Online game No. 5

Chapter 127 Gentleman's Field 3

During this period, the knight has been attacked many times by my ghost, and there is not much qi and blood left. When he rushed to me, he was attacked by a undead array again. After I resisted his dragon tooth gun, a ghost entangled him directly sent him to the west.

"Next." I said simply. At the same time, I summoned another skeleton monster. This battle scenario will continue until the next round. I will take this opportunity to summon a few more skeleton monsters.

Weixin obviously saw my action, frowned and hinted at a player. The player couldn't help exclaiming, pointed to himself incredulously and said, "Me? I should deal with the Dragon Knight. My low defense is almost killed by this mage's single spell skill!"

Weixin took a look at him, took out a ring from the burden and gave it to him, and said, "This ring has a lot of magic protection. Take it and put it on."

The player's eyes lit up, hurriedly took it, and then looked tentatively at Weixin and stopped talking.

Weixin seemed to understand what the player meant and said, "If you perform well, I will give it to you."

The player was excited and said hurriedly, "Thank you, boss." With that, he stepped on the platform.

I don't see this player's profession very clearly. From the perspective of equipment, it should not be an attribute heavy armor type profession, and there are no large weapons in my hand. In my memory, there is only one that has no large weapon in my hand, that is, stealing gods.

Is it that this player's profession is to steal gods?

Just as I guessed, several of my skeleton monsters had come slowly towards him.

He moved slightly, like clouds and flowing water, dodging from the gap in the skeleton monster, but did not enter the attack range of the undead array.

What a clever step! I sighed in my heart that from such a posture, it is right to steal gods. I was entangled and released towards him, but just as I gathered my strength, his darts had attacked.

This damage is terrible, not as good as my ghost, let alone a gentleman who wants to break a magic shield. But I was surprised to find that this thief was too threatening to me!

My blue has been reduced by one-fiftieth with his attack!

Before I could react, the second attack of the thief came again, and the gentleman's blue was sucked away by one fifties again.

At this time, my ghost entanglement was completed, and a ghost head hit the thief's body and directly disabled his qi and blood.

The two healing techniques bloomed directly on the thief's body, and the thief's qi and blood were filled again.

This thief should steal blue if he doesn't steal money. And it seems that Weixin has increased his ring magic defense a lot, and the crazy sleep has failed.

The thief suddenly paused in place for a moment, and my skeleton monster took the opportunity to flatten him. Everyone came down with an axe, and there was only half of the thief's qi and blood. Another healing technique pulled up his blood, and I was also preparing to attack with the ghost.

At this moment, the thief suddenly flew a series of darts at me. His hand speed was so fast that my eyes couldn't even keep up. The flying darts were connected in mid-air, like an iron rope, and each dart was closely connected. I really can't believe that in my memory, the darts were flying. The speed is the fastest, but even so, his darts can be so consistent, which shows how horrible his hand speed is!

"Puffy..." This time, the damage is lower, and the damage is only less than 10 each time, but each attack makes my blue fall quickly. Every time I receive damage, my blue also has to deduct 1%.

Looking at his signs, it seems that the sign has not stopped, and my ghost entanglement has been released. If you take a closer look, there is only one quarter of my blue. Fortunately, as long as you kill him now, my blue can still support me until the next round.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the change. My ghost bumped into the thief, but the thief suddenly turned around and dodged, and a big MISS appeared on his head.

Damn, I can even hide from magic. Stealing God is really a god!

My blue continues to decline, and I quickly removed the magic shield. In this case, my magic is more precious than qi and blood!

The axe of the skeleton monster has fallen towards the thief's spirit and blood are directly disabled, but it will take some time to wait for the next attack. At this moment, my blue is almost left. I'm afraid it won't last long to be wrapped in ghosts alone.

And the attack finally stopped. At the end of the attack, he seemed to have changed as if he had changed. His movement slowed down in an instant, as if he had taken a slow agent, and it took 3 seconds to stop.

I looked fiercely and turned the skeleton monster I was about to attack into a state of rest. Then I ran to the side of the thief with the sickle. Now the thief was still about to throw darts at me, but the speed of his darts was too slow. I ran to him and raised the sickle at the speed of a gentleman's attack speed. He was just I just made a dart grabbing action that hasn't been thrown yet.

As a result, I simply waved a sickle at him. Although the gentleman's attack power is not high, the ghost sickle has added 245 attack power anyway, which is even higher than the attack of ordinary warriors.

A beautiful number burst out "444", and then he hung up bravely.

Ha, I lost so much blue. I attacked you with the least good physical attack, so as to despise you indefinitely!

"His magic is not much, bloodthirsty, it's up to you. Kill him in an instant with your attack power. Weixin gave a bloodthirsty look, nodded bloodthirsty, and went to the platform.

It's really hard to rest in the middle! I sighed in my heart and began to gather ghosts.

A bloodthirsty savage collision directly knocked away the skeleton in front of me and came directly to me.

While my ghost wrapped around my bloodthirsty body exploded, the bloodthirsty hit "one-handed killing" came directly in seconds.

With a sound of "bang", there was a sharp pain all over my body, and the gentleman's qi and blood were directly disabled!

I retreated in panic. Without saying a word, the magic shield was opened directly. The healing technique of benevolence and the healing technique of Xiao Zi appeared at the right time, pulling back the gentleman's qi and blood.

And bloodthirsty didn't give me any chance to breathe. I avoided the clumsy skeleton monster behind me and directly caught up with the gentleman.

At this moment, I have no extra magic to summon skeletons. With a little hesitation, I directly return good and evil to the gentleman.

"Wan!" Bloodthirsty gave me a knife again. This time, the attack power of this skill itself is obviously not as strong as last time. Coupled with the help of good and evil and magic shield, the gentleman's qi and blood was only deducted a quarter.

"Fat!" A ghost hit the bloodthirsty directly, and a rather terrible number emerged.