Online game No. 5

Chapter 56 Peak, Crazy Battle 3

Finally, the blue charm on Lucifa disappeared. Lucifer's bloodthirsty sword suddenly cut at him, and Lucifer's qi and blood fell in half in an instant, making the killer and others stunned. But I know that most of Lucifer's tricks

is a "self-harm" type.

I saw the red light on the bloodthirsty sword, which had already released a sword spirit and rushed forward. Wherever I passed, all the players who met the sword spirit had their blood volume bottomed out. Some younger mages, Taoists and mechanics were directly killed in seconds


And Lucifa's blood volume, which used to have only half a life, is now full. It's just a cheating NPC!

The killing god was shocked. Originally, there were still many people around him, but now it has been reduced by more than half in an instant. Only a few extremely strong characters are left alone, and the blood volume is only a little. It's too late for the pastor on their side

The blood was added, and all the survivors gave themselves red medicine.

But how can their blood speed be compared with the attack power of Lucifer? Before they were full of qi and blood, Lucifa came forward and stabbed one with a sword. Originally, there were only a few players left, and they were ** by Lucifa.

But there is only one killing god left.

The killing god has filled his qi and blood during Lucifa's murder, but in the face of Lucifa's blood-filled state, he had no confidence at all. His heart cooled down for a while. Lucifa stabbed him with two swords in a row, and his qi and blood was only one-thousandth left

. But just as Lucifa was about to stab the last sword, it suddenly turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

Not only the god of killing, but also I was stunned. This guy survived like this, which is really bad news for me.

And the killing god was first dull for a while, and then he was ecstatic and laughed: "Hahaha! God is destined to make me win!' 'Crazy man, no matter how powerful the character you call, aren't you going to lose in my hands in the end?

The killing god is right. Even if there is only one person, his attack power is very strong, and it is only a matter of time to defeat the rudder. Blocked me with this group of players, and after I killed them and rushed in, the rudder had long been smashed by the killing god.


As soon as the guy finished his words, the ghost threw a bomb on him.

Boom! With a sound, thick smoke rolled. Without any suspense, the poor baby hung up directly. This guy is so proud that he even forgot to add blood, so why should I be polite to him? Direct bomb greeting, can't be hit in close combat, can't it be hit remotely? Ghost

The darts are very far away.

Kill God never dreamed that his negligence directly led to his failure. I couldn't believe that I jumped to the ground and entered the state of death. I was unwilling to look at the ghost for a long time before it disappeared.

As soon as he killed the god of murder, a green envelope came over. The green envelope is generally system information. Of course, there is also NPC information. This time it is Lucifa's message: "Sorry, it's my time."

I can't reply to NPC's message, so I didn't say anything. Anyway, I guessed that it was Lucifa's time.

killed the killer, and this group of players who blocked us obviously lost their fighting spirit. And my gang gradually died, and now there are only a few people left fighting. Among them, the " decadent" swordsman has not been suspended as a meat shield until now.

, it really impresses me. And "transforming life" and "bombing cannons" are still on the battlefield.

However, the other party is not an elite, and there are only a dozen players between level 20 and 40. As time went by, they all died under several of us.

When the last enemy dies, the system prompts: "Ding. The gang guard battle was successful, and the gang's reputation increased by 1,000 points.

Damn it! It's okay if there is no reward. I feel unhappy when there is a reward. After the successful defense of the siege of the gang, the monsters have increased their reputation by 10,000 points. This time, it's only 1,000 points. It's really stingy.

After the battle, the gangs who died in the guard battle can also return to the gang. I hurriedly summoned them back to repair the gang. Whether it is the captured walls, sentry towers, etc., or town weapons, they need to be greatly repaired.

I'm preparing to join the repair procession, but I don't know why I have an idea.

So, I hurriedly sent a message to the players who had not died in the war, such as "transforming life", "dead", "bombing cannon" and so on: "Don't go offline, there is still something to be done."

Everyone sent a message "?" Come here. I didn't explain. I just came to the gang rudder and changed the "gang behavior" from "normal" to "reinforcement". When he was just defending the city, this gang's behavior was "defensive".

As for the goal of reinforcements... Zhuque City, the "desire and gentle" gang.

As soon as I clicked on "lust slowness", the system prompted: "Zhuque City, 'lust slowness', the master's magic injury, is now being attacked by White Tiger City, 'Rasha Ancient Capital'. Master: Death is coming. Are you sure?"

"Is Death coming?" This name can't help but remind me of the hidden profession, Death, with the Stealing God when choosing characters. After hesitating for a while, I chose to confirm.

Ding. The madman who helped the leader chooses to reinforce the Rosefinch City. Enemy: 'Rasha Ancient Capital', if the 'desire slowness' is broken, then the gang behavior will fail, the gang's reputation will be reduced by 5,000 points, and the resources will be reduced by 20%. I just chose

If you choose, the system will send a message in the gang channel.

When people heard the news, they looked at me with strange eyes, especially those players who did not die. They don't understand why I have to help deal with my legal injury.

But I didn't answer them one by one, because the system has begun to prompt: "The transmission array will appear in 5 seconds. 4,3,2,1. The transmission array has appeared, and the reinforcements will come to the rudder to 'Suzume City' as soon as possible.

For reinforcements, there is no need to rush to Zhuque City, otherwise the distance from Xuanwu City to Zhuque City will be enough for the general rudder to collapse seven or eight times when I arrive.

Although those players are puzzled by me, they still enter the transmission array very obediently. In fact, there are only about ten of them. Players who died in the gang war cannot participate in the gang war again within five hours, even if the gang war starts again

, the same is true.

A white light flashed, and we quickly came to the main rudder of Zhuque City. This is very different from Xuanwu City, but I don't have time to enjoy the scenery, because as soon as we arrived in Rosefinch City, we found that it was called the title of 'Luosha Ancient Capital'

The players of

are approaching the rudder step by step. The leader was a man named "Death Is Coming" with a sea-blue sickle.

A weapon I've never seen before! Judging from his offensive, it is really not ordinary fierce. If you look carefully, this man's profession is death.

And on the side of the "desire gentleness", there are only magic injuries and purple frost, and the rest are low-level gangs. In the "slow desire", the strength is a little stronger, and in the battle with me, it is almost dead. Fortunately, I was soft-hearted for a moment and didn't kill purple

Frost, otherwise without this powerful fire demon as the pillar, I'm afraid even the magic injury will fail.

Now the huge fire demon is used as a meat shield, and the magic injury releases group attack skills behind, while the gorgeous Xiaozhu releases magic fireballs. The dull Xiaowu is also on guard at this moment and is always ready to protect. Xiaowu's protection is an active skill, unlike us

is an uncertain event. In addition to physics, there is also magic, and even poisoning can share the damage.

The number of people on the other side is not very large, but compared with the "lust and gentleness", it is more comfortable. The attack output on their side is only magic injury, Xiao Zhu and the fire demon.

The battle between the two sides was fierce and did not notice my arrival at all. However, I think he should be psychologically prepared, because I launched reinforcements, and he should have got the news.

The crazy petrochemical array and poison dispersion were directly released, sealing five of the more than 20 players on the side of the surging "Death is Coming". Before they could react, the poison powder was released directly. Very good! The wind direction is the best, and the effect is doubled


Under the holy words of benevolence, the undead array has been released. Black bubbles began to make the enemy slowly bleed. After the undead array was released, the gentleman directly used ten thousand ghosts to pat the door. After such a long battle, the gentleman's ten thousand

The ghost door seems to have risen to another level, and the power and quantity are much larger.

The sudden attack caught the people who "death came" off guard, but the magic wound looked at me with grateful eyes. Obviously, I was sending help in the snow.

"Day! What kind of person!" Death came and roared at me angrily, and a sickle had already waved at me.

At the same time, the madman's dark night gun also released the dragon tooth gun to death.

Both sides deducted one twentieth of the blood volume at the same time, and a mass of black gas appeared on the madman's body, becoming a cursed state, and all attributes were reduced one after another. After being poisoned by fantasies, the weapons are not as good as the night magic gun, but they can also go crazy

The son is tied. It seems that the profession of death is good.

Now, the madman's attack output is not as good as "Death is coming". At this moment, the sickle of "Death is coming" turned slightly and summoned a skeleton.

Summoning skeletons? I will, too!" I sneered, took out a large number of bodies from the gentleman's death ring, and then used his skeleton robe to summon these bodies directly into 50-level skeletons.

Competing skeletons with me is simply looking for death.

The level of these skeletons is not only 10 less than me, but also the upper limit of the number of summons is still equal to my level. That is to say, I can summon 60 skeleton monsters now, and the sea of human tactics can kill him!