Online game No. 5

Chapter 83 Introduction 3

But the good times are not long. The time for Lingbo's microstep is only 10 seconds. I haven't enjoyed it yet, and the time has arrived. I quickly checked the cooling time and drank... not to mention it. It's too heart-wrare.

When the gray dragon saw that my speed slowed down, it roared at me again and ran quickly towards me.

At this moment, my blood volume has recovered, but despite this, the ghost can't stand the attack of the gray dragon again. Lingbo's microstep will still take some time to cool down. If I run like this, I will soon be caught up by the gray dragon.

Even if I didn't calculate that the gray dragon could also play fireball, so that I could greatly increase the distance I kept from the gray dragon. It is very unfavorable to my situation.

The destruction of the thousand-mile embankment in the ant nest is this small mistake that puts me in absolute danger.

Suddenly, I saw a narrow path in front of me, and saw that the gray dragon was about to reach the range of the fireball. I didn't care about three seventy-one and twenty-one and hid directly into the gap.

"Boom!" Not long after I stepped into the path, the gray dragon stepped over. As a result, because its body was too big, it hit the cliff hard and a pool of snow fell to the ground. Hey, this guy can't get in!

The gray dragon was extremely angry and grinned at me.

I gave him another dart directly at the right time. The gray dragon stamped his feet angrily. The mission hit the canyon, and the snowflakes flew around for a while. I was even a little worried that the canyon would be hit by him, but it turned out that my worry was superfluous. This is a scene. Unless the system is revised, it is It won't be damaged.

The gray dragon was not stupid. After hitting it a few times, it found that it could not break the canyon and ran directly to other places.

I was stunned. Didn't this guy run away? This won't work!

I hesitated a little and wanted to chase it out. If the gray dragon ran away, my efforts just now would be in vain. But I was about to step out of the canyon when I heard a burst of footsteps from behind.

I suddenly turned my head and saw that the gray dragon was rushing straight towards me far behind me.

I curled the corners of my mouth and was secretly happy. It seemed that the gray dragon had a deep hatred for me. He would rather take a long detour than catch up with me. This is certainly the best for me. I stood here leisurely. The gray dragon saw that I was still, and his eyes were even more ferocious. He roared at me, and the pace under his feet became faster.

However, just when he was only a dozen meters away from me, I stepped forward and ran a few steps out of the canyon. The gray dragon, which could not stop at all, abruptly hit both sides of the canyon. For a moment, snowflakes splashed up like raindrops, and sprinkled the whole head of the gray dragon with snowflakes.

I saw that the blood volume of the gray dragon also dropped a little, and I couldn't help beating a thrill in my heart: "This must be very painful."

After the snow dust floated, I was surprised to find that the gray dragon's head was actually stuffed in the stone crevice of the canyon.

I saw him patting the stone crack crazily. The snow on his body fell quickly, and the whole valley began to shake. Soon, the gray dragon finally moved his head out, with pieces of snow in his mouth, looking extremely embarrassed.

His embarrassment and anger are directly proportional. At this moment, his eyes contain a deep murderous atmosphere. I think if I am caught by it, it will definitely not be as simple as death, and I will definitely be tortured to death by him.

"Roar!" A fireball of the gray dragon sprayed at me. Although he couldn't pass, his fireball could come over.

But I've seen its fireball for a long time. How can I be hit by the same move for the second time? I had calculated this distance for a long time. I only moved forward a few steps, and the fireball just hit my feet.

But what I didn't expect at all was that... The spark from this fireball was actually killing. Although it only deducted a quarter of my blood, I still couldn't help but want to slap myself... Why don't you just be handsome and run away?

swallowed a blood bottle for himself and gave the gray dragon a few darts. The gray dragon didn't care about my darts at all and turned his head and left.

I know very well that he will not give up so easily. He must have come back to chase me.

According to the speed just now, it only takes 20 seconds to 30 seconds for the gray dragon to make a detour from the canyon to me. This is enough for me to distance the gray dragon.

So, I hurried to the exit and continued to escape. Sure enough, it didn't take long for me to hear the gray dragon rushing behind me.

But now the distance between me and this gray dragon is quite long. If it wanted to catch up with me, I would have escaped from Wolong Valley.

But the facts are often not as good as people think. Just as I was running away happily, I suddenly found that there was a red dragon in front of me.

Damn it, your uncle doesn't come early or late, but he comes here to look for food at this time. When I looked around just now, I didn't find this red dragon. It must have been when I was entangled with the gray dragon, and he came to look for food!

No, my mind is spinning quickly, but I really can't think of a good way. Looking at the skills, I found that the cooling time of Lingbo's micro-step has passed. My heart crossed and directly launched Lingbo's micro-step. I tried to bypass it directly before the red dragon found me running towards it.

But no matter how fast I am, can I be as fast as this? Before I approached the red dragon, the heavy footsteps of the gray dragon behind me had shocked the red dragon, and my body was completely exposed to the eyes of the red dragon.

The red dragon subconsciously roared and waited for me to run towards it.

It's over. This time there is no way forward, and then there are pursuers. I really left life and death behind this time. As soon as I close my eyes, I will die!

I have the sense that the strong man will never return. I rushed directly to the red dragon. If I die in the hands of the red dragon, I can't die in the hands of the gray dragon, otherwise I will be tortured to death.

"Pay!" It was dark in front of me, because I closed my eyes, but my ears seemed more sensitive. I could hear the red dragon's claws coming towards me.

Suddenly, I suddenly felt a strong wind flowing in my body, and my body turned to the side lightly.

I clearly heard the red dragon's giant claws swing on the ground beside me, and snowflakes splashed up.

After using Lingbo's microsteps, the agility was increased by 50%, which greatly increased the avoidance rate of ghosts, and only then did I dodge half of the damage of the fireball. At this moment, another big MISS appeared on my head.

I was secretly afraid, but finally escaped the attack of the red dragon and ran forward quickly without saying a word. The gray dragon roared and seemed to want the red dragon to catch up with me.

The red dragon whispered and threw his fierce tail at me.

Although I used Lingbo's micro-step, it's not very far away from the red dragon now. The extremely long tail is thrown towards me, and I can't get out of it at all.

In 2011, I wish you all a happy New Year, all the best and all your wishes come true. Since Xiaomu went back to his relatives' house for New Year's dinner today, he didn't have time to write it. He sent two chapters first, and one more chapter, which may be very late. But Xiaomu will definitely not break. Hey hey, everyone's recommendation, book review, collection, be as active as firecrackers!