Online game No. 5

Chapter 11 Sheep slaughter

I was relieved, but immediately tightened up again. These sheep-headed monsters are very large, and the damage output of these two elite monsters is so strong that I can't stand it at all.

Just when benevolence was about to be irresist, the wild petrochemical array told the truth about one of the two sheep-headed elites in time. However, with the benevolent defense, it can still resist the attack of a sheep-headed elite. The qi and blood added by the group treatment is only a little less than the blood lost by the attack of the sheep-headed elite. After eating a high-level medicinal material, it can be recovered.

At the same time, the roar of the madman has cooled down. After nibbling an advanced medicine to add qi and blood to three-quarters, another roar was released. At the same time, after the bloody gentleman and magic shield, he came out to fight against monsters again.

For a while, my brain can calm down a little. As long as the two elite monsters are controlled and the benevolence is maintained, there is no problem with the rest. The gentleman and the little tiger can share a little attack for the madman, so that the madman can remain immortal under the protection of benevolence therapy and group therapy. State.

The battle became more and more fierce, and benevolence finally took time to give a high-level sage to fantasies. At this time, the gentleman's high-level sage was about to disappear.

However, to my surprise, when the fantasies got the advanced Holy Word bonus, the next petrochemical array succeeded in sealing ten sheep-headed monsters, including a sheep-headed elite.

Suddenly, ten enemies were missing, and one was a powerful attack output, and my blood volume decline was finally less tight. Under the blood of benevolence and his own medicine, qi and blood are slowly recovering.

And benevolence is finally free, adding a high-level holy word to the gentleman.

The situation is slowly getting better, let me say that an outbreak of fantasy can make a miracle happen. Finally, I also saw the end of the sheep-headed monster. It seemed that there were only a few hundred sheep-headed monsters in total. The bodies in front of me exploded a pile, such as gold coins and materials, but there were few equipment.

The attack of the sheephead monster is finally not very tight, and my main attack target has also changed from a small monster to an elite monster. It's not that I don't want to kill them, but mainly because the madman must resist the attack of the little monster, because the little monster attack is weaker than the elite monster, but it accumulates more. If the madman is on the side of the elite monster, the two guys are large and occupy a position, so that other monsters can't attack the madman, they will attack other characters. In this way, the attack of the gentleman and the tiger will be too big for them to resist.

At this time, the number of sheep-headed monsters gradually decreased, which was no longer a big problem for me. I directly transferred the target. A madman's spiral gun rushed over to one of the elite monsters who was knocked off the door by the gentleman's ten thousand ghosts.

"B��~!" The sheep-headed elite shouted in pain, and the madman who rode on the dragon was much stronger than the first attack. At this time, he removed three-tenths of his qi and blood. Now his qi and blood are only 70%.

The other one still has more than 90% qi and blood.

The gentleman continued to release thousands of ghosts and patted the door, and from time to time, the sheep-headed monster was killed in seconds.

And the high-grade medicinal materials on my body are almost ready. Fortunately, I still have some medicinal materials left, because I have a good habit of storing materials. When I returned to Tianshen City last time, I went to the medicinal materials store to buy some materials. Another good habit is that every time I kill monsters, I collect them. Of course, the skeleton just now doesn't count, and there is nothing to pick.

The material now on me is enough for Renai to make a cart full of red and blue medicine, and it is advanced.

Of course, it doesn't work now. It takes time to refine drugs. Now refining drugs will definitely be interrupted. But the remaining drugs on my body are enough for me to kill these monsters.

When the war situation relaxed, I took the opportunity to release the ghostly flying dragon detective, and at the same time stole a little money.

"Congratulations, you stole an equipment."

The system prompts.

"What?" I couldn't help but be stunned, and then immediately changed to surprise and quickly opened the bag to have a look. Equipment!

I'm very excited. Is it purple and black equipment? The highest may be two stars. It's okay to steal a one-star purple and black equipment, or I don't mind the sea and blue equipment. It's better to be crazy. So far, the weapon of fantasy has not been seen much. Of course, I want to fantasize.

But when you look at it... cut, white!

I couldn't help but breathe, and at the same time, a spiral gun sent the elite monster to the west.

"Explosive equipment, explosive equipment." I said silently in my heart. As a result, a sword really burst out.

I am very happy. There are two kinds of swords. One is the weapon of the swordsman and the other is the weapon of the Taoist priest. I quickly picked it up and cut it. It is a swordsman's, and it is a giant sword, which can only be used by a one-handed swordsman.

And it's just sea blue equipment. Of course, sea blue equipment is already a good weapon for other players, but for me, especially for me with a three-star purple and black suit, sea blue equipment is not eye-catching at all.

However, it can still be used for money.

I put the huge sword into the burden and began to slaughter another elite monster. Xiaoyang, did you just see me hit me happily? Now it's my turn to abuse you! Without saying a word, the beginning was a wild petrochemical array, and as a result, I was proud to tell everyone.

He is Sinopec again.

Just now, benevolence was beaten and could not be fought back. Now I also let you taste it. The madman's spiral gun slamed towards him, and it was a great honor to have a critical strike, which is called a good start. I'm so bored that I let the fantasy also put a magic charm. Anyway, I'm idle. Since the door is red, the next thing will definitely be good.

Maybe, the system suddenly prompted: "Congratulations, your magic charm killed the monster in an instant." Hey...

In my reverie, the magic charm has been hit on the sheep-headed elite, and four beautiful letters "M", "I", "S" and "S" emerged.

I was speechless for a moment, and my morale was directly reduced by my imagination. I'd better stay there and rest. So, the rest of the characters continued their tasks.

The remaining dozen bloody sheep-headed monsters were also destroyed by the gentleman one by one. Renai continued to restore their characters who were not in good condition. Ghosts, continue to fly dragons to explore the clouds and steal some small materials. After stealing things, they use boomerangs to attack and use hand-hold sheep to steal money.

In this round, I don't have much experience, but I have made more than 100 gold coins. Such a speed of brushing money is really horrible. When I raise the level of leading the sheep, maybe I can steal thousands of gold coins a day.

Three Days Chapter 3