Online game No. 5

Chapter 100 Sheep's Head Altar

It didn't take long for these small number of skeletons to be swept away by me. Monsters with a higher level than me, and I can still be more relaxed in seconds, not to mention even my first level.

Of course, experience is also pitiful, but for me, experience is not too important. It is not easy to gain experience. Just find a higher-level place.

With my speed of killing monsters and the talented skills of Xiaolong and Tiger, coupled with the ghost's "fishing in troubled waters", the experience comes too fast. Now I'm a little tired of being the first.

After killing all the skeleton monsters, I continued to move forward, but these skeleton monsters in the desert are really annoying. From time to time, there will be so many of them, and the number is not good to kill them.

Finally, I had to get off Xiaolong, and then said, "Xiaolong Xiaohu, go to the front to explore the way."

Ah? Me?" Xiaohu was stared and asked reluctantly.

Xiaolong nodded very simply.

"Of course it's you." I smiled and nodded, but it was extremely evil in the eyes of the little tiger.

"I'm me." The little tiger bulged his mouth and ran forward with Xiaolong.

Little Dragon Tiger's movement speed is normally faster than that of a madman, and Little Tiger is also at level 49 at this moment. With her perverted mythical beast attributes, there is no problem in killing these skeleton monsters, and there is also a powerful assistant, Xiaolong, who can quickly clear the obstacles in front of her.

As I walked like this, I looked at the prompt of the system: "Your summoning beast 'Dragon' killed the skeleton monster, and you gained XXX experience."

"Your summoning beast 'Little Dragon' killed the skeleton monster, and you gained XXX experience."

"Your summoning beast 'Little Tiger' killed the skeleton monster, and you gained XXX experience."


In a row, Xiaolong's killing monsters is much more than Xiaohu. Of course, this is related to the level, but the most important thing is the soul stone.

Before, I didn't care about the effect of the soul stone on the dragon, but as soon as the little tiger came and compared the two, I could see that one was in the sky and the other was on the earth.

Let Xiaolong and Xiaohu explore the way in front of me, and my journey was much faster. Finally, I saw a dilapidate temple-like building.

On both sides of the door of the building, there are two statues like sheep-headed people. The earthy-gray corners seem to be very sharp, revealing a row of ferocious teeth, holding a long fork in their hands, making a gesture of stabbing the person entering the door.

"Finally, I found it. This should be the desert temple of any fairy road." I hurriedly greeted Xiaolong and Xiaohu and walked into the building.

At the moment I entered the door, I seemed to be able to feel the eyes of the two sheep head statues moving slightly, but I didn't care. I just thought it was my illusion. In fact, what puzzles me most is that since this is the temple and the place where demons are imprisoned, why is the guard statue here a sheep's head? The sheep's head should belong to the category of demons, right?

Of course, doubts are considered doubts. Anyway, I also know that GM has something wrong with his brain. Everything in the game is abnormal, and I regard him as normal.

So I walked into the door and opened the map to be safe.

"Sheep's Head Altar." Then the map is dark, waiting for me to explore.

And when I saw the name of this map, I couldn't help but be stunned. Isn't this the Desert Temple? Then I'd better do it. I'm not here to practice.

However, at the moment when I turned around, two huge shadows blocked the sunlight outside. It was the two sheep head statues just now. They actually formed a real body, directly blocked the road outside the door, and suddenly forked towards me.

"Peng~!" The ghost at the end was fiercely forked and thrown out, and his blood suddenly fell. Fortunately, when I was helping the dragon and tiger solve the skeleton monster just now, I gave the ghost a high-level holy word. At this moment, the ghost did not die, but fell into blood.

The object of the other fork is also a ghost, but because the ghost was thrown out, the fork failed.

I was shocked. A madman's spiral gun directly hit one of the sheep's head statues, but the situation did not seem to be very optimistic. The sheep's head statue's defense and blood volume were very high, and the madman's spiral gun directly killed one fifty of his blood.

At the same time, it also shows the level of the sheep's head statue. Elite monsters of Grade 7.

Elite monsters are stronger than ordinary peers, but weaker than peers.

"Good guy, it's grade 7. Master, I have to leave. Xiaohu said with a stunned face, "He hasn't reached level 50 yet."

"Sorry, I don't have holidays here." I answered simply, "What are you afraid of? He can't even beat my lowest defensive ghost. If you're about to hang up, just take a break and let me replenish your blood."

Little tiger muttered with a dissatisfied face, "I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of fatigue..."

But I no longer paid attention to him. If I want to get out of here, it seems impossible not to kill these two sheep-headed elites. They completely blocked the exit.

However, at this time, a loud voice suddenly appeared from the altar. I was stunned. Isn't it all such elite monsters?

Slowly, the sheep-headed monsters came towards me with long forks, but the heads of these sheep-headed monsters were much smaller than the first two.

The undead array was released directly with the help of the high-level holy words of benevolence. When I opened my eyes, these sheep-headed monsters are ordinary monsters of grade 7.

But even so, I'm still a little dangerous. The most important thing is that they attack back and forth, and my characters are not easy to distribute.

First of all, the madman rides the dragon to top the little monsters emerging from the altar, and benevolence can only block the two sheep-headed elites outside the altar.

But the two can't form a good shield at all, and there will still be monsters that can beat gentlemen, fantasies and ghosts.

I had no choice but to let the little tiger, who was not very defensive, and the gentleman with the magic shield, also stood in the outer circle to resist.

Fortunately, there is also the skill of roaring, which makes the madman absorb a lot of attacks, and even the elite monsters are attracted to me, but they can't attack me because they are blocked. However, the attack distance of these sheep-headed monsters is still quite long. Even if there are four or five monsters, they can still hit the madman, which makes the madman's qi and blood drop extremely fast. Even if benevolence adds healing and group therapy to him, it still can't be fully compensated.

And the sheep-headed monster elite, roaring has relatively little effective time for them, and he attacks benevolence as soon as he turns his head. Poor benevolence is a natural meat shield. If others beat him, he can't fight back.

I hurriedly started the shrimp array, increasing the attack power by 10%, defense power and 10% mental power. Although it also reduced agility by 10%, after all, agility is not very useful to me.

The survival ability of these sheep-headed monsters is not as good as that of elites. With a spiral gun and the capture of the little dragon, a complete sheep-headed monster will be left with blood. Either it will be killed directly by the gentleman's undead array, or it will be taken away by the gentleman's ghosts. In short, the gentleman's killing monster should not be underestimated.

But those sheep-headed monsters that can't beat the madman are also affected by the roaring effect. Their attack power is simply a nightmare for gentlemen. The gentleman's magic and qi and blood are falling rapidly. If it hadn't been for the relatively advanced medicinal herbs refined by benevolence, the gentleman would have been better.

As soon as the madman's roar time passes, it will take some cooling time. Even if they can hit the madman, they will attack the gentleman because of their high hatred for the gentleman. As a result, the gentleman's qi and blood are directly repelled by the outer layer and hide in the inner layer, allowing the benevolent group therapy to take care of.

But there are only benevolence, madmen and little tigers on the periphery, which can't resist the sheep-headed monsters at all. Soon, these little monsters poured into it through the gap between the three people. In this way, ghosts, fantasies, and gentlemen with little blood are in danger.

At this time, the fantasies broke out, and the petrochemical array finally succeeded, directly petrifying several sheep-headed monsters that had just entered.

Chapter 2 of Three Days