Online game No. 5

Chapter 111 Fighting Bats

"Little tiger, aim at the little monster and use a breakage flash." I ordered.

Ah? Don't you want to BOSS first?" The little tiger was stunned.

I shook my head indifferently: "BOSS, this guy is ugly and doesn't attack. He can only recruit younger brothers, and he is still a particularly rubbish little brother. Don't worry about him." I simply rejected this boss.

The little tiger grunted, and a bursting flash hit a batman. The dodge rate of these bats is even higher than that of the boss. When they saw the little tiger rushing, they flashed over and a MISS appeared. Those little bats couldn't keep up with the speed of the little tiger and didn't have time to be a meat shield.

Seeing the Batman flash by, Xiaohu sneered, and his flexible body turned slightly. At his waist, a back and side kick attacked him.

"Bang!" With a crisp sound, the little tiger's foot directly kicked the bloody batman to pieces.

"Okay, little tiger!" I can't help admiring that with the improvement of the level, the power of the little tiger's destruction flash is getting stronger and bigger, and now it is stronger than the ordinary blow of the little dragon.

Xiaohu proudly rubbed her little nose and returned behind me in a flexible posture. Her output was high, but her defense was still a little lacking. She rushed into the enemy camp because of the 99.99% dodge rate within 2 seconds after the blitz, which made Xiaohu safely return to me, otherwise If a series of MISS on the tiger's head turns into a number of damage, I'm afraid the tiger will have returned to heaven long ago.

Although the madman was difficult to move, he finally came to a batman under the opening of the gentleman's undead array and ten thousand ghosts clapped the door. The madman cut off the little bat around him and killed the batman with a little blood by the way. Then the dragon grabbed it and waved it and directly took the batman. It was torn into three parts.

Just as I was conscientiously killing monsters, I suddenly felt that the strength of these bat men was getting stronger and stronger. Originally, the madman received an attack by the Batman and lost less than 500 qi and blood, but now it has slowly risen to more than 6,000 or 700. When I attacked them, Xiaolong's attack also dropped to only half of his qi and blood, and there was a downward trend.

I immediately understood that the effect of highly toxic powder is about to pass. The highly toxic powder, which was originally toxic to 10, now has only 5 left at most.

Look at the number of these batmen, it is still so amazing. With these unlucky meat shield bats, my speed of killing monsters is still too slow. The madman is simply hard to move, and the gentleman and Mo Xi can't attack these batmen. The gentleman's monster-killing advantage can't be exerted at all.

"This is the last time for this baby. Master, are you sure you want to use it?" Xiaohu asked when he saw me take out the poison powder.

"If you can take off this boss's head with a broken flash, I won't use it." I look back at Xiaohu.

The little tiger smiled a few times, and then said, "Then you still use it."

"The last time, the last time." I looked at the poison powder with a heartache, which took me a lot of effort to get the poison powder. I'm a cute, amiable, pathetic, and very poisonous fan. Today, I will say goodbye to you. From now on, we can no longer fight side by side. I'm going to send you a glass of practice wine, come..."

Before I finished my words, Xiaohu looked at me helplessly and said, "As for it, hurry up if you want to let it go, or you won't know if you hang up by yourself."

After Xiaohu said this, I suddenly rushed to the forward's madman's qi and blood dropped rapidly, and the toxicity at this moment is estimated to have dropped to 3. For a moment, I was so moved that I didn't find it. Without saying a word, I directly used the highly toxic powder to release the poison powder again. At the same time, the madman also retreated from the front line quickly, and the healing technique of kindness in the rear was quickly released.

It was not until the highly poisonous powder floated among the batmen that the madman's situation improved slightly and he got rid of the crisis of death.

"Hey, master, look. These little bats are not dedicated to protecting the bat man!" At this time, the little tiger pointed to the group of bats and said.

I was stunned, and the gentleman subconsciously threw a ten thousand ghosts to pat the door, and indeed all hit the bat man. Even if the little bats were around the bat man, they did not dedicate themselves to protect them, but surrounded them into a pile.

"Okay, I'll take the opportunity to kill a few more monsters!" Xiaolong said excitedly.

"Hmm, wait." I suddenly said.

Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief, looked at me puzzledly and asked, "Master, what's wrong? You can't miss such a good opportunity now.

"These bats obviously obeyed the orders of the big batman, and this big batman would rather not protect the batman but gather them together. Obviously, what he did was more beneficial to himself." The little tiger frowned and analyzed.

"Smart." I nodded and said, "Dragon, go and break up these bats and don't let them gather together. Your green dragon roar is just here, roaring a lot, and it's so cool.

The dragon nods his head and flew directly to the place where the bats gathered. His mouth roared, and a light blue beam of light bombarded directly towards the bats.

I smiled secretly. As long as it succeeds this time, I can kill a lot of bats. In a short time, I can at least act freely.

But things are often unexpected. Just as the light pillar of the little tiger was about to hit the bats, suddenly a batman flew over and blocked the front of these bats, forming a human wall to block the roar of the little dragon.

"Digation, in this era, protection is popular and take turns? One more time to protect that, and one more time to protect this. I couldn't help cursing.

As the words fell, the group of bats posed quickly. After looking at it for a long time, I found that their formation was exactly three words: "It's necessary."


These days, strange people know how to reply to the player's words.

I was completely shocked, and the next moment, the bats began to merge into one.

They first formed a turbid black air mass, just like when these batmen first came out, but this air mass is very large, bigger than when the big batman came out.

I was suddenly stared and thought to myself, "If this is a strange thing, it must be very perverted. Maybe the grade is as high as 9.

"Master, don't be stupid, attack quickly! Maybe it can be killed directly during this guy's incubation period. Xiaohu shouted anxiously.

"Incubation period?" I turned my head and looked at the black air mass... and then said, "Little tiger, I have to teach you a knowledge that bats are mammals, and they are viviparous. Although your master's education is not high, this little knowledge is still OK.

Little tiger stamped his feet urgently and said, "You still do it at this time."

I smiled disapprovingly and said, "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you." After saying that, I flew towards the black air with the dragon, but secretly said in my heart, "The bat doesn't need time to hatch eggs. This guy should come out soon."

Chapter 13 of three days, the revolution has not been completed, and Xiaomu still needs to work hard... Let's give Xiaomu some support, woo, collect, collect...