Online game No. 5

Chapter 101 Flame Vortex

"Don't say much! I'll reunite you with your father now!" The dark fantasy god suddenly shouted, and his originally handsome face became ferocious in an instant. The whole person turned into a dark air mass and flew away at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye.

At the same time, the grade of the Dark Illusion God also appeared, grade 20! The highest level 20!

I was shocked. The dark fantasy god had appeared in front of Huan Tianxiang and punched Huan Tianxiang, "Peng!" With a muffled sound, a light green light appeared on Huan Tianxiang's body, which shocked the dark illusion a few steps back. At the same time, the rosefinch under Huan Tianxiang's feet also retreated as quickly as being hit hard, and Huan Tianxiang's qi and blood also fell by one-tenth.

It's okay, it's not very serious!

"Cut!" The dark fantasy god snorted coldly, "Xuanwu? Ridiculous!"

Around Huan Tianxiang, Xiaowu has appeared. The green light just now is the guardian shield of Xuanwu. Otherwise, with the strength of the dark fantasy god, it will definitely cause strong damage to Huan Tianxiang.

"Little master, are you all right?" Xiaowu asked eagerly.

Huan Tianxiang shook his head and said, "It's okay. Come in quickly."

Xiaowu nodded, like the little tiger, transformed into a virtual shadow and rushed into Huan Tianxiang's body.

"Peng!" An extremely strong green light burst, and Huan Tianxiang's grade rose to one level in an instant. At this moment, the grade was already 18!

The next moment, the rosefinch under Huan Tianxiang's feet also turned into a virtual shadow and rushed into Huan Tianxiang's body. He saw a pair of transparent phoenix wings growing behind Huan Tianxiang, which was extremely magnificent and daunting.

And the grade of Huan Tianxiang has also been upgraded to level 19, and the whole body emits colorful light.

At this moment, the grade of Huan Tianxiang is already level 19! Straight to level 20.

"Hmm." However, the Dark Phantom snorted disdainfully and said, "I was a little worried before. It turned out that you didn't have a green dragon!"

huan tianxiang couldn't help shaking his whole body, but he still shouted angrily, "Without Xiaolong, I can still beat you!" With that, the fierce wings of the rosefinch behind him flew to the dark fantasy god.

"The four mythical beasts haven't gathered and just want to defeat me. Don't you underestimate me?" The dark fantasy god sneered and raised a fierce black flame all over his body, "I'll compare with your rosefinch!"

With that, the dark fantasy god still rushed to the fantasy sky.

"Boom!" The two flames collided with each other, blowing out a strong fire. The whole sky darkened in an instant, and the two people fighting in mid-air suddenly disappeared in front of us.

"Rumble!" Several lightnings took the opportunity to bring us temporary light. Huan Tianxiang only has one-third of his qi and blood at this moment. In a short time, Huan Tianxiang was seriously injured again!

"Quickly, add blood to Huan Tianxiang!" I was anxious, and benevolence released the past with the previous advanced healing technique.

Fortunately, it did not fail because the distance was too far. Unfortunately, the level of Huan Tianxiang is too far from me. Even if it is an advanced healing technique, the effect is sharply reduced due to the difference between our two levels. This advanced healing technique only restored 5% of the amount of qi and blood to Huan Tianxiang.

After my lead, the stunned players in the city of God suddenly reacted, and a series of priest players hurried forward to add blood to Huan Tianxiang.

The so-called many people are powerful. Although the player's level is much worse than that of Huan Tianxiang, the players in the whole Tianshen City add blood to Huan Tianxiang, and the effect will certainly be amazing.

This time, we have recovered from our surprise, and the crazy poison was immediately released, and a poisonous fog drove the dark illusion away. Petrochemical array, I don't even have the desire to use hypnosis. If the final BOSS level player of 20 is sealed by my level 60 little Taoist priest, then I can laugh until my brain cramps.

