Online game No. 5

Chapter 100 Dark Siege 4

"Autumn City!"

Almost at the same time, the elegant lily and life-changing messages were sent.

I looked in their direction and was about to speak when Huan Tianxiang suddenly said, "The monsters outside the city wall have also come to the city. You rushed out with me. In this way, you can gain more experience. With that, Huan Tianxiang motioned to the rosefinch, and Xiao Zhu floated to the front of the wall. Huan Tianxiang pulled me and stepped onto the rosefinch's body.

I sent a message to the flowing lily and transforming life, "Let's wait until after this battle to defend the city. I'll be back soon!"

While talking, the rosefinch has flown forward, and there are still dark clouds outside the city wall, and the number of monsters is terrible. However, after the deterrence of me and Huan Tianxiang, the level has dropped, and there is no threat to me and Huan Tianxiang.

"Little Tiger." Huan Tianxiang motioned to Xiaohu, and Xiaohu nodded intently and turned into a white light into Huan Tianxiang's body.

At that time, a white wind rolled up on Tianxiang's body. Huan Tianxiang's wrist was white light, and a tornado was released from Huan Tianxiang's palm.

At this moment, the phoenix under his feet hissed slightly, and a flame lamp appeared on the head of Huan Tianxiang.

"The mythical beast rosefinch uses the magic fire, and the magic of the fantasy sky increases."

Xiao Zhu's casting time is really accurate. Just when the magic fire acts on Huan Tianxiang, Huan Tianxiang's magic has been released, and powerful wind blades emerge from the wind from his tornado. These monsters are only about 10 or even less than 10, facing 17 levels. The fantasy sky can't withstand the attack of the fantasy sky. Most of the monsters were torn by the wind blade, and a series of gold coins and items fell to the ground one after another, and then they were included in the city of God by the system.

At the same time, the system prompts me to get a little merit in the death of every monster.

The monster killed by Huan Tianxiang belongs to me!

At this moment, I am not idle. Wangui pats the door and releases it quickly. Unfortunately, the gentleman is not like a magic injury. Wangui pats the door is a low-cooling and low-release skill, so it is not as powerful as the magic injury skill, but this continuous output is also a strong strength.

But no matter how hard I try, I can't compare with Huan Tianxiang.

A series of monsters turned into bone fragments scattered, screaming, and the monsters behind finally regained their composure with the efforts of many advanced players.

The whole city looks like a mess, with bricks and debris everywhere, a large number of residential houses and chambers of commerce have been trampled, and there are monster corpses everywhere, which is extremely desolate.

At this moment, the blockbuster figures in the game such as magic injury, killing god, Weixin, death, transforming life, flowing lily and so on have come to the wall. The cold wind hits the bones, and their robes are stirred by the wind, which is very beautiful.

On the body of the magic wound, the green light shone, and Xiaowu appeared beside the magic wound. Looking at us in the sky, Xiao Wu couldn't help taking a step forward and muttered, "Little master..."

Fa Wound looked at Xiaowu and said, "Xiaowu, go find your real master."

Xiaowu was shocked, turned his head and looked at the magic injury, and couldn't help reading: "Master... I..."

The wound smiled and said, "That's where you are. You have been following my purpose, isn't it just to find your master?

Xiaowu was a little reluctant and said, "But..."

Just as Xiaowu hesitated, black smoke suddenly appeared in the sky, and the gloomy darkness enveloped the whole earth. It looked extremely strange, and the cold raindrops made people panic.

Under the dark clouds, the thunder swims between the dark clouds like a dragon, the thunder is loud, and the rainstorm is coming!

In the roar of thunder, a black figure slowly fell from the dark clouds. The man was wearing a dark black robe and had many black patterns on his body. He looked colorful but dim. There was no expression on his face. Seeing this man, I couldn't help but think of Pluto.

No, the anger on Pluto can't be compared with him at all!

"Dark Illusion God!" Huan Tianxiang was shocked.

"What?" I was shocked. Is this guy in front of me the final boss? Oh, my God, this is not true, is it? Then do I still play a P? He is sure to beat me in one move!

The man in black in front of him slowly raised his head, floated in mid-air and looked at Xiao Zhu's body, and said, "Yo, little nephew, how are you doing? Didn't uncle ask you to take care of my baby? Why are you so naughty and escape?"

Huan Tianxiang clenched his fist angrily and said, "What have you been to my father?"

"Your father?" The dark fantasy suddenly laughed a few times and said, "What's the case? Your father's life is very hard. Besides, I was born with your father, how can we embarrass him? I just imprisoned him for the time being.

Huan Tianxiang pressed his teeth and said, "Then what on earth do you want to do here?"

"Haha." The dark fantasy laughed and said, "Do you still need to ask? Of course I came to see you. I destroyed your father's divine world. Of course, I will come to destroy your human world. I destroyed your city together!" With that, there was murder in the dark illusion's eyes.

"But you just called a split. I'm afraid it's not so easy, is it?" Huan Tianxiang sneered and said.

"Oh?" The dark magic god raised his eyebrows and said, "I didn't expect to be found by you. Haha."

"This silly smile is really unpleasant." I muttered and looked back at Huan Tianxiang, "This guy is just a split, shouldn't it be difficult? We have so many people. A sea of people can kill him.

Huan Tianxiang smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "No, even if it is a split, the dark fantasy god is very strong. Anyway, he is also a god.

"You are also a god." I cheered up Huan Tianxiang.

huan tian xiang shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said, "I can only be regarded as a demigod. Warrior, it's too dangerous here. You'd better go back."

I also know that I'm only at level 60 at present. Although I have a lot of experience, I still have to participate in the gang activity mentioned by Faju. I can only be a burden here, so I nodded helplessly.

Huan Tianxiang sent me gently with his right hand, and a warm wind sent me back to the city wall.

As soon as I returned to the city wall, many players came to me. Transforming life immediately gave me a bear hug and said, "Bad boy, son of a bitch, where have you been in the past six months? Do you know that Zhenxi and I are very worried?"

I smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry to worry you."

The words were falling, and suddenly a woman in a red robe rushed to me. I didn't react, so I was rushed into my arms by this woman.

"Really..." I couldn't help brushing her hair. Zheng Zhenxi buried his head deeply in my arms and felt that the robe on his chest was a little wet. Zheng Zhenxi was sobbing!