Online game No. 5

Chapter 82 Dragon 2

I couldn't help trembling and said with a wry smile, "You, don't do this. Get up first, get up first. Hey, don't touch my pants with your nose." I pulled the big man up and said, "Don't care. I'm not a vengeful person."

After saying that, I said to myself, "If it weren't for the task, I'd rather you go in and be killed by that group of dragons!"

The big man was pulled up by me and looked at me firmly, which gave me goose bumps and asked with some fear, "You... why did you suddenly look at me like this?"

The big man said firmly, "I wanted to use it as a souvenir, but the adults are so kind to me that I must thank the adults!"

After saying that, a book suddenly appeared in the hand of the big man and handed it to me, saying, "This was given to me by a saint named Thief. He is very good to me. I still wanted to use it as a souvenir, but you are also very good to me. This skill book should help you. So, I gave it to you!"

Theft saint? Is it the one who stole my money last time? No, no, that seems to be called the god of theft. It seems that the stolen saint came to steal me.

Does it seem wrong? Well, it has nothing to do with me.

I put aside the nonsense in my mind and took a look at the skill book given to me by the big man: "Lingbo micro-step, passive effect is agile +1%, active effect movement speed +50%, duration = skill*10, you can steal magic."

Yo! Finally, I met a ghost to learn a skill, and the effect is not bad. The passive effect is increased by 1%, which is not a small number, and when used, it can also increase the movement speed by 50%. If this is used, the "ghost" movement speed is really the same as that of the ghost.

I unceremoniously took the big man's skill book, learned it for the ghost, and then nodded with satisfaction, patted the big man on the shoulder, and smiled, "It's not in vain for me to treat you. Don't worry, I can't help you tame a dragon clan today, so I won't go offline!"

Although the big man doesn't understand what offline means, in their minds, the word "no offline" should be equivalent to not eating. I was willing to make such a poisonous oath for him. He was moved from the bottom of his heart, and he looked at me with tears in his bright eyes.

The ghost has the posture of a strong man who will never return, and he walks to Wolong Valley without turning his head (I can only see a big man when I turn my head, and the rest are myself, so it's better not to turn around.).

At the entrance of Wolong Valley, I heard a few dragons, the powerful roar and rough breathing, which made me scared. The cow blew and blew a skill book, but how to round this cowhide is still a problem.

The ghosts are much smaller than these dragons. In front of them, I am just an ant. If there is no big action, they will not pay attention to me.

With the agility of ghosts, I easily hid behind a relatively huge snow stone and carefully observed this group of dragons to see which dragons were more attractive.

After the lesson just now, I can probably guess that the dragon clan is a group of angry monsters. If you attack one, other dragon clans will also come to attack me. Otherwise, that big man would not be so stupid. This beating and that beating attracted them all over. So there are so many strange things here that I can't attack at will.

, etc., now is the only way.

Hiding in a secret place in Wolong Valley makes me feel miserable every minute and every second. I'm worried that the next moment, a dragon will suddenly be behind me, with a huge head against my back. Then when I turned my head, I saw the huge eyes. At that time, my heart must have stopped directly.

And sometimes, there will be a very serious psychological effect. There will be a dragon behind me, and I can even feel the breath and rough breathing from its nose.

So, I dare not look back.

These dragon clans do very simple things, that is, to find food. In the ice and snow, food is indeed scarce, but these dragons can still survive. After all, they are strange. I have never heard of the situation of being starved to death.

But since they are looking for food, it is impossible to find food in this area. I don't believe that they will not go out alone to find food.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for me to see a gray dragon leaving the big square while foraging. Without hesitation, I followed directly from the path.

All these strange things didn't notice.

The gray dragon happens to walk from a path. It is very remote. There is no dragon family along the way, only this gray dragon.

I followed and stopped. Of course, his movement speed when he was foraging was not as fast as my ghost's full movement speed. At this time, it seemed to have found some food and was tasting it contentedly.

I don't wonder why there is meat food here. GM can set it as he wants.

At this moment, it is also God's help. When it was foraging, I carefully calculated the way out and was surprised to find that this road is not directly connected to the big square, that is to say, I can leave Wolong Valley instead of passing by the big square.

In this way, I don't have to worry about leading this dragon to the big square and attracting other dragons. After a closer look, there were no other dragons along the way.

This time it's really a golden condition. If it doesn't go this time, when will it be?

I flew directly to the gray dragon with a dart. The perfect number "99" broke out. It happened that it didn't reach three digits, which made me a little ashamed.

"Roar!" The gray dragon roared, turned around suddenly, and stared at me with fiery eyes. Of course, the ghost damage would not make the gray dragon feel pain, but some people dared to challenge the divine power of his dragon clan, which certainly made the dragon clan very angry.

The gray dragon roared like a bullet-like saliva, which splashed directly on my body, making me feel a huge vomiting, and TMD took a drop of blood from every drop of saliva.

Is this also an attack? I scolded in my heart.

And the gray dragon has used the sharp dragon claws to fly towards me.

This movement speed is really fast. I was shocked. The ghost hurried away on the way back. I didn't expect that the dragon clan moved faster than the ghost!

Look at the gray dragon's movement mode, it seems that it is not an ordinary movement, but a flight and movement. This movement speed is not faster than flying, but faster than ordinary movement.

No matter how fast the ghost moves, it is just ordinary movement, slightly worse than the gray dragon.

However, I am still relatively stable. When I pull to a certain distance, I immediately use a big man to take a small step for me, so that I can open a large distance.

But what I didn't expect was that the gray dragon would attack remotely. Although it was ice and snow, when the distance between the gray dragon and me was slightly increased, it actually sprayed a fire at me.

I was shocked, but it was impossible to avoid it completely. I subconsciously glanced at my body. I couldn't do anything else, and my body was hit by half a fireball. Suddenly, the ghost's blood was deducted only two digits at that moment.

What's more worth mentioning is that a few words appeared on the ghost's head, "Dodge, reduce the damage by half"

Damn, the damage has been reduced by half, but it's still so fierce. If it's all in the middle, those two ghosts are not enough to die!

After being hit by the fireball, I was hit by the impact of the fireball, and the inertia directly made me roll on the ground several times. At this time, the gray dragon has approached me step by step, but it does not use the fireball anymore. It seems that the fireball also needs cooling time.

Seeing the gray dragon approaching, I hurriedly used Lingbo's microstep, and my body suddenly seemed to be without gravity. I hurriedly ran up and looked at my feet. I was obedient and became a shadow.

This is the same as the starving old beggar seeing the Manchu and Han banquet, which can't be described by a fast word.

It feels so good to run with Lingbo in micro-step!

My distance quickly opened up with the gray dragon.

I only saw the gray dragon behind me, roaring and stamping my feet and spraying a fireball at me. But unfortunately, because I moved too fast, it hit behind me and was empty.

Sorry, I couldn't surf the Internet yesterday because I came home too late. I lost a chapter and added it today