The Dark Phantom looked at the many players on the wall impatiently and said, "It will be annoying if there are more ants. Before solving you, let's get rid of this group of ants." With that, the wings behind the dark phantom god spread, and the green light wrapped around his body, and some lost qi and blood were directly filled up. After that, he bypassed the phantom sky and leaned to the wall.

"Damn it! It's dangerous. Run quickly. For a while, the player who had just come up the wall and wanted to show his skills directly became a shrinking turtle and ran down the wall in a hurry.

These bastards are really steer by the wind! All of a sudden, there were less than 100 players on the wall.

Fa hurt to take a look at the purple frost beside him and said, "Little frost."

Zi Bingshuang nodded, the staff in his hand shook slightly, and the huge fire demon appeared in front of the wall, and his huge body blocked the wall.

"Roar!" Yan Mo roared angrily at the Dark Phantom, trying to scare off the Dark Phantom, but with the approach of the Dark Phantom, Yan Mo himself actually whispered a little pitifully, and his body trembled timidly.

"Waste, get out of here!" The dark fantasy god split with one hand and flew out a huge wind blade, directly splitting the fire demon into two halves. The summoning beast of the senior summoner Purple Frost was actually killed instantly!

I couldn't help but be shocked to see that this dark fantasy god was about to kill. The elegant lily suddenly stepped forward and waved gently. In the midair outside the city of God, a huge flame vortex appeared. Like a black hole, it absorbed the bodies of monsters on the ground crazily. Any non-living thing that entered the flame vortex was instantly burned into ashes by the flame vortex.

The direction of the Dark Phantom is in the flame vortex. Although his reaction was fast and stopped in time, the rosefinch flew so fast. Although he stopped, the forward momentum of the flight and the suction of the flame vortex quickly sucked the Dark Phantom into the deepest part of the flame vortex.

"Puffing." I can clearly hear the sound of armor and flame on the dark god. A wonderful fireworks, under this dark and hazy sky, there is more flavor!

What a magnificent picture of flame! I didn't expect that during my absence, the strength of the elegant lily had become so strong. Really

It's a three-day new look!

But it's much worse than the Dark Phantom. The dark fantasy god snorted coldly and said, "Carving insects, let me break free!" With that, a rosefinch wing behind the dark fantasy god flew to the periphery of the flame vortex.

"No, never let him escape!" I hurriedly shouted, and the gentleman's blood ghost dance quickly released it to the dark fantasy god. At the same time, the ghost's battle mastery was opened, and the darts endlessly attacked the dark fantasy god.

Thunders were released at the fierce attack speed, and the thunder in the sky seemed more active at this moment, with a feeling of momentum.

But my level is so low that I can't suppress the advance of the Dark Magic God with my attack power!

At this moment, a jet suddenly appeared on the arm of the transformed life around me, and an extremely strong flame snake spewed out from the jet mouth and went straight to the dark illusion.

"Ah!" The fire snake poured on the dark fantasy god, making his whole body scream for a while, and his flying body trembled slightly.

"Damn adventurers! I'm going to destroy you!" The dark fantasy god was furious, but he did not pay attention to the fire snake that transformed his life at all. He flew out of the flame vortex against the impact of the fire snake.

The players of long-range attacks on the wall are not polite at all. A series of magic and machine gun shooting, as well as many hidden professions, such as archers, etc. Many attacks fall on the dark illusion. No matter how strong the dark illusion is, although the qi and blood cannot have a great impact on him, it is enough to stop him for a while. .

The gorgeous attack was unscrupulously released over the Tianshen City, and there was really a feeling of beating the water dog.

After all, the Dark Phantom still can't resist the attacks of many players. In addition, the suction of the flame vortex is really strong, and there will be no room for resistance for a while.

"Good! Hold on like this!" Huan Tianxiang was overjoyed. At this moment, he had flown to the outer layer of the flame vortex. There was a strong fire magic in his hand. A flame phoenix roared up to the sky, spinning and split into a flame to breathe and attack the dark magic god. The flame vortex is powerful, and it is not an indiscriminate attack. It can only attack the enemy, which can be called a great skill!