is resistant to the weak.

When the killers used these two types of siege monsters as shields, I knew I should also go.

Called several melee professional players, and I controlled five characters and led everyone to gushed out of the city directly.

The madman took the lead, and the holy words of benevolence and fantasy and poison were released. Unfortunately, the wild petrified array is ineffective against the siege monster and can only have an effect on a few players behind the siege monster. But since "Killing God" and others dare to attack me

, then it proves that his gang is not weak. The frontists are all elites. The lockdown rate of fantasies is not so high, but one or two people is blocked, but it can't stop their aggressive trend.

The gentleman's undead array and the crazy release of ten thousand ghosts, aiming at the golden siege monster. The blood volume of those weak monsters is declining very fast, and the gentleman's magic attack power is really not covered! At the same time, the madman, Xiaolong and Xiaohu also attack silver

The city monster attacked. City weapon bombs are also physical damage. The ghost's throwing speed is equipped with bombs, and its damage output is much higher than that of crazy people.

As the level of the little tiger grows, I found that the little tiger's attack power is not abnormal, but its critical strike rate and dodge rate are extremely high. From time to time, there is a critical strike. Although the damage is not as strong as the ordinary blow of the dragon, after all, the level difference between the two is still

bigger. However, at the level of the little tiger, this kind of damage is already very considerable.

Through the siege monsters, many long-range attacking players have attacked the madman one after another. It seems that they are also very aware of my need in this gang.

However, this battle is also regulated. One player can withstand the attacks of up to ten people at the same time, otherwise I will bear the long-range attacks of nearly 100 players at once, won't I die at once?

Despite this, the blood volume of the madman still plummets, and the treatment of benevolence is timely released to relieve it. But these siege monsters will be "savagely collide" and attacked by crazy people and other players, but they don't fight back at all.

Just walk towards the city gate step by step mechanically, and even we can't stop it.

It seems that this "killing god" wants to crush the army and solve our long-range attack players first. How can I let them succeed easily?

The wild petrochemical array fell at the feet of the siege monsters. I found that the "killing god" and others followed the siege monsters to dodge the attacks of long-range attacks of players, so as the siege monsters slow down, their action speed will also be released

Slow, so although the wild petrochemical array can only block the siege monster for half a second, it also won half a second.

Now I can only rely on the few remaining long-range attack attacks in the crowd.

The siege monster is half dead, and they are only half away from the city. At this moment, the remaining half of the siege monsters suddenly turned into more. It is four times the original number, that is to say, those monsters are split into


The monsters began to bump us away and hit a path from the middle, and several of our melee characters were blocked by four monsters. However, only one of these four monsters will attack, that is to say, the monster's split is not

will attack. But it will block people, which is a very fatal problem.

Because the gods and others have rushed through the middle road to our city. I have to look at the killing god differently. I even learned the skill "spatch" of the siege monster, which requires extremely large gang resources. I dare not.

There are not so many gang resources to learn these skills.

Of course, because I have always been in the "being beaten" stage, the remaining gang resources are also used to attract cannons, upgrade buildings and urban defense.

Now I want to kill a siege monster, which is very time-consuming, and this killing god is also very smart. The golden siege monster that resists the weak method blocks madmen and ghosts, and then blocks the silver siege monster that resists the weak objects from benevolence, fantasy and gentlemen.

I have to let the gentleman kill the madman's golden siege monster to let the madman save the gentleman.

When the time comes, my five characters will not be able to cooperate for a while. I once thought about riding the dragon, but the golden monster is too big to ignore the height of the dragon. So I had to let Xiaolong Xiaohu go first

Block the group of people who kill the gods and work hard to buy time.

Fortunately, before this, the gentleman had seriously injured the attacking monster that blocked the madman. Now, as soon as the undead array was released, the ghost entangled and was directly released crazily, and finally rescued the madman in a relatively short time. But only for a few hours,

Many gangs have been defeated by the siege monsters.

I sighed in my heart, good boy, this killing god not only learned the "split" skills of siege monsters, but also studied their attack power. I didn't know this when they rushed directly to the gate just now, but now my ghost is in a very dangerous stage

Duan, because the ghost is definitely a tofu whether it is defensive, magic defense, or blood volume, and now he is attacked by a siege monster alone, and every punch almost makes the ghost go to the west, or benevolence is crazy to replenish blood for him

, and the bomb's additional vertigo effect enabled him to live to this day.