Online game No. 5

Chapter 11 Bat Monster 2

This poor bat monster was originally injured by the gentleman's ten thousand ghosts and the undead array. Under the effect of highly toxic powder, he died directly under the madman's spiral gun.

Yes, the situation is very good. These bat monsters were beaten off part of their qi and blood by the gentleman. Now they are almost crazy, Xiaolong, and Mo Xi, which can solve three monsters. The speed of clearing monsters has exceeded their increased speed.

"Master, you see, the number of these batmen has become slower and slower. It seems that it is almost gone." The little tiger attacked the batman while observing the condition of the seal stone and said to me.

I was relieved and was about to speak when I saw a sudden vibration of the whole seal stone. The thin cracks were stretched out in an instant, like broken glass, and a huge black air surged out, startling all of us.

I subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and muttered, "I just wanted to say that there seems to be no boss in it... It's easier."

The big black air mass slowly changes into a huge bat man. Its size is comparable to that of the red angel, and its muscles are the same as those learning aerobics. Compared with my small body, it is completely different. On the ferocious face, a pair of sharp teeth ** outside the mouth.

The copper bell-like eyes looked around for a while, and the nearby batmen also bowed to the big batman.

This scene is like a group of bandits targeting the robbery, and this target makes me honored to be.

"Wo~!" The big bat man suddenly looked at me, and with a wave of a large group of bats, flapping their wings and rushed at me.

I frowned, and the gentleman waved and released ten thousand ghosts to pat the door. Many ghosts greeted the bats and only heard a few screams of bats. These summoned bats hung up directly, which also showed the blood of these bats, 100 whole.

Wow, there is too little qi and blood. You can kill one with just a ghost. I was immediately relieved that the BOSS's skills were not as perverted by the red angel.

But the next moment, I regret it. This bat is weak, but the so-called ants bite more elephants. This big batman recruits a large group of bats, and the gentleman's ten thousand ghosts can only beat the door at most a dozen monsters in a second, which can't stop the increasing trend of these bats at all. Most importantly, these bats have been attacked by gentlemen, which has also led to a favorable trend to other batmen.

"Little dragon, Qinglong roared." Seeing that the number of bats was increasing, I was anxious and said hurriedly.

Xiaolong's Qinglong roar is a range attack. Generally speaking, the number of second monsters is not as large as that of a gentleman, but now such a dense group is the most suitable Qinglong roar of Xiaolong.

A blue beam of light gushed out of the dragon's mouth, and a large bat in front of him disappeared in an instant, and a small area in front of him temporarily became blank.

"It's useless to kill only these bats. Either kill this boss or clean up more little monster batmen. These little bats can't be killed." Mo Xi said to me while attacking the Batman with her remote black wave.

"I know that, but these bats are so annoying! They will attack." I said angrily.

The voice was falling. Just as Mo Xi's black wave was about to attack the bat man, a bat rushed over and resisted the attack for the bat man. He was smashed, but the bat man was intact.

The system is a timely reminder: "You have gained 1 experience."

"Look." I said to Mo Xi, "We can only attack at close range, so that they don't have time to protect, but they block our way and don't let us get close to these batmen at all."

"Why don't you use that trick again?" Mo Xi proposed.

I breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's a big move, sister. It requires not only cooling time, but also killing the enemy to replenish the dead soul.

"It's easy to kill the enemy. Look, there are so many bats that you can make up for them." Mo Xi said.

"I can kill a monster and output 10 points of damage. These bats have 100 qi and blood, ten times, which is not cost-effective at all." I sighed.

Mo Xi had no choice. Xiaohu suddenly said, "I think we can kill the boss first."

I nodded and said, "This proposal is good. But the attack power of these little monsters is too troublesome. I think we haven't killed the boss yet, but they killed it first.

"That's your business, master." Xiaohu smiled, and the blitz was completed. His whole body turned into a virtual shadow and soared directly towards the big batman.

The figure of the little tiger is extremely flexible. It has crossed countless monsters and bats and hit the bat man.

"Oh." The big batman snorted in pain and attacked the little tiger.

And the little tiger flicked gently and flashed over. Hey, I forgot to introduce that after my aunt's shattered flash was released, the dodge rate became 99.99% within 2 seconds. The little tiger proudly returned to me, and at the same time, all the attacks of the little bats directly affected the roaring madman.

"Wow!" I have endured a lot of attacks alone. Even if my qi and blood can withstand it, I can't stand it myself. But fortunately, the slow healing technique has been still there.

"Xiaohu, it seems that you didn't hit it." I stared at the qi and blood of the boss. Xiaohu's blow only hit 0.5% of the qi and blood. In this way, it took at least 200 times to kill the boss. In addition, the little tiger's flash gathering time is so high.

Xiao Hu muttered helplessly and said, "I can't help it either. You see, this big batman must have the highest hatred for me, but he doesn't fly here to attack. Obviously, he is a very dull monster. My blitz only has a good effect on monsters with high dodge rates.

This shows that it should be effective if we attack him remotely. But these bats will help him block the attack..." I pondered.

"Let's open a bloody road and rush to the big bat man. Remote is not a good way." Mo Xi killed a bat in front of the madman and said to me.

No, the madman can't go face to face with the boss. At this moment, his task is the meat shield. If he faces the boss again, he will definitely be unable to supply qi and blood.

The little dragon can't walk. If the little dragon is allowed to deal with the big batman, the madman will lack the assistance of two dragon riders. The attributes are too low, and the madman still can't stop the attack of the little monster.

But in this way, there is only one little tiger left in the close attack. With his shattered blitz and wants to kill the big batman, then the ginseng fruit I don't wait for is ripe?

Think about it, there must be something else. Yes, there must be another way...

Three Days Chapter 12