Online game No. 5

Chapter 114 Immortal Power

It's so sensitive! I suddenly raised my endless admiration for this child. In fact, it is not that the child is agile, but that the action of the big batman is too slow. The reason why he can become a boss is probably because he can summon this powerful giant batman!

In this way, the giant batman should be integrated with the big batman. At most, it is just a summoner. If you kill the giant batman, it is impossible to gain experience, items and other rewards.

Go, it makes me fight so hard.

Without the tension just now, I was also secretly relieved.

And the huge batman's hands were broken at this moment, and blood slowly flowed out of his limbs, and he also roared crazily in pain, revealing his ferocious teeth like an ape.

I quickly stepped back a few steps, covered my nose and sighed, "This guy's bad breath is really bad."

"Hmm." Xiandao showed a disdainful smile at the corners of his mouth, frowned slightly, and his eyes widened. The rope was like aura. The huge batman didn't even have a chance to scream, so he was directly split into meat sauce. Pieces of skin and skin fell to the ground, and a strong smell of blood spread. Come on.

"Wow." Xiaohu and Mo Xi, two women, couldn't help feeling nauseous when they saw such a scene and ran straight to one side to vomit.

I was also surprised, but soon got used to it, abruptly swallowed the vomit back into my stomach, then turned around and said to Xiaohu, "Xiaohu, Momi sister spit, forget it. Why are you pretending to be pure? You don't kill a monster as gentle as this." At this moment, I can satirize Xiaohu and laugh at me for taking back the city scroll every day. Humph, this revenge will not be revenged at this time, and when will it be?

I actually got a lot of experience when I killed the giant bat man, but it's only twice that of ordinary monsters. Taken together, it's still not much. At the same time, the equipment did not explode, and it was really just a summoner.

Xiandao withdrew the rope, looked at the child and asked, "Apprentice, have you finished it?"

The child shook his head a little aggrievedly and said, "Not yet, this guy has a lot of qi and blood."

Xiandao smiled and walked towards the big bat man, taking something out of the cloth bag as he walked.

is a dozen charms. Xiandao took a dozen spells, held them in his hand like playing cards, and then said to the child, " apprentice, get out of the way, let me do it."

After the child threw the last charm to the Big Batman, he quickly retreated and returned behind the fairy road.

"Pay!" Xiandao's attack was much more abnormal. As soon as he lost it, he threw out a whole dozen spells. These spells formed a spiral together in mid-air and covered the big bat man, like a quilt, directly wrapping the big bat man.

"Eh? This is powerful, which can both seal and attack. I praised it in my heart.

However, Xiandao did not mean to seal the big batman for too long, and directly detonated the spell. Suddenly, the spells exploded directly from the bottom to the top like New Year's firecrackers.

A series of series, and the momentum is very powerful.

"Oh!" The qi and blood of the big bat man is falling crazily. He was killed part of the qi and blood by the child, coupled with the spiritual power of fairy grade 17, may it be weak? He is more than enough to deal with these low-level bosses.

But what I didn't expect was that just as the Big Batman was about to hang up, the series of explosions suddenly disappeared.

"What?" Xiaotong and I looked at Xiandao at the same time. Xiaotong asked, "What's wrong, master?"

I also feel very puzzled. This can obviously blow up the big bat man. There are still a lot of charms left on my body.

Xiandao sighed helplessly and then said, "Damn, this charm is smuggled goods. We have been cheated."

"..." Is that okay? I couldn't help but be speechless.

"Oh!" At this moment, the big batman is also angry. Imagine that they will hold you and blow it up. Can you not be angry? I saw the momentum of the big batman, but he couldn't wait to cut thousands of knives. He was about to reach out to solve the spell on his body, but the fairy snorted coldly and said, "Slow!"

After saying that, Xiandao simply took off his shoes. A little Li Feidao rushed to the big batman. After rotating in mid-air for a few weeks, the worn shoes were steadily stuffed into the big batman's mouth. After a series of numbers emerged from the big batman's head, the last residual blood was solved. .

I opened my eyes in amazement, and I didn't expect to be so naughty!

The death of the big batman is really heroic. It is estimated that dying on other people's stinky shoes is the most tragic humiliation in his life. I think he will become a ghost to find the fairy road when he goes to hell. Of course, if he is not afraid of being sent down by Xiandao's stinky shoes.

After the big batman died, an equipment fell out. Before I could see what it was, Xiandao jumped and picked up the equipment.

"Hey hey, why are you so cheating?" I hurried up and said to Xiandao, "I saw this boss first, and I also fought with him for so long. If you want to take the booty, just take it away?"

Xian Dao glanced at me dissatisfiedly and said, "What you saw first is yours? I killed it myself. If it hadn't been for me, you would have hung up long ago. I didn't ask you for the protection fee.

"Dig a trough... If a person is cheap, he will be invincible! If I didn't release these demons in order to help you deal with some seal stones, I would be so dangerous. It's all caused by you. I'm so embarrassed now. I haven't settled with you yet!"

Little boy, compare your mouth with me. Don't you know that my great-great-grandfather was a lawyer?

Xiandao was stunned and nodded to me helplessly and said, "Forget it, for the sake of helping me so much, I won't argue with you. If you offer a price, I will give you this equipment. I won't be too dark for you."

Wow, are you still bidding? Forget it, with the ghost's hand in hand and the operation of the funds of the emergency center, I'm not very interested in money. Just as I wanted to bid, something suddenly came to my mind...

"A roasted wing." Enoia took out a fragrant roasted wing and swayed in front of Xiandao. To be honest, no one can compare the deliciousness of the ecstatic grilled wings now, because I have a strong material reserve, and the level is naturally higher than others. Of course, except for those NPCs.

Xiandao obviously also knew that my grilled wings were delicious. He subconsciously smelled it, but he still said calmly, "Do you want to change a two-star purple and black equipment with a roasted wing?" You look down on my immortal IQ too much, don't you? At least two roasted wings!"