Online game No. 5

Chapter 102 Fuel

"Ado, come on, use it immediately after learning this!" I suddenly remembered the "fuel" skill in the package and immediately took it out and handed it over to transform my life. Anyway, it's useless for me to keep it myself. It's better to sell it for money to transform my life!

Transforming life doesn't ask much, just answer and take over. Before long, the transformation of life threw a bucket of black oil into the dark illusion.

"Bang!" As soon as the dark fantasy god was stained with fuel, it was emitted a huge explosion. The flame of the flame vortex made the fuel effect continue to explode, especially the flame attack of the fantasy sky. The effect of fuel is absolutely horrible for the fire attack. The dark illusion god only has only three-third in an instant. II. The amount of qi and blood.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a violent dragon roar sounded, and an ice wheel appeared around the body of the dark fantasy god, which spread around in an instant.

"Ice field!" The shouts of the Dark Phantom sounded, and at that moment, I felt unprecedented coldness. By the time I reacted, my qi and blood were already 0.

Five characters have lost level 1 together! At this moment, I only have level 59, but this level is nothing. Anyway, the experience I store now is more than 100 times the experience required for upgrading. If I upgrade directly, I may directly rise to more than 90 levels.

Not only me, but also all the players standing on the wall, all the players on the front line, are instantly killed in the frozen field of the Dark Phantom. Even the most spiritual injury is no exception!

For a moment, the resurrection of Tianshen City was crowded! It's very difficult for me to move my body.

In mid-air, the flame vortex has been completely extinguished. Huan Tianxiang's body has been frozen into an ice sculpture, and a flame is burning on Huan Tianxiang's body in the ice sculpture. Unfortunately, Huan Tianxiang's flame power is not as strong as the ice power of the dark fantasy god. Even if he exhausts his strength, he can only make the ice sculpture melt faster. The speed of can't destroy the ice sculpture in an instant.

I gritted my teeth and said, "No, without the power of Qinglong, the strength of Huan Tianxiang is not as strong as the dark magic god at all, although this is a split. If you can find the Green Dragon Soul Stone..."

"Green Dragon Soul Stone?" Piaoyi Lily looked at me in surprise. He and Death came and others died after me, so at the resurrection point, they were the closest to me.

"Is this it?" The elegant lily suddenly took out a light blue gravel and asked.

I was overjoyed and took over the gravel in the hands of the floating lily, which showed the name "Green Dragon Soul Stone Fragments."

Before I could say anything to the elegant lily, Death suddenly came over, took out the green dragon soul stone he had originally picked up and said, "Is this it? Although I know that you won't give me a good face in the future, at this moment, for the survival of the City of God and for our common interests, I will sacrifice it and return it to you.

I really can't raise my enthusiastic tone when I see Death coming, because it's him who has led to my current situation, and if he hadn't picked up my soul stone fragments, I wouldn't have been like this.

But at this moment, he was indeed standing in the same boat with me, so I still nodded slightly without saying anything. I took over the Qinglong Soul Stone and was very excited.

The hand holding the green dragon soul stone kept trembling, and five green dragon soul stones were finally collected by me!

"Peng~!" With a sound, these five green dragon soul stones were gathered together and made a crisp sound. I feel my heart pounding out. Xiaolong, the master is here to save you! The master's promise has been fulfilled!

A light blue light bloomed from the green dragon soul stone in my hand, like a pillar of light, pointing directly to the dark clouds in the sky.

The players around looked at me one after another.

"Who is that and what are you doing?"

"Fool, you don't even know how to pull the wind. You play this game for nothing. This is the first player in our game.

Ah? Is this the 59-level player?

"Yes! That's him. Now he has just been framed by others, but I believe that only he can save our city of heaven. Didn't you look at the system and say that you want to find Huan Tianxiang and pull the wind? This shows how important he is to this battle. Come on, let's give him a big one!"

As he spoke, a player suddenly took the lead and shouted, "Take the wind! Pull the wind! Pull the wind!"

