Online game No. 5

Chapter 126 Gentleman on the stage 2

I abruptly endured his dragon tooth gun, and the percentage of our qi and blood was directly leveled. I endured the pain and ran into the undead array again. At the same time, he followed me into the undead array.

So, he was hurt by the undead battle again. The number of damage of the undead array is that you will be injured as soon as you enter the range of the undead array, and then if you have been in the undead array, you will be hurt at regular intervals.

When I go in and out like this, it greatly increases the probability that he will be attacked by the undead array.

But in fact, my own situation is not very optimistic. With the body of a magician, it is a very disadvantage to compete with the knight. Even if the gentleman's level and equipment are much more optimistic than this knight, it can't change this fact.

No, if it goes on like this, even if I win, I will pay a heavy price. The other party is not counting this knight, there are still 5, and I am the only one left on our side. To be precise, only gentlemen and crazy people can play.

Well, it would be good if I were Death. The profession of Death can be said to be born to make a living for PK. As long as it is a one-on-one challenge, six or seven people on the top of the wheel with the same level and equipment are not a problem.

Thinking of this, I think of the time when I fought with "Death" that day, and at the same time, I thought of the skills that I ignored.

Summon the skeleton!

There are no bodies nearby that can be summoned, but a lot of bodies have been stored in my death ring. A body was taken directly from the death ring and summoned the skeleton to release it. A black light flashed, and a skeleton warrior emerged from the pile of corpses on the ground and cut down the knight next to him with an axe.

However, this damage is a little poor. It can't break the knight's defense at all, only causing more than 100 damage.

And the movement speed of the skeleton monster is not as fast as that of the knight, and I can't stand still and be beaten by the knight. In this way, a skeleton monster can't play a role at all.

With a "bang", a white light appeared on the gentleman's body, and the healing of benevolence worked on the gentleman. The gentleman's blood filled up in an instant, and the knight couldn't help frowning.

"It's worthy of pulling the wind. The priest's healing ability is too strong." Weixin sighed, and then Weixin said to the knight, "Don't think about killing him, just grind off his qi and blood.

"Good." The knight answered, and a dragon tooth gun had been picked up at me.

And just as soon as the knight's dragon tooth gun gathered its strength and the gun came out halfway out, a spell suddenly appeared on his body, and the sleepy successfully sealed the knight.

The "bloodthirsty" frowned and whispered to Weixin, "Isn't this Taoist priest too perverted?"

Weixin also broke out a few drops of cold sweat and said, "The next time I fight with the wind group, I remember that the priest can be sealed, and all the other main forces are aimed at this Taoist priest."

Taking advantage of the success of sleep, the gentleman hurriedly summoned another skeleton monster. Now there are already three skeleton monsters on the field. How can a one-time attack cause more than 300 damage? Of course, I haven't let them attack for the time being. Once he receives damage, the sealing effect of sleep will end.

On the contrary, it is sealed by sleeping. If it is not deliberately attacked, the lasting effect of this seal is quite long.

The fourth skeleton monster appeared, and I asked them to line up in four squares, surround the knight in the middle, and wait for the attack at any time. As long as the knight wakes up, let them squeeze them directly and let the knight move restrictions, so that I can attack arbitrarily at a long distance.

At the same time, I also used this period of time to restore the gentleman's qi and blood.

"The master is so awesome." The gangs under the stage were completely impressed by my profound tactics, and the admiring eyes one by one made me feel happy.

When I summoned the fifth skeleton monster, the knight's sleep finally ended its effect. As soon as he woke up, these skeletons were all surrounded.

Actually, I can't control these skeletons in great detail, but I can control their rest and attack. Just now, when the knights were sleeping, I changed their state to rest.

Now I have changed the state of the skeleton monster to attack and released the undead array at the foot of the knight. He was sleeping just now, and I naturally won't let the undead array break his sleep.

"Ha!" I only heard a loud shout, which is the sound effect that the soldier has a chance to make when attacking. A knight's dragon tooth gun suffered a critical strike and directly killed one of my skeletons, which made me feel sad for a while. Unfortunately, the gentleman is not a summoner, and the summoned skeleton monster is really a little embarrassing.

However, the knight was obviously defeated. When he killed several annoying skeletons and there were two left, he had rushed towards me, but at this moment, his qi and blood were not much left, and their priests had all used the healing techniques.

"Ah Duo, what are you thinking?" At this time, the elegant lily under the stage shook her hand in front of the dazzling transformation of life and asked.

Transforming life came to his senses, and then shook his head and said, "Nothing, I'm just wondering. Their priest saw that the knight was sealed. Why didn't he clear his heart? It's the skill to remove all abnormal states, and I remember they have this skill."

"Qin? Remove all abnormal states?" I thought, "It seems that this is good news."

(Good news? Did you type the wrong word, author?)

Yes, it's really good news. I thought to myself that if they have such a skill but it is useless, there is only one reason, that is, there is not much magic value left for the priest who can "clear heart", and Qingxin needs a lot of magic value. He would rather use so many magic values. I am not willing to release the healing technique and clear my heart.

Continent fighting, rear supply is the key!

"I repeat, don't think about killing him. You can't deal with it alone. Hurry up and pull blood, consume his blood, and consume his magic!" Weixin looked at the knight who was obviously a little panicked and made a series of mistakes on the stage and reminded him.

With such a reminder from Weixin, the knight also came to his senses, and his eyes seemed to recognize me and rushed directly towards me.

Call out a skeleton again and block it in front of me for the time being. As soon as the skeleton saw the knight coming, he didn't care about anything and walked towards the knight with an axe like a living dead man.

But the knight ignored it at all. His target was me. The knight rushed to the front of the attacking skeleton. Before the skeleton's "slow" attack came down, the knight first released a savage collision, knocked the skeleton directly away and rushed to me quickly.