Online game No. 5

Chapter 99 Dark Siege 3

At this moment, the system repeated the message again: "Please note that the dark monsters are approaching. These monsters are too powerful. Please find the NPC Huan Tianxiang and the crazy players as soon as possible. They can weaken the strength of the dark monsters. Please find NPC Huan Tianxiang and the crazy players as soon as possible, who can weaken the strength of the dark monsters!"

And this information is displayed in a deeper red, indicating the serious danger of Tianshen City at this moment.

I hurriedly said, "There's not much time. Let's go quickly."

Huan Tianxiang smiled and said, "Don't worry. Warrior, come with me first. Do you know what the Dark Phantom asked me to protect?

"What?" I was stunned and felt like I was going to pick up the treasure.

Huan Tianxiang smiled sarcastically and said, "This hateful dark fantasy god wants to use me, but I ruined his business and left. We'll steal his treasures." With that, Huan Tianxiang took me to the deepest part of the seventh floor of the Fallen Temple and walked, but I found that there was a golden gate in front of us blocking our way.

"It's a pity that I can't get in." I said helplessly.

Huan Tianxiang smiled calmly and said to the little tiger beside me, " Borrow the power of the little tiger."

I took a look at Xiaohu and nodded.

The little tiger turned into a virtual shadow and rushed into Huan Tianxiang's body. In my eyes, there was a kind of reluctance in my heart, for fear that Huan Tianxiang would not "spit" the little tiger and return it to me.

Huan Tianxiang, who got the increase of Xiaohu, has increased his strength by another grade. At this moment, he is already 18th grade.

When I saw Huan Tianxiang reach out his hand, I felt a strong wind coming, and I couldn't help taking a step back, but the goal of that wind was not me. Huan Tianxiang's hand surged out a fierce wind blade and attacked the golden gate.

"Bum bang bang!" With the sound of metal impact in a row, the golden gate is like wood, which is completely different from the wind blade of Huan Tianxiang. I know that the wind system of Huan Tianxiang is a little worse than that of fire, because the little tiger has no soul stone. If so, I'm afraid that this golden gate doesn't need to blow up at all.

After breaking the golden gate, I have seen that golden beams are constantly shining inside the golden gate. And I also slightly saw the boxes inlaid with beautiful stone and jade, all of which looked slightly open, revealing a very thin seam, from which the exquisite golden light came from.

As I walked in, I saw more and more gold treasure chests. Each treasure chest showed a seam, which made people drool.

Huan Tianxiang released Xiaohu and Xiao Zhu again, and the grade fell back to 16. He said to me, "There are a lot of things in the treasure chest. Go get them."

I nodded. What makes me a little strange is that since this dark illusion god cherishes these things so much and controls Huan Tianxiang to protect these things, why does he deliberately open a crack?

Of course, the crazy surprise has made me forget this harmless question. When I went to get these things, I already had an answer in my heart.

There are too many treasures. If these treasure chests are closed, they can't be put down!

I was salivate, and Huan Tianxiang said, "I don't have time to show you the attributes. Grab it casually and go quickly. The fallen temple is about to collapse. And Tianshen City can't wait that long.

I nodded and put all these things into the bag without saying a word, but the capacity of the bag was too small to hold these treasures at all. I quickly merged and removed them. A person's backpack instantly became five people, and five characters quickly stuffed these treasures into the bag one by one.

At this time, the whole map suddenly shook. Huan Tianxiang hurriedly said, "Go quickly, the fallen temple is about to collapse."

By the way, I would rather die here than buy time to pick up treasures. One death is just a drop. How can these treasures be of importance? But the fantasy sky is different. So I had no choice but to give up those things that I didn't bring over, and immediately used the soul fusion to become a mysterious figure. I sat directly on the little tiger with Huan Tianxiang and quickly rushed out of the golden gate.

"Little tiger, jump!" Huan Tianxiang pointed to the wall window on the seven-story wall and shouted to Xiaohu.

I just wanted to say, "Brother, this is the seventh floor!" But Xiaohu didn't give me a chance anymore. She roared and broke the window directly.

All of a sudden, we went out. The white clouds floated below, and the things on the ground could not even be seen clearly. I felt dizzy. This is at a height of dozens of meters!

It's over. I'd rather be killed by seven-layer wooden stakes, at least not fall down and turn into meat sauce.

Just when I was very sorry, Huan Tianxiang shouted again, "Xiao Zhu!"

The phoenix hissed. Under me, the little tiger turned into a human shape and quietly landed on the beastly Xiaozhu who had already stayed below.

Phoenix's body is very huge, compared with Xiaolong. Although the three of us stood on it, a large body was also empty.

Huan Tianxiang said to me, "Remove the integration. What we need is a wind-puling group.

I nodded, the fusion was released again, and looked at the burden, and there was still the last fusion stone left.

After changing from one to five, the rosefinch's body has no vacancy, but it can accommodate seven of us.

With his hand against the long gun, the madman stood at the front, like a powerful phoenix-driving warrior, flying towards the city of heaven.

This will be the first time in half a year that I have stood in front of everyone in the name of pulling the wind!

Although I only have level 60, I can also bring the greatest shock to the players and NPCs in Tianshen City!

The gray area ahead is getting closer and closer. Sweat also oozed from the palm of my hand.

"Ding, the crazy man between Huan Tianxiang and the player has entered the boundary of Tianshen City."

"Ding, the morale of the local army has been reduced and its strength has weakened. 5 grades respectively.

All of a sudden, these dark monsters suddenly became thin, and their huge bodies were half smaller than before. The eagle actually only had a sad level 40. The dragon monsters became young, ranging from 50 to 10, and the double-headed dragons were only 11 grades. Originally, half of the Tianshen City was covered with black cages. For a while, the players suppressed these monsters like a tide.

As soon as Fan Tianxiang and I fell on the wall, we heard someone shouting: "Pir the wind! Pull the wind! Pull the wind!"

From one person, tens of thousands follow. For a moment, my name began to echo in the whole city of God: "Pluck the wind! Pull the wind! Pull the wind!"

For a moment, I stood on the wall with mixed feelings and was shouted by the people under the wall. This feeling is really cool!

Huan Tianxiang motioned to Xiao Zhu beside him, and the rosefinch turned into a human shape, stretched out his hand, and rolled a round of flame rain in the cloudy sky.

The fierce fireball smashed the group of monsters like broken-winged birds and fell quickly.

For a while, my experience bar soared rapidly.

"Ding, kill a siege monster, and each player in the city of God gains level *1000*1000+10000 experience. Experience can be stored.

Damn, this is so fierce! And it is an experience that can be stored! Players like us who originally wanted to participate in the 60-level battle, as long as they don't upgrade, it is useless to gain experience, but the experience of this siege monster is different. Seeing that my experience has exceeded the experience required for upgrading, the experience bar is still rising, as if there is no end.

Among many players, a black-robed mage has jumped up on a light green turtle and jumped to the wall on the other side. At the same time, a huge black meteorite fell in the sky, echoing the flame rain of the rosefinch. It was the magic wound and his mythical beast pet Xiaowu!

In the previous resistance, the level of the magic injury fell directly from level 100 to level 80, but now his level has jumped to level 85, and the upgrade speed is so fast that it is hard to imagine. At the same time, all the players in Tianshen City have risen to a very terrible level. Without standing in the front, there is not much loss of the level. After a while, more than 70 levels of players can be seen everywhere!

However, the upgrade speed of the magic injury is faster than that of these players! Players who kill monsters will receive additional experience rewards. And I believe that after the end of the battle, the legal injury will receive extremely rich rewards.