One player took the lead, and many players responded one after another, and my name echoed again in Tianshen City.

In the light blue light, a short figure slowly appeared in front of us, with a light blue magic robe, a childish little face, a pair of big eyes closed, and the eyelids were ready to move! Xiaolong has finally recovered!

Xiaolong slowly opened his eyes from his deep sleep, and his hateful eyes went straight to the dark illusion in mid-air.

"Your pet dragon has been resurrected, and the current level is 69."

Ha, that's great. Xiaolong's level is still there. Although I caused him to be demoted because my level was too low, it's better than him starting from 0!

The dark fantasy god who was attacking Huan Tianxiang was shocked. He turned around and looked at the dragon. In his heart, a gray-black four-color ball condensed up. I will end your life with the strongest move!" The dark god shouted angrily.

It seems that the Dark Phantom is anxious. He knows very clearly what will happen after Huan Tianxiang gets the green dragon. The gap between getting three mythical beasts and getting four mythical beasts is very big! If there are no four mythical beasts, no matter how many mythical beasts there are, they can only be the incomplete body of the illusion god at best. Once the four mythical beasts are gathered, they will be complete.

What's more, Qinglong is the head of the four mythical beasts! It also plays an extraordinary role in phantoms.

"Death!" The dark fantasy god can't take care of the final "skill fantasy god broken before it is condensed, and directly rushed to the fantasy sky.

But Xiaolong has approached Huan Tianxiang, "Little master!" After that, the little dragon has turned into a virtual shadow and rushed into the body of Huan Tianxiang.

"Boom!" The firelight rose everywhere, like the rebirth of a phoenix, blowing up a fierce flame. Because the four-color ball illusion was not fully condensed, it was impacted by this flame and slightly reduced the speed.

"Wo!" Huan Tianxiang is like a different person, and the momentum is different. With a gentle spread of his hand, a four-color energy ball appeared in Huan Tianxiang's hand.

It's also a fantasy! However, the fantasy god broke more gorgeous and bright, and the dark fantasy god broke more dark and cold.

"Boom!" The two illusions collided with each other, and the sky changed color for a moment, and the lightning kept hitting down, bringing temporary light to the dark sky. The violent rainstorm was more fierce than before, and it seemed that the whole world was noisy. It's like an unprecedented disaster.

But after a while, the earth, which was originally full of ruins and dead grass, suddenly began to grow new green buds, and the dark clouds in the sky quickly dissipated. The rainbow hung across the sky, and the soft sunshine shone on the earth, making us, who had not seen the light for a long time, feel a visual flash.

When I opened my eyes again, the bright red blood strip filled my eyes.

That's the blood bar of the dark illusion god. His qi and blood at this moment is not even one-tenth!

Huan Tianxiang is also an ontology anyway. There must be a gap between the split of the dark fantasy god and his own ontology strength, so it takes power to release the strongest version of the fantasy god break, but Huan Tianxiang does not need it. His power accumulation work is all condensed by the four mythical beasts in his body. This is still under the condition that the little dragon and the little tiger only have level 69. Among the four mythical beasts, I'm afraid only Xiao Zhu is a little higher. The magic injury is less than 100, and no matter how high Xiaowu is, it is only 110.

The strength of the Mythical Beast is not very strong enough to reach such a level. If the level of the little dragon and tiger is upgraded, then Huan Tianxiang... Maybe it can really defeat the Dark Phantom himself!

Of course, I have such an understanding just because I haven't seen the real strength of the Dark Illusion.

"Dark Phantom, what else do you have to say?" Huan Tianxiang looked coldly at the scarred dark fantasy god. With Xuanwu, the dark fantasy god can be self-healing, but he didn't, because things were already very obvious. Although he carried out self-healing, he just lived for a while. The magic god of Huan Tianxiang was extremely powerful. If it hadn't been for his mercy, the dark fantasy god would definitely have been killed instantly.