Online game No. 5

Chapter 57 Peak, Crazy Gang 5

Just when I thought I was sure to win, the skeleton monster summoned by "Death is Coming" actually dropped a skeleton monster from me with an axe.

I was so scared that I opened my mouth wide, and the purple frost beside me hurriedly said, "Be careful, his three skeletons can withstand my fire demon full of auxiliary skills."

Death must have summoned skeleton monsters in the battle, so it's not surprising that Purple Frost knows me. Now I still feel chilled when I think about it. Fortunately, I didn't conceited myself to let ghosts fight with skeletons at that time.

"If you can kill the skeleton and summon it again, then kill yourself directly." I directly told everyone that some powerful players would directly attack the "Death is Coming" himself. If one person hadn't been attacked by up to ten players, I would be sure,

His death was more tragic than Xiang Yu and Wujiang's suicide.

I can probably determine that the average attack frequency of his skeleton monster is one blow per second, killing a skeleton summoned by a gentleman every 100 seconds, that is to say, it takes a minute to kill a gentleman's skeleton.

And in this minute, I will try my best to deduct the blood volume of "Death is Coming".

It's just that there are many priests and many Taoist priests on the other side. We are cursed and sealed, and it is difficult to take down the blood of "death is coming". After half a minute of hard work, the blood volume of "Death Is Coming" has only decreased by 35%, and it goes on

is unfavorable and cannot be resisted. The enemy's logistics must be killed first.

So I transferred the strategy and attacked the bloody priest first.

As for Xiaolong and Tiger, they naturally follow me. They will kill whoever I kill. With the super attack power of Xiaolong and the slightly abnormal critical strike rate of Xiaohu, killing a priest is not a very difficult problem to solve.

Falling a priest means that they lack a logistics, and the speed of killing is naturally faster. And I am not very dangerous except that the madman needs to use red medicine and benevolence all the time. In the ancient capital of Rasha,

Except for the master "Death is coming", it seems that there are few strong men with high attack. Even if there are, I'm afraid they were killed by legal wounds and others during the siege of the city. At least I haven't found a more powerful attack except for "Death is Coming"

The out.

One minute later, the battle between skeletons was my victory. But when I win, I really want to burst into tears. 60 level 50 skeleton monsters, dealing with a summoned skeleton monster called by "Death is Coming". Unexpectedly, there is only the last skeleton monster left, and only

It has 1% blood volume. Is there any difference between this baby being alive and not being alive?

The most important thing is that it is difficult to collect my corpses. This thousand-sold system, even the death ring to collect corpses, will fail. So now there are not many bodies in the gentleman's death ring, supporting 60 skeletons at most.

And his skeleton monster, Lan Yikou, came out immediately. There was no need for any other conditions, but the cooling time was longer.

Seeing that I was slaughtering their priest, "Death is coming" naturally understood that things were wrong. He hurriedly summoned another skeleton monster and tried to kill our logistics first - the windy benevolence, but the sickle of "Death is coming" was directly split

On Renai's body, one twentieth of the blood volume of benevolence is deducted, and it is cursed. The attributes are reduced, and the treatment effect is not as good as before.

At the same time, we are also slaughtering their pastoral troops. Under such circumstances, we can only see who kills quickly. Our combat strength is strong, but only benevolence has recovered. But their main force "Death is coming" is doing its best

Attack benevolence, the rest of the mages and soldiers are low-level and don't pose any threat to me.

With the passage of time, the situation of benevolence is becoming more and more dangerous. Every blow of death comes with a curse, and it is also a bonus. The first blow reduces the attribute of benevolence by 1%, and the second blow reduces benevolence by 1%, which is 2%. If it goes on like this, one

100 times is to reduce the attribute by 100%! I originally wanted to delay the "death came" by the big meat shield of benevolence, but it seems that the situation is not very optimistic, and benevolence is extremely dangerous.

The hidden profession of Death is perverted enough, and almost no one is his opponent in the continuous battle! At this moment, the blood of benevolence has turned red, leaving almost 20% of the blood volume, but one of his treatments has only increased a little, under the spirit of benevolence

has dropped, and the treatment level has deteriorated. I have a bad feeling in my heart.

Although Renai still has 20% blood, due to the extreme decline in defense and the upper limit of qi and blood, I'm afraid that it can only be killed by the blow of "Death".

And their pastor still has one or two. If they want to save benevolence, they can't be saved. This caught me off guard, but soon, I calmed down and had to give up benevolence. This was my second character death (the first time was in the monster siege

), I decided to fight back. Benevolence directly gives the gentleman a "good and evil reward" before the last knife of "death is coming". This is the first time I have used this skill. Double the full attributes in one minute, and full in one minute

attribute becomes 10%. After thinking about such a perverted effect, I still gave this important task to a gentleman, whose undead magic damage output is the strongest among all my characters.

Just when the light of "good retribution" appeared on the gentleman's body, benevolence was directly killed by "death came" and fell to the ground and died.

The death of benevolence is valuable. Under the "good reward", the gentleman released an undead array, which is 20% larger than the original, and the damage is even more considerable, more than twice as high as the original.

After releasing the undead magic array, the ghosts patted the door and released them rudely. One by one, the ghosts flew away, which was dazzling for a while. There was a strong black gas on their bodies and rushed away to the target I attacked at a very fast speed.

Not to mention others, even I was shocked by the sudden strengthening of the gentleman. Originally, I had been considering the negative effect of "bad retribution", so I dared not use it, but now it really makes me look differently.

The soul hit the enemy and a big number appeared, which made me stay for 1 second. It's three times higher than before!

Several players with slightly weaker defenses died directly under the gentleman's door. In an instant, a few people were killed in a second. "Death came" obviously knew the danger of the gentleman. He turned around directly, regardless of the attack I brought by the crowd

He ran straight to the gentleman.

Death's attack has a curse effect and is a bonus. Benevolence has suffered from this effect, so the gentleman is now at its peak and must not be interrupted by "Death is Coming".

Just when "Death came" was only one meter away from the gentleman and rushed towards the gentleman, the madman's decisive blow spiral gun came up from the side, and a "fly" came out of his head. His sickle was only one step away from hitting the gentleman

, but at this time, the word "evade" appeared on the gentleman's head.

"Death is coming" is tragically knocked to the ground and looks at the madman angrily. I know he is very popular and is about to succeed, but I interrupted him. Of course, he will be angry. On the contrary, I am very happy now.

In this minute, a gentleman must not be negatively affected by curses.

Fortunately, their Taoist priests have been killed and injured a lot. Some are only Taoist priests, and there are no cursed Taoist priests. Tianzun, who is both a feudal and a curse, is still quite rare.

After all, the madman's attack power is still good. "Death is coming" dare not bypass the madman and kill the gentleman directly, otherwise he will die soon, so it would be better to block the madman from "death is coming".

The remaining enemies have died under the gentleman's patting of the door. The gentleman's sudden toughness has conquered everyone, including my little dragon and tiger. I was happy and muttered to myself, "Low-key and low-key."

However, 1 minute passed quickly. The gentleman who had been strong for so long suddenly withered. I quickly grasped the time and stopped doing it when there was a "bad retribution". Otherwise, they will find that the gentleman will suddenly become weak and attract the enemy


But even if I no longer beat the door, the enemy rushed to the gentleman desperately. Sure enough, a gentleman is a threat in their eyes.