Online game No. 5

Chapter 89 Stealing God Competition

He took a small step and ran all the way back. When I came to the tree just now, the boy was gone.

That's right. I've been away for a while. Since he is so good at stealing, his ability to run away is certainly not bad.

However, no matter how skilled the thief is, he will leave clues. I, who is also a thief, can have a certain understanding of it. After carefully looking around, I found a small footprint on the ground. In this thick snow, footprints are difficult to hide. Anything on TV about stepping on snow without trace is a stunt, which is completely impossible.

I quickly followed the pace of the footprints, but in this heavy snow, the ghost's movement speed was not too fast. However, according to this footprint, the thief did not deliberately run away, but just wandered on the road, which can be seen from the pattern of stepping on a small flower on the ground happily.

The only feeling that this flower gives me is that the technology is really good.

Of course, I don't have time to appreciate this flower. Since he is wandering, I can definitely catch up with it if I chase at full speed.

After a period of fierce pursuit, I finally saw a thin and tall figure, which looked like a bamboo pole. Originally, I thought it should be the child just now, but now when I look at it, I am sure that this person is a thief. Because I saw that he seemed to be licking something, and when I took a closer look, it was the legendary lollipop.

This reminds me of the child I saw when I first came out of the Dragon Knight Tribe, that is, the candy is gone.

Whether it was or not, I stopped him directly: "Hood!"

The man turned around, bit a lollipop, and looked at me in surprise: "I thought you had left. I almost scared me to death when I saw it just now. I didn't expect you to see that this thief's transfigation is really too powerful."

After saying that, the NPC name "Stealing Saint" appeared on his head.

Sure enough, it's him, but what I didn't expect was that this guy's transfigurement skill was so awesome that he could even change his height.

"Later, didn't you let me find out, little boy, pretending to be a child, thinking that you could deceive me?" I cursed angrily.

"Child?" The thief was slightly stunned and muttered, "I have obviously become the tree in front of the child."

I was stunned and said, "No matter what you change, honestly return what you stole from me!"

"Return it to you?" The thief asked dissatisfiedly, "Do I still have anything to steal?"

"Then I'll take it myself!" After saying that, I directly released a flying dragon probe hand to him.

"You use the flying dragon to explore the cloud hand to the thief. The stolen saint dodged.

Damn it, I'm worthy of stealing other people's things. Naturally, I know how others steal it.

Just after I did it, the thief attacked me rudely.

"The thief will use the flying dragon to explore the cloud. Your belongings have been stolen. You received an attack from the Flying Dragon Explorer, and your qi and blood were reduced by 500.

I panicked, this guy is really awesome. I hurriedly opened the bag and saw that another animal trap was stolen. It's all money and prestige! And this guy's flying dragon explorer actually has attack power!

I'm not happy for a while. If I don't steal it back, I swear not to be a person! Another flying dragon explorer.

"You use the flying dragon to explore the cloud to the thief. The thief uses dodge, and your flying dragon probe will fail.

failed again. I directly started Lingbo's microstep, and at the same time, the thief's flying dragon probe also attacked me.

"The thief used the dragon to explore the cloud hand to you, and you dodged it."

Okay, this guy's flying dragon probe is also related to the agility of both sides, not a hundred times.


The two of us have been deadlocked like this. After I took a small step, it was basically difficult for both sides to steal things. Or he stole my trap and was stolen by me. This guy seems to hide the dragon special trap very well. I just steal the trap every time.

On the other side, on the crazy side, the big man seemed to be a little impatient and asked me puzzledly, "Your Excellency, why have you been there for so long and haven't come back yet?"

I said excitedly, "Don't quarrel, it's a critical moment!"

Xiaohu looked at me puzzledly and asked, "Master, what happened?"

I said excitedly, "A bastard stole my trap, and now I'm about to steal it back!" It's too late to come here."

Xiaohu suggested, "Then you might as well send other traps first, or we will wait here until the year of the monkey!"

"Is it delivered?" I suddenly found that Xiaohu Xiu was amused. "If I sent it here, this guy will have escaped. I bought it with a lot of prestige. Gold coins are second!"

Xiaohu sighed and said, "Aren't you a general burden? Pass it on to the character of the Dragon Knight first, and then transfer it to this big man soon?"


I found that I was amused. Yes, why didn't I think of this critical problem?

Seeing that I was dull for a while, Xiaohu curled his lips again and said, "Master... you are so smart..."

I'm unlucky. I'm embarrassed to grab my head. This method is great. I passed everything on the ghost to the madman. The next moment, the system prompted: "The Thief Saint showed you a flying dragon and cloud exploration hand. Your belongings were stolen, and your qi and blood were reduced by 500 points."

But the thief was stunned: "Huh? Why didn't you steal anything? Are you empty? No, you just stole a trap from me.

I smiled proudly, didn't say anything, and directly showed it out with a flying dragon detective.

"You used the flying dragon to explore the cloud hand to the thief, and you successfully stole an item from the saint."

I saw that it was a trap. Without saying a word, it was passed directly to the madman, and then handed over by the madman to the man. By the way, this big man is really unlucky. Two beast traps in a row have not yet captured the red dragon. You should know that the qi and blood of the red dragon can no longer be less. Moreover, the cooling time of this trap is quite long. It may take some time to catch the red dragon with the trap.

The ghost stole with the thief. I was very happy. As soon as I stole something, I passed it directly to the madman. In addition to the animal trap stolen from me, there were other things on the thief saint, such as advanced drugs and advanced materials. Unexpectedly, I even stole two lollipops. This guy didn't know how to be bullied. How many innocent and lovely children.

I took the advanced medicine and ate it directly. His medicinal herbs are far less than those refined by benevolence, and the ghost will lose 500 points of qi and blood when it is stolen, which can be used to make up for it.

As for those advanced materials, they are all that I have never seen before. The cloth is thrown to the gentleman, the forging materials are thrown to the madman, the food is thrown to the imagination, and the medicinal materials are thrown to the benevolence, and each takes what they need.

"Damn it, I don't believe it. You must be hiding in a relatively secret place! I'm a thief. How can I lose to you, a nobody!" The thief became angry.

And my flying dragon explorer has already flies past. As a result, he took off his coat, leaving only one vest left on his body, and his thin arms were like a pen. It feels like the wind can fly as soon as it blows.

Can this thing also be stolen? I couldn't help sweating coldly. And he also sneezed directly because he had no clothes.

All the clothes have been stolen, and the dragon special trap has not been stolen. This guy is hiding very well.

I sighed in my heart. Keep stealing!

Sorry, I forgot this chapter when uploading, and now I will add it. Thank you for your warm-hearted reminder