Online game No. 5

Chapter 113 Bat 3

"Wow~!" The huge bat man snorted in pain and turned around and kicked the dragon directly. Before my spiral gun was shot out, the dragon was kicked out directly. The two of us were like broken-winged birds, spinning in mid-air for weeks and falling to the ground.

"Master! Brother Long, are you all right? Xiaohu asked with concern.

"Cough." I coughed a few times, pulled up Xiaolong and said in a hoarse voice, "If this is okay, then there will be nothing wrong in the world."

Little tiger muttered, "It's annoying, it's not strong at all."

The adult dragon coughed a few times, pushed the little tiger away, and said, "Humei, get out of the way quickly. The master roared. It's dangerous here." After saying that, the little dragon looked up fiercely, and the huge bat man had attacked us.

The dragon turned into a beast again, and I also rode the dragon in a step. The rear benevolence hurriedly to supply the madman and the dragon, once again raised the dragon gun and condensed the spiral gun to attack the huge bat man.

At this moment, the gentleman below has entered a state of evil retribution, and he can no longer attack and absorb hatred within ten minutes. Otherwise, the blow of these little monsters may send the gentleman to the west. In just one minute of good retribution has also achieved good results. These little monsters are two-fifths less. Don't underestimate these two-fifths, which also shows that mad people have received much less damage.

Next, I will rely on Mo Xi and Xiaohu to help me clear these little monsters.

Now, what is more difficult to deal with is this huge batman. With my many fights with him, thanks to my kindness, I have been able to be invincible, but the power of this huge batman has become greater and greater with time, and the utility of the highly toxic powder of fanaticism has gradually decreased.

And the qi and blood of this huge bat man is still so horrible. I really don't know when I'm going to kill. Now whether it's a madman or me, my energy is about to be exhausted. I can't stand my physical strength. Even if the madman is full of blood, there is nothing I can do.

"Bang!" Inattention, I was slapped by the giant batman, and once again hit the little dragon on the ground like a meteor.

"Wow...Wow..." I exhaled and stood up, but Xiaolong's face was pale and gasping, making it difficult for him to stand up again. In Fantasy, in addition to the setting of the game, there is a more realistic setting, that is, physical strength. Of course, each player's physical strength is related to his own quality, and the physical strength of NPCs such as Xiaolong and Tiger is set by the system.

Even if the qi and blood are full and the magic value is full, the potential physical strength will decrease with the fierce consumption of the battle situation.

I feel very sorry for Xiaolong. Every time I am hit by a huge batman, Xiaolong receives the most impact force and consumes the most physical strength, and I just need to fix my own figure. Xiaolong still has to carry this impact and keep facing forward.

What a physical exhausting thing this is!

I gently stroked Xiaolong and said, "Xiaolong, thank you for your hard work. Go back and have a rest." With that, I took back the pet fence and looked up at the huge bat man who attacked me.

It's over... I regret it. After taking back the dragon, I was the only one who could stop this huge batman.

However... the head can be broken and bleeding, and the hairstyle can also be messy, but the shape can't be shaken! Xiaohu, the little girl, is also there, and Mo Xi, a beautiful woman is also there. I'm going to die frankly. So I suddenly closed my eyes, condensed a spiral gun in my hand, and raised it in the direction of the giant bat man flying.

I was waiting for the huge batman to hit me, but I closed my eyes and didn't wait for the giant batman to attack.

I subconsciously opened my eyes and suddenly found two very familiar figures.

It is Xiandao and his apprentice Xiandao child.

At this moment, the two were flying in mid-air, holding a long rope in their hands and crossing each other. They were very agile and skilled. Before long, the two tied the huge batman tightly.

Xiandao took the top part of the rope from the child's hand and said, "Those small ones will be handed over to you."

"Yes." The child nodded, jumped, and took out a spell from his small cloth bag, "Woth!" With a sound, all the spells were ignited, and then the child threw them out one by one.

"Pay!" These charms were accurately attached to the foreheads of bat people, and then the child put his hands together and muttered something. Finally, his eyes suddenly opened and drank: "Bang!"

The voice was falling, and only a loud noise was heard: "Boom!" A series of charms exploded directly.

I was stunned for a moment and stood there in a daze, staring at the child's performance. The kid looked good. The most important thing was that his series of explosive charms were so powerful that in an instant, the batmen were directly colorful!

There is no one left.

The spirit of this kid is comparable to that of fantasy. No, it's much higher than fantasy! Look at the child's grade, wow, grade 9!

At the same time, on the side of Xiandao, Xiandao was holding a rope in one hand and meditating some formula in his mouth. This scene was like a monk overdoing for a person. At the same time, with the chanting of Xiandao, the rope strangling the huge bat man became tighter and tighter. The huge batman roared in pain, and the red blood bar on it also fell rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Roar!" The huge bat man was in great pain and roared at Xiandao, but his hands, feet and wings were tightly wrapped and could not move at all.

I'm so envious. If I want to be a 9-grade BOSS-level monster like this, it must be very cool.

Look at the level of Xiandao, grade 17... Another master!

And I came to save me in such a timely manner, and my heart was full of respect for Xiandao.

"Master, there is another one." The boy pointed to the original big batman boss of grade 8 and said to Xiandao.

Xiandao looked at the big bat man disdainfully, took out a dozen charms from his bag, threw it to the child, and said, "Use this."

"Wow, it's really generous. All the advanced charms are used." The child's eyes lit up and directly opened the spell. He only heard a "bang". The charm ignited a flame again. With a sudden throw, he threw it at the big batman.

"Collapse!" With a loud noise, although the number of explosions was less than before, the momentum was very strong, like a rocket ascending to the sky.

"Hm!" The big batman snorted and slapped the child.

The child snorted coldly, turned around a little, and flashed over. At the same time, he grabbed the big batman's hand and put a spell on it.

Chapter 15 of Three Days. Huh, it's finally done. It's really a little hard to go to class and write books. For the sake of Xiaomu's hard update, there is no credit and hard work. If you lose some red tickets, collect some comments, and support Xiaomu!

is still the old meaning. There will be classes for the next five days, and the update will be temporarily interrupted. More than 15 chapters will be updated on the 25th, 26th and 27